coca would have done 搭配



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FIND SAMPLE:   100  200  500  1000
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     +CONTEXT                               HELP     
1    2006    NEWS    SanFranChron      #, house-cured salmon and fresh wasabi and horseradish. Who would have thought that such as small bite could have such a nuclear effect on
2    2012    WEB      #Thank you so much for escorting me. I never would have made it on my own. Now we need to get out of
3    2006    FIC    IowaRev      #out. If he hadn't been so miserable it would have been funny. # Now, with graduation finally upon us, I
4    2008    FIC    Bk:WhisperFreedom      #in an effort to save her life. And he would have tried to prove himself again to win her back. // It was
5    1999    FIC    Analog      #dependence upon initial conditions. I'd never thought that would have applications in your field-though I suppose I should have; chaos theory certainly
6    2012    WEB      #Taxes. My response has always been: My mom would have gladly traded spots with you. She'll pay income tax, and
7    2012    WEB      #seem to only enjoy pleasuring. You would think I would have no problem finding a woman like this at all! Wrong, I
8    2012    WEB      #, and sooner or later, I knew, she would have to be brought in on this, and even though I thought I
9    2001    NEWS    Houston      #there was a lot of things you could have said would have been a detriment to a team, " he said. " We
10    1993    MAG    ChildrenToday      #had experienced. Talking about it, she observes, would have forced them to remember their ordeal. As families gradually began reconstructing their
11    1993    NEWS    Houston      #- or lived to see quartz technology developed - he would have definitely put a clock in. " # Oddly enough, at least
12    1994    FIC    Bk:Legacy      #father. Ian could have ignored her completely, and would have, if it hadn't meant slighting Jake. Jacy's father was
13    1999    FIC    Bk:BirdsAmerica      #should take drugs. " I always thought someday I would have a little girl and name her after my grandmother. " Sidra sighed
14    2012    BLOG      #the other fodorites regarding this apartment, as IMO you would have spent most of your time getting away from it! Bloomsbury, South
15    2015    SPOK    ABC: The View      #Jew, Joy. we could all agree. She would have been... It's all the same. Again, you're so
16    2012    WEB      #not doing that, which, had he done, would have been exceeding criminal in him indeed; for not committing murder, even
17    2000    FIC    Triquarterly      #in silence, never ceasing his humming. Normally I would have arranged to be picked up after my brief stay, but I found
18    2012    BLOG      #this time, " but warned that next time I would HAVE to have the pelvic. It was tantamount to holding my flight credentials
19    2012    WEB      #20, 2008, 11:26 pm 11:26 pm # Who would have thunk it? The economy is bad, there is fear &; trembling
20    2010    FIC    Bk:NarrowWorld      #the other direction - nothing. And the bus certainly would have been removed by now. He started walking, trying to think of
21    2012    BLOG      #If they would have started development on orbis, it would have delayed this project by 2-3 years. Final Fantasy 14 will also launch
22    2012    WEB      #I admired the monkey's cleverness so much that I would have tried to buy him if I had not already owned one. #
23    1993    MAG    PopScience      #room for the suspension arms. A single front wheel would have worked as well, but this meets one of just two rules governing
24    2014    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #we need other assurances. I should have -- I would have... (CROSSTALK) GWEN-IFILL# I'm sorry. (CROSSTALK) RAGHIDA-DERGHAM#... to have heard
25    2010    FIC    Bk:WutheringBites      #once been. " If I had been, I would have set my silver dagger on the biter, " I responded, laying
26    1993    FIC    Bk:PatronSaintLiars      #voice sounded dreamy, more tired than sad. They would have given her something. They would give her one good long sleep before
28    2012    WEB      #man called every other man " sir. " Democracy would have no conceivable reason to complain if every man called every other man "
29    1998    NEWS    SanFranChron      #'s " One Day of Rest in Seven " initiative would have banned businesses from staying open Sunday, with backers arguing that " it
30    2012    WEB      #It will be remembered that Morris supposes that the oceans would have been stratified during the flood, in order to keep fresh-water fish in
31    2002    NEWS    CSMonitor      #Carter had hoped that the isolation and the obvious stakes would have loosened the Israeli leader up a bit, but he had to admit
32    2007    NEWS    USAToday      #of each paycheck. " I don't think I would have been able to (buy a home) any time soon in D.C.
33    1992    SPOK    NPR_ATC      #being as facile or as quick with notes as you would have before? Brown: One thing I found about the banjo that's
34    2019    NEWS    USA TODAY      #the public release of Mueller's report, saying it would have been better for him to take questions once the public and lawmakers have
35    2015    MOV    Fantastic Four      #of that Gate. Do you ever wonder what life would have been like... if you hadn't come to the science fair that
36    1994    ACAD    EnvirAffairs      #is not complying with environmental regulations, the complying company would have a strong motivation to bring an action against the violator if the complying
37    1998    TV    Hercules: The Legend...      #to know each other. There was a time that would have meant a lot to me. I'm not so sure anymore.
38    2019    FIC    Fan Fic      #" He frowned. " I'm disappointed. I would have thought Master Skywalker had taught you better than that. " # Her
39    2012    BLOG      #due. # Admittedly, then the survey recipients union would have stepped in, and it would have gotten really ugly. # They
40    2012    BLOG      #differed significantly from accounts other administration officials offered, we would have heard about that too. # Karen: (extract) " Mr.
41    2013    MAG    America      #a default by the Northern states. Such a default would have repercussions throughout the country, making it harder for both Northern and Southern
42    2011    FIC    Bk:BurntMountainNovel      #even without the burning forehead and the throbbing bones I would have had more luck tallying stars. # " Why are you still wearing
43    1994    FIC    Triquarterly      #of old Mr. Random -- had acquired an overtone she would have preferred to forget. There had been so much to do for that
44    2011    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #a handsome Marine on his way to Iraq. Who would have thought it would lead to a two-year affair, a love triangle and
45    2013    FIC    MassachRev      #, if he hadn't resembled me, maybe I would have spent the rest of my Hfe suspecdng my wife of being unchaste and
46    1990    FIC    Bk:PublicSecrets      #chair. His child, whatever it had been, would have been about her age now. The day in the studio was fun
47    2012    BLOG      #his employees and against all that he stands for, would have to pass that cost along to consumres! So, instead of providing
48    2012    WEB      #defying categorization. Distilled to one word, it too would have to be described as folk. # Sollee glances up and smiles ever
49    2012    WEB      #better of a message that could have been? I would have totally change the entire feeling of this and saved Adobe a lot of
50    2003    MAG    NatlReview      #why, we all might have fainted. And critics would have damned the composer as jingoist! # # The Wall Street Journal had
51    2012    WEB      #... url=http: **30;910;TOOLONG... dad's birthday. He would have been 66. /url by url=http: **30;942;TOOLONG... on Flickr # <a href=
52    2012    WEB      #. If they'd won 140 games, the prize would have been no different. # " If you win, you win the
53    2012    BLOG      #religious fundamentalism that sometimes goes along with that. I would have said New Hampshire before this election but our Southern quarter has been contaminated
54    1990    FIC    Bk:BethlehemRoad      #" Perhaps. " But Pitt doubted it; it would have to be a monstrous one, touched with madness. Drummond stood up
55    2012    WEB      #: " If I wanted to kill him, I would have killed him. He is one of them. Tie him up.
