has|have tried (SAMPLE)500 现在完成进行时 vs 现在完成时 搭配对比

has|have tried

@@to:@@ 410
@@have:@@ 402
@@the:@@ 218
@@has:@@ 144
@@i:@@ 141
@@and:@@ 127
@@of:@@ 81
@@that:@@ 72
@@in:@@ 60
@@a:@@ 57
@@#:@@ 49
@@":@@ 46
@@you:@@ 41
@@it:@@ 41
@@we:@@ 38
@@he:@@ 36
@@for:@@ 36
@@with:@@ 33
@@they:@@ 32
@@this:@@ 31
@@but:@@ 30
would: 27(理论上是虚拟语气的用法,但是coca这些语料很多都没搭配着if(大概一半没搭配if))
@@who:@@ 26
many: 24
@@do:@@ 24
@@some:@@ 23
@@my:@@ 23
@@on:@@ 23
@@as:@@ 22
@@out:@@ 22
@@so:@@ 22
other: 21
@@is:@@ 20
@@be:@@ 20
by: 18
@@make:@@ 17
@@their:@@ 17
@@us:@@ 17
tried: 16
@@from:@@ 15
@@all:@@ 14
different: 14
@@people:@@ 14
every: 13
failed: 13
@@his:@@ 13
@@--:@@ 13
@@she:@@ 13
@@years:@@ 12
our: 12
@@her:@@ 12
@@one:@@ 12
@@things:@@ 12
@@what:@@ 11
@@him:@@ 11
@@me:@@ 11
said: 11
@@how:@@ 11
@@get:@@ 11
more: 10
everything: 10
@@at:@@ 10
@@time:@@ 9
@@up:@@ 9
than: 9
@@not:@@ 9
should: 9
@@something:@@ 9
@@if:@@ 9
there: 9
might: 8
before: 8
@@an:@@ 8
@@find:@@ 8
could: 8
times: 8(I have tried this recipe four times now.)
republicans: 8
through: 8
best: 8
explain: 8
@@because:@@ 7
@@or:@@ 7
@@them:@@ 7
use: 7
@@just:@@ 7
@@into:@@ 7
@@keep:@@ 7
may: 7
even: 7
@@these:@@ 7
@@think:@@ 7
are: 7
both: 6
world: 6
@@down:@@ 6
states: 6
@@well:@@ 6
@@like:@@ 6
@@president:@@ 6
few: 6
@@right:@@ 6
@@since:@@ 6
no: 6
any: 6
why: 6
@@been:@@ 6
@@work:@@ 6
over: 6
@@about:@@ 6
others: 6
harder: 6
cases: 5
changes: 5
within: 5
united: 5
@@american:@@ 5
new: 5
@@here:@@ 5
three: 5
bring: 5
recent: 5
@@take:@@ 5
@@past:@@ 5
which: 5
am: 5
@@hard:@@ 5
sure: 5
when: 5
@@were:@@ 5
@@back:@@ 5
percent: 5
never: 5
@@ive:@@ 5
too: 5
comply: 5
@@say:@@ 5
most: 5
balance: 5
costs: 5


been trying

@@to:@@ 536
trying: 514
@@ive:@@ 155
@@the:@@ 155
@@have:@@ 138
@@i:@@ 85
@@has:@@ 80
@@you:@@ 78
@@for:@@ 77
@@and:@@ 72
@@get:@@ 71
@@that:@@ 69
@@a:@@ 66
@@#:@@ 59
had: 54
@@it:@@ 50
@@":@@ 48
@@of:@@ 41
@@in:@@ 40
@@me:@@ 39
@@this:@@ 37
weve: 36
@@years:@@ 35
@@what:@@ 33
@@out:@@ 32
@@do:@@ 31
@@all:@@ 30(Your mom's been trying on your clothes all day. )
@@with:@@ 27
@@he:@@ 26
@@but:@@ 26
@@my:@@ 26
@@him:@@ 24
tell: 24
@@since:@@ 23
@@up:@@ 23
@@find:@@ 21
@@make:@@ 21
@@on:@@ 21
@@we:@@ 21
@@so:@@ 20
@@she:@@ 19
reach: 15
@@they:@@ 15
@@from:@@ 15
@@people:@@ 15
@@is:@@ 15
@@us:@@ 14
@@been:@@ 14
know: 13
hes: 13
@@her:@@ 13
@@work:@@ 13
@@as:@@ 12
youve: 12
figure: 12
@@about:@@ 12
@@here:@@ 11
theyve: 11
@@who:@@ 11
@@his:@@ 11
thats: 11
@@how:@@ 10
long: 10(I've just been trying to get to the temple for a long time now.;;;we' ve been trying to tell for a long time)
contact: 10
-: 10
@@well:@@ 10
2012: 9
last: 9
@@keep:@@ 9
@@like:@@ 9
call: 9
shes: 8
@@them:@@ 8
@@think:@@ 8
@@back:@@ 8
@@at:@@ 8
@@hard:@@ 8
@@an:@@ 8
night: 8( I've been out all night trying to find Kim)
ever: 7(have been trying to get it back ever since.)
can: 7
@@--:@@ 7
same: 7
@@time:@@ 7
government: 7
@@something:@@ 7
its: 7
@@be:@@ 7
your: 7
@@past:@@ 6
point: 6
understand: 6
was: 6
much: 6
@@just:@@ 6
@@not:@@ 6
@@these:@@ 6
where: 6
put: 6
@@some:@@ 6
two: 6
id: 6
hed: 6
@@or:@@ 6
now: 6
fic: 6
@@if:@@ 6
@@right:@@ 5
@@take:@@ 5
see: 5
off: 5
exactly: 5
@@into:@@ 5
look: 5
avoid: 5
@@american:@@ 5
hold: 5
come: 5
meet: 5
@@were:@@ 5
@@president:@@ 5
@@their:@@ 5
@@things:@@ 5
kill: 5
whos: 5
@@say:@@ 5
news: 5
@@because:@@ 5
@@down:@@ 5
thing: 5
sell: 5
year: 5
@@one:@@ 5




1    2019    SPOK    CNN_Newsroom      #He is absolutely correct in some cases because he has tried with a lot of great efforts, put a lot of offers out there
2    2019    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #And then Korey is in Harlem. And he has tried to live other places and just loves Harlem. You know, when he
3    2019    SPOK    Fox_Ingraham      #, I think -- or 2010. Many administrations have tried to make progress. None of them have, really. We at least
4    2019    FIC    SciFI & Fantasy      #, I was still naive enough that I might have tried to. # The eleventh time I left my apartment on my own,
5    2019    FIC    NewYorker      #" X " or " U. " The mother has tried installing herself in every room of the house in order to write, but
6    2019    NEWS    New York Times      #of sexual abuse by priests, recognizing nuns who have tried for years to call attention to their plight. With the #MeToo movement going
7    2019    NEWS    Washington Post      #I have worked within the Republican Party. I have tried to make changes from within. My colleagues have tried to make changes from
8    2019    NEWS    Washington Post      #tried to make changes from within. My colleagues have tried to make changes from within. It hasn't worked. It's not
9    2019    ACAD    American Indian Quarterly      #his narrative, "' All my life I have tried to learn as the Chickadee learns, by listening, -profiting by the mistakes
11    2019    TV    Single Parents (1)      #get your hopes up, lady. Many have tried. All have failed. Oh, my God! " Butts "?
