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/ 141 14089 ENTRIES: 11985 TEXTS
1 2012 WEB #and small. I would MUCH rather work with someone described as' easy-going' rather than' ninja' (=dickhead?):
2 2012 BLOG #meat off the bone. They would definitely never be described as that awful fall off the bone texture but a little to tough for
3 2012 BLOG #Nazi exit from Europe. He had what is vaguely described as a' mental crisis' in 1936 and was declared unfit for the
4 2006 ACAD Style #dollars. # In example 19, the wait is described as lasting either 4 hours or 5 hours; the interpretations of 20-21 are
5 2012 BLOG #'ve read about Elena Kagan, she can be best described as Joe Lieberman in drag. That's not a pretty sight in more
6 2006 NEWS Denver #orientation. And then there are what can only be described as the disclosures. When she talks, Pond often sprinkles random bombshells into
7 2012 WEB #incurred in the network data processing. A network is described as low latency if it experiences only small delay times, and high latency
8 1993 SPOK NPR_Weekend #and they have a ready home for sometimes what is described as a difficult product FRANKL Difficult it may be but the beauty of it
9 1998 MAG AmHeritage #of these sales, to James M. Hurd -- variously described as black and Mohawk Indian -- had been invalidated by a lower court.
10 1991 SPOK PBS_Newshour #day. He left work yesterday after what his spokesman described as a minor heart attack. The spokesman said today that Yeltsin was only
11 2002 NEWS USAToday #devoted himself single-mindedly to golf for years. He was described as emotionless, dour, robotic and brooding. Today, he is much
12 2006 SPOK MSNBC_Cosby #he was with a -- a Caucasian woman that was described as a mixed race. COSBY: You spoke to the owner of the restaurant
13 2011 ACAD PhysicalEduc #happen in the class). The typical class was described as, on average, what kinds of activities do you plan for in
14 2004 FIC Bk:SecretsSons #what he'd seen in her. She'd been described as interesting-looking, with her high cheekbones and slightly crooked nose, but never
15 2000 SPOK CNN_Reliable #particularly fed up with the 2000 campaign, which you described as odious. Explain GERMOND I felt that the 2000 campaign was -- they
16 2001 ACAD WorldAffairs #to engage in business activities. Those activities can be described as transnational, as they take place in a social space for which the
17 2012 BLOG #UVA funds to defend the university against litigation that many described as a politically-motivated witch-hunt and an attack on academic freedom. " # "
18 2012 WEB #refinancing operation (LTRO) in December, which Summers described as " a very important step. " # " That's lubricating credit
19 1993 NEWS NYTimes #, where Mr. Clinton is staying, in what was described as a purely social dinner that contained no negotiating save for what kind of
20 2012 WEB #educational achievement. " # In connection with what he described as one of the study's most notable findings, Jeynes looked at what
21 2014 NEWS Pittsburgh #" * The latest Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie sequel is being described as powerful and elegant with a " mouthwatering finish, " The Associated Press
22 2019 NEWS Washington Times #pushed her and Otteson to their knees in what she described as an " execution style " pose. # Baum stabbed Powell multiple times
23 1991 NEWS AssocPress #U.S. Liaison Office to China. The church visit was described as private and journalists were barred. # The minister did not introduce Baker
24 2012 WEB # 3.3.4. Transparent content models # Some elements are described as transparent; they have " transparent " as their content model. Some
25 2015 ACAD StudiesInEducation #were doing so independently of their employers, who were described as viewing this with limited enthusiasm, if not antipathy. The reluctant acquiescence
26 2012 BLOG #the Material Girl's then-husband Guy Ritchie, whom Ciccone described as being homophobic. It presumably didn't help matters when Ciccone (seen
27 2003 ACAD CommCollegeR #of the OCC student. These students can best be described as either two-days-a-week, or three-days-a-week, 24-hour customers who reject the service drawbacks
28 2017 NEWS Chicago Sun-Times #block of West 98th Street. # The suspects were described as two African-American males, thought to be between 14 and 18 years old
29 2012 WEB #They are the reason that Romney and his supporters were described as " shell-shocked " when they realized that he had lost. They are
30 2012 MAG Astronomy #, griped, " The formation of the sun is described as occurring in a " plain-vanilla' cloud of hydrogen gas; the cloud
31 1998 NEWS WashPost #somewhat alien to the charismatic idealist, whom friends have described as " the sledgehammer of love. " Perhaps it's because, like
32 1992 ACAD Raritan #of Emerson's essay " Fate, " I have described as the human fatedness to significance, ourselves as victims of intelligibility. And
33 2012 WEB #the case. # In 2005, two PETA employees described as " adorable " and " perfect " some of the dogs and cats
34 2004 ACAD SportBehavior ## Coping with Competition Loss # While affect has been described as being responsive to an individual's appraisal of his or her person-environment relationship
35 2017 SPOK CNN: Axe Files #I have described this collusion or what the Director Comey described as coordination when he revealed his own investigation. It could violate any number
36 2015 ACAD ExceptionalChildren #needs of adolescents with ASD. Existing intervention efforts were described as ineffective or inconsistent, and there was general consensus that suitable programs and
37 1992 MAG NewRepublic #1960s, another kind of tyranny soon followed, later described as that of the " Big Men ": rulers such as Amin in
38 2002 NEWS Chicago #world premiere at Victory Gardens Theater that might best be described as a rock-, blues-, gospel- and hip-hop-infused oratorio inspired by Sophocles'
39 1997 NEWS NYTimes #but showed off pictures of a woman and child he described as his former wife and daughter. His own mother called him a "
40 2012 BLOG #were eating dinner in their car when a male she described as " skinny with baggy pants and T-shirt " urinated next to their car
41 2013 ACAD MiddleEastQ #10 percent, " Bishi said, a proportion he described as " encouraging. " # Not everyone is convinced, however. There
42 2014 SPOK Fox: On The Record: Baier #force was in such disarray that the security status was described as an emergency. JONATHAN-FITTON, -J# The situation in terms of security was
43 2012 WEB #in Moore's hands. While the tip could be described as random, Moore's awareness and reaction to the ball is a result
44 2012 BLOG #is a Smash Bros-esque fighting/sports game, while Hokra is described as a " minimalist digital sports game ". # All four will be
45 1998 SPOK ABC_GMA #, something finally, an affidavit -- something that was described as " talking points " for an affidavit. What is it all about
46 1997 ACAD GeographRev #culture has evolved among its forests and can be confidently described as a culture of wood (Ichikawa and Saito 1987). Preindustrial livelihood
47 2012 BLOG #political reform and loyal to Marxist ideals. He is described as elitist in a US cable obtained by WikiLeaks, having once called Chinese
48 1990 MAG NatlReview #to have passed her by. # Gentility has been described as nothing else than old money; which is not necessarily the cynical comment
49 1992 SPOK ABC_20/20 #for the problems in the relationship. He is variously described as a cold, uncaring man. Well, in 1981, while covering
50 1996 ACAD MichLawReview #effort to characterize the theory of judicial law declaration, described as an " oracular theory of judging, " and to trace its demise
51 2003 ACAD TheologStud #to predestination, there is a reprobatio, that Aquinas described as God's permission that some " will fall into sin and receive the
52 1991 ACAD ForeignAffairs #. II # Phase II -- 8:25-8:40 a.m. -- is described as a lull only by way of comparison. Air activity continued during this
53 2012 WEB #has already been established -- which is exactly what you described as Apple's skill. To invent is to create something that never existed
54 1997 NEWS NYTimes #. Both called for cuts in the military spending they described as ruinous for their countries. They also vowed to begin releasing civilian prisoners
55 1992 MAG Horticulture #so much of gardening, a profession that is often described as an attempt to create an earthly paradise, has become dependent on making
56 2012 WEB #president and CEO of Obesity Action Coalition, which he described as a 35,000-member patient advocacy group, said there's " a significant treatment
57 1990 NEWS AssocPress #to a segment of Arab masses which can only be described as mentally retarded. # The invasion has shown a number of supposedly seasoned
58 2014 SPOK ABC: This Week #But there are still many questions. The captain is described as a family man who works for charity, someone who would never hurt
59 2012 TV Dance Academy #have no core strength and your attitude can only be described as... sketchy I wouldn't go that far. No, no,
60 1995 FIC Triquarterly #the butler with an accent that would have to be described as fair to middling. She had never possessed an ear, a natural
61 1991 MAG ConsumResrch #" a lowcal food. " Another markets a tea described as " the Brazilian way of losing weight without suffering. " The same
62 1997 MAG ArtAmerica #wannabes is muscling in on the blockbuster business. Best described as a cross between an art museum and an entertainment theme park, these
63 1996 MAG BoysLife #-- including minks, otters and skunks -- have been described as the " most efficient machines of destruction in the mammal world. "
64 2009 MAG America #is undergoing a massiud tionary change that can only be described as cataclysmic. The Vatican's apostolic visitation of congregajftons of women religious in
65 2016 NEWS Washington Post #2016. # In years past, the SAT was described as a test of aptitude, aiming to gauge students' natural potential.