56    2014    TV    Scandal      #I shouldn't have seen you on camera. You would have de-magged the optics, looped the visuals, cut the upload. There
57    2012    NEWS    CSMonitor      #n't have experience in wind power. Of course they would have many errors, " says Alejandro E. Velasco Hernandez, director of Renewable
58    1992    NEWS    USAToday      #if his mother was still alive. # " She would have found the lack of privacy in this book excruciating, " he says
59    2012    WEB      #families. It wouldn't look like marriage. It would have to be carved from scratch. But the legal recognition of different types
60    1994    SPOK    ABC_DayOne      #. Rev. BILLY GRAHAM: No. I think it would have hurt him. I think they would have said that- that he was
61    1998    FIC    Bk:MoreThanHonor      #been scouts, as he himself was. Certainly it would have made sense for the two-legs to send scouts ahead; any clan did
63    2012    BLOG      #private-sector or different government job. # While I never would have been a career police officer, a term program would have been appealing
64    1996    NEWS    NYTimes      #594 school districts, under the Governor's plan, would have to ask voters to approve any spending beyond the $7,200, which the
65    1990    FIC    Bk:PublicSecrets      #there had been no impressions in the ground a ladder would have made, and no traces of rope on the windowsill. The nanny
66    2014    MAG    Esquire      #They might have pets, and if so the pets would have names. # Wilson had a momentary image -- vague and unformed but
67    2012    BLOG      #had # and if you had just PMed me I would have gladly dumped the less active topic to keep a mod happy instead you
68    2012    BLOG      #military suicides: were there such an answer, we would have to think that it would have been found by now, given the
69    1991    FIC    BkSF:TamLin      #? " Both the previous scrutiny and Robin's tone would have made Janet furious, but Miss Zimmerman smiled serenely and leaned her shoulders
70    1996    SPOK    CNN_Company      #on the ballot in New Hampshire, I suspect Dole would have beaten Buchanan in New Hampshire. TORIE CLARKE: He- he could have
71    1993    MAG    USNWR      #Microsoft or Apple -- or from other computer makers -- would have you believe. If you're unfamiliar with computers, you will still
72    2015    NEWS    Austin      #website, says that adding toll lanes to South MoPac would have little impact on downtown travel times in 2020. The full study has
73    2010    SPOK    CNN_Showbiz      #you mean for sure? But for sure, we would have not still been together. WALTERS: Because? WINFREY: Because with
74    2016    MAG    The Atlantic      #at unprecedented rates. Worried about the impact these divorces would have on the children of the broken marriages, psychologists decided to cast their
75    2009    ACAD    AmerScholar      #of their children; in those days, no judge would have awarded custody to a brain-damaged woman. When she spoke of him,
76    1997    MAG    TIME      #Grunwald never believed that Kennedy, had he lived, would have reversed the direction of American involvement in Vietnam, but, he adds
77    2015    NEWS    WashPost      #experience I've essentially captured the benefit of what I would have learned if I'd gone elsewhere. The audit profession seems to be
78    1992    NEWS    SanFranChron      ## " The Pill, which I had once thought would have long ago been superseded by something better, is still exactly the same
79    1999    SPOK    ABC_Special      #be moments throughout the course of this program when you would have to call on your kindness and your decency and your thoughtfulness. And
80    2014    MOV    The Two Faces of January      #I guess you must have thought of that or you would have gone to the cops. You have no idea what I'm thinking
81    2012    BLOG      #city used to be blessed with in general. I would have to agree with Stella and RM -- Los Angeles OWES it to all
82    2008    SPOK    CBS_Sixty      #SCALIA: If it was up to me, I would have thrown this bearded, sandal-wearing flag burner into jail. But it was
83    2007    ACAD    AfricanArts      #we want to display in its physical entirety as it would have appeared in the original performance context. But wait -- something is incongruous
84    2012    BLOG      #Security Advisor would have. The Secretary of State absolutely would have. "' # " Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior
85    2014    MAG    Newsweek      #the men on the ground. " The earlier we would have withdrawn, the smaller our losses would have been, " says Bereza
86    1996    NEWS    Chicago      #what sold us, " David said. " We would have had to pay a lot more for this size house in another development
87    1996    MAG    Cosmopolitan      #life. She hated the idea that people she loved would have that fleeting look of satisfaction, that she had been punished for her
88    2019    SPOK    Fox_Sunday      #the report has been released. As to whether they would have criticized Barack Obama if Barack Obama's daughter had met with Russians looking
89    2011    NEWS    Atlanta      ## " If we'd been slower, that shot would have hit him in the head instead of the rib cage, " Shaddick
90    1996    SPOK    NPR_Morning      #, had anything resembling ethics of its own, we would have seen a very serious investigation last year, in the last Congress.
91    2002    FIC    AntiochRev      #from saying it at the last moment. But it would have been true maybe to say an apparition. # " We always knew
92    2006    TV    My Name Is Earl      #get kicked out of camp, Randy. I probably would have had my own " mystery funland ". On my own private island
93    2012    BLOG      #nice, I'm almost there, but my wife would have to go with me. So there's the problem of money,
94    1995    MAG    ConsumResrch      #MSAs also claim that even if consumer behavior changed it would have little impact on overall health care costs because the majority of costs occur
95    2012    BLOG      #inside the reconstructed piano. The End. # That would have been the perfect ending to this movie. # I'm glad that
96    2006    NEWS    USAToday      #Without VocationVacations, " There's just no way I would have had the confidence and support to make the move, " he says
97    1992    FIC    Bk:McNallysLuck      #have a swindle going, as I thought, Hertha would have cobbled up a fictitious profile and cashed your check. " " Perhaps
98    2012    WEB      #Barry Allen and Bruce in similar college courses. I would have WHIZ radio be part of the syndication owned by Scott Allan who would
99    2019    SPOK    CBS_FaceNation      #be much more arguable than a pure finding of collusion would have been, because I don't think that's there. BRENNAN) :
100    2015    NEWS    Atlanta      #. Erickson said part of his pitch was that candidates would have to spend big money for straw poll space, while his event is
101    1992    FIC    Bk:InMyFathers      #problem. Here was one of those occasions when it would have been handy to have one of those lady guides along -- the ones
102    2001    FIC    Triquarterly      #his watch and see it was ten o'clock. Amanda would have expected him two hours ago. Finally, Clio spilled half a jar
103    2016    FIC    FantasySciFi      #watching his partner, which he wasn't - Jimmy would have seen a peculiar look spread over Morrie's face. A thousand-yard stare
104    2017    SPOK    Fox: Journal Editorial Report      #on the tax reform bill was unthinkable. This party would have been washed up if they had failed on these two major pieces of
105    2007    SPOK    Fox_HC      #air? SONIA-OSSORIO-PRE: It's not a decision I would have made. COLMES: Why not? OSSORIO: ABC, we'll
106    2008    FIC    Bk:LoveWaterMySoul      #his throat parched from the desert air. His hands would have ached with bending greasewood back to look beneath, his throat dry and
107    2006    NEWS    Atlanta      #Dolly didn't live to attend either. But she would have spiced them up, her father says, his eyes smiling. #
108    2012    BLOG      #with her descriptions of the officers she interacted with. Would have been a much more powerful post if she, herself, could have
109    1990    MAG    Weatherwise      #seamless whole. Clouds rolling in at the wrong moment would have meant the footage was ruined and they would have to come back the
110    1996    TV    The Secret World of ...      #be interesting to see what kind of an effect GC-161 would have on a human being don't you think? Oh, I know
111    1994    TV    My So-Called Life      #. If It had been an actual life... you would have received Instructions on where to go, and what to do. What
112    2009    SPOK    Fox_Beck      #like a bajillion and $10. And so then you would have to - that would wipe these people out. There is no way
113    2012    BLOG      #-- a version of ilda drawn in the same style would have to look frumpy -- there is no evidence of this (unless you
114    2015    MAG    HistoryToday      #a baby's woollen covered toes with a joy that would have done credit to a proud young father handling his first-born. What stories
115    2018    TV    Bull      #he had put you and your daughter in that he would have orchestrated his own murder? Objection. Calls for speculation. Sustained.