12    2019    TV    Star Trek: Discovery      #psychoanalyze me, Michael. Better minds than yours have tried and failed. Yet you chose me for this journey. You value our
13    2018    SPOK    CBS_Morning      #say is that past presidents in both political parties have tried to fix the broken world trading system. China is the worst. All
14    2018    MAG    Fox News      #media and the San Juan Mayor who sadly, have tried to exploit the devastation by pushing out a constant stream of misinformation and false
15    2018    MAG    Gizmodo      #altered mosquitos. # Other approaches to fighting malaria have tried genetically modifying bacteria found inside mosquitoes to fight off the parasite, or giving
16    2018    NEWS    Virginian-Pilot      #a steady descent into the twilight zone as Fox has tried to reconcile what he remembers of Shaw with what police and prosecutors in Norfolk
17    2018    NEWS    USA TODAY      #history of discrimination and racial polarization, Mike Espy has tried to carefully walk the line on race as an issue in the Mississippi Senate
18    2018    ACAD    Foreign Affairs      #pressure Maduro to step down. The United States has tried this. It passed several rounds of sanctions, under both the Obama and
19    2018    MOV    The Jurassic Games      #Surely you're aware. Well groups like that have tried before. But our security is tight, and I am confident that the
20    2017    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #, who has invaded other countries, and who has tried to interfere in an American election. And that simply to accept that,
21    2017    SPOK    Fox: O'Reilly Factor      #have gone down a different road. I would have tried to break new ground. Instead of doing a political interview, I would
22    2017    SPOK    Fox: First 100 Days      #of foundation being created here. Presidents throughout history have tried to find a way to directly speak to the public. That is what
23    2017    SPOK    CNN: Anderson Cooper      #of change agents, and both of them could have tried to transcend their parties. President Obama, you know, made a mistake
24    2017    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #prepared to have constructive, productive talks. We have tried a couple of times to signal to them that we're ready when they
25    2017    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #crises that we have faced. Three previous administrations have tried to make deals with North Korea in order to stop the steady progress they
26    2017    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #You need almost every single Republicans vote. Republicans have tried to rush this through and they're repeatedly found that they need more time
27    2017    SPOK    ABC: Nightline      #, both as president and as a candidate, has tried to talk America out of deeper involvement in Syria. But tonight, he
28    2017    FIC    Bk:BridesGeorgia      #gruff lecture interrupted her reminiscing. " My sister has tried her best to mold you into a proper young lady. " He shook
29    2017    FIC    Analog      #love seeing them in my yard! The Nelsons have tried to compete, but the numbers of butterflies they get in their yard-it's
30    2017    FIC    FantasySciFi      #done if nothing else had happened. Would he have tried to kill Frank Pope? And if he had, what would he have
31    2017    MAG    Phys.Org      #most efficiently. # " Some research teams abroad have tried to create electronic devices based on GaSe. However, despite extensive theoretical studies
32    2017    MAG    Business Insider      #senior economic adviser Gary Cohn, both of whom have tried to bring the president toward the center on key issues such as immigration reform
33    2017    NEWS    New York Post      #in good standing. # Traditionally, US presidents have tried to reform the council. George W. Bush hoped to do this by declining
34    2017    NEWS    New York Post      #hands. # For too long the United States has tried to reform a human-rights council that has come to symbolize a UN system that
35    2017    ACAD    Texas Law Review      #three centuries, jurists throughout the common law world have tried to justify this fundamental precept based on classical liberalism's vision of freedom as
36    2017    ACAD    Iowa Law Review      #are all questions that the Seventh and Ninth Circuits have tried to answer in recent cases. The Ninth Circuit criticized the writing of CAFA
37    2016    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #. And that's something that certainly President Obama has tried to quietly suggest to him. DICKERSON# Let me ask you about the --
38    2016    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #the U.N.s of the world, like President Obama has tried to emphasize. That he's going to have more of a transactional relationship
39    2016    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #, but it's an issue that Hillary Clinton has tried on the campaign trail to defuse by saying she's sorry for mentioning super
40    2016    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #Obama, with some success, sometimes not, has tried to use his oratorical skills to make the most of this. JUDY-WOODRUFF# But
41    2016    MAG    The Atlantic      #number of politicians, and not just Trump, have tried to make the media into the enemy during this election. This tactic is
42    2016    MAG    Scientific American      #president. # Hundreds of journalists and political scientists have tried to explain Trump's appeal, suggesting reasons that range from the decline of
43    2016    MAG    USNWR      #As a federal appeals court judge, Merrick Garland has tried to restrict individual rights and he has worked to expand the power of the
44    2016    NEWS    The Seattle Times      #Ilyse Hogue, said Thursday. # House Republicans have tried and failed to cut off all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, but their
45    2016    NEWS    Omaha World-Herald      # 4176360 # Kanye has tried repeatedly and often to make artist-friendly streaming service Tidal happen. The premise is
46    2016    ACAD    Iowa Law Review      #amount the jury will award.55 # A few scholars have tried to understand the dangers of counter-anchors. Decker presented 283 students with written case
47    2016    ACAD    BYU Law Rev      #inventor's hats.139 # Because very few product owners have tried to enforce design patents against video game developers, it is difficult to say
48    2016    ACAD    Journal of Film and Video      #a type of ephemera, and increasingly many filmmakers have tried to visualize this financially invoked culture for several decades now. Yet how can
49    2015    SPOK    CNN: Dr. Drew      #the same way. And for me, I have tried every different -- I have tried to be really feminine and do this.