66 2005 NEWS CSMonitor #that the 13-nation Petrocaribe group formed by Chavez, is described as a " nonprofit political enterprise " of strategic importance by Venezuela. "
67 2005 MAG NaturalHist #guilt, and self-flagellation over writing and publishing could be described as obsessive. When his theory was accepted and he stopped working on it
68 2012 BLOG #. What's that? Well, it's generally described as a wiki, but though I think we've gone a long way
69 1994 ACAD MechanicalEng #supply conditions. GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES # Geothermal resources may be described as hydrothermal, hot dry rock, or geopressured. Hydrothermal resources contain hot
70 2012 WEB #'s Anatomy. # Zimmer is playing Dr. Cahill, described as a " confident, self-possessed, laser-focused professional with a wicked sense of
71 2014 NEWS OrangeCR #Murder Birthday: Nov. 10, 1971. He is described as an Hispanic male standing 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds
72 2012 BLOG #34, found dead in Aspen # A 34-year-old woman described as a long-time local was found dead at a residence in Aspen on Wednesday
73 1994 ACAD EmotBehavDis #NIMH demonstration grant in 1983, Orion Center was recently described as one of the nation's " flagship " programs for homeless and runaway
74 2012 WEB #and the ethics of hackers, which Pekka Himanen has described as' monastic'. The habitus may be monastic, the behaviour of
75 2009 MAG CountryLiving #, ochre walls, and linoleum whose color might be described as seaweed, demanded something close to an exorcism. But the two-family home
76 2000 ACAD MarineFish #year-round.' Water quality in the central inlet is described as " good " due to mixing effects of tidal flushing. # This
77 1993 SPOK ABC_Nightline #now it's a battleground in what some young activists described as a looming generational war. Mr. NELSON: It's effectively our generation
78 1993 ACAD EmotBehavDis #services during their school careers, and each had been described as having social difficulties at school. Immediately prior to their admission to the
79 2012 BLOG #Egyptian, Jordanian and Tunisian doctors for what were then described as symptoms of " anorexia, nausea and nasal congestion. " His condition
80 2008 MAG PsychToday #" is likely to settle for what might best be described as an altruistic, do-goodest Christian philosophy. " Krista Wren name changed,
81 2012 BLOG #Best team " isn't something the Tigers have been described as since spring training anyway. The 2012 season has been a frustrating,
82 2012 ACAD PracticeNurse #toxic. Their breath may smell of ketones (often described as pear drops) and they need urgent admission for fluids to correct their
83 2012 BLOG #women's total removal of their pubic hair has been described as a " new norm, " little is known about the pubic hair
84 2006 SPOK CNN_Grace #less being a pedophile. And thats what he s described as on television every day, this pedophile. GRACE: Wouldnt you agree being
85 2015 ACAD CommCollegeR #their high school English assignments were confined to what they described as rote drill " packets, " " testing, " and creating "
86 2017 NEWS Chicago Sun-Times #North Kenmore, police said. # The robber is described as a 280-pound white or Hispanic male, thought to be between 30 and
87 2012 ACAD CanadianJournal #were described as having moderately deep folds and one was described as having severe folds. It was believed that these patients were undercorrected and
88 1993 ACAD CurrentPsych #) and thus probably capture components of the situation being described as well as personality attributes of its author. # If indeed metaphors in
89 2012 WEB #, in the name of precision, can only be described as murder.... Those who slaughtered more than 3,000 persons on September 11 and
90 1992 ACAD ForeignAffairs #political burden sharing. South Korea can no longer be described as a helpless client dependent upon its American patron. Recent manifestations of Seoul
91 2001 MOV Varian's War: The Forgotten Hero #us with our project... Refugees find you could be described as... People who use their work. I have been a teacher.
92 1990 ACAD Symposium #gives rise to two opposing points of view that he described as terror and rhetoric. Terror expresses the nostalgia for a pure, direct
93 2012 WEB #In his first appearance in season 4, he's described as " cosmic " and both the heroes and villains seem to think he
94 2012 BLOG #morning. " link to # Sikh killer was described as a member of a white power rock band, a skinhead, and
95 1994 MAG HarpersMag #a growing belief that the country could no longer be described as middle-class, ordinary people having failed to share in the vast fortunes accumulated
96 2012 WEB #then proceeded to give directions to McVeigh, whom he described as polite, friendly, and relaxed? quite interesting considering that McVeigh is
97 2001 SPOK NPR_Sunday #Well, General -- the visit by General Franks was described as a visit to acquaint himself with the situation here in Uzbekistan. It
98 2016 ACAD Acad Educational Leadership J #their actions affect others. These team members may be described as easily bored, distractible and possibility lacking in follow-through. # The team
99 2004 MAG Smithsonian #as well as a Southern hero, he was generally described as antislavery This assumption rests not on any public position he took but on
100 2012 WEB #Ms. Devitt said a new black-and-white look, which she described as " 60s rock and roll, " would appeal to a broader audience
101 2003 NEWS NYTimes #issue, really seems shot through what can only be described as Benzino's personal agenda, " said Mr. Seyfu Hinds, who left
102 1998 NEWS NYTimes #College of Rheumatology conference, Anergen Inc. reported what it described as promising results in early tests of its new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
103 1999 ACAD ArtsEduc ## For centuries, human beings have been considered and described as bodies and minds. A Western hierarchical schema has typically identified the mind
104 2005 SPOK NPR_Saturday #Bolton, whom I'm afraid we probably all heard described as looking a little bit like Yosemite Sam, the cartoon character -- is
105 2012 WEB #in a sheltered fold of the ground what might be described as a home base had been set up early in the period of the
106 1999 MAG SatEvenPost #preserves. Weeks spent at these estates could hardly be described as " roughing it. " The grounds and gardens of Pebble Hill are
107 1990 ACAD Raritan #Turn in the South. There, Mr. Naipaul had described as from inside it a graveyard in the fields across from the farmhouse of
108 2012 BLOG #If you think about, none of the events you described as Black Swans really were. Nixon who would have been a perfect character
109 2018 MOV Opposite The Opposite Blood #The description we have from the witness, he's described as Asian male, mid-20's, 150 to 155 pounds, five foot
110 1999 ACAD PerspPolSci #social order. In short, the Igbo society is described as achieving all that Plato hopes for with the " noble lie. "
111 1998 ACAD Style #. Acts of genocide, for example, are usually described as " crimes against humanity, " not just crimes against ethnicity. To
112 2012 WEB #absolutely immutable. Its secondary precepts, which we have described as certain particular conclusions close to first principles, can not be changed in
113 2012 WEB #, Seven Storey Mountain) and who Jack Kerouac once described as a " strange wonderful laughing Buddha " (Kerouac, The Selected Letters
114 2000 SPOK NBC_Today #on television. They called Juan Miguel. He was described as being very happy to get word. What we are told is that
115 2017 NEWS New York Times #be undamaged by the scandal. The Diacks are frequently described as an important family. Lamine Diack was once mayor of Dakar, and
116 2012 WEB ## The taxpayer's case had what the district court described as a " lengthy litigation history. " The relevant case for these purposes
117 2002 ACAD PublicInterest #, and Khalid Abu al Dahab, who has been described as " a one-man communications hub " for shuttling money and fake passports to
118 2003 SPOK NPR_TalkNation #they were in? GJELTEN: Neal, they're described as being in excellent condition, but there's an important point here,
119 2008 MAG SportsIll #coach who had been shepherding Torres through what he has described as her " crazy " quest, learned he had aplastic anemia, a
120 2012 BLOG #last year against the agency alleging what can only be described as a litany of past and ongoing violations. Lapses such as: holding
121 2019 MAG Gizmodo ## The latest from the author of Snow Crash is described as " Paradise Lost by way of Philip K. Dick. " It's
122 1992 SPOK ABC_Nightline #, Secretary of Labor: So, when someone is described as acting and being presidential, it is the whole gravitas, to use
123 2011 ACAD Archaeology #advanced. " Copper Age and Neolithic societies are always described as egalitarian, or as less complex, " says German Archaeological Institute researcher
124 2004 NEWS NYTimes #'s troubles are over. The five questions have been described as artfully written, vague enough that they will be open to interpretation.
125 2015 ACAD JournalResearch #self-regulated learning. For example, self-regulated learners typically are described as being able to successfully negotiate the cyclical processes of forethought, performance,
126 2004 SPOK CNN_Insight #often, except in headlines. Two marriages, both described as " the wedding of the century, " happening only days apart.