116    1997    NEWS    WashPost      #Cooke Stadium started out with 284 luxury suites, which would have been the highest number in the NFL except that the Redskins lowered the
117    2015    MAG    Smithsonian      #On the other side stood large royal pavilions, which would have soared into the air with John's standards depicting three lions embroidered in
118    2012    BLOG      #suspended on the eve of the Auburn game. He would have been drawn and quartered, his ancestral home would have been salted by
119    2012    NEWS    OrangeCR      #Center believe that if Measure Z had passed, that would have spelled the end of the 17-year-old institution. Even though folks at the
120    2011    SPOK    PBS_NewsHour      #hadn't been married to my husband, I never would have had the voice that I did. JUDY-WOODRUFF: That's all ahead on
121    2012    BLOG      #to have a " systematic " Jewish holocaust, we would have heard more complaints from non-Jews who thought that the Nazis mistakenly identified them
122    1991    FIC    BkSF:Soothsayer      #But you wouldn't have cut his neck. You would have stabbed his chest or his belly. " " It would have killed
123    2012    BLOG      #. # If Carl Sagan were an economist, he would have probably wrote something like this. I've also recently noticed that the
124    2017    NEWS    Chicago Sun-Times      #. " # The attorney general was asked whether she would have sued the city in the unlikely event that Emanuel had succeeded in negotiating
125    1998    SPOK    ABC_Special      #MIXNER: No. No, absolutely not. Some would have earned their liberal stripes by tolerating me. CONNIE CHUNG: (voice-over
126    2012    WEB      #benefitted by having an endpoint and less time so they would have been more efficient with the overall story. A miniseries means they have
127    2012    BLOG      ## Totally would have sparkled like NYC at night.. would have been " hosannas " all around. # Glammie # I actually thought
128    2012    BLOG      #, O 51-48. Hasn't changed all year. Would have been nice to let this data out before today. You can get
129    2019    FIC    Michigan Quarterly Review      #her birthday candles. Fantas mother said the candle blowing would have to wait because there was a new development. She signaled Benes papa
130    2012    WEB      #white male privilege and skyrocketed into what from a black would have been punished as a public disruption or " chimpout ". He stripped
131    1991    FIC    KenyonRev      #let her keep her clothes on, while the Devil would have her undress? What difference could there be between the camp and hell
132    2013    FIC    KenyonRev      #was the beginning of the hard part. Maybe he would have sat there until spring thawed the city's heart, working himself up
133    1992    FIC    BkSF:Nightshade      #them all? " " Yes! " " You would have been killed and perhaps taken us all with you. Is it honorable
134    2012    BLOG      #the meat locker and helped his family. # Carley/Doug would have gone with you # Carley/Doug would have reacted the same way most of
135    1991    FIC    SouthwestRev      #you know, this is the same thing that I would have to say too. But like they came and said to me you
136    1996    NEWS    Denver      #The consequences of even a moderate change in the market would have wide implications, not just for developers, investors and brokers, but
137    2012    WEB      #a sentence? # as per my knowledge of English would have should use with active voice and would have been use with passive voice
138    2001    FIC    Femspec      #n't miss him. Afterwards. # The fat I would have passed to him # I threw into the fire. # It was
139    2005    FIC    BkJuv:KissDark      #the shelves as awe-inspiring. Only an extremely discerning eye would have noticed the fraying edges of the Axminster carpet or the faded hue of
140    2015    FIC    LiteraryRev      #like him -- and thus so easily lost. She would have killed for his life in Canada. It was then he said it
141    1991    TV    The Golden Girls      #'d never checked her into Shady Pines, she never would have made those s'mores, there never would have been a fire, and
142    2012    BLOG      #my mind that, in the end, the president would have had to push it. # MONIQUE MUJAWAMARIYA: through interpreter A congressional
143    2001    FIC    FantasySciFi      #crewcuts bespoke their military associations as well as any uniform would have. I don't remember most of their names, only the leader
144    2012    BLOG      #about finances. Every other year, a SEC school would have just seven home games in the nine-conference game format. # Also,
145    2005    TV    JAG      #Listen, the, uh, General said that he would have a car waiting here for me. Did you make a reservation?
146    2012    BLOG      #parents being there SUPPORTING her. Now, if Gene would have came out on stage, then I'd complain....... # What is
147    1996    SPOK    NPR_Weekly      #, I think, the second night - and that would have been the night of the 11th - and which is in typical Rob
148    1990    FIC    Bk:Postmortem      #, I would have forewarned you, Kay. I would have run to the nearest phone booth? " " And charged out as
149    2015    ACAD    MusicEduc      #into account. And third, the pretests and posttests would have to be valid measures based on the responsibilities of that teacher. Currently
150    2005    NEWS    Chicago      #. # J. M. # - - - # It would have been more beneficial if positive examples were provided pertaining to Matteson. The
151    2012    BLOG      #were done by a Republican administration, the leftist press would have called for Congressional hearings. But no.... just the crickets chirping.
152    1990    TV    Eyes on the Prize      #the morning - - freezing chicago weather. and fred would have them out there doing push-ups and jumping jacks and getting themselves energized for
153    2012    WEB      #joy in the lives of their beloved ones. He would have given anything and everything for similar scenario but the doctors said that she
154    2010    NEWS    Denver      #. # " Salazar is a larger figure than I would have expected, " said Charles Wilkinson, a University of Colorado law professor
155    2012    BLOG      #'s involvement with it. # A discerning listener also would have heard minimal differences between Republicans and Democrats, indu... # Finally,
156    2016    MAG    The Atlantic      #didn't fill the tank before I left, I would have if I knew. I should have filled the tank before I left
157    2012    MAG    PopScience      #Ornstein estimated that both the Australian outback and the Sahara would have to be transformed into forest to remove meaningful quantities of carbon dioxide.
158    1991    SPOK    ABC_Nightline      #: -even if he survives politically, his military power would have been greatly diminished in the- we would have demonstrated that aggression does not
159    2001    FIC    VirginiaQRev      #for fresh sheets to make the bed. Then it would have seemed OX. to both of them. # By the time he
160    2007    FIC    Read      #'m very glad you've come, even if it would have been nice to sleep in a wild cherry tree. Narr 1:
161    2012    WEB      #likely be detected. American officials have estimated that they would have six months to a year to react, if needed, before the
162    2012    BLOG      #different from a couple of decades ago, when we would have seen much more of it in Texas and California and in states with
163    2010    MAG    Astronomy      #energy of underwater thermal vents, where the deep oceans would have provided a protective shield against changing climate and deadly impacts. Of course
164    2011    MOV    The Italian Key      #One day and one tree at a time. He would have to he quiet, understanding - and he should be able to listen
165    2019    MAG    Hollywood Reporter      #seems to inform these dread-infused numbers. The Nico Project would have had greater dramatic power with more of these witchy set-pieces. # Peake
166    2012    BLOG      #$20 million in surplus to the Marlins, but I would have a hard time believing the Marlins would evaluate him similarly. Let us
167    2016    FIC    Analog      #a shuttle to a tug. On Earth, Jacob would have required a forklift to move the massive boxes. In the zero-g at
168    2012    WEB      #together. It was kind of disappointing. # I would have specific lines to be used for a match including certain wrestlers. THQ
169    2019    MAG    The Verge      #all those separate ports, and I am. I would have been happier with fewer USB 3.0 ports and an additional USB-C port that
170    2006    FIC    Analog      #five years. If she were straight, I probably would have married her. Perfection always seems to be just out of reach.
171    2004    MAG    BoysLife      #creamed by one of those twins from behind, I would have fumbled for sure. #
172    2012    WEB      #'s book. I think its fair to say I would have stumbled upon this book on my own. Of course, you mentioning
173    2002    ACAD    LawPublicPol      #, however, that the definition of " commerce " would have allowed direct regulation of manufacture or agriculture preceding commerce. # Richard Epstein
174    1992    FIC    Bk:InMyFathers      #her voice, repeating a string of Yiddish terms that would have made Bubbe blush and thump her heart as though she would have a
175    1991    SPOK    ABC_Nightline      #He sat in on some of those meetings. He would have known how much? Lt. Col. NORTH: Well, the vice president
176    2008    ACAD    Education      #another program and the same thing happened, then everything would have been on me. If I would have transferred to another university and
177    2012    BLOG      #" contingent fee " deal in which only the taxpayers would have to pay, not the party, regardless of the outcome. #
178    2012    WEB      #on decompressing these files recursively, ad infinitum. It would have been fun to watch them squirm, but it looks like much less
179    2001    TV    ER      #He worked on it for a while. - Grandpa would have liked it. - Yes. Gamma seems to be holding up.