50    2015    SPOK    CNN: Dr. Drew      #me, I have tried every different -- I have tried to be really feminine and do this. I have tried the to do
51    2015    SPOK    CNN: Dr. Drew      #to be really feminine and do this. I have tried the to do the other way. You know, I have gone about
52    2015    FIC    SouthwestRev      #the occasional poem give him some relief. Jimmy has tried to correct the Geee-anghis bumpkin friends call her. He brags that Giang's
53    2015    FIC    Atlantic      #story, even in 1972? Could they not have tried to look into it? Who was assigned to the case, and could
54    2015    FIC    ParisRev      #the way to and from school, Sammy would have tried to keep out of their lines of sight, so that he wouldn't
55    2015    MAG    ScienceNews      #more, at least the bigger ones. Liu has tried it and may have hit on four or five more free-floaters already, he
56    2015    NEWS    WashPost      #to defending his policies, the famously irascible mayor has tried to soften his image. He released a direct-to- camera TV ad this past
57    2015    NEWS    NYTimes      #to their jobs in the city. The government has tried to carve out space for working families by giving them preference on the wait
58    2015    NEWS    STLouis      #. Departments such as Maricopa County, Ariz., have tried, unsuccessfully, to sue the federal government. Most departments, such as
59    2015    NEWS    NYTimes      #high, " he said. The Chinese government has tried in recent years to improve the business environment by upgrading legal protections. But
60    2015    NEWS    USAToday      #Broadly. 8. Colts coach Chuck Pagano should have tried that fake punt thing right before the end of the half. Instead,
61    2015    ACAD    ArtBulletin      #were also found in contemporary China and Japan, has tried to account for the artistic transformation of early modern Korea in the light of
62    2015    TV    Wentworth      #from here. Do you know plenty of people have tried to help Franky? They have all failed. Governor's expecting me.
63    2014    SPOK    CBS: Face The Nation      #good people in the United States Senate. We have tried to move something forward. Take a look at the House, if you
64    2014    SPOK    Fox: On The Record: Baier      #have made over the past two weeks. They have tried desperately to separate the Taliban and Al Qaeda. They really try to do
65    2014    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #DAVE-DAVIES# You looked at a lot of places that have tried a more therapeutic approach to juvenile treatment - in some cases detention, in
66    2014    FIC    Bk:LeavingTimeNovel      #have just closed my eyes. Maybe I would have tried to memorize the smell of bug spray on my mother's skin, or
67    2014    MAG    Money      #leads to abuses. While the Department of Labor has tried to change the rules, the industry has argued that advisers wouldn't come
68    2014    NEWS    USAToday      #10% surcharge for cash, she said. Colorado has tried to solve the problem with a new state law permitting creation of marijuana banking
69    2014    NEWS    STLouis      #playstation. " - Ryan Whitney, ex-NHL defenseman who has tried out for the Blues the past two seasons. Ratings on Fox Sports Midwest
70    2014    NEWS    STLouis      #life in Victorian England, many of which she has tried herself. Karen Barton, youth librarian at Carpenter library branch " The Invention
71    2014    NEWS    Austin      #sort of tort cases Perry and his business-interest donors have tried to scuttle, he is also an A&M man, a military veteran and
72    2014    ACAD    Ref&UserServQ      #to assist at the reference desk. Some libraries have tried different models but then returned to the traditional one with professional librarians staffing the
73    2014    MOV    High School Possession      #who he shares this stuff with. Her mom has tried everything else. Please. She needs your help. Uh, Reverend Young
74    2014    MOV    High School Possession      #like professional medical help. Yeah, her mom has tried everything. Believe me, nothing's worked. Well then what is Olivia
75    2014    TV    Significant Mother      #I'm sorry! I am sorry! I have tried to deal with her for the sake of both of our dates, but
76    2014    TV    The Affair      #been lying to us all. Alison, I have tried so hard for so long to find love in my heart to forgive you
77    2013    SPOK    CBS: This Morning      #files to try to make sure that nobody has-- has tried that. And so far nobody seems to have. But they have also
78    2013    MAG    HistoryToday      #, in the last decade, the US military has tried, somewhat feebly, to recruit anthropologists to help them with' counter-insurgency'
79    2013    NEWS    WashPost      #and prison breaks. Leaders in the Kurdistan region have tried to quell the concerns of Iraqi and American officials, giving assurances that they
80    2013    NEWS    CSMonitor      #feel. Which is what the Pew Research Center has tried to do in a number of recent studies. Questioning a' patriotism gap
81    2013    NEWS    OrangeCR      #, " Rose says. Lawmakers, meanwhile, have tried to reconcile their consciences by limiting where they allow casinos, trying to put
82    2012    SPOK    PBS_NewsHour      #and its second largest economy. Mr-Obama-said-such# BARACK-OBAMA-: We have tried to emphasize that because of China's extraordinarily -- extraordinary development over the last
83    2012    SPOK    PBS_NewsHour      #to people who have been working with him and have tried to advise him, when you give him some grand ideological philosophy, it
84    2012    SPOK    CNN: Anderson Cooper      #I wrote down some of the numbers. They have tried this in adults. Three adults have had complete remission. No signs of
85    2012    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #of them have been successful in nearly everything they have tried in their professional lives. Now, President Obama clearly was the more knowledgeable
86    2012    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #. That's one of the myths the Republicans have tried to create. Social Security is sound for the next many years. But
87    2012    MAG    America      #openness to consider remaining Catholic into adulthood. We have tried to provide a supportive atmosphere in which they learned about the best of their
88    2012    MAG    America      #2. Practicing faith as a family. We have tried since the girls were little to pray comfortably together -- at bedtime when they
89    2012    MAG    USAToday      #comforting. Time and time again, defense contractors have tried, but failed, to achieve success in civilian markets. Failures literally have
90    2012    ACAD    PracticeNurse      #very unwell, experiencing an episode of psychosis or have tried to take their own life they can be offered appropriate support at home from
92    2012    MOV    The Science of Doctor Who      #put it as low as a 1. I have tried to read up on it. At one point, about a year after
93    2012    TV    The Godparent Trap      #doing? Googling to see how many TV families have tried the same ol' tired plan that never works. Okay, let's
94    2012    WEB    flickr.com      #with mountains is well returned. Perhaps I would have tried to avoid the buildings by choosong another angle, that would also have avoid
95    2012    WEB    ...punchinthethroat.com      #stop to think that the couple you're judging has tried to have children but can't? Maybe they've been trying to adopt
96    2012    WEB    blogs.rj.org      #have interviewed several autism specialists on the website and have tried to keep up with current information on new treatments as they become available.
97    2012    WEB    artsjournal.com      #rip-off Rice Krispies commercial. More recent attempts that have tried have caused a lot of consternation and bafflement among those who don't understand
98    2012    WEB    maddowblog.msnbc.com      #with it all of her photo IDs. She has tried, to no avail, to get a new birth certificate. Not surprising
99    2012    WEB    pinchmysalt.com      #I do NOT use any other brand. I have tried White Lily, and frankly, I hated it. Gold Medal might work
100    2012    WEB    roadcage.com      #my pants down around my ankles, I would have tried it. # Around that time Dan was pushing the transparent, lucite/clear plastic
101    2012    WEB    keennewsservice.com      #Republican primary debate, he was asked how he has tried to influence other Republicans on " gay rights. " # " I do
102    2012    WEB    whitehouse.gov      #been sensitive to the problem of unintended consequences and has tried to anticipate and address issues that could arise during the implementation of these guidelines
103    2012    WEB    dartmouth.edu      #seems to me, more by aesthetics. We have tried to make mathematics a consistent, beautiful thing, and by so doing we
104    2012    WEB    colorado.edu      #become more conscious of how conflict is done, have tried increasingly to understand it and how to deal with it in constructive ways.