127 2012 ACAD PhysicsToday #most of those bringing improvements to existing technologies might be described as " market pull " companies. Market pull companies serve well-defined markets.
128 2012 BLOG #found their conduct' surprising', other actions were described as' extraordinary', he criticised the whole Department for' their poor
129 2010 NEWS Denver #portrayed as an enthusiastic supporter of the project, is described as " a lawyer in Salt Lake City. " It would seem likely
130 2007 MAG Cosmopolitan #: high heels). When the sexy dresser was described as a senior executive, she was evaluated as being less intelligent and capable
131 1991 SPOK ABC_SunNews #which they failed to answer such questions about... they described as a religious, strong willed person, an aggressive person who would take
132 2005 ACAD AfricanArts #it. Geers has repeatedly expressed his irritation at being described as a South African artist whose work deals only with that situation and context.
133 2012 ACAD PracticeNurse #Of these 6 Cs, only one could really be described as' scientific' in its concept: competence. The others: care
134 2013 ACAD ResearchInMiddle #however, the researchers consistently found that what the teachers described as interdisciplinary did not align with the true essence of integrative curriculum. Most
135 2015 MOV The Gunman #. WOMAN: (ONTV) In what has been described as the world's deadliest conflict since World War II, millions of people
136 2013 SPOK NBC: Today Show #" Wait for it now. He should have been described as muscular. AL ROKER: Mm. Okay. WILLIE-GEIST# With photos of
137 2019 NEWS Los Angeles Times #the most basic level, the film is indeed best described as animated, taking computer-animation tools that Favreau utilized on his 2016 remake of
138 2012 NEWS NYTimes #in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens. It might be described as an icon of heroic, midcentury, monumental Neo-Classicism. It might also
139 2011 FIC Commentary #through each telling until, finally, it would be described as the childhood equivalent of a removed glove slap upon an offending knave's
140 2012 ACAD PhysicalEduc #that appears to warrant attention. This topic, often described as a principle part of the rationale for expanding inclusion in education, relates
141 2016 FIC Bk:MarriagePact #) was decorated in a style that could only be described as " cowboy formal. " Deeply polished mahogany walls and exquisite marble floors
142 2017 ACAD Twentieth Century Lit #century of praise and critical outrage for what some have described as a " pseudoscientific modern variant on tea leaf reading and Tarot cards "
143 2008 ACAD GeographRev #West 1974). In the early 1870s Phoenix was described as " a neat little town, constructed principally of adobe, " yet
144 2013 MAG Essence #fueled by conflict. Indeed the two stars have been described as the anti-Kardashians. They take that as a compliment, insisting that their
145 2001 ACAD WorldAffairs #. In legal and social terms this group can be described as full members of the community they choose to live in when they leave
146 2012 WEB #what we eat (Ebury 2004), has been described as the definitive book on over-fishing. # It won the Guild of Food
147 2005 ACAD Adolescence #adult. The major developmental tasks facing adolescents have been described as establishing a commitment to values, ideology, occupation, and life styles
148 2004 NEWS WashPost #Funshares. # In 1996, Morgan, whom I described as a " jolly and candid entrepreneur, " told me bluntly, "
149 1994 ACAD Church&State #" engages quite self-consciously in a form of reasoning best described as moral philosophy. " 7 The central question, then, according to
150 2008 ACAD TheologStud #able to produce. Moreover, our culture has been described as a " winner-take-all " society in which we reward the top performer handsomely
151 2012 WEB #magic and mythology commercially, but it could hardly be described as a manufacturing industry.... # There is an understandable public pressure for schools
152 1993 NEWS AssocPress #news, advertising and circulation employees. The Guild was described as further from an agreement than the production unions. # Earlier, Post
153 2012 ACAD PracticeNurse #motivation, and sleepiness - all of these can be described as' tiredness', but will suggest different diagnoses. # STATISTICS OF
154 2013 SPOK NBC: Today Show #was like when I was a kid, I was described as husky. NATALIE-MORALES# Yes. WILLIE-GEIST# Oh, yes. NATALIE-MORALES# You know,
155 1997 MAG NatlParks #, to Norfolk, Virginia, when weather that Etheridge described as a hurricane blowing from the northeast shoved the ship south, grounding it
156 2012 BLOG #pre-maternity leave tour. # Wearing what could only be described as mom clothes (linen pants and a tank top that at least exposed
157 2014 NEWS NYTimes #a moving bone-deep X-ray of an indefatigable woman who is described as a " Molotov cocktail of madness, sanity and genius. " (
158 2012 WEB #internal favoritism that holds police together may more aptly be described as syndicalism rather than professionalism. Historically, urban police " collected " from
159 1996 ACAD PublicInterest #more suggests a cultured person than a biker could be described as cultured. # Until not long ago, the transmission of culture in
160 2006 ACAD DrugIssues #and some other pharmaceutical opioids, but these practices were described as relatively rare among current users. # Vicodinr, Percocetr, Darvocetr,
161 2008 NEWS Denver #, on Arapahoe between 17th and 18th streets, was described as " our magnificent temple of learning. " # Adolph Kohrs left Prussia
162 2017 NEWS Chicago Sun-Times #3900 block of West Erie. # The suspect is described as a 180-pound black man between 20 and 40 years old standing between 5-foot-7
163 2012 ACAD ArtBulletin #This had drawn attention to what Suzanne Fagence Cooper has described as an " astonishingly rich artistic heritage that was hidden from public view.
164 1992 ACAD Symposium #Finally, in the last siege, the location is described as " une espece d'hippodrome " (308), which has much the
165 2012 BLOG #twitchiness in an airbrushed singlet, a look I once described as " Goldberg meets the Ultimate Warrior meets Rob Van Dam's tights.
166 2012 WEB #the victim's apartment. " # The suspect is described as a Hispanic man, about 5 feet 7 inches tall with a slim
167 2009 ACAD Education #that emerge as a child grows. ZPD has been described as a zone where learning occurs when a child is helped in learning a
168 2001 NEWS WashPost #trouble outlawing the practice. # The practice is generally described as lending, by creditors, mortgage brokers or home repair contractors, that
169 2017 MAG A.V. Club #to an unfortunate series of events that can only be described as " his next few movies, " Shyamalan has had trouble recreating that
170 1991 NEWS AssocPress #club officials say. # Hammaker suffered the injury, described as a hairline fracture of the middle finger, in a Feb. 7 weightlifting
171 2009 ACAD CommCollegeR #). Ties between close friends and family are typically described as strong ties; they reflect lengthy contacts over time, are emotionally intense
172 1999 NEWS Denver #play of famed outfield-butcher Dave Kingman in Candlestick is best described as " self-protection. " # One game was delayed when Mays disappeared in
173 1991 ACAD RoeperReview #groups were described. The intelligent youngster was most often described as a " delight to teach ", hard working, diligent, and
174 1994 ACAD ReVision #journey through a tunnel toward a clear White Light, described as the entrance into the " other world " in every culture and religion
175 2000 FIC Tikkun #more: let the graduates of our Jewish schools be described as follows: good-hearted, big-hearted, open-hearted, warmhearted, fine-hearted, passion-hearted
176 2003 SPOK CBS_Sixty #years, he is currently mounting what can best be described as a most improbable comeback. (BEGIN-VIDEOTAPE) ! SOLOMON-BURKE-ENT: In the
177 1993 MAG Horticulture #all create effects in the garden that had best be described as startling. Gardeners who like their borders suave and misty-mauve, full of
178 2012 WEB #is actually a honeybee. Early Mormon settlers have been described as having carried " swarms of bees " with them. This nickname commemorates
179 1994 FIC Bk:LongLineDeadMen #that could have belonged to the shooter, whom witnesses described as of average height and wearing a baseball cap and a glossy dark blue
180 2005 MAG PopScience #rocket blows on the pad, leaving what is sometimes described as " rocket confetti. " (This is a CATO, or "
181 2012 NEWS Denver #unfolded in what an 800-page Georgia Bureau of Investigation report described as a culture of fear. It reported that one principal " forced a
182 2012 BLOG #our product delivery cycle looks similar to what Anthony has described as Agile UCD. Thats how our practices evolved. For " good enough
183 2004 MAG Cosmopolitan #, for nurturing her acting career. Marcheline is often described as a French actress, but that's not the case. Angelina has
184 2012 WEB #firm Romney once ran made investments in companies that were described as " pioneers " in outsourcing jobs to China and India. The Romney
185 2012 WEB #of this foremost of incarnate Buddhas. There he is described as the one who will act to preserve the' secret wisdom' of
186 1995 ACAD AnthropolQ #" in the manner of the town ") and described as " good. " This is intriguing because I did not find this
187 2012 BLOG #. There's nothing erotic about anything that can be described as " cheese-like. " Women like how a circumcised penis looks and they
188 2000 ACAD Mercury #, however, objects in nature that can also be described as " grins without a cat " -- these are the compact objects known
189 2015 ACAD ResearchInMiddle #and " nagging issues. " The Friday meetings were described as " like an extra team meeting. We don't ever get to
190 1999 ACAD Education #or the Doctoral degree in Education. They can be described as adult learners as defined by Usher (1985). # Analysis of
191 2006 SPOK CNN_YourWorld #. They're not charged in the killings but are described as persons of interests. The shooter believed to be among them. Authorities
192 2007 ACAD Pathology #to be normal. A single non-bleeding smooth polyp, described as salmon in color, was seen in the rectum that measured 1.5cm.