180    2014    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #'d gone to some of these companies and - they would have been - many of them would've been very new companies at the
181    2012    WEB      #shoot other devices (on their breaks) then they would have gotten all the coverage they needed. dumbasses. # Guillermo Perez-Arguello #
182    1991    ACAD    AfricaToday      #years, an action which under " natural " conditions would have lowered rather than raised trade. 52 MITI, however, argued that Japanese
183    2006    MOV    The Contract      #just to make the hike more exciting? San Francisco would have been breakfast in bed, tennis in the afternoon, a few cocktails
184    2012    WEB      #to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother. People will notice your kindness. # Perform
185    2007    NEWS    SanFranChron      #bilingual, competent and compassionate family physician in whom patients would have immediate confidence and rapport, " said Haruyo Nagafuji, a relative of
186    2012    WEB      #been healthy in November 2010, the President's party would have still likely lost seats in Congress since that is the historical norm,
187    2011    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #in the local news, in a way no one would have ever expected. JOSH-PETERSON-1RE# Linda Lusk is accused of sending sexually explicit text
188    2012    BLOG      #pick you up? # Definitely Hester Prynne. We would have so much fun, especially on the moon. She could use her
189    1991    SPOK    CNN_King      #the law is today KING I see. So he would have had standing. Mr. CONNOR: The question is whether we should change
190    2012    FIC    Bk:NotThisTimeNovel      #doors that led outside to the courtyard. A sign would have worked, but the club didn't allow them. There were limits
191    2012    BLOG      #a question. # If your answer was " There would have been zero more attacks, because Iraq was not responsible for 9/11 in
192    2019    NEWS    Arizona Daily Star      #Medical Center in Burlington, Mass., but said it would have no further comment until more was known. # Arizona issued a statement
193    2015    NEWS    Denver      #plans for the area. Certainly, no reasonable person would have expected land managers to have envisioned a Christo type request and written specific
194    2018    NEWS    Colorado Springs Gazette      #If it weren't for him, more of us would have been injured for sure, " the seventh grader said. # Jeremy
195    2012    BLOG      #again. If I had told my Dad, he would have killed him. So while I absolutely agree there are good men in
196    1997    NEWS    Atlanta      ## " If Jackie had failed, I know it would have thrown my schedule off by four or five more years. Would I
197    2012    BLOG      #January 20, 2001, and a couple of them would have launched it before the invasion of Afghanistan. # We know that James
198    2012    WEB      #likes me? The answer is that by then I would have emotionally attached myself to this person and would then be in a situation
199    2018    FIC    The Literary Review      #, and the goods traveled to Bombay. There he would have to appear himself, receive the goods, and go through Customs.
200    2003    TV    Sabrina, the Teenage...      #um, dreadful? Thanks. I'm sure you would have caught that along with that wild eyebrow. Hey, check out that
201    2012    MAG    NatGeog      #wary eyes of Roman soldiers in watchtowers. # It would have been a shocking sight in the desolate wilderness, 630 miles north of
202    2012    BLOG      #about existing HR stuff answered, the real service that would have to be on display for the concept to seem like it transcends HR
203    2012    WEB      #wished we had stayed in Oslo instead. The drive would have been better than this place. The room was small and smelly.
204    2012    MAG    USAToday      #Aden, Yemen, killing 1 7 sailors. It would have carried out the bombing of another naval vessel but for the fact that
205    2014    FIC    FantasySciFi      #" Well you weren't down here, or I would have seen you. So...? " " I don't remember,
206    2019    FIC    Fan Fic      #Headmaster she'd fought so many times in the 90s would have never understood. # " Who do you think that is? "
207    2012    NEWS    CSMonitor      #luscious Angelina. " He worshiped from afar. He would have liked to worship from a little nearer, but did not know how
208    2012    BLOG      #it was a providential necessity. I think Father certainly would have thought it was otherwise I don't think he would have done it
209    2014    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #to follow those impulses. So the idea that he would have to censor himself on this show that's aspiring to be super hip
210    2012    WEB      #won the election. Hum, I wonder if Colorado would have voted Obama if they knew that was coming? I think I will
211    2008    MOV    After Hiroshima Mon Amour      #. I saw the bouquet of bottle caps. Who would have thought? Human flesh suspended, as if still alive, its agony
212    2006    MAG    TIME      #learned that under the terms of her policy, she would have to pay $308.68 for a month's supply of morphine, which she
213    2011    FIC    Bk:NaamahsBlessing      #the Palace. " Anielle de la Courcel. She would have been your grandmother, yes? " # " Yes. " Daniel
214    1999    SPOK    Ind_NewsForum      #veto-proof majority that I could not have signed, that would have resulted in driving young women to back-alley abortionists. That was just unacceptable
215    2005    MAG    AmSpect      #all, because the scare scenarios are such that we would have to put the environmentalists in charge of the U.S. economy. They would
216    2007    FIC    NativeCalif      #comprehend what he was saying, that no other man would have her, for it happened so fast, one of his arms securing
217    2012    BLOG      #don't know to what extent something like OC approval would have been influenced by politics. While I don't doubt that it would
218    2014    FIC    Bk:BloodAlwaysTells      #that. If she'd been feeling generous, she would have described it as a stately house, two stories of tasteful, expensive
219    1997    MAG    SportingNews      #no one respected them or appreciated them. And they would have swaggered and bragged, loving every minute of the humiliation. But these
220    2019    FIC    Fan Fic      #the equipment, but now that Kevin encouraged It he would have to refrain. # He left Kevin to check the rest of the
221    1990    FIC    Bk:LivesDead      #the audience would have seen the first killing, and would have sat through the meeting -- or remeeting -- of Molly and Banty Jakes
222    2015    NEWS    OrangeCR      #- nor by the power plant water intakes, which would have a very local effect on the fish population. Population declines have been
223    1992    FIC    BkSF:NightParade      #ask for your name. " " Nevertheless, you would have it, " Shandower said. " It might be desirable to them
224    2012    BLOG      #books on the shelves -- even more books than it would have carried 10 years in the past. But fewer copies of each book
225    2012    WEB      #I been deprived of her most tender care, I would have died also. I know not where she is now. Mother died
226    2012    WEB      #still you prejudge and condemn. # George W. Bush would have called you a traitor. # Posted by: Dan October 27,
227    2010    FIC    Bk:JennasCowboyNovel      #to the truck and got her message, Chance probably would have the tire changed. At least she'd stopped by one of the
228    2018    MAG    Vanity Fair      #which is easy enough to write on the page but would have presented an enduring FX challenge for the show. (Similarly, Tyrion
229    1990    FIC    Triquarterly      #knowing that if Raymond wanted to get at him he would have to climb up awkwardly because the steps weren't built, and in
230    2016    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #that and commuting at the same time. that I would have ran myself ragged. APRIL-BROWN# Georgia State spent $3 million last year on
231    2012    WEB      #n't I drink this stuff in elementary school? I would have had straight A's. I could have taught the classes. Move
232    2012    BLOG      #some work on non-competes, and any basic contract TF would have signed in an employment scenario would make everything he's done very,
233    2012    BLOG      #can't imagine that not having access to a gun would have prevented this tragedy. samanthab said " However, the ubiquitous common thread
234    2018    FIC    Fan Fic      #our lives in " Normandy ", Gabs and I would have been done for. I was just trying to keep us from being
235    2005    ACAD    AmerScholar      #facts and concluded that a " jury evaluating the evidence would have a difficult time agreeing beyond a reasonable doubt that John Lomax ever saw
236    2012    WEB      #its own dock right in the lagoon. As luck would have it, they had just the cable that we needed and even luckier
237    2018    MAG    Business Insider      #" assures proper spinal alignment. " # While anything would have been a step up from the pillow-top hand-me-down mattress we had been sleeping
238    1999    FIC    Analog      #it was what Padretti had come up with and it would have to do. " But I've never done anything like this!
239    1993    FIC    Mov:BodyEvidence      #would have still treated it as a poisoning. We would have looked for motive and the trail would have still led back to her
240    1990    NEWS    CSMonitor      #on a strict point system. As much as I would have liked to give the award to Michael, I knew it belonged to
241    2012    SPOK    NBC_Dateline      #ran for help. But I think that if it would have been me, they would have been hurt. ROBACH: (Voiceover) Skye believes
242    1994    NEWS    SanFranChron      #secured a 6 p.m. reservation one night, when he would have preferred arriving later. What really bothered him was that several tables remained
243    2005    MAG    GoodHousekeeping      #and his struggle to start a practice, and I would have done anything to save our marriage, " she says. Robert told
244    2012    BLOG      #stepped up the first week I had her, I would have returned her to a family that also loved her. From what I
245    2000    FIC    ChicagoRev      #in whose pale veins flowed paper blood. # It would have been-if anything at all-a happy, sexless bit of nothing. Two hermaphrodite
246    2000    FIC    ChicagoRev      #wrenched from it two hundred years before. " It would have been good, " said the man with the camera. He wanted
247    2003    FIC    SouthwestRev      #women stayed talking in the yard for the time it would have taken for the tea to have been made and happily drunk. She
248    2011    MOV    Beyond Acceptance      #We wouldn't miss it. - I suppose he would have to come too. - Is there a problem with that? He
249    2012    BLOG      #convicted under prohibition; then cops, prosecutors and judges would have to admit they were wrong in a very big and public way and
250    1997    SPOK    CBS_FaceNation      #if they had gone to court-martial, the next posting would have been Leavenworth. SCHIEFFER: John Kerry, you are a Medal of Honor
251    1998    SPOK    CNN_King      #n't want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member. In a weird way, that kind of
252    2012    WEB      #a boat, and came from the street, they would have had to swim in. " Page 16 # I felt queer and
253    2012    BLOG      #one percent of the federal budget. Elimination of funding would have almost no impact on the nation's debt. Yet
254    1994    MAG    Inc.      #-- 40% less than the $27.8 million the first IPO would have brought in. The company pays underwriting fees of $275,000 and legal fees
255    2012    BLOG      # 3164155 Selena Gomez Would Have Been Teen Mom # Selena Gomez admits she probably would have been a
256    1994    MOV    That's Entertainment! III      #away to all the contestants. Well, as fate would have it an MGM talent scout was in the audience and in a year
257    2002    NEWS    WashPost      #ever wanted to do investment-banking work for Snyder Communications it would have to replace Waldo with an analyst who was bullish on the company.