105    2012    WEB    ...y-online.reviiew.com      #and your family remains safe. # Many people have tried all sorts of diets. One of the reasons why people have tried so
106    2012    WEB    ...y-online.reviiew.com      #of diets. One of the reasons why people have tried so many different diets is because they haven't found one that works!
107    2012    WEB    wordpress.org      #again into phpmyadmin for my site? # I have tried this, but the site looks entirely different. Going into the databasefile also
108    2012    WEB    ...istsview.typepad.com      #probably hear cries of " Solyndra! " Republicans have tried to make the failed solar panel company... a symbol of government waste --
109    2012    WEB    thenextweb.com      #in real-time across the Web. Since then Microsoft has tried to fight back, with a free version of its own Office suite and
110    2012    WEB    ...ffmann.wordpress.com      #thanks to my own moral frailty), I have tried hard to use that which has been given to me. In particular,
111    2012    WEB    ...mondsza.blogspot.com      #complying so compliance has been intensified, copyright laws have tried to address changes in publishing and recording and they have failed dismally to the
112    2012    WEB    medhelp.org      #in the mirror and feel VERY overweight. I have tried to lose a few pounds but it never works. I have never binged
113    2012    WEB    medhelp.org      #all my friends barley passed grade nine and I have tried to kill myself three times. So please learn from my mistakes GET HELP
114    2012    WEB    biroco.com      #The nature of' obviousness' is something I have tried to get to grips with. What makes something obvious? It's a
115    2012    WEB    ...kingforengineers.com      #said... # Subject: Brown tops # I have tried this recipe four times now. The first time, I dropped the temperature
116    2012    WEB    practikel.com      #, not even ourselves! Some " Christians " have tried to get their point across with hateful signs and frankly have closed the door
117    2012    WEB    afterelton.com      #" Which: Of all the lessons this show has tried to throw at us, that succinct one right there has got to be
118    2012    WEB    drhelen.blogspot.com      #guilty about this when it does happen since I have tried everything to have that kind of passion in my marriage where it should be
119    2012    WEB    drhelen.blogspot.com      #able to arouse me at all even when he has tried - and at first he was put out he couldn't, since I
120    2012    WEB    hackaday.com      #had a map and compass, I personally would have tried walking the few dozens of miles to Tan-Tan instead of spending 12 days in
121    2012    WEB    hackaday.com      #I know at least two french guys who would have tried, and one of them would have actually pulled it off for sure....
122    2012    WEB    connecttristates.com      # 692295 # which means Microsoft Office Access has tried its best but still can not repair the file. # This is a
123    2012    WEB    shtfplan.com      #it enriches them at OUR expense. # They have tried to destroy the dollar, transferred the nation's wealth offshore, and spent
124    2012    WEB    shtfplan.com      #and read this shit.... depressing. # I have tried to warn you folks that the " visitors " from other worlds run this
125    2012    WEB    glbtss.colostate.edu      #, and it can be costly. You may have tried using alcohol or other drugs to numb yourself against these thoughts. You may
126    2012    WEB    blogs.suntimes.com      #it comes to grandeur and grace. # I have tried to analyze why I feel what I feel when I see a Sullivan building
127    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #insights of the Axial Age. Each generation since has tried to adapt the original insights to their particular situation and that is our task
128    2012    WEB    sing365.com      #can not be together. As much as we have tried to make it work, we always come back to goodbye, and i
129    2012    WEB    ...ientificamerican.com      #be rejected. For over 100 years modern physics has tried to stamp out the existence of aether and their best proof has been the
130    2012    WEB    3quarksdaily.com      #although more so than Shahid's) and I have tried to retain the rhyme scheme and even, to some extent, the meter
131    2012    WEB    siteground.com      #dedicated hosting solutions. In this tutorial, we have tried to brief the information on cloud hosting into several articles and to offer you
132    2012    WEB    magazine.nature.org      #remain near-pristine. # Over the years, many have tried to transform the character of the Altamaha, proposing everything from damming to dredging
133    2012    WEB    infidels.org      #, placed in distant rooms... and other studies have tried to discover whether subjects seem to be looking from a specific location during OBEs
134    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #about the rise of a nuclear Iran the West has tried to appease, and speculates about it compelling a nuclear exchange with Israel which
135    2012    WEB    ...hitehousedossier.com      #Constitution. While today's politicians and public officials have tried to convince those questioning Obama's eligibility that simply being born on U.S. soil
136    2012    WEB    ...mpoweringparents.com      #stuff doesn't happen until High School. I have tried the school at home theory with no success when he' forgets' his
137    2012    WEB    ...mpoweringparents.com      #next day because he is so tired. I have tried and am still trying the making him responsible for his school work. If
138    2012    WEB    nap.edu      #rankings of programs are intrinsically imprecise. The committee has tried to take into account these sources of variation in its illustrative rankings and,
139    2012    WEB    salon.com      #Relations Board. OUR Walmart alleges that the company has tried to suppress employees' activism through illegal tactics, such as threatening workers,
140    2012    WEB    nationalreview.com      #deliberately dividing the country, where every other president has tried to bring us together. I guess that works in Chicago, where the
141    2012    WEB    sparknotes.com      #he apologizes to the men who for so long have tried to shut him up. He finally feels the guilt and pain that the
142    2012    WEB    cnn.com      #Oliveira and regional lawmaker Nicole Minetti, whom prosecutors have tried to link to the allegations against the prime minister. # El Mahrough said
143    2012    WEB    metafilter.com      #Galifinakis, who I actually think is funny) have tried to copy the tactics of Kaufman, only Norm has adapted it to the
144    2012    WEB    emptycitynovel.com      #He might have been wrong. The shark may have tried to communicate with him after all. # Roaming the seas freely without vessel
145    2012    WEB    howistheanswer.com      #pen or you can read. But anyone who has tried to build a real business knows how hard it is to design a product
146    2012    WEB    casacolumbia.org      #in a week are 32 percent likelier never to have tried cigarettes (86 percent vs. 65 percent), 45 percent likelier never to
147    2012    WEB    casacolumbia.org      #65 percent), 45 percent likelier never to have tried alcohol (68 percent vs. 47 percent), and 24 percent likelier never
148    2012    WEB    ...diographics.rsna.org      #applied to a particular type of injury. We have tried to depict the injuries in a manner most consistent with their original description.
