class zcl_geohash definition public final create public . public section. types: begin of ty_hash, hash type string, end of ty_hash. types: ty_hash_t type standard table of ty_hash with empty key. types: ty_tude type p length 16 decimals 12 . constants c_max_hash_length type i value 12 ##NO_TEXT. class-methods class_constructor . class-methods encode importing !longitude type ty_tude !latitude type ty_tude !length type i default 8 returning value(r_geo_hash) type string . class-methods decode importing !geohash type string exporting !longitude type ty_tude !latitude type ty_tude . class-methods neighbors importing geohash type string returning value(neighbors) type ty_hash_t. class-methods validate importing geohash type string returning value(valid) type abap_bool. private section. types: begin of ty_base32, decimals type i, base32 type string, end of ty_base32 . types: ty_base32_t1 type hashed table of ty_base32 with unique key decimals . types: ty_base32_t2 type hashed table of ty_base32 with unique key base32 . types: begin of ty_neighbors_odd, f1 type string, f2 type string, f3 type string, f4 type string, f5 type string, f6 type string, f7 type string, f8 type string, end of ty_neighbors_odd. types: ty_neighbors_odd_t type standard table of ty_neighbors_odd with empty key. types: begin of ty_neighbors_even, f1 type string, f2 type string, f3 type string, f4 type string, end of ty_neighbors_even. types: ty_neighbors_even_t type standard table of ty_neighbors_even with empty key. class-data mt_base32_code1 type ty_base32_t1 . class-data mt_base32_code2 type ty_base32_t2 . class-data mt_neighbors_odd type ty_neighbors_odd_t. class-data mt_neighbors_even type ty_neighbors_even_t. constants c_longitude_min type ty_tude value '-180.00' ##NO_TEXT. constants c_longitude_max type ty_tude value '180.00' ##NO_TEXT. constants c_latitude_min type ty_tude value '-90.00' ##NO_TEXT. constants c_latitude_max type ty_tude value '90.00' ##NO_TEXT. constants c_zero type c value '0' ##NO_TEXT. constants c_one type c value '1' ##NO_TEXT. class-methods bin_to_dec importing !i_bin type string default '0' returning value(r_dec) type int4 . class-methods dec_to_bin importing !i_dec type int4 returning value(r_bin) type string . class-methods get_bin importing !i_left type ty_tude !i_right type ty_tude !i_tude type ty_tude exporting !e_left type ty_tude !e_right type ty_tude !e_bin type char1 . class-methods get_tude importing !i_left type ty_tude !i_right type ty_tude !i_bin type string exporting !e_left type ty_tude !e_right type ty_tude !e_tude type ty_tude . class-methods: get_index importing index type i offset type i max_index type i returning value(r_index) type i. class-methods: get_code_neighbor importing i_table type standard table i_member type string returning value(r_table) type ty_hash_t. endclass.
class zcl_geohash implementation. method bin_to_dec. if contains( val = i_bin regex = `[^01]` ). return. endif. data(length) = strlen( i_bin ). data(l_index) = 0. do length times. data(temp) = i_bin+l_index(1). if temp = 1. r_dec = r_dec + 2 ** ( length - l_index - 1 ). endif. l_index = l_index + 1. enddo. endmethod. method class_constructor. mt_base32_code1 = value #( ( decimals = 0 base32 = '0' ) ( decimals = 1 base32 = '1' ) ( decimals = 2 base32 = '2' ) ( decimals = 3 base32 = '3' ) ( decimals = 4 base32 = '4' ) ( decimals = 5 base32 = '5' ) ( decimals = 6 base32 = '6' ) ( decimals = 7 base32 = '7' ) ( decimals = 8 base32 = '8' ) ( decimals = 9 base32 = '9' ) ( decimals = 10 base32 = 'b' ) ( decimals = 11 base32 = 'c' ) ( decimals = 12 base32 = 'd' ) ( decimals = 13 base32 = 'e' ) ( decimals = 14 base32 = 'f' ) ( decimals = 15 base32 = 'g' ) ( decimals = 16 base32 = 'h' ) ( decimals = 17 base32 = 'j' ) ( decimals = 18 base32 = 'k' ) ( decimals = 19 base32 = 'm' ) ( decimals = 20 base32 = 'n' ) ( decimals = 21 base32 = 'p' ) ( decimals = 22 base32 = 'q' ) ( decimals = 23 base32 = 'r' ) ( decimals = 24 base32 = 