258    1995    MAG    AmSpect      #nothing arcane about the fraud or the simple steps that would have avoided the loss. These topics had been front-page news for the preceding
259    2000    MOV    Cast Away      #gon na be just a quick little snap. I would have landed on the rocks. Broken my leg or my back or my
260    2002    MAG    Essence      #knew that had I been in my right mind I would have stayed and called for help. I knew I was a decent human
261    2007    FIC    NewEnglandRev      #been a larger formal ceremony, to which he surely would have invited Aidan. The wife-quite reserved, in a tasteful blue smock with
262    2018    SPOK    Fox_Cavuto      #a witness. That would have... CAVUTO) : He would have had to recuse himself. And the president would never have appointed him
263    2009    MAG    America      #pick you up, instead, I'm sure there would have been a stampede of volunteers wanting to help, if only he would
264    2018    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #if the president had to go some place, I would have been part of the crew that was evacuated with him. GROSS) :
265    2012    BLOG      #'s leadership there. I'd like to think they would have, but maybe Obama was too afraid to test it. (For
266    2012    BLOG      #a lot more than 60K. And, it still would have been damaged if cars plowed into it. Not to mention, if
267    2003    FIC    Analog      #pasts months, sometimes when she encountered a sight she would have liked to have shared with Ghar, like this one, other times
268    2012    BLOG      #space programme, but I think most of these technologies would have come along sooner or later anyway. # Of course, one of
269    2002    NEWS    AssocPress      #W. Bush, I think a significant slice of them would have taken a good second look at the Reform Party candidate, " Buchanan
270    2008    ACAD    SocialWork      #life. It was also believed that the adopted child would have a better chance of integrating into the adoptive family if there was no
271    2012    MOV    An Oversimplification of Her Beauty      #NARRATOR 1: Evening you wouldhavetheopportuniy tobein hercompany. You would have been uplifted by just the thougt of spending this time with this woman
272    2012    BLOG      #might not have started the way head coach Doug Nevins would have liked. # The Mountaineers won just once after the first four games
273    2004    NEWS    NYTimes      #legal authority. The administration won on a law that would have prohibited the city from doing business with companies that engage in predatory lending
274    2011    ACAD    GeorgiaHisQ      #in the lynching, adding that " most Georgia sheriffs would have shot the Negro instead of taking him to jail. " Nevertheless,
275    2012    WEB      #using to allow them into Broadwell's email, that would have been clear, and it would have been easy work to move on
276    1990    NEWS    WashPost      #Alzheimer's disease. # Tom realized that his mother would have to be placed in a nursing home, and soon, but he
277    2015    ACAD    ReadingImprovement      #current study, it would seem plausible that RR +LPP would have emerged as the most effective method for improving prosody due to the instructor
278    2012    BLOG      #weapons than Hamas has had. Without those rockets Israel would have been demanded to end the siege of Gaza long ago and Israel's
279    2000    MAG    SkyTelescope      #twist, they compute how small a planet or asteroid would have to be so our cannon could launch a softball at escape velocity.
280    2012    WEB      #their property seized had simply followed the law, it would have never happened. Right? Right! # I could care less how
281    2008    SPOK    CBS_48Hours      #if they had taken it seriously? Ms-STAY: It would have. Had it been put out in the newspaper, it could have
282    2015    NEWS    STLouis      #Parkway as originally proposed, most of the cost overruns would have been avoided because they were caused by underground utilities that did not appear
283    2012    WEB      #they released the report today... next week that conclusion would have looked a little funny. But it also means that the FTC will
284    1992    SPOK    CNN_NewsSun      #Rainbow Coalition was somebody from the media, Frank, would have said,' By the way, do you agree with this statement
285    2012    WEB      #attacking intent and attack on the counter. The visitors would have settled for a 0-0 draw but looking at Finland's defensive record under
286    2012    BLOG      #this year). # 1) I think this would have to be something discussed in advance. If I were the manager thinking
287    2003    MOV    ...of God: Peter Keeper of the Keys      #of Peter, to go into that other province he would have had to pay a toll, possibly with a Roman coin, like
288    2012    BLOG      #, had the atomic bombing(s) not happened, the Japanese would have not surrendered and there would have been millions more dead. " After
289    2012    WEB      #by the omission of others that I would have thought would have been consensus inclusions. Particularly surprising (and puzzling) to me this
290    2000    NEWS    Chicago      #Maasdam. " I would hate to think that I would have been unable to experience the glaciers. " # The experiences, after
291    2015    ACAD    StudiesInEducation      #had to produce what they were producing, whether we would have got a satisfying answer -- I doubt it. # These three stories
292    2008    FIC    Bk:72Hours      #wasn't checking in over the radio. The four would have formed a U originally, trying to get him in the middle.
293    2009    MAG    Smithsonian      #we come to tiny Ugoszcz. Without Ewelina, we would have found nothing, but she directs us to stop for directions, and
294    1990    ACAD    AfricaToday      #involves an indirect form of conditionality, whereby the agencies would have to use the donated debt for financing child welfare, conservation projects and
295    2012    BLOG      #. The article read, in part: <p> What Would Have Happened: The villain unmasked in the finale was actually just a Phoenix
296    1996    ACAD    Symposium      #his wife's mind, Samuel sheepishly allows that she would have had a happier life married to someone else content to stay on a
297    1994    TV    Star Trek: Deep Spac...      #that the situation had become untenable. Next, they would have demanded the Federation colonies disband. Exactly. When Makbar saw Boone in
298    2012    BLOG      #absolute right to alcohol. Needless to say, things would have turned out differently. # Yet contrasting the pro-life movement with the Dry
299    2005    MAG    Astronomy      #area of the full sky that an in situ spacecraft would have to search. But ground-based observers still have to stitch together a lot
300    2008    SPOK    Fox_OReilly      #. Gibson should have defined it for Palin. That would have been the fairest way to get a response. Now overall, I
301    2013    SPOK    Fox: The Five      #that work in the West Wing, because if I would have been told, hey, after this, it's so great.