193 2012 WEB #, the suspect in the Colorado shooting rampage, is described as a quiet, standoffish, graduate student from San Diego who recently dropped
194 1993 NEWS WashPost #be more flexible, a member of what the official described as the " Vietnam-plus " school of military power. # " They digested
195 1999 NEWS Denver #crash occur with alarming frequency with results that should be described as negligent homicide. Only because of the pilot's famous name did the
196 2012 BLOG #makes no sense at all. Even Francisco Liriano is described as being " probably too costly for the Pirates. " If the Bucs
197 2001 MAG VegTimes #furniture has a bad reputation. While wood may be described as warm and homey, metal is often described as cold or sterile.
198 2019 MAG Vanity Fair #tabloid scandals arelegion and both of their hairstyles could be described as roadkill-chic. Johnson may not be as aggressively anti-intellectual as Trump, having
199 2014 MAG NatlReview #is over: The principles he outlined, which he described as " conservative realism, " will not generate serious disagreement from any conservatives
200 1999 NEWS WashPost #assign any responsibility to yourself for what this morning you described as the rancorous mood in Washington today? # ... I think
201 1991 ACAD InstrPsych #explicitly, then one of the two grading methods was described as clearly as in the experiment. # It is not evident from response
202 2004 NEWS NYTimes #payroll statistics in the Boom-Boom Room case, which it described as an " isolated incident. " Here, however, is what some
203 1993 MAG USAToday #Americans' privacy, eroding what Justice Louis D. Brandeis described as " the right to be let alone -- the most comprehensive of rights
204 1999 SPOK NBC_Dateline #diamond ring. It looked the one Joanne Byrne had described as stolen from her house. (Detectives-typing; Ms-BYRNE: Thirty-two
205 2011 NEWS NYTimes #braise,' she said. " This method was described as' starting the tagine cold. And it was magical.' #
206 2001 FIC Triquarterly #a cold blue that Norky once in an oral presentation described as " turn-your-balls-blue, " and for a time after that we took to
207 2012 BLOG #and label-mate Ne-Yo. The ballads on the album were described as elegant, mature, and that it displays her artistic growth. #
208 1990 ACAD RoeperReview #semester was listed as " Education 254, " and described as " the study of fortunate variants, the generally and specifically gifted.
209 1990 ACAD CurrentPsych #eventually to attain the arahant state, which may be described as a state of perfection; the word arahant literally means " the worthy
210 2017 SPOK CBS: Face The Nation #, we've had multiple attacks from what authorities have described as white supremacists or people with white supremacist connections, views. There is
211 2015 ACAD PlasticSurgery #. Rapid urinary excretion and alkalization of urine have been described as effective means of fluoride ion removal. Hemodialysis has been reported to reduce
212 2009 SPOK NPR_TalkNation #George took perverse pride when his neighborhood in Brooklyn was described as the worst ghetto in the country. The motto in Brownsville was -
213 1997 MAG Bicycling #will become the first in a chain of facilities best described as part gas station for bikes and part human-powered Home Depot. Out there
214 2012 WEB #? Everything to date as simply intensified what Ambrose Evans-Pritchard described as the " Greek death spiral. " Highlighting that outcome was today's
215 1996 MAG Ebony #who divides his time between powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting is described as " the strongest man in the world. " The 410-pound athlete,
216 1993 ACAD TheologStud #Stephen Toulmin, the limit-character of such questions may be described as " religious " or " theological " (BRO 102). The
217 1991 ACAD TheologStud #in the important chapter on justification, where baptism is described as " the sacrament of faith, without which no man has ever been
218 2011 SPOK CBS_NewsEve #U.S. trainers at Kabul airport in what can only be described as a massacre. More now fr -- from David Martin at the Pentagon
219 1997 MAG AmSpect #counsel. Allegations against non-covered persons -- whom the department described as " lower-ranking public officials, Democratic National Committee employees and contributors " --
220 2002 ACAD TheologStud #a narrow scope for the secondary object, which it described as those teachings " required in order that the same deposit may be religiously
221 1993 NEWS WashPost #Covent Garden veteran Deborah Pope (whom the Manchester Guardian described as " the Jeanette MacDonald of the air ") and dragonfly Oscar Hawkins
222 2008 ACAD CommCollegeR #both their current and earlier junior college forms have been described as bureaucratic institutions in which administrators had (and have) more power and
223 2003 ACAD SocialPsych #described as independent items, and four of which Singelis described as interdependent items, in the present study, this factor consisted of the
224 2018 NEWS Washington Post #the mysterious calls, delighting thousands with what has been described as " 100% the most' Hawaii' story. " # You are
225 2012 WEB #to the Dictionary of Education, constructivist learning can be described as " knowledge, meaning, and understanding that are actively constructed by learners
226 2003 MAG HarpersMag #a steep hillside where he kept what my father had described as a tilted farm on which the cattle stood crookedly to graze and where
227 2012 WEB #history of European video games in 1980's is better described as a period of unbroken growth and unprecedented experimentation in game design. In
228 1996 NEWS WashPost #but by cresting revulsion for a sworn agent she now described as a world-class chiseler. Among other alleged criminalities, she said that when
229 2012 WEB #The medical model of disability, which has also been described as a functional-limitations paradigm, holds that impairments in the structures or functions of
230 2004 ACAD CanadianStud #than other Canadians and withholding approval of the mega-projects was described as an obvious " paper threat " by Alberta government insiders (Doern and
231 2006 SPOK CNN_YourWorld #saying that in the past 24 hours what they have described as Hezbollah's southern stronghold has now fallen under complete control of the Israeli
232 1994 SPOK CBS_Morning #. The legal action came just days after what's described as a shouting match on the set of the hit series " Roseanne.
233 1996 ACAD ArtBulletin #and that of his actions as superintendent that might be described as a difference in confidence. Where the ordering of new figural art during
234 2011 ACAD GeorgiaHisQ #book to us, creating at GHS what has been described as the starting point for any future study of this dark chapter in Georgia
235 2007 SPOK NBC_Dateline #want to question a possible accomplice, a mysterious figure described as a tall and muscular man with Asian features. Captured on security cameras
236 2005 ACAD AmerIndianQ #simply hold that the United States should return all lands described as sacred without further comment, but this seems to me excessive in the
237 1994 NEWS Chicago #as thrift shops and hardware stores. Each has been described as being driven by " the need to reconcile the legacy of conceptual and
238 2017 ACAD J Modern Literature #Jenny and Kitty early in the novel, Margaret is described as being " repulsively furred with neglect and poverty " (10).
239 1994 TV Married with Children #has spread lik e a virus in what's being described as a Woodstock without the music. Police have been put on tactical alert
240 2012 WEB #radial) contraction of spacetime. This can be effectively described as a' push' from space. # The Inverse Square Law was
241 2014 MAG America #community of Rafah in its aftermath. As what he described as a redeployment of Israeli forces began, Prime Minister Benjamin 4145125 said the
242 2012 BLOG #to climb on? # Cedric Lachat's beta was described as " almost " identical to Taylor's, not exactly the same.