149    2012    WEB    holysoup.com      #cult leader and my church family disregards everything i have tried to be a part of for a single vote. Politics and faith are
150    2012    WEB    ...angette.blogspot.com      #want to make this. If any of you have tried it, please report. And I highly recommend this. I' ve
151    2012    WEB    lyricstime.com      #Even if you say goodbye I know that I have tried, I've tried to tell you, Got to tell you. #
152    2012    WEB    arachnoid.com      #are part of a long list of people who have tried to use psychology to give a scientific patina to their personal beliefs, perhaps
153    2012    WEB    thehairpin.com      #my bowels pull these stunts--believe me, the doctors have tried to figure it out. # OxfordComma Your habits sound just like my live-in
154    2012    WEB    pbs.org      #take my hat off to the police. They have tried their best to protect the rights of the protesters to voice their reasonable complaints
155    2012    WEB    betterexplained.com      ## I wonder if you can help. I have tried copy the code into my. htaccess file ran the test and I am
156    2012    WEB    betterexplained.com      #this isn't working for me. # I have tried in on other sites I have and again no result whatsoever. No errors
157    2012    WEB    betterexplained.com      #! # Many thanks for posting that article I have tried the various suggestions that you mentioned and so far the addition of the php
158    2012    WEB    justthink.org      #care of the problem before the deadline! You have tried in every way to meet the " T-Party " led Republicans half way and
159    2012    WEB    deborahbiancotti.net      #; Watts &; del Toro are the humans who have tried to do the best with themselves, tried to do right, tried to
160    2012    WEB    my.citysearch.com      #sanitized package on each and every visit. I have tried so many other salons that are closer to where I live but always end
161    2012    WEB    overthinkingit.com      #. I'm not surprised that the showrunners may have tried to up their success rate (like any other prosecutor) to protect the
162    2012    WEB    thegrindstone.com      #mornings. # As an confirmed night owl who has tried for ages to be a morning person... just no. # Amanda White
163    2012    WEB    tanyaclement.org      #of inquiry and critique the tools and approaches they have tried during the development year. This second meeting will end with a daylong session
164    2012    WEB    hillbuzz.org      #some kind (like she and Justin's father have tried on him before). # I think CarolAnne actually believes that Obama will
165    2012    WEB    hillbuzz.org      #outcry against SOPA and the other crazy things Democrats have tried to do to the Internet in recent years. This is an issue that
166    2012    WEB    spoonfedblog.net      #they eat... since they started preK, they have tried new foods offered there (mostly veggies) and both of them have increase
167    2012    WEB    amazon.com      #" the mountain of too much. " They have tried to deal with overloaded lives very typically, cramming more into each hour and
168    2012    WEB    inquisitr.com      #it. She never had it! I would have tried to pull that stunt if I would have thought about it, too!
169    2012    WEB    allaboutbirds.org      #keep ants out of our hummingbird feeder? We have tried to stop these pesky ants but we have come against a block. We
170    2012    WEB    allaboutbirds.org      #of sugar &; water -- no color. We have tried to stop these ants by putting an ant spray which was (recommended)
171    2012    WEB    ...mpoweringparents.com      #attitude. he is not intrested in anything we have tried punishment treats he has alot of attention good and bad we are stuck on
172    2012    WEB    jasonlisle.com      #biblical creationist. This of course upsets evolutionists who have tried so hard to dupe the public into believing that creation is somehow unscientific.
173    2012    WEB    fayar.craigslist.org      #I am. I am a country boy and have tried to be as honest as possible and hope you have a home
174    2012    WEB    dailygarnish.com      #the talk about not liking Brussels sprouts until you have tried this dish. This is bright in both color and flavor! # Cranberry
175    2012    WEB    depts.washington.edu      #my interpretations differ from those of others. I have tried my best to muster all the evidence in the notes for my own interpretations
176    2012    WEB    ...odayhealth.today.com      #said. # Dennery suspects that U.S. doctors would have tried to resuscitate the newborn. But even in cases where that doesn't look
177    2012    WEB    abcnews.go.com      #make sure there's not one there. They have tried to convince us that there have been threats in the past which have never
178    2012    WEB    revelation13.net      #these disasters. # In this web site I have tried to show how astrology, new age methods, religion, bible prophecy,
179    2012    WEB    revelation13.net      #between religions, and that is the path I have tried. John 8:32: " And ye shall know the truth, and the
180    2012    WEB    alaskadispatch.com      #to help the Yemeni government streamline coffee productivity, has tried Ezzi's coffee, finding it " fairly encouraging " and with " a
181    2012    WEB    adage.com      #Strategies in Washington, D.C., says job candidates have tried everything to get her attention, from targeted Facebook ads to sending her a
182    2012    WEB    apartmenttherapy.com      #longtime bipolar... Not. My brother and I have tried everything short of going to court. It's really rough. I'm
183    2012    WEB    tedmontgomery.com      #play the role of God successfully? though many have tried and will try. # I believe that probably the greatest obstacle to people
184    2012    BLOG    ....2createawebsite.com      #. Yes, any of you out there that has tried that you know what I mean. I found a " so called "
185    2012    BLOG    omnomicon.com      #own, most importantly now that you might well have tried it in the event you ever desired. These points also acted to be
186    2012    BLOG    parentingsquad.com      #the way is healthy as they come. I have tried a couple sips of my husbands wine or even margarita. And i've
187    2012    BLOG    lifesitenews.com      #10:10:04 # johnb123 and light -- again, I have tried commenting on faith-related questions in this thread... including some thoughts that would at
188    2012    BLOG    freecatholic808.com      #Given how many far right " Christian " politicians have tried to woo voters with their supposedly Bible-based beliefs, Speaking Christian feels like essential
189    2012    BLOG    zerohedge.com      #. " # a few people in the northeast have tried doing this indoors and have gotten in minor trouble. more salient is the
190    2012    BLOG    zerohedge.com      #who got started when she was 15. She has tried on several occassions to quit, but has not been successful at it.