302    2012    BLOG      ## Not bombing the shit out of Khadafy's columns would have allowed him to probably crush his rebellion. Both sets of actions were
303    2012    BLOG      #the instruments are my favorite aspect of this album I would have loved for this instrumental track to have been chock full of epic guitar
304    2018    NEWS    USA TODAY      #can lead to a stroke. # Holmes said she would have the offending lab rebuilt. But Holmes' problems only grew. Lawsuits
305    2018    MAG    Nerdist      #patio is below sidewalk level). # " I would have come without her, " said Jeff. # He wasn't alone
306    1992    NEWS    Chicago      #truce does have a chance to last. The merchants would have to use their extra time to train these people on how to do
307    2012    NEWS    NYTimes      #kept my partnership and owned Berkshire through that, I would have made even more money. " Mr. Buffett says he now considered himself
308    2014    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #creative field with all of these notes like a musician would have notes - you know, a little bit of vanilla - a little
309    2012    BLOG      #projects. With these rules in place, perhaps Pebble would have funded at $1,000,000 instead of ten times that. That would have reduced
310    1999    FIC    NewEnglandRev      ## I have suspected for a long time that I would have to be long dead to prove anything to you. # EXTERNAL #
311    1990    FIC    Bk:PlainsPassage      #much worse than he thought. Before long the tent would have been awash, and the rain would soon have soaked the ground cover
312    2011    SPOK    CNN_Morgan      #I went for 13 years and after that, I would have given to Dusseldorf and I would have done the design school. And
313    2015    FIC    NorthAmRev      #all the apartments around her were pressing in. They would have more money and she could buy better clothes. They could dine out
314    2018    SPOK    ABC_Special      #up for government, not the people. He probably would have had a much different Iran had he not done that. But I
315    2012    WEB      #here, watching this on the couch, I probably would have been talking smack about myself. I always say accountability is a huge
316    2012    WEB      #feel judgmental or avaricious, I think of how Roy would have behaved and snap put of it. When things happen that are minor
317    2015    NEWS    Atlanta      #--- about 10 1/2 months. Without it, he would have had to serve every day of his sentence. The practice of the
318    1990    FIC    Bk:MigrantSouls      #child suffered. " Unconvinced, they told him they would have preferred a nicer, more cleancut version of the " poor child,
319    1993    FIC    Commonweal      #moment the value of what they were doing, and would have laughed at the idea that a call from some more renowned school had
320    2009    FIC    Bk:Malice      #n't nearly lost his life. # Just as he would have if he hadn't been forced to consider early retirement. # He
321    2000    MOV    Our Song      #was a really long line at the school. You would have been like: " Shit, forget about it. " That's
322    2012    BLOG      #toes for a short period of time, but then would have to resort to fighting flat-footed after he would quickly tire. The same
323    2012    WEB      #a sentiment that, in her younger years, she would have vilified as' conforming'. Realistically after a few job interviews and
324    2012    WEB      #in the midst. " Malignant cruelty--just showing what he would have done, if permitted to go farther: it was a last fling
325    2012    WEB      #from a particular individual in 1981, all three gifts would have been declared to OGE on the report for 1981,
326    2017    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #of the Senate bill, or a 2015 bill that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act now, and then said that somehow we
327    2008    SPOK    NPR_TalkNation      #as I didn't write the entry, because I would have had him winning the American Revolution single-handedly. (Soundbite-of-laugh) Prof-GATES: And that's
328    2012    WEB      #demonstrates as much as anything how terrible a Romney Presidency would have been. Not only was he confident of victory because of bad polling
329    2017    MAG    Phys.Org      #looked like with water, when any potential Martian microbes would have evolved. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser # Microbes that rank among the
330    2012    BLOG      #John. A single post and a link from him would have sufficed, but nooo... now everyone has to spend forty thousand minutes
331    2015    MAG    ScienceNews      #: exploiting quantum mechanics to glean the information a computer would have provided had it run. # Future counterfactual schemes could enable the imaging
332    2011    FIC    Bk:MysteryWriters      #about to fire him, which, last week, would have been fine with him and would have saved him the trouble of firing
333    1993    TV    Law & Order      #months, he'd have gone to college. Everything would have been fine. It's scary. No, what's scary is
334    2012    BLOG      #In this kind of " ventureport " idea all transports would have be there and it was a kind of gateway to the future,
335    2000    MAG    SportingNews      #Twins, Radke's life over the next few days would have pushed the limits of " stressful, " and they would probably have
336    2012    WEB      #results for these. # Me too, and Alcatraz would have been ok, but they left us completely up in the air as
337    2012    FIC    Bk:HennyOnCouchNovel      #Nolita, I would have been prepared. Even SoHo would have made sense. In those neighborhoods, I always braced myself for the
338    2001    MAG    USNWR      #and birthday cards and jokes in a bar after work would have been. Some of the dead are police officers, firefighters, rescue
339    2013    MOV    The Other Shore      #a drink of water or whatever it was, I would have to, you know, plan carefully. Every kid loves to be
340    2001    MAG    MotherJones      #patient records on the premises for 10 years. They would have demanded the hiring of a facility manager and a registered nurse, as
341    2012    BLOG      #He lied, and he invented wild-eyed theories about what would have happened if a black man had said this about a white candidate.
342    2012    WEB      #Hezbollah claim it as theirs? I would think Hezbollah would have been wiser to claim what you have. # This is the problem
343    2003    ACAD    AmerStudies      #(rather than of the cultural Self). It would have to become decentered (American Studies in the United States is extremely focused
344    2009    FIC    Bk:NannyBillionaires      #for and Sam felt as comfortable in it as she would have in one of today's couture gowns. Because of its age,
345    2012    WEB      #go into labor on election day I'm sure she would have voted early. Please forgive her for not having a crystal
346    2002    TV    Alias      #you. You know me, Miss Spontaneous. I would have regretted getting married there. It was stupid. I don't know
347    2012    WEB      #never call the police. Never. Ever. They would have arrived too late to protect her had it turned violent and in any
348    2012    BLOG      #milk. If the doctor had mentioned that before I would have not elected to take it. I did notice that I was gaining
349    2000    FIC    Bk:HitList      #if it had been me on the witness stand there would have been tears. " " Maybe it would be a good strategy,
350    2019    NEWS    Omaha World-Herald      #Streets, was named after him in 1994. Sunday would have been his 68th birthday. # Keith's sacrifice is a lesson for
351    1993    TV    Law & Order      #committed. To him or to the institute? That would have to be the same thing. The death threats were made by a
352    2016    MAG    MarketWatch      #to a lack of progress on Illinois state legislation that would have helped to provide funding for nuclear power. # But another four U.S.
353    2008    FIC    FantasySciFi      #you.... " Truly, it was a sound that would have rattled anyone's concentration. He could hardly believe she submitted herself daily
354    1991    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #would have waited months, and those who said he would have been using that time to build up his military arsenal were proven correct
355    2002    SPOK    CNN_Novak      #in a recession. It's only natural that you would have, in the short term, a recession NOVAK But Dr. Lindsey,
356    1994    FIC    SouthernRev      #grunted like a pig, oh, how happy people would have been. # As a result Harriet Spense came to question the value
357    2012    BLOG      #hairdesigner. Unfortunately some people are very ignorant. I would have first asked her why she was at an artist fair in the first
358    2000    TV    Dark Angel      #'d think a guy whose job was saving the world would have more important things to do than to traipse around after some girl.