243 1994 FIC Mov:StarTrek08 #next to his head we see what can only be described as a BIO-MECHANISTIC CABLE creeping out of the wall... which begins slowly heading
244 2012 WEB #are doing to our society. # " she was described as a 23-year-old coed. Magically, at the same time Congress is debating
245 2011 NEWS Houston #was captured by CBS 60 Minutes enduring a season he described as " agony. " # McLane, too, learned the hard way
246 2015 ACAD MusicEduc #music programs with outstanding learning outcomes and creative performances best described as world class and truly worth celebrating. Militarism is a subtle yet very
247 1995 MAG AmericanCraft #and not brightly colored. His shard people were often described as spirit figures and praised for a primitive power that seemed to predate European
248 2012 NEWS NYTimes #has delivered a series of self-deprecating jokes to combat being described as dull. But in a recent interview he said, " Just because
249 2012 WEB #behavior. # A paragraph labeled as a Note or described as an example is non-normative. # Many terms used in this document are
250 2016 ACAD Philosophy East West #Tang's use of " force. " Tang is described as marching his armies this way and that with the only complaints coming from
251 1994 ACAD SocialStudies #of the Atlantic Ocean in the fifteenth century might be described as brave. However, there is evidence that he knew where he was
252 2011 ACAD JSpeechLanguage #the type of analysis requested. # Whole-sentence GJhas been described as an explicit task, using processes that require reflection on rules (Tokowicz
253 2011 TV Law & Order: Special... #Neighbor said she heard a scream and then what she described as a " wet bang. " Looks like dede went from thinking he
254 2007 ACAD ABAJournal #unusual risks unavailable in traditional markets. Reinsurance, commonly described as insurance for insurance companies, spreads risk by backing up companies that write
255 2011 ACAD StudiesInEducation #Becoming a better parent In our data, parenting is described as a multifaceted activity where parents are expected to look after their children's
256 2005 ACAD Humanist #his computer. " # The other nonreligious teenager is described as an " earnest, caring, hardworking, affable adolescent, the kind
257 2018 MAG Fox News #a tense meeting earlier this year, in what aides described as a " personal attack. " # Gowdy told " Fox News Sunday
258 2015 MAG America #at his seeming betrayal. The large black woman is described as " a giant of a woman. Her face was set not only
259 2019 MAG The Atlantic #demographic happenstance. Martin leads a Girl Scout troop she described as entirely girls of color.) # Today groups such as Outdoor Afro
260 1995 SPOK CNN_King #, it's a 30-year minimum. It keeps getting described as a 30-year sentence, but all it means is that in 2024,
261 2012 WEB #years. During the presidential campaign, Mrs. Obama was described as an angry black woman by some conservatives and as a liability to her
262 2011 ACAD StudiesInEducation #, positioning, performance and evaluation. This can be described as governmental-ity at work, illustrating how disciplining activities are managed and negotiated,
263 2018 ACAD Scandinavian Studies #hopeful sentiments just expressed by both parties. Kostbera is described as " blíð í hug sínom " (Neckel 1962, 252) happy
264 2012 BLOG #other products (Edius). # The window you described as " it's over, now PAY " was not mean to come
265 2017 NEWS #, who stayed on until 2015, served what Oba described as " Nuevo Latino " cuisine inspired by Central and South America. #
266 2012 WEB #not measured here by His seeing evil, but is described as exalted above it, and not coming at all into comparison with it
267 1994 SPOK NPR_Weekend #the early days of television playing characters which one critic described as having an' air of menace.' And, unlike the bombastic
268 2015 MAG NewStatesman #selfhood, landscape and ethics and addresses what Mabey has described as the " growing fault line in the way we perceive and talk about
269 2012 BLOG #-- citing, among other things, what analysts have described as Mr. Romney's evasive and at times contradictory positions on pulling troops from
270 2003 SPOK NPR_Sunday #, but at the moment, what Paul Bremer has described as a tough week in Iraq just got a lot worse. HANSEN:
271 2005 NEWS WashPost #hired a onetime journalist named Robert Eringer, whom he described as a " very close friend, " to help carry out the Pottker
272 2009 ACAD AnthropolQ #This is a process that Benedict Anderson (1991) described as creating an imagined community. # Mahathir's Vision 2020 is now 15
273 1992 NEWS Chicago #world. In fact, the building might best be described as one of the largest works of American public sculpture ever created, rather
274 2001 NEWS Chicago #" one U.S. official said. # The cells were described as loosely knit -- from Algerians to Afghans -- supporting bin Laden and his
275 2018 MAG Hollywood Reporter #a full-blown criminal force of nature. The movie is described as an " exploration of a man disregarded by society that is not only
276 1992 NEWS Atlanta #world, Mr. Thomas promised photos of models that he described as " preteen. " # His customers selected pictures from his service based
277 2012 BLOG #campaign to be halted to avoid this mess that Lawson described as a " ball of confusion. " Lawson said it has left elderly
278 2012 MAG AmSpect #. Obama had previously expressed what the Windy City Times described as " unequivocal support for gay marriage " all the way back in 1996
279 2006 ACAD HealthSocialW #and.76 at wave 5. Factor 2 can be described as the " memory dimension. " The two worry items included on this
280 1998 ACAD Ethnology #1900). In nineteenth-century accounts, the place is described as a flourishing market. It was based on exchange between Pare, Usambara
281 2014 MAG Atlantic #10 years, and that this can " hardly be described as short-term compared to industry standard. " The firm says that it takes
282 2012 WEB #a departure from his earlier books. Mornings are invariably described as " bright ". His characters " hunger for affection " and are
283 2013 ACAD CommCollegeR #with on a daily basis at their campuses can be described as " double consciousness " (Bruce, 1992; Du Bois, 1897
284 2012 WEB #hypothesis. Naked mole rats, animals that can be described as resembling " overcooked sausages with buck teeth, " also seem to support
285 1996 FIC Frontiers #black dots under her shirt. She'd heard nipples described as plum-colored, but plums were purple. Her nipples were more the color
286 1992 ACAD AsianAffairs #even prior to independence, it had what has been described as foreign relations power. 5 There were a variety of factors contributing to this
287 2018 TV Magnum P.I. #to Detroit. You want to trade? I'm described as being thickheaded. You know what that means? Yeah. That means
288 1998 ACAD CurrentPsych #(1985) " enterprising " personality which was also described as acquisitive, domineering, exhibitionistic, ambitious, excitement seeking, and aggressive
289 2011 SPOK NPR_TalkNation #a few decisive points that all agree can fairly be described as pivotal. The attacks on 9/11 and the rout of the Taliban in
290 2012 WEB #other hand, a change in the inner life is described as a change of??????, never of?
291 2002 TV Smallville #point. - I discovered something that can only be described as earth-shattering, and I'd like to show it to you. Come
292 2012 WEB #I remain. # Although it is Toby who is described as engaged in " some terrifying soliloquy, " The Duchess of Nothing itself
293 2013 MAG NewStatesman #death. A state-of-the-nation romance, the plot might be described as Jane Eyre uncovers local government corruption. Sarah Burton, an idealistic young
294 2012 BLOG #and admitted driving fellow looters between targets... Johnson is described as " going off the rails " after a privileged upbringing, which saw
295 2018 ACAD Natural Resources Journal #at C-30 to C-31. Widths of riparian reserves were described as " interim " until watershed and site analyses were completed. Id.
296 1997 SPOK CBS_Sixty #farming, fishing and a bit of piracy, politely described as' debris washed up on shore.' But a few years ago
297 2012 WEB #NF-? B sub-units at the mRNA level is commonly described as a regulatory mechanism to dampen 32 but also to augment long-term inflammatory responses
298 2009 MAG OrganicGarden #to note that in the 1959 volume, kudzu is described as a beneficial plant, both for erosion control and animal fodder. How
299 2017 MAG Bleacher Report #what's replacing it. # Peterman can best be described as Kirk Cousins-lite; again, all undertones and echoes of past quarterback controversies
300 1998 NEWS Atlanta #" I was hooked. " # But Stice, described as brilliant by his colleagues, also was fascinated by " pharming " --
301 2006 ACAD Environment #with a population of 2.5 million. The city was described as one of the most dynamic and sophisticated capitalist entrepts the world had ever
302 1996 ACAD SocialPsych #&; Polivy, 1983). The four subscales are described as follows: Body Dissatisfaction measures dissatisfaction with the " maturational " areas of
303 2013 NEWS STLouis #up in what his younger brother, Jim, has described as " a real party family. " Now a Presbyterian minister, Jim
304 2012 MAG HistoryToday #being a fictional pornographic Utopia in which the terrain is described as a woman' s body. # London, the centre of book production
305 2019 ACAD Health Research Policy Systems #public health decision-making since 2013, evidence-use drivers that we described as' entrenched' that likely pre-date 2013, and unmet evidence requirements that
306 2015 ACAD ReadingImprovement #were Read 180 and System 44. Read 180 is described as a comprehensive system of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development
307 2015 SPOK CBS: 48 Hours #leaving work Tuesday night at nine thirty. Harris is described as a white female, five foot two with thin built, blond hair
308 2012 WEB #, the ethics curriculum at business schools can best be described as an unsuccessful work-in-progress. It's not that business schools are turning Mother
309 2016 ACAD Studies English Literature #even if " our poor West Indian Islands " are described as being " at the present moment " unable to " make anything great
310 1996 ACAD BioCycle #in a second vessel. This concept has also been described as " sequential batch anaerobic composting " (SEBAC). # Wet Continuous
311 2001 MAG VegTimes #be described as warm and homey, metal is often described as cold or sterile. Yet there are several reasons to try metal.
