C# 3.0 feature 1--Implicitly typed local variables
var numbers=new int[]{1,2,3};
首先,C# compiler 会在同一个namespace范围内寻找用户自定义的var类型,如果找到,则把i, numbers做作var类型处理。如果没找到,则认为i, numbers为implicitly typed local variables,并根据其初始值确实其类型,上述代码的IL代码和下列代码的IL相同
int[] numbers=new int[]{1,2,3};
使用Implicitly typed local variables时应遵守下列约束:
1. The declarator must include an initializer
2. The initializer must be an expression
3. The initializer expression must have a complie-time type which cannot be the null type.
4. The local variable declaration cannot include multiple declarations.
5. The initializer cannot refer to itself.
比如: var x = {1,2,3} //error, cannot infer the type from {1,2,3"}
var x = new int[]{1,2,"3}; // right. x is an array of type integer
最后说一下Implicitly typed local variable的使用范围,它可不是到处能用。仅仅可以用于下面四种情况
1. 局部变量声明
2. for 语句中变量声明)
3. using 语句初始化变量时.
4. foreach 中iterator类型声明)
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