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These Aren’t the Developers You’re Looking for





  • The growing momentum of cloud adoption
  • The consumerization of IT
  • Ever-increasing demands for agility


此外,作者还提到ABAP开发者的SAP UI5/Fiori学习路径:

  • First, this resource would have to learn JavaScript. And, to be clear, we’re not talking about the JavaScript that was used in the early 2000s to validate forms, etc. To understand the SAPUI5 SDK, you have to understand a LOT about OO in JavaScript (which is night and day different from say ABAP Objects), asynchronous programming & promises, closures, and much more.
  • Once a foundation in JavaScript is built, the developer is then ready to learn how to build web applications in UI5. This takes roughly the same amount of time it took for these developers to learn how to use Web Dynpro ABAP, if not more.
  • If the developer wants to be a full-stack developer, then they’re also going to have to learn about RESTful services in general and the OData protocol in particular. For some ABAP developers who haven’t done much in the way of web development up to now (and Web Dynpro doesn’t really count much here), they may also need to spend some time understanding how HTTP works, too.
  • The OData learning exercise is complemented by some in-depth study on SAP Gateway technology.

里面提到了ABAP和UI5/Fiori的巨大不同,我很高兴地看到,虽然自己并不熟悉ABAP Objects、Web Dynpro、SAP Gateway之类的东西,但至少还了解一点asynchronous programming、closures、HTTP...



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