191    2012    BLOG    wattsupwiththat.com      #saw in the Little Ice Age. # Many have tried to explain away the coincidence between solar activity and climate through the ages as
192    2012    BLOG    ...calschoolmemoirs.com      #of days to see a significant difference. I have tried so many methods of studying in the morning and the best method for me
193    2012    BLOG    ...lingtonfreepress.com      #fostered debate, " he said. " We have tried to bring some structure, but it is not at the expense of the
194    2012    BLOG    ...discovermagazine.com      #thread. (1) Everyone in this thread has tried to honestly comply with your requests for rebuttals and engagement with your statements only
195    2012    BLOG    tellinitlikeitis.net      #could live with my " rules ". I have tried to point out to her that her son is running her life-she is in
196    2012    BLOG    current.com      #. The food industry can not be trusted and have tried to confuse the sugar issue versus high fructose corn syrup that it is not
197    2012    BLOG    rockpapershotgun.com      #Bookworm Adventures, etc. In the past she has tried to play Goldeneye and Smash Bros with us, but even cranking down the
198    2012    BLOG    maddowblog.msnbc.com      #have done so much better, if he would have tried to talk to the man instead of having him taken out and down and
199    2012    BLOG    ...s.fredericksburg.com      #. " # Griffin, for his part, has tried to deflect the spotlight. He said Wednesday that his appearances are meant to
200    2012    BLOG    ...joburg.wordpress.com      #do not see. This is something that I have tried to capture through my photography and I want to expose people from around the
201    2012    BLOG    ...science.blogspot.com      #there are some " treatments " that other parents have tried and that they report some success, but I think that it is imperative
202    2012    BLOG    prospect.org      #wins the election. Political scientists and communication scholars have tried to identify cases in which a debate truly altered a race, and they
203    2012    BLOG    patheos.com      #Has anyone else complained about that? # I have tried Safari and Chrome so far -- on a Mac # http: **31;8475;TOOLONG Sabio
204    2012    BLOG    ...andwalk.blogspot.com      #DNA, and he'll INSIST that until you have tried removing all of it, you can't say it's junk. Now
205    2012    BLOG    hypocrisy.com      ## Dave - you are quite right. I have tried a few times to explain to Joel that the issue is... Mike Jonas
206    2012    BLOG    ...ienekes.blogspot.com      #back) mutations. If it is what you have tried to tell us, I have a sad news for you. It is
207    2012    BLOG    frumforum.com      #, and maybe the Senate, and they could have tried to pass the Grand Bargain with as many Democratic votes in the House and
208    2012    BLOG    ...ettante.blogspot.com      #calling from Salt Lake City one time and they have tried to call me back multiple times, but I ignore the call now.
209    2012    BLOG    dailykos.com      #your environment a product of you. " I have tried to challenge circumstantial hardships by taking up the belief that you can be free
210    2012    BLOG    visitsingapur.com      #send it to your muscles. # Many people have tried to lose weight. There are those who achieve real success and develop great
211    2012    BLOG    freedomworks.org      #they employ to make their point. RP supporters have tried to take over the Tea Party, but it hasn't worked for them
212    2012    BLOG    pawstotalk.net      #. # Scientists, philosophers, and great thinkers have tried to figure out on the whole why cats don't seem to give out
213    2012    BLOG    nypress.com      #restaurants, bars and public parks. His administration has tried to limit everything from the size of newsstands to the number of cars entering
214    2012    BLOG    firedoglake.com      #At the college, the number of times management has tried some sort of end run around faculty and staff during the summer months is
215    2012    BLOG    imore.com      #order. It's 11:14 am est. I have tried on 4 different computers and my iPad to complete the order and also waited
216    2012    BLOG    businessinsider.com      #then they come back to say many other companies have tried to make a realistic weapon-based controller, and that if you bought one of
217    2012    BLOG    dodbuzz.com      #own territory. The ISI has sabatoged everything we have tried for years. Add to this the shitty ass ability of state and its
218    2012    BLOG    truthdig.com      #method to prove your claim, you too subjectively have tried to legitimize your brand of truths by reference to a story about the population
219    2012    BLOG    ...girl08.wordpress.com      ## So what to do about it? I have tried burying it, there isn't a hole deep enough. So I listen
220    2012    BLOG    divinecosmos.com      #time) Hats off to you. I may have tried? the same thing, knowing that enough belief in enough people can change
221    2012    BLOG    ...candsookielovers.com      #this gorgeous with your clothes off, I would have tried to do this sooner. " " Don't close your eyes. Look
222    2012    BLOG    support.t-mobile.com      ## Build IMM76D.UVLH1 # Have done master reset, have tried GSM only mode, new sim card, all with no avail. #
223    2012    BLOG    ...e-yegge.blogspot.com      #I seem to lose track of things - I have tried various things to try and understand whats going on - keep note of the
224    2012    BLOG    sarasheltonmann.org      #and in particular considering the fact that you could have tried it in case you decided. These creative ideas as well acted as a
225    2012    BLOG    ...ackspin.blogspot.com      #how often the " slightly pusher " ESPN crowd has tried to make the first paragraph in her career bio be about the sound she
226    2012    BLOG    ...etheart.blogspot.com      #speak our minds. Over the years, I have tried to be diplomatic about things. # Growing up made me realize that there
227    2012    BLOG    pjmedia.com      #. By the way, I, too, have tried to volunteer for the IDF -- back around 2006 or so. I was
228    2012    BLOG    ...kulture.missouri.edu      #article goes on to say that proportionally more Americans have tried cocaine than Portuguese have tried marijuana. Which coincidentally just became legal for recreational
229    2012    BLOG    ...kulture.missouri.edu      #that proportionally more Americans have tried cocaine than Portuguese have tried marijuana. Which coincidentally just became legal for recreational use in the states of
230    2012    BLOG    mobilegeeks.com      #comparison mutated into something altogether different. # Others have tried to make tablets smaller than the iPad and they've failed miserably. These
231    2012    BLOG    ...veblog.wordpress.com      #is infinite and you are finite. I have tried scheduling time with God and varying the time and it just did not work
232    2012    BLOG    ...vidbrin.blogspot.com      #compared to previous stagnation. And some regions that have tried -- under pressure or tutelage from international development agencies -- to reform their laws
233    2012    BLOG    ...vidbrin.blogspot.com      #development policy. He explains how traditional economic models have tried and failed to understand why some countries have managed to improve living standards while
234    2012    BLOG    ...inimsft.blogspot.com      #made this problem very well known or possibly even have tried to prevent it. " # No, because he's apparently a responsible
235    2012    BLOG    ...bravado.blogspot.com      ## I thought I have moved on. I have tried. But for some strange reason, you came back into my life.