359    1995    MAG    ConsumResrch      #) # Those individuals who do not receive employer-provided insurance would have to make an additional expenditure. However, at least they would receive
360    2012    BLOG      #The procedural vote was 58 to 40; 60 votes would have been required to waive Republican objections. # The bill was opposed,
361    2012    BLOG      #you XD! Imagine what sort of dick head you would have to be to maliciously leave that " PS vita smash " video as
362    2010    FIC    The Antioch Review      #irrefutable testimony of that belief. Deviation from that orthodoxy would have meant scorn and ridicule for the foolhardy. But fortunately there exist those
363    2012    BLOG      #. But just waving our hands and saying " it would have had to have happened somehow " isn't an answer. # DdJ
364    2011    FIC    Bk:MaineNovel      #the bet was a sure thing, that he never would have made it otherwise. And he won. # Ned didn't have
365    2012    WEB      #Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., sponsored an amendment that would have increased congressional oversight of these renewed provisions. Yet the Leahy-Paul Amendment was
366    2012    FIC    Bk:FourthGraveBeneath      #It was almost gone. On anyone else, it would have remained a constant reminder of events better left forgotten. But being the
367    2012    WEB      #: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs # The economy would have been in much worse shape without the 2009 stimulus -- which increased employment
368    2011    FIC    Bk:ExilesNovel      #comfortable life in Kathmandu to this. # Soon they would have to clump together to hold off the cold. The camp sat in
369    2009    MAG    Newsweek      #raids a man participated in, the more wives he would have and the more descendants he would leave, " says anthropologist Stephen Beckerman
370    1995    FIC    ChicagoRev      #her and prayed for the end of it, she would have prayed for me to see the right way, the way her gods
371    1998    FIC    Commentary      #woman. He wondered, in fact, what she would have thought of his being at lunch with a black woman who sounded,
372    2014    MAG    USCatholic      #Fairfax, Va. # I don't think Jesus would have been bothered if a child had been a " distraction " during one
373    1990    MAG    Newsweek      #'s breast-cancer rate against the increase that rising mammography rates would have produced by themselves. The region's overall breast-cancer rate rose by 31
374    1998    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #been willing to inherit Mao's dictatorial mantle, he would have been unable to do so. As the first among equals, he
375    1990    FIC    Bk:BethlehemRoad      #of her emotion. Pitt could not apologize. It would have been ridiculous, and without purpose; grief had nothing to do with
376    2016    TV    The Librarians      #up. There's no danger in that. You would have me set up the traps, but, obviously, you don't
377    2019    TV    Pandora      #make sure that you're looked after/It's what she would have wanted. Is there any news on the investigation? None as of
378    1994    MAG    WashMonth      #was conniving to get his guy governor of Arkansas, would have said,' What you've got to do is go to Texas
379    2012    WEB      #Anonymous -- If your brain functions AT ALL -- you would have read that Jake was probably SAVED because he was going to be a
380    2004    FIC    FantasySciFi      #, the animals, the climate, the work we would have. They explained that we would be autonomous. We would have our
381    2012    BLOG      #the time Microsoft got it worked out with Samsung, would have taken far too long to roll out with Mango right on its heals
382    2012    BLOG      #Pastor Rondell Lance in western North Carolina. # I would have preferred it if Lawrence had discussed the MANY ancient cultures (some,
383    2007    MAG    SatEvenPost      #, whatever it was. And I'm sure I would have been able to do just that-if only I could have figured out how
384    1992    MAG    Forbes      #of having made 28% on your lira bet, you would have made 560%, or $280 million. # There are other ways,
385    2012    WEB      #mistakes happened, I don't think any of us would have been able to stomach having our children taken from us and placed into
386    2009    TV    True Blood      #work tonight. I said I was sorry. I would have got fired. Lucky you slept with the boss. Step up your
387    2007    NEWS    AssocPress      #. # Sarasota County is still evaluating the impact it would have. North Port is yet to take a final stand. # Giving
388    2007    ACAD    SouthwestRev      #for an immigration officer at Leonardo Da Vinci airport, would have worked, since no immigration officer ever asked: Sono qui per visitare
389    1992    MAG    Smithsonian      #underwater bow projection. For the Aleuts, the advantages would have been a quieter approach in stalking prey, as well as improved paddling
390    2012    BLOG      #for her. She had you trapped and knew you would have to react on some level. If you reacted negatively, she could
391    2000    NEWS    USAToday      #" If this information had been available, my dad would have steered clear of that physician, " says T.J., who last month
392    2012    BLOG      #artists music had so Bach Mozar without them no artists would have any inspiration really and no Ella Fitzgerald or Etta james or frank sinatra
393    2008    FIC    Bk:ExtremeMeasures      #" would have been on it, and the third would have made honorable mention. As chairmen of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
394    2017    ACAD    The Hemingway Review      #many other canarios who remained in Cuba, he likely would have attempted to Cubanize himself however possible in an effort to ease the tension
395    2012    WEB      #application to Pilate in behalf of Jesus, his body would have been buried " that night " in the same grave with the malefactors
396    2012    BLOG      #voted down. As I remember, the players we would have received are now major stars. If this is true, than blame
397    2006    MAG    AmHeritage      #still living in San Francisco. # Almost everything that would have been visible from this spot in 1906 was destroyed. Just a few
398    2007    ACAD    MechanicalEng      #tangible and reliable indicator of impending stress fractures, they would have an objective sign that it's time to back off and get some
399    1999    MAG    Esquire      #coffee, the papers. " This? " It would have sounded ridiculous to tell him in slow, clean sentences that I needed
400    2005    FIC    MassachRev      #of the demijohns, filled it for me. I would have offered to help but it seemed pointless. Her self-sufficiency was perfect and
401    1997    FIC    ChildrenPlaymate      #Felix felt like kicking their stupid old snowman. He would have, too, but Mrs. Jeffers called him to her back door.
402    2012    WEB      #. Take the high-end servers of yesteryear, one that would have been put out to pasture, and use that for such things.
403    2012    BLOG      #... but this guy takes off his helmet? it would have worked if no one else took off theirs and left holloway to risk
404    2016    FIC    Analog      #fuel. If Jacob hadn't been aboard, Jerwin would have ordered the tugs to back away and let it escape with good riddance
405    2012    WEB      #question from the settlement? A Sarbox victory in Countrywide would have opened the door to Sarbox prosecutions for everyone else. I doubt that
406    2012    BLOG      #independently made guild-contracted film does so. But the producers would have to renegotiate each of those deals, which may be impossible. In
407    2015    SPOK    Fox: Fox Hannity      #wouldn't have -- the plane itself, its avionics would have corrected the path it was on that would have hit the mountain,
408    2012    BLOG      #writer and amazing woman and friend. # If I would have slowed down just a bit before I played along with the FB game
409    1997    ACAD    ABAJournal      #ever been there. # If any had gone they would have found a legal community that is just that -- a community of lawyers
410    1998    SPOK    ABC_Special      #by the Republican Party to stand as Speaker. He would have become the Speaker in the next Congress. He now calls on the
411    2012    WEB      #ever more possible that attempts to destabilize Syria and Iran would have proceeded unopposed by a misinformed American public. After hearing reports about the
412    2009    SPOK    NPR_TalkNation      #if I'd had Beast Books at the time I would have loved to have done that book at that time and expanded it,
413    2012    BLOG      #design of the universe, do you think the movie would have made it to your Great Movies Collection? # I remember walking out
414    2006    NEWS    Atlanta      #that if I wanted to carry a sign, I would have to go to a Free Speech Zone. # This episode, though
415    2012    WEB      #could have caught the man completely unaware, and there would have been little trick involved in subduing him. But of all the lines
416    2017    FIC    Bk:ThousandFallingCrows      #his head in the right direction. The wrong way would have put him directly in line with the shot and it would have been
417    2012    WEB      #families worked towards how to safely handle firearms, we would have less firearm accidents. " # " Never being exposed to a real
418    1993    FIC    HarpersMag      #she laughed, Peter's fears about not having electricity would have been more realistic in an Italian house. As for the ugly barbed
419    2001    FIC    Analog      #lost track of the days, but Wilson or Scott would have kept good count. And here it was. Titus bent over the
420    2017    MAG    Daily Beast      #my grandmother who these people were. " # She would have a primary goal as she went on to train as an artist.
421    2012    BLOG      #it. If Nixon hadn't left office voluntarily he would have faced impeachment. For what, covering up a burglary? Remember,
422    2008    FIC    Bk:HowEnjoyScandal      #was lacking in even a hint of whiskers, Jason would have sacked him years ago. // " I shall stay inside the coach
423    2012    WEB      #country of that work becomes an eligible country, which would have violated section 106 if the restored work had been subject to copyright protection
424    2013    MAG    NewRepublic      #Alone on an island was where I figured a man would have found peace. Meaning, he'd be happy, but he'd
425    1990    FIC    Bk:StainlessSteel      #Ted Smallwood called him the Remit tance Man. Ted would have a check for him every six months there at the post office and
426    2012    BLOG      #visible of all uses are the stonewalls. Some farmers would have fun in the winter months with sticks of dynamite. They would blow
427    2016    TV    Modern Family      #'s asking him to. You know, I never would have agreed to give up 4th of July, and now I'm worried
428    2016    NEWS    The Boston Globe      #leading in the vast majority of the swing states Trump would have to carry to prevail. Trump is not going to win Florida,
429    2012    BLOG      #It could be done, I guess, but it would have to be quite subtle. I'm afraid the temptation would be to
430    2012    WEB      #, and in the absence of specific, detailed information would have been better than nothing. posted by empath at 8:22 PM on March
431    1996    MAG    PsychToday      #no white light. Had I seen that, that would have been okay. And people who have-and I believe those who say they
432    2002    FIC    NewEnglandRev      #, and that was that for Smurfs episodes because it would have been boring to watch without any bad guys and you could tell the
433    1998    FIC    AntiochRev      ## " Who, " she asked me, " would have ever thought we'd make national news? " # Our town is
434    2015    NEWS    NYTimes      #much more familiar with the zoning issues than any candidate would have been even two years ago, " said Quest Fanning, president of
435    1997    FIC    Ploughshares      #work for. A rough character, not, Audrey would have said. # She had written Berlin. She wouldn't stay at
436    1997    MOV    12 Angry Men      #that phony, psycho, whatsyoucallem stuff! That boy would have reckon that is, fill the people's heads with all that junk
437    2012    WEB      #of pain because of the prejudices of others. It would have been so much better if this could have been avoided...' #
438    1996    ACAD    EnvirAffairs      #land in order to get to the beach, this would have been considered a permanent physical occupation of the property and as such would
439    1999    NEWS    Houston      #final timeout? Just one extra tick at the end would have made the difference in terms of getting off another snap. # Question
440    2012    WEB      #do nt get the personal pics.... and if u would have did this amount of investigating when whitney was murdered we probably could have
441    2012    WEB      #and would not testify on the Benghazi attack, it would have sparked a media frenzy and an avalanche of Republican attacks. Petraeus was
442    2012    BLOG      #field. # 215 yards that little grey female would have been DRT with any rifle I own. # AKA - the guy
443    2017    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #, so for a plan like that, it probably would have a pretty significant deductible, like, somewhere in the 3 to 6,000
444    2016    NEWS    Minneapolis Star Tribune      #implications for Ruthaferd's criminal case, but a doctor would have to examine him and find him competent separately in the criminal proceeding.