's' ) ( decimals = 25 base32 = 't' ) ( decimals = 26 base32 = 'u' ) ( decimals = 27 base32 = 'v' ) ( decimals = 28 base32 = 'w' ) ( decimals = 29 base32 = 'x' ) ( decimals = 30 base32 = 'y' ) ( decimals = 31 base32 = 'z' ) ). mt_base32_code2 = mt_base32_code1. mt_neighbors_odd = value #( ( f1 = 'b' f2 = 'c' f3 = 'f' f4 = 'g' f5 = 'u' f6 = 'v' f7 = 'y' f8 = 'z' ) ( f1 = '8' f2 = '9' f3 = 'd' f4 = 'e' f5 = 's' f6 = 't' f7 = 'w' f8 = 'x' ) ( f1 = '2' f2 = '3' f3 = '6' f4 = '7' f5 = 'k' f6 = 'm' f7 = 'q' f8 = 'r' ) ( f1 = '0' f2 = '1' f3 = '4' f4 = '5' f5 = 'h' f6 = 'j' f7 = 'n' f8 = 'p' ) ). mt_neighbors_even = value #( ( f1 = 'p' f2 = 'r' f3 = 'x' f4 = 'z' ) ( f1 = 'n' f2 = 'q' f3 = 'w' f4 = 'y' ) ( f1 = 'j' f2 = 'm' f3 = 't' f4 = 'v' ) ( f1 = 'h' f2 = 'k' f3 = 's' f4 = 'u' ) ( f1 = '5' f2 = '7' f3 = 'e' f4 = 'g' ) ( f1 = '4' f2 = '6' f3 = 'd' f4 = 'f' ) ( f1 = '1' f2 = '3' f3 = '9' f4 = 'c' ) ( f1 = '0' f2 = '2' f3 = '8' f4 = 'b' ) ). endmethod. method decode. types: numc5 type n length 5. data(length) = strlen( geohash ). if length <= 0. return. endif. if length > c_max_hash_length. length = c_max_hash_length. endif. data(geo_hash_internal) = to_lower( geohash ). data(hash_index) = 0. do length times. data(base32) = geo_hash_internal+hash_index(1). data(decimals) = value #( mt_base32_code2[ base32 = base32 ]-decimals optional ). data(bin5) = conv numc5( dec_to_bin( decimals ) ). data: mix_bin type string, longitude_bin type string, latitude_bin type string. mix_bin = mix_bin && bin5. hash_index = hash_index + 1. enddo. data(bin_index) = 0. do strlen( mix_bin ) times. data(bin) = mix_bin+bin_index(1). if bin_index mod 2 = 0. longitude_bin = longitude_bin && bin. else. latitude_bin = latitude_bin && bin. endif. bin_index = bin_index + 1. enddo. data(longitude_left) = c_longitude_min. data(longitude_right) = c_longitude_max. data(latitude_left) = c_latitude_min. data(latitude_right) = c_latitude_max. data(longitude_index) = 0. do strlen( longitude_bin ) times. data(bin_longitude) = longitude_bin+longitude_index(1). get_tude( exporting i_left = longitude_left i_right = longitude_right i_bin = bin_longitude importing e_left = longitude_left e_right = longitude_right e_tude = longitude ). longitude_index = longitude_index + 1. enddo. data(latitude_index) = 0. do strlen( latitude_bin ) times. data(bin_latitude) = latitude_bin+latitude_index(1). get_tude( exporting i_left = latitude_left i_right = latitude_right i_bin = bin_latitude importing e_left = latitude_left e_right = latitude_right e_tude = latitude ). latitude_index = latitude_index + 1. enddo. endmethod. method dec_to_bin. "ignore negative number data(temp) = 0. data(dec) = i_dec. while dec > 0. temp = dec mod 2. dec = dec / 2 - temp. r_bin = r_bin && conv char1( temp ). endwhile. r_bin = reverse( r_bin ). endmethod. method encode. if length < 1. return. endif. if length > c_max_hash_length. data(hash_length) = c_max_hash_length. else. hash_length = length. endif. data(loop_times) = hash_length * 5 / 2 + 1. data: longitude_bin type string, latitude_bin type string, mix_bin type string. data(longitude_left) = c_longitude_min. data(longitude_right) = c_longitude_max. data(latitude_left) = c_latitude_min. data(latitude_right) = c_latitude_max. do loop_times times. get_bin( exporting i_left = longitude_left i_right = longitude_right i_tude = longitude importing e_left = longitude_left e_right = longitude_right e_bin = data(longitude_bin_temp) ). get_bin( exporting i_left = latitude_left i_right = latitude_right i_tude = latitude importing e_left = latitude_left e_right = latitude_right e_bin = data(latitude_bin_temp) ). mix_bin = mix_bin && longitude_bin_temp && latitude_bin_temp. enddo. data(code_index) = 0. do hash_length times. data(offset) = code_index * 5 . data(bin) = mix_bin+offset(5). r_geo_hash = r_geo_hash && value #( mt_base32_code1[ decimals = bin_to_dec( i_bin = bin ) ]-base32 optional ). code_index = code_index + 1. enddo. endmethod. method get_bin. data(mid) = conv