236    2012    BLOG    scienceblogs.com      #of different ways and beliefs. He would never have tried so hard to initiate dialogue with gentiles if he did not believe they had
237    2012    BLOG    yalsa.ala.org      #. We'd have been shocked and probably would have tried to squelch it before it was even able to hit the shelves. #
238    2012    BLOG    kriskris.com      #to lose at least 30lbs for a year now.i have tried the lemon water fast, 100 sit-ups a day, and i have even
239    2012    BLOG    avclub.com      #We've looked at some shows and movies that have tried things like that and that maybe didn't tremendously succeed, so we've
240    2012    BLOG    ...echange.blogspot.com      #would have had trouble negotiating, and never would have tried, fearing they'd crash and burn. " # Uhh yeah, I
241    2012    BLOG    sgtreport.com      #won't increase their total tax revenue. Politicians have tried this for decades. It doesn't work. The only way to increase
242    2012    BLOG    ...unity.spiceworks.com      #in order to shutdown PCs at 5pm. I have tried creating a GPO and linking a batch file to it but to no avail
243    2012    BLOG    pearsonified.com      #that when i was freelancing alone i could never have tried to ask for $30k for a couple of weeks work but i suppose that
244    2012    BLOG    bloodyelbow.com      #n't have their stellar wrestling pedigree. The UFC has tried to push strikers at welterweight numerous times before - Thiago Alves, Paul Daley
245    2012    BLOG    ...llie35.wordpress.com      #and Compline. There have been mornings where I have tried to pray Lauds in the car but praying in a car is different from
246    2012    BLOG    ...opulist.blogspot.com      #with China. I am confident that McCain would have tried to complete most of this agenda because it's all part of long-term U.S.
247    2012    BLOG    qz.com      #the law against India's elites. # Indians have tried to push back against corruption before; notably, Anna Hazare, the 76-year-old
248    2012    BLOG    rabbibrant.com      #can not be solved by force... # Israel has tried assassinating Palestinian leaders for decades but the resistance persists. Israel launched a devastating
249    2012    BLOG    ozkrump.com      #I have tried many of the Health Care natural skin oils that will she's got bought
250    2012    BLOG    ...s.androidcentral.com      #FB and your emails. Just wondering if anyone has tried both and can assess how the Samsung keyboard stacks up the Swiftkey.
251    2012    BLOG    dailykos.com      #solutions here than any of the other people who have tried to come up with them and have failed, the real life situation is
252    2012    BLOG    dailykos.com      #with the Mackinac Center, a right-wing group that has tried to destroy public education, and the Michigan Education Association, for years now
253    2012    BLOG    nydailynews.com      #he can't seem to break free. Ryan has tried and failed to explain Romney's gaffes, forced instead to stick to his
254    2012    BLOG    wegotserved.com      #to do the Server 2012 Server install. I have tried to use the same drive on an EX470 and EX485 MediaSmart Server and it
255    2012    BLOG    wegotserved.com      #the server is in a Domain environment. I have tried different things and the WDTV will not " see " the server. Does
256    2012    BLOG    ...esternjournalism.com      #networks, the NY Times, and Washington Post have tried to keep the president's chances of re-election alive with dishonest polls, Obama
257    2012    BLOG    ...ustice.blogs.uua.org      #a very personal interest in these issues, I have tried to explain how Mexicans have lived in Arizona since before Arizona was part of
258    2012    BLOG    ...rsmind.wordpress.com      #cold deserts me soon enough # and oh I have tried all possible home remedies, but the cold has become so congested in the
259    2012    BLOG    ...alkaboutmarriage.com      #me. Everything you warned me of, he has tried and said. Honestly, all of you have helped me have the strength
260    2012    BLOG    gofatherhood.com      #she is not willing to let go. I have tried absolutely everything in my power to win her back -- it's been 8
261    2012    BLOG    wattsupwiththat.com      #who is working infrared warmer manufacturer company. They have tried to warm air with infrared warmer and they have never managed to do so
262    2012    BLOG    ...ealsandmovesblog.com      #! I have never been a drinker.... I have tried it of course but it's just not my thing. I have a
263    2012    BLOG    ...ughran.wordpress.com      #try and sell on other channels (they may have tried and failed to get any response, but some haven't tried at all
264    2011    SPOK    Fox_Baier      #how broke we are and that the things he has tried before like the big stimulus get an argument that it certainly didn't work
265    2011    SPOK    Fox_Hannity      #'s an important question. Because every time Republicans have tried to balance the budget, cut Medicare, Social Security, to prevent it
266    2011    SPOK    PBS_NewsHour      #in order, although I must say that they have tried. If they were to default, which is what's happened in other
267    2011    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #heading for the hills of Arkansas. MINDY-MCCREADY-1S# I have tried to comply. I have tried to follow the rules of the court.
268    2011    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #. MINDY-MCCREADY-1S# I have tried to comply. I have tried to follow the rules of the court. I have tried to be heard
269    2011    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #to follow the rules of the court. I have tried to be heard through the system. I did what the system told me
270    2011    SPOK    CNN_Cooper      #understand, though, why the U.S. wouldn't have tried for protect these Pakistanis by maybe getting them out of the country. Were
271    2011    FIC    Analog      #got to take her by surprise. I would have tried something already, but I got no illusions. A microsecond's warning and
272    2011    FIC    Bk:BonesFeather      #valuable necklace. For the past several weeks someone has tried to break into our home. Three nights ago, they succeeded. The
273    2011    MAG    Essence      #had only a few role models, but I have tried to use that to my advantage. I draw from the fact that I
274    2011    MAG    USAToday      #stand by all who are oppressed. The Zionists have tried to turn our Jerusalem Day into a failure, but they will not succeed
275    2011    NEWS    USAToday      #get them, " he says, he would have tried to end collective bargaining for private unions, too. # Walker, a
276    2011    NEWS    WashPost      #of interpretation in a church that in recent decades has tried to retain more control over how Catholicism is defined. # Recent popes have
277    2011    NEWS    Chicago      #lives at a homeless shelter in Capitol Heights, has tried to get a housing voucher, so far without luck. # vogelswashpost.com #
278    2011    ACAD    ForeignAffairs      #very Israelis he seeks to engage. Although he has tried to rectify this by explaining his approach directly to Israeli audiences, his message
279    2011    ACAD    ABAJournal      #-- now 52 and a father of six -- has tried to find work and settle into the life he never got the chance to
280    2011    ACAD    ABAJournal      #white groups, and I gave up! I have tried to go here and do that and do this. It's just uncomfortable
281    2011    ACAD    CommunityCare      #most vulnerable, and this is exactly what we have tried to do with our savings proposals. But there are some things we simply
282    2011    MOV    Barbie: A Fairy Secret      #said " maybe. " Then maybe I should have tried harder to be your friend. I really wanted to. When you first
283    2011    MOV    Barbie: A Fairy Secret      #just didn't like me. I definitely should have tried harder. You were the one in a new place, I should have
284    2011    TV    Criminal Minds      #first victim, Jake Shepherd. The guy might have tried, but with the damage to Jake's throat, he wouldn't have
285    2010    SPOK    CNN_Misc      #is joining us out of Minneapolis. Because she has tried just about every diet out there, she tells us. And at this
286    2010    SPOK    CNN_Misc      #losing weight be different for me, somebody who has tried so many diets in the past, and other processes, and just seem
287    2010    FIC    Bk:PrivilegesNovel      #for years now, mostly by frowning, Ruth has tried to sneak her insights onto the record. But she reprimands herself; today
288    2010    FIC    Analog      #came over him. He wondered if he should have tried to escape without hitting the professor. Curiosity wouldn't let him stay in
289    2010    NEWS    Denver      #. Manager Mike Scioscia has preached patience, and has tried to ease the pressure on the veteran by dropping him from the cleanup spot
290    2010    MOV    Enemies Among Us      #information Need... I've tried and and I have tried to work with you.. but you leave me no options Do not
291    2010    MOV    Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead      #you know it's worth it. My mom has tried so many different things, every diet pill that's on the Walmart shelf
292    2010    TV    The Middle      #? I can't believe he won. I have tried out for a million things, And I have never gotten anything. It
293    2009    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #. So, I have found, as I have tried to have different words, that its best just to describe it, and
294    2009    SPOK    NPR_TalkNation      #what the other instruments are, and when they have tried to get an understanding haven't always been given, you know, the
295    2009    FIC    SouthwestRev      #to travel in the days ahead, we might have tried to visit other capitals. On the way back, he would always say
296    2009    MAG    GolfMag      #2007, and it's no coincidence that Harmon has tried to " Tigerize " Phil's swing. Mickelson now reaches the top in
297    2009    MAG    Redbook      #kinds of revelations soon. But mostly, we have tried to lay the foundation for the girls to have a sense of self-worth that
298    2009    MAG    Bicycling      # 60719 Hanging toughEvery cyclist has tried to keep up with a faster pack-but can a strong woman ever match the
299    2009    MAG    TownCountry      #turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries. Our group has tried some years to branch out to other birds, but I always protest.