312 2012 WEB ## Intellectual property rights (IPRs) assets are often described as intangible assets. They include a company's brands, patent portfolio,
313 2012 WEB #to me that contractualism and these other views are better described as rival accounts of the property of moral wrongness itself, rather than as
314 2005 TV Supernatural #killed in a hit and run. The car was described as a black toyota camry, but nobody got the plates or saw the
315 2017 NEWS Chicago Sun-Times #own are " very, very dry and could be described as boring. " # But they were boring for a reason. Each
316 2013 ACAD MiddleEastQ #identified all three victims as such.1 # The men were described as having been physically strong: Mess was a mixed martial arts fighter,
317 2007 FIC AntiochRev #palpable. On the invitation, the music had been described as " post-funk sexycore yacht rock, " which to Bradley was both pretentious
318 1993 ACAD AnthropolQ #discipline because it addresses all disciplines, is too often described as foreign, alienating, and obfuscating by anthropologists. These descriptions become a
319 2016 SPOK NPR_Morning #him, got, you know, from him, described as lucid, sort of what he was thinking. He told police that
320 2005 SPOK Fox_Gibson #contradict his statements. The father and son are both described as savvy and do not appear to be intimidated by the process. Meanwhile
321 2010 ACAD MiddleEastQ #. So powerful is his appeal that he has been described as the " bin Laden of the Internet. " n2 In more practical terms
322 2017 NEWS Baltimore Sun #two Maryland students about 3 a.m. when a man witnesses described as intoxicated and incoherent attacked him, university police Sgt. Rosanne Hoaas said.
323 2014 MAG SportsIll #it sometimes appears that way and he' s often described as such. He is one person with myriad interests and a personality that
324 2019 NEWS Los Angeles Times ## The historic neighborhood that police Lt. Col. Matt Carper described as " a safe part of downtown, " is home to bars,
325 1996 ACAD ForeignAffairs #man dressed in the latest fashion, who has been described as having political ambitions of his own. Born in France in 1950,
326 2006 ACAD AgricResrch #preserves, sauces or glazes, and what's been described as an " excellent dessert wine. " # Sometimes called " Scuppernongs,
327 1993 ACAD EmotBehavDis #social difficulties in her community school placement; she was described as uncooperative and aggressive with students her age, who were more skilled than
328 2000 NEWS WashPost #Westman, citing a Swedish character trait she has heard described as, "' You should always remember you are a nobody.'
329 2007 TV Battlestar Galactica #n't it also true that the visions that you once described as messages from the Gods were actually the result of a pharmacological reaction from
330 2011 NEWS NYTimes #and he was still held to account for what he described as failing to'' live up to the standards and principles of trust
331 2019 NEWS New York Times #he was down, he gained strength from what he described as his children's " infectious happiness. " # " To have my
332 2011 ACAD StudiesInEducation #1. Helicopter parenting, as mentioned, is often described as having the children under constant surveillance, where parents intrude on their child
333 2001 SPOK CBS_Sixty #Chief of the Soviet Analytical Unit, which has been described as a supermarket of classified information on U.S. operations against the Russians. Whats
334 1993 NEWS NYTimes #at an American plane, actions the United States has described as brazen provocations by Baghdad. 1,250 Troops Sent to Kuwait # In a
335 2016 MAG Vanity Fair #on his wrestling team, $3.5 million in what is described as an out-of-court settlement agreement. Hastert reportedly made 15 $50,000 cash withdrawals over
336 2000 FIC SouthwestRev #face that more than one person in her life has described as possessing the incisive lines of a silent movie star. # " Will
337 2012 BLOG #were seen by the clerk. # The man is described as being 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing about 150 pounds. He
338 2012 WEB ## Arguably his most interesting project, entitled DRUGS is described as follows: # " After experiencing drastic changes in my environment, I
339 2012 WEB #for a meeting. A group of new converts Anderson described as " Cambodian boat people " -- united formally as a " branch,
340 2012 BLOG #at best ambiguous; more accurately the environment can be described as legally perilous for Ms. Goodling, whose testimony you seek. # In
341 2012 WEB #**35;10145;TOOLONG... # You mean the person that scientists have described as " lying " about vaccines? So Ms Fisher sued.... and lost
342 2012 BLOG #during daytime hours. The whole affair is perhaps best described as a collective game of make believe where we all pretend to be sexy
343 1997 NEWS Chicago #dates, halwa, an Omani specialty that is best described as a sweetmeat with a rather glutinous texture not unlike Turkish Delight, and
344 2012 BLOG #included having biographies written about Trujillo in which he was described as emblematic of?? democratic? and?? humanitarian? virtues. 16
345 1993 MAG Atlantic #to seventy-five, a time of life that has been described as the optimal screening years. Not every one of these men should be
346 1999 SPOK Fox_Crier #surface this large portion of the wreckage that Admiral Larrabee described as being about 8 to 10 feet in length. He would not be
347 1993 FIC Bk:NoReckingMade #and began to hold them in the way Father had described as genteel. Having settled her guest in the ornate parlor and ordered tea
348 2012 FIC Bk:DogThatTalkedGod #And to complicate things, her dog could not be described as smartnot even close to smart. It ran into the same glass sliding
349 2009 ACAD NaturalHist #" bonsais, " which local divers in the 1940s described as common? # The populations seemed to be unnaturally, perhaps unhealthily,
350 2003 SPOK NPR_Science #, and Jorie Graham and other poets who are generally described as metaphysical poets have actually added on to that. For example, in
351 1999 ACAD Ethnology #MODEL OF JAPANESE FEMININITY # Kimono dressing can best be described as a series of correcting, binding, and packaging. Hendry (1993b:73-74
352 2012 WEB #insurgents -- our enemy. Evans, who has been described as " the face of the Democrats' future, " was a fundraiser
353 2001 MAG TownCountry #be prone to sinus infections, and what might be described as " typical Aries recklessness " could earn you more than the usual number
354 2000 SPOK CNN_Insight #and a remote part of rural Uganda that's been described as a pleasant community is suddenly seeing an influx of people and police and
355 2006 ACAD MusicEduc #a different culture. The students and their presentations are described as follows. # Angie Biehl, a percussion major, studied Balinese musical
356 2012 BLOG #this early stage, I think Loughner is probably best described as a mentally ill or unstable person who was influenced by the rhetoric and
357 2005 ACAD SchoolCounsel #25). The underlying scale meanings might be best described as follows: Cohesiveness -- the degree to which students understand, collaborate,
358 2012 BLOG #Francisco Giants baseball hat. # The second suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male, 20 to 25 years old, 5
359 2005 MAG Atlantic #" sex drive " of a woman can be fairly described as " No, No, Nanette. " David Colbert Oklahoma City,
360 2013 SPOK NBC: Today Show #'s something what they are calling social jet lag, described as the discrepancy between what our body clock wants us to do and what
361 2001 SPOK Fox_Hume #who do have -- you know, may not be described as moderates, but have, you know, moderate views. And in
362 1998 ACAD Generations #is a manifestation of what Taylor (1991) has described as the domination of " instrunental reason' -- pure, self-verifying rationality,
363 1996 ACAD Raritan #to the office of a powerful businessman who has been described as an " aristocrat. " His building is on the waterfront. The
364 2011 ACAD MusicEduc #the spiritual experience, I suggest, are probably best described as existential insights. Throughout his writing, Otto captures many of these kinds
365 1990 ACAD Ethnology #between a politician and trusted followers, which one informant described as " clandestine, " adding, " There won't be any drumming
366 2004 MAG Antiques #it own, which, perhaps, is more accurately described as a vibration between two or three tones which is given forth with a
367 2015 ACAD TeachLibrar #the principal and librarian, while professional, is better described as a mutual respect/appreciation rather than a true partnership. Why is this?
368 2018 MAG Engadget #attributed to his friend and collaborator Kinopio, whom he described as " a really, really talented modeler. " # That same year
369 1991 ACAD Monist #). More than that, a deep sleep is described as' most closely resembling thanatos' (Odyssey 13.80). So it
370 2012 BLOG #. # By contrast, your logic could be charitably described as " the science behind Gardasil is dubious, because pharmaceutical companies stand to
371 2004 MAG Futurist #a few large foreign companies. Hungary can not be described as a functioning market economy when the big players receive significant subsidies while the
372 2012 WEB #are rarely better than the first, this is best described as the voters doubling down on hope over experience. *** # Mr.