ty_tude( ( i_left + i_right ) / 2 ). if i_tude <= mid. e_bin = c_zero. e_left = i_left. e_right = mid. else. e_bin = c_one. e_left = mid. e_right = i_right. endif. endmethod. method get_code_neighbor. data(table_descr) = cast cl_abap_tabledescr( cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( i_table ) ). data(column_count) = lines( cast cl_abap_structdescr( table_descr->get_table_line_type( ) )->components ). data(col_index) = 1. loop at i_table assigning field-symbol(<line>). data(row_index) = sy-tabix. col_index = 1. while col_index <= column_count. assign component col_index of structure <line> to field-symbol(<field>). if sy-subrc = 0. if <field> = i_member. data(found) = abap_true. exit. endif. endif. col_index = col_index + 1. endwhile. if found = abap_true. exit. endif. endloop. if found = abap_false. return. endif. types: begin of ty_direction, row type i, col type i, end of ty_direction. data: direction_index_table type standard table of ty_direction. direction_index_table = value #( ( row = -1 col = -1 ) ( row = -1 col = 0 ) ( row = -1 col = +1 ) ( row = 0 col = -1 ) ( row = 0 col = +1 ) ( row = 1 col = -1 ) ( row = 1 col = 0 ) ( row = 1 col = +1 ) ). data(row_count) = lines( i_table ). loop at direction_index_table assigning field-symbol(<direction_index>). data(row_result) = get_index( index = row_index offset = <direction_index>-row max_index = row_count ). data(col_result) = get_index( index = col_index offset = <direction_index>-col max_index = column_count ). read table i_table assigning <line> index row_result. if sy-subrc = 0. assign component col_result of structure <line> to <field>. if sy-subrc = 0. r_table = value #( base r_table ( hash = <field> ) ). endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method get_index. if abs( offset ) >= max_index. return. endif. r_index = index + offset. if r_index > max_index . r_index = offset. endif. if r_index <= 0. r_index = max_index + r_index. endif. endmethod. method get_tude. data(mid) = conv ty_tude( ( i_left + i_right ) / 2 ). if i_bin = c_zero. e_left = i_left. e_right = mid. e_tude = ( i_left + mid ) / 2. else. e_left = mid. e_right = i_right. e_tude = ( mid + i_right ) / 2. endif. endmethod. method neighbors. if geohash is initial. return. endif. data(geohash_internal) = to_lower( geohash ). data(length) = strlen( geohash_internal ). data(offset) = length - 1. data(suffix) = geohash_internal+offset(1). if length mod 2 = 0. data(code_table) = get_code_neighbor( i_table = mt_neighbors_even i_member = suffix ). else. code_table = get_code_neighbor( i_table = mt_neighbors_odd i_member = suffix ). endif. data(prefix) = geohash_internal(offset). loop at code_table assigning field-symbol(<hash>). neighbors = value #( base neighbors ( hash = prefix && <hash>-hash ) ). endloop. endmethod. method validate. valid = abap_false. if geohash is initial . return. endif. if strlen( geohash ) > c_max_hash_length. return. endif. data(geohash_internal) = to_lower( geohash ). data(geohash_index) = 0. do strlen( geohash ) times. data(hash) = geohash_internal+geohash_index(1). if not line_exists( mt_base32_code2[ base32 = hash ] ). return. endif. geohash_index = geohash_index + 1. enddo. valid = abap_true. endmethod. endclass.
以浙江省丽水中学的经纬度坐标 (28.4751600000, 119.9314500000) 为例,
report ztest_qq1. data(hash) = zcl_geohash=>encode( i_latitude = '28.4751600000' i_longitude = '119.9314500000' ). cl_demo_output=>display( hash ).
data(hash) = zcl_geohash=>encode( i_latitude = '28.4751600000' i_longitude = '119.9314500000' i_length = 12 ).
zcl_geohash=>decode( exporting i_geo_hash = hash importing e_latitude = data(latitude) e_longitude = data(longitude) ). cl_demo_output=>display( latitude && ',' && longitude ).
得到的结果是 (28.475159956144, 119.931449834260) 可以看到是一个近似结果,和原值有微小的差距。
比如select * from table where geohash like 'wtj3cperv%'等等...
data(neighbors) = zcl_geohash=>neighbors( 'wtj3cper' ).
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