445    2005    FIC    AntiochRev      #had been really brave, had any guts, I would have gone up there to Indiana, which might be just a basketball school
446    2012    BLOG      #but there is none. # I suspect his job would have been spared for a year had the team beat tu. As if
447    1993    NEWS    AssocPress      #clear from our high school years that each of us would have to pull his own weight in life, especially if we went to
448    2005    MOV    States of Grace      #you did for me that day. Sure. Anybody would have done it. Nah, that ain't true. My best friend
449    2012    BLOG      #kept their union dues in their own pockets -- that would have made up for the pay cut # charlotte # so those bakers showed
450    1991    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #the UN system, an early move in this direction would have several other benefits. Because the United States should encourage as much Arab
451    2012    WEB      #You were right, of course; the sensible thing would have been to turn in at the Rice place; only I didn't
452    2012    WEB      #we saved this particular one 2million on advertising spend that would have been entriely wasted. # A direct action came from the analysis and
453    2004    MAG    People      #Got ta Give. On the set, " she would have, like, eight papers under her arm, The New York Times
454    2012    BLOG      #" NOW I think you are brilliant and wished I would have stepped out of the box when doing my now 21 year old's
455    2012    BLOG      #and unemployment, compells me to agree that indeed it would have better to have concentrated efforts on the economy and unemployment issues early on
456    1994    TV    Star Trek: Deep Spac...      #. If someone hadn't told them the location they would have wiped out every village in the area. That would have meant the
457    2010    ACAD    20thCentLit      #ballads.10 Similarly, the repetition in " my sweet love would have to be untrue. / Would have to be untrue " suggests a
458    2004    FIC    Essence      #was too soft for a son of his -- he would have preferred me to work on cars or do what he deemed to be
459    2012    BLOG      #still stands though. I highly doubt the great man would have appreciated some Portuguese wingnut dragging his good name through the mud. I
460    1993    MAG    Skiing      #back the resort. The parent company, Claniel, would have made more money by simply walking away from the resort. Selling it
461    2012    WEB      #his buddies been on that flight: " We certainly would have tried to do something to fight. I've had probably over 50
462    2015    TV    Grey's Anatomy      #would've happened if you hadn't... It absolutely would have. We just wouldn't be here to catch it. Clear!
463    1990    NEWS    NYTimes      #last decade economic conditions or intense competition suggested that they would have to lower credit standards to attract borrowers, they instead virtually swore off
464    1993    NEWS    Chicago      #events and alternatives for consumers. I'm sure you would have found the issue newsworthy without the collection events to focus on. Each
465    1994    FIC    Ploughshares      #, and the boys' tangles with drugs and depression would have been far more disastrous. She doesn't mind their dependence, considering
466    2002    FIC    Ploughshares      #of the South Slavs, would happen; then it would have been worth it. We were transferred to the prison in Theresienstadt,
467    2006    FIC    KenyonRev      #'d been gone three quarters of an hour already and would have to bring something back. A narrow frontage road slithered ahead of him
468    2014    FIC    GettysburgRev      #been discovered smuggling used mice from the lab, that would have been disaster enough. Likely unemployment, and a vague cloud of suspicion
469    2012    WEB      #safety. At trial, the officer claimed that Selz would have caused an accident and indeed, that she prevented this " accident "
470    1994    NEWS    WashPost      #child near the end of her two years, she would have 4-6 months to care for that infant before job requirements set in;
471    2017    MAG    The Atlantic      #alone justified the move. # It was obvious Democrats would have less power to block Trump nominees immediately after the election. But the
472    1992    FIC    Bk:InterviewVampire      #whole week was agony for Johanna, since December 27th would have been their eleventh wedding anniversary, and New Year's Eve had always
473    2012    BLOG      #were the guy who would have spoken up, who would have put a stop to it and, man, back then I wished
474    2019    MAG    MarketWatch      #knowing a firm retirement date. Moreover, policy makers would have to think about how a change in retirement age would affect early retirement
475    2004    FIC    HarpersMag      #. In another country, under another code, it would have been my duty to return to Rufus's with a gun. But
476    2012    WEB      #tests for Medicare patients; cutting those fees in half would have destroyed us. I know that many primary care offices lose money on
477    2001    FIC    Bk:ParadiseCounty      #too dark to be sure, but he thought he would have seen a gleam of reflected light or something if the guy was looking
478    2012    WEB      ## Before I considered Jeffie for the HOF, he would have had to demonstrate at some point that he was willing to field a
479    1997    TV    Home Improvement      #host of fine decorator colors. Well, my favorites would have to be the Seafoam Green and the Biscuit. And as you also
480    2001    MAG    TIME      #in Israel's Negev). Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat would have to give up his demand that millions of Palestinian exiles have the "
481    2019    FIC    NewEnglandRev      #when a moustache and the high jackboots of a dragoon would have suited her much better. On the other hand, her activities completely
482    2012    BLOG      #and made everybody poorer and less healthy than they otherwise would have been. # Very interesting. So not only does libertopia not admit
483    2012    WEB      #keep Notre Dame in the game, as the offense would have very little success against a ridiculous Alabama defense. Seriously, that's
484    1994    FIC    ArkansasRev      #to know that if I had known this, I would have never even mentioned the state competition to you. I've been involved
486    1992    ACAD    SportBehavior      #the information value of their performance outcomes, then success would have tended to increase IM. If, however, they interpreted the reward
487    1997    MAG    Forbes      #in Turner Broadcasting. Kerkorian's lawyers calculated that Turner would have insufficient cash for the foreseeable future and that within two or three years
488    2001    MOV    13 Ghosts: The Magic of Illusion-O      #there. - Excited? - Yeah. - Mom would have freaked over this. - Yeah. Looks like things are starting to
489    2014    FIC    Bk:SustenanceNovel      #toast. The herring was broiled. Not what she would have back home, but not too foreign, either. She fit the
490    2012    BLOG      #with Katie from If I Knew You Were Coming I Would Have Baked a Cake. When I saw the name on her blog I
491    2012    WEB      #constituted the " possibility of opting out " then you would have absolutely no grounds of complaining that any existing system of government did not
492    2007    SPOK    CBS_48Hours      #about her going back? BECKY: Well, I would have preferred her to stay here. (Photo-of-Becky-and) MORIARTY: (Voiceover) In fact,
493    1994    TV    Star Trek: Deep Spac...      #place in this hall. A brave Ferengi. Who would have thought it possible? I believe there are enough unusual circumstances here to
494    2013    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #, you know, a post-hypnotic suggestion that this man would have to take off his jacket and his hat whenever Hubbard touched his tie
495    1994    TV    The Fresh Prince of ...      #. - Really? - Of course not. I would have been happy paying you a token salary while someone else did the real
496    2012    WEB      #patrol the streets. At this late hour, soldiers would have set up a roadblock. Ebed wasn't carrying the motorcycle registration,
497    2012    WEB      #could have' fit in', trust me i would have. # but i agree that transmen should be careful with male power
498    2003    TV    Charmed      #. My word against his, you know? I would have gone in with you if you asked. I did, I asked
499    1992    SPOK    CNN_Pinnacle      #and stay at home and- I don't think they would have come along had I not been ready for that. And, you
500    2012    WEB      #the private marketplace. That wasn't true. They would have gone through. " # THE FACTS: " Romney Is Correct In
 / 1000  

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