373 2002 ACAD AfricanArts #). # The Leiden collection also has an item described as the badge of office of an advocate (nzonzi), in which
374 2007 MAG ScienceNews #explain particular qualities. " Pollock's paintings are frequently described as appearing " organic " and " natural,'' " Taylor says
375 1992 NEWS NYTimes #Burger King's headquarters have gone through what is now described as their " basic training " in diversity awareness: a three-day session,
376 2015 ACAD StudiesInEducation #p. 19) # Here,' goods' are described as' anything that people in the society believe are beneficial to have or
377 1993 MAG ConsumResrch #Crisis #3: Global Warming. Global warming has been described as " the mother of all environmental catastrophes. " Given the treatment of
378 2017 SPOK Fox: Fox Hannity #real enemies. And today, on what President Trump described as his first real day in office, well, he's been very
379 2002 NEWS AssocPress #went down during practice with what team owner Jerry Jones described as a broken kneecap that will likely end his career. # Lucas was
380 2008 ACAD AnthropolQ #of power/knowledge. (n7) The first change can be described as the politicization of the " lettered city, " which started to take
381 2012 WEB #there was no protest before the attack, which they described as complex and well-organized. # Senior lawmakers also questioned the administration? s
382 2018 ACAD ...Style, & Popular Culture #due to class issues, and society women were sometimes described as eschewing styles that became' vulgarized by repetition in cheaper materials' (
383 2013 ACAD LearningDisability #of students with learning disabilities (LD) have been described as having reading disabilities (Shaywitz, Morris, & Shaywitz, 2008)
384 2009 ACAD AfricanArts #to do with Candombl as a religion. They were described as merely superficial representations, created by an outsider for an audience of outsiders.
385 2018 MAG Fox News #no threat of violence " in what the governor has described as a consensual extramarital affair. # In its report, the committee --
386 2002 MAG AmSpect #advance in transport and switching technology that may be fairly described as stupendous-triple Moore's law, the defining curve for semiconductor advances. Charlie
387 1999 ACAD Monist #are constrained by the principle of tolerance can not be described as racist or xenophobic, nor can they be reduced to a mere form
388 2006 ACAD HealthSocialW #p. 265). In comparison, protective factors are described as assets that eliminate or decrease the negative consequences of being at risk and
389 2009 ACAD ForeignAffairs #fewer than ten employees in mid-2008 to accomplish what Rice described as a vital component of her vision of a new diplomacy. Only a
390 1990 SPOK ABC_Nightline #Jim Henson had been admitted early Tuesday with what is described as " galloping pneumonia. " His condition had been untreated for at least
391 2012 WEB #(Nm, J) # Work can also be described as the product of the applied pressure and the displaced volume: # Work
392 2012 WEB #suggestion that additional security forces could have prevented what was described as an " unprecedented " attack on Sept. 11. # But the two
393 2012 BLOG #is very dark, and this novel can only be described as much preppy post-cyberpunk as it is preppy post-human). 47,000 words as
394 2019 NEWS Minneapolis Star Tribune #But it was Keller's background representing people whom Ellison described as most vulnerable to fraud and discrimination that uniquely tailored Keller for a job
395 2000 NEWS AssocPress #March 1999. # The network hired Theodore Olson, described as a close friend of former prosecutor Kenneth Starr in an article in The
396 1998 ACAD SchoolPsych #or inappropriate). Indeed, peer rejected children are described as making frequent social approaches that are rebuffed (Asher &; Coie, 1990
397 2005 ACAD Style #At the very opening of the story Mr. Gradgrind is described as having a " square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows
398 1998 ACAD AnthropolQ #(p. 87). # While Traveller parents were described as having " great affection for their children, " they were also said
399 2012 FIC Bk:GirlNextDoor #made him easier to dislike. He was perhaps best described as foppish, with his expensively tailored clothes, monogrammed cuff links, and
400 2003 ACAD SportBehavior #, yet the Eastern-European and lesbian Martina Navratilova was constantly described as " manly " in order to highlight Evert's heterosexuality (Kane,
401 2005 MAG Antiques #by the Augsburg goldsmith Ludwig Schneider.16 The two reliquaries are described as containing the relics of the little-known Saint Felician, the third-century bishop of
402 2018 NEWS #wounds, police said. # Police recovered what was described as " numerous handguns " from the first floor of the home, according
403 2012 WEB #'s " vegetarianism " are contradictory. He was sometimes described as a " vegetarian " by writers who also mentioned his fondness for sausages
404 2006 SPOK NPR_Morning #many more people out there. This plot has been described as international, well-organized, well-financed, wide-spread. So it? s likely
405 2012 BLOG #valuable to our collective effort which for me is best described as' decolonization'. # (2.) i am participating in this
406 2008 NEWS AssocPress #of House Republicans to support the rescue, which he described as vital to stabilizing capital markets and the broader economy. // " I
407 2017 ACAD Twentieth Century Lit #Pynchon constructs the V-2 Rocket as a gender-queer object, described as a phallus, a penetrating cock, a bride, and a womb
408 2012 WEB #Saturday night remain in question. # A 30-year-old man described as " a kind, fun-loving free spirit " is dead. A 23-year-old
409 1993 SPOK CNN_Sonya #Oh, absolutely, absolutely SONYA Your father might be described as an opportunist. Ms. RICH: Oh, in every way SONYA And
410 1992 ACAD TheologStud #heart, a non-conceptual, non-verbal, mystical knowledge often described as a " tasting " or a " savoring. " Ignatius himself admits
411 2006 NEWS Atlanta #. The 4,500-seat auditorium opened in 1968 and is often described as cavernous and charmless. It's the company's fourth home. #
412 2012 BLOG #afire you need a solidity of philosophy which is better described as faith). In all humility and accuracy I could describe myself as
413 2012 WEB #is the first set of Astros uniforms that can be described as generic. They'd look so much better with the shooting star.
414 1997 ACAD AsianAffairs #in the region. However, Indonesia can not be described as abandoning nonalignment. As recently as November 1994, it rejected a U.S.
415 1990 MAG NatlReview #wrote after visiting Yenan that the political system was best described as " agrarian or peasant democracy, or as a farm labor party.
416 1993 ACAD ArmedForces #attack and the threat of chemical weapons is now generally described as a unique response to a unique situation, but one that must not
417 2012 BLOG #with the NFL just yet. In what could be described as an " obstruction of justice " penalty, the unnamed equipment manager at
418 2012 BLOG #documented pathologies associated with those toxins. That could be described as fundamentalist empiricism. # " As to proof that a host with gluten
419 2012 WEB #In the later treatise, Spinoza abandons what has been described as the " theological idiom of popular persuasion " (Feuer 1987, 151
420 1993 NEWS NYTimes #curriculums and textbooks have been changed to emphasize what are described as Hindu accomplishments and history. The English language is discouraged, conventional mathematics
421 1999 NEWS SanFranChron #Helllllloooooooo? " # Since these scum are repeatedly being described as " primarily Irish American, " I suppose a disclaimer is in order
422 2003 MAG USNWR #the dark. # It's rare that cookware is described as " kind of sexy, " but food writer David Rosengarten is dazzled
423 2019 MAG Slate Magazine #of America's most prominent pro-life activists, who was described as " the face of the anti-abortion movement " by the Washington Post.
424 2016 TV Ancient Aliens #retrieval, as a government, of things that were described as " from another world " began. The Cape Girardeau crash was a
425 1990 ACAD SexResearch #the constitution of sexual identity than is what might be described as gender role in sexual practice. In the Latin world, many parts
426 2012 WEB #George Street. The d?? cor has been described as " Manhattan loft with a colonial twist???, a pretty
427 2012 BLOG #unconstitutional overreach in reaction to what one poster so elegantly described as " the paranoia of the moment. " You have it easy.
428 2012 WEB #base, though never a top ten hit, was described as reflecting the gritty reality of a big city hospital. So who would
429 1999 SPOK ABC_GMA #and intelligent, although often drifting off into what police described as religious ramblings. As investigators from other states were arriving in Houston,
430 2014 MAG MilitaryHist #Gough peered cautiously from his veranda at what he later described as, " a thousand sepoys dancing and leaping frantically about, calling and
431 2018 ACAD Studies in the Novel #to Henry upon their first meeting, when he is described as “ a very gentlemanlike young man ” of about “ four or five
432 2004 ACAD SocialStudies #aspect of their lives. The United States has been described as a highly legalistic society or a polity of laws, not people.