300    2009    NEWS    AssocPress      ## New Jersey, Florida, Texas and Illinois have tried steroid testing since 2006, and an examination of the results by The Associated
301    2009    NEWS    SanFranChron      #anti-war cities, including San Francisco and Berkeley, have tried to battle military recruitment. But nobody can recall a case where a city
302    2009    NEWS    Atlanta      #teams, some working better than others. Cooperstown has tried baseball fantasy camps, with modest success, and is exploring other options.
303    2009    NEWS    AssocPress      #address. " And for decades, whenever we have tried to reform the system, the insurance companies have done everything in their considerable
304    2009    ACAD    Writer      #and those early childhood memories. However, I have tried to remain faithful to the events as I remembered them or as I learned
305    2009    TV    Ghost Whisperer      #this way?! Why do you think I have tried to chase you away from this university? I've been trying to protect
306    2008    SPOK    NPR_NewsNotes      #able to latch themselves to his record. They have tried to find ways to express support for continued occupation of Iraq and pressing the
307    2008    FIC    Bk:SecretService      #for myself. The other person most nearly concerned has tried up to the last to persuade me to take a different course. I
308    2008    MAG    Atlantic      #within the limits of childish understanding, I would have tried to explain. I was an architecture fan like my friends were sports fans
309    2008    MAG    Skiing      #the way of skiing. Ptor admits he could have tried harder to work with the industry but when it came to opportunities in the
310    2008    NEWS    Denver      #by far the fastest-growing segment. // " They have tried the best in Europe and now they want to try the best in the
311    2007    SPOK    CNN_Cooper      #also said, a couple of times, I have tried to pontificate about something going in New York, and didn't know what
312    2007    MAG    ChristCentury      #system available for distributing goods. Peoples and societies have tried various forms of socialism, communism and egalitarianism, and they have failed.
313    2007    MAG    ScienceNews      #and Australia. For the past century, scientists have tried to retrace the intercontinental paths followed by ancient human pioneers and to reconstruct what
314    2007    MAG    USNWR      #you first took office. What changed? I have tried, in the special elections, some daring things that were very risky.
315    2007    NEWS    NYTimes      #, walk me through their portfolios. And companies have tried to sell me on the most unconscionable designs, including itsy-bitsy pumps that made
316    2007    NEWS    NYTimes      #stay strong, she said, " I would have tried it. " # URL: http: //www.nytimes.com 65463 # The conversations between
317    2007    NEWS    WashPost      #a few minutes to relieve itself. # I have tried to discuss this issue with her, but she is adamant that this is
318    2007    NEWS    WashPost      #I have other pugs and am concerned. I have tried to find information on this disease and have come up with nothing. #
319    2007    ACAD    PhysicalEduc      #elementary teacher noted, " At my level we have tried to make sure there is a sequential carry-over to the intermediate school. "
320    2006    SPOK    Fox_Gibson      #ports as there was before, but the Democrats have tried to make ports and containers the niche for their security position against the Republicans
321    2006    SPOK    CNN_Gupta      #you in different ways. So even though Chris has tried some stuff it might be interesting to talk to his doctor, because there
322    2006    SPOK    CNN_Gupta      #cold bath waters. Or as John and I have tried earlier using a compression through what we call a shrinker that wraps around the
323    2006    FIC    Calliope      #powerful chief Celtillus has alienated many Gauls. He has tried to restore the monarchy and the divinity of kings in his own person.
324    2006    FIC    Calliope      #land. Bring forward the chief Celtillus, who has tried to restore the monarchy without our authority and assumes to possess Divine Kingship.
325    2006    NEWS    NYTimes      #it. With the cost of newsprint, we have tried to be constrained. # Q. Tell us about the Sunday New York Times
326    2006    NEWS    WashPost      #, noooo, Mr. Bill! You shouldn't have tried to peek under the samurai's skirt! (Michelle Stupak) # Gertrude
327    2006    NEWS    WashPost      #taken bitter umbrage at the criticism, saying they have tried their best to govern and secure the country under nearly impossible conditions. They
328    2006    NEWS    Atlanta      #develop commercially viable hydrogen fuel cells. # Ford has tried to paint Corker as a friend to oil companies, making hay of his
329    2006    ACAD    MusicEduc      #Standards for Music Education were published, music educators have tried to balance the expectations associated with the traditional performance curriculum and contemporary models of
330    2006    ACAD    ForeignAffairs      #is that for the first time the United States has tried to put a society back together without securing the cooperation, however grudging,
332    2005    SPOK    NPR_FreshAir      #fairly realistic things because I believe the Quds Force has tried some of this in the past. GROSS: So is this something that
333    2005    SPOK    NPR_Morning      #in the Medicaid program for the poor. States have tried to reduce benefits or eligibility. Now several are working on changes intended to
334    2005    SPOK    NPR_Saturday      #. Sure,' he said, Democrats would have tried to filibuster a nominee with known views against abortion.' (
335    2005    MAG    ChildDigest      #twelve