433 2014 MAG NewStatesman #. Finally, it offers something that might fairly be described as " the sacramental ". # " How many novels, one way
434 2012 BLOG #essentially meaningless and as such this process can not be described as " reasoning ". # No, sorry, I don't see
435 1993 ACAD MusicEduc #or in a restricted manner. Music that is sometimes described as " plodding " would be an example of music that has high energy
436 2000 ACAD ArtsEduc ## Multiple dimensions of the professionalization of arts education were described as the field's greatest past policy achievements, most notably: (a
437 2012 BLOG #then? Or is there some concept that could be described as having knowledge of something without that thing having an actual value? #
438 1998 SPOK PBS_Newshour #is that this was the beginning of what's been described as the defendant's concerns about his representation. And that really is sort
439 2015 FIC Bk:TalonHawk #'ve read the people of Dasnaria across the Onyx Ocean described as such, " Dafne, still riding on my other side, observed
440 1996 MAG AmericanCraft #much more. Stylistically, Onofrio's work might be described as " baroque to the max. " Yet for all its wild exuberance
441 1998 NEWS NYTimes #it deserved. # " The investigation can only be described as a total disaster, " said Michael J. Madigan, the former chief
442 2002 TV American Experience #moved to politics. WEGNER: Grandpa Norbeck has been described as as rough as the Norwegian northern pines, but also with the soul
443 2019 ACAD Harvard J Law Public Policy #example from Evans, a " Mr. Worthy " was described as being " much employed in offices in the town, " but as
444 2003 FIC AntiochRev #Maria Beatriz de Segovia was nothing that could ever be described as lovely, and, in the dress she had on, she was
445 2014 NEWS WashPost #. When Bishop, 40, disappeared, he was described as 6-foot-1 and 180 pounds, with brown eyes. John Doe was estimated
446 2006 MAG WashMonth #Americans -- including 58 percent of self-identified conservative Republicans be described as having been met with " some public opposition. " # Two days
447 2012 WEB #The supercritical or inverse oscillations of persistent states that are described as positive or negative (hotter or cooler) # Here A is a
448 1991 ACAD ArtBulletin #to the subject's deeds, which are to be described as demonstrations of virtue. The most reliable sources for such deeds were,
449 2012 WEB #why the revolution happened. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is described as a corrupt and decadent ruler, completely detached from the suffering of his
450 2010 NEWS SanFranChron #aware of the problem. The vintage was charitably being described as " European " for its relatively cool temperatures and lower ripeness levels.
451 2012 MAG HistoryToday #The World's Worst Nurse', where she is described as a' deluded power hungry bitch, who' looks like an uptight
452 2015 MOV Roommate Wanted #home in Aspen and a summer in Naples should be described as' less fortunate'. Yes. Yes, I usually have an
453 2018 NEWS Colorado Springs Gazette #to work with the interdenominational ecumenical church, which she described as a growing, vibrant community of Christians. # " It's really
454 2012 WEB #the 19th-century European workers' movement -- has often be described as a disagreement over " means. " On this interpretation, the socialist
455 2003 MAG AmSpect #parking lot suddenly appeared, obscured by what Merrill had described as an " unreadable sign, " presumably blurred by digital noise and aliasing
456 2001 ACAD LatinAmResRev #n35) # Intriguingly, although they have been routinely described as " middens, " the majority of deposits appear not to have been
457 1993 ACAD ArmedForces #it shaped military policy. The neoclassical model has been described as economic rationalism, bureaucratic rationalism, econometric studies, engineering model, managerialism
458 2003 SPOK NBC_Today #days, they displayed yellow ribbons for the 19-year-old, described as a West Virginia country girl who wore combat boots under her prom dress
459 2000 SPOK NBC_Dateline #fit in. After graduation, Mathew Williams, always described as the leader of the two, joined the Navy. He served aboard
460 2012 BLOG #grounds. The remote was seen in 1956 but was described as far back 1893 by Nikola Tesla. Germans used remote control motor boats
461 2012 BLOG #These assumptions are nonlinguistic. They can instead be fairly described as ethical assumptions, since they concern matters of communicative cooperation...
462 2000 NEWS NYTimes #from what Lt. Terrence Dudley, a Navy spokesman, described as " post-traumatic stress. " # For crew members remaining aboard the Cole
463 2004 MAG Environmental #gas-guzzling, carbon dioxide-spewing SUVs. // Shareholder activism has been described as the muscle in SRI. Or as Peter Kinder of KLD Research &;
464 2018 MAG Daily Beast #was a routine of bicep and tricep exercises that she described as not " too heavy at all. " But still, she told
465 1991 ACAD AmerEthnicHis #with American politics after World War I. The Armenians are described as happy to live in a Christian society. Likewise, with few exceptions
466 2017 NEWS New York Post #security barrier. # Its nine rooms, which he described as having the " worst view of any hotel in the world, "
467 2012 WEB #Senators Collins and Snowe. These three Senators are continually described as " Moderates " by the liberal media--How I ask Washington Post Bloggers can
468 2007 NEWS Houston #of the Toll Road Authority Celebration Committee, which he described as a " social committee " set up last year. # Such an
469 2004 NEWS SanFranChron #Francisco's landmark Transamerica Pyramid in August observed a man described as " Middle Eastern, about 30- to 35- years-old " who appeared to
470 2012 BLOG #. " # The Advocate said the race has been described as a classic contest between a tea party freshman (Landry) and Boustany
471 2012 WEB #was talking about videos of abuse from organizations who are described as having an agenda. A few months from now there will be another
472 2000 ACAD SchoolPsych #the school psychologist of the 21st Century might best be described as a practicing scientist who uses systematic inquiry (social science methods) to
473 2012 BLOG #the Name of the Game # The marketing round is described as having someone in the middle of the hub who understands how all of
474 2012 BLOG #date has not been announced. Bugg's songs are described as a mixture of The Kinks, Dylan, Donovan, Oasis and Hendrix
475 2012 WEB #considered as significant risk factors. Although OA is commonly described as noninflammatory disease, inflammation is recognized as contributing to the symptoms and progression
476 2003 MAG Bazaar #Kamila Shamsie (Harcourt). This 30-year-old has been described as a young Anita Desai, and her third book, about childhood,
477 2006 SPOK CNN_LiveFrom #We can show that to you. This person is described as being in their early 20s, a white male, very thin,
478 2019 MAG Vanity Fair #course, insist that he did it despite what he described as the " illegal " Mueller " witch hunt. " (There is
479 2011 MAG Backpacker #, and eventually quit his job to attempt what he described as " the journey of a lifetime. " After two months on the
480 2000 MAG Bazaar #with corporeal punishment for now. THAI MASSAGE has been described as " yoga for lazy people, " which made it sound just my
481 2008 NEWS NYTimes #Mosolov's' Iron Foundry,' could genuinely be described as reflecting the Futurist agenda. Its loud, monotonous clanking and grinding were
482 2006 MAG Entertainment #Moderately Attractive. " LTT Well, you've been described as a " younger, slimmer, straighter Elton John... " JB If
483 2001 NEWS NYTimes #so she could deal with her divorce, which she described as contentious. During the time off from work, she used up her
484 2015 ACAD JournalResearch #(Williamson, 2010). Spirituality is also often described as a connection to self, others, the world, and the transcendent
485 2001 ACAD EmotBehavDis #studies have documented the applicability of assessment-based intervention with individuals described as having emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). These studies have demonstrated
486 2012 BLOG #physical terms. # In all cases the behavior was described as motivated. It wasn't as though the person didn't have the
487 1993 SPOK ABC_Jennings #HUME: The President said David Koresh, whom he described as dangerous, irrational and probably insane, bears ultimate responsibility for the deaths
488 2001 MAG ArtAmerica #celebrated " type, " a cool blonde, often described as " icy " and inaccessible. The statue metaphor gives added meaning to
489 1991 SPOK CNN_King #move. The Iraqi news agency says 20 people it described as POW's are being disbursed to strategic sites, apparently to serve as
490 2015 NEWS NYTimes #" just fade away, " as Gen. Douglas MacArthur described as the fitting end for old campaigners -- it'll be my fault,
491 2012 BLOG #HiFire and HyFly hypersonic programs as examples of what he described as the perspective threat posed by U.S. hypersonic development work. # Some aerospace
492 2012 ACAD PhysicalEduc #adapt for inclusion described by participating teachers was experimentation often described as a " trial-and-error " process. In the interview, Ben described the
493 2007 ACAD ForeignAffairs #are, the U.S. Census Bureau's projections might be described as optimistic since they posit that there will be a limited increase (rather
494 2015 ACAD GeorgiaHisQ #the Cultivator visited Bedford in June 1852, Coleman was described as " the most extensive Fruit grower in this vicinity, " which was
495 2012 BLOG #historian James Chapman of the University of Leicester, often described as the world's foremost Bond scholar. " They represent a sort of
496 2012 WEB #experience " (NDE). The phenomenon has been described as follows: # Frequently recurring features include feelings of peace and joy;
497 2012 WEB #Jew. # During His lifetime, no persons were described as " Jews " anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history
498 1995 MAG AmerArtist #about one hundred twenty-five thousand people that could only be described as a Middle Eastern melting pot for Jews from countries such as Yemen,
499 2018 ACAD J Family Violence #people used a range of tactics, which could be described as either adaptive or deviant, to manage their situation. For example,
500 2017 NEWS Minneapolis Star Tribune #Stillwater after World War II, producing what's been described as a " scrapbook in film " of his hometown. # From 1947
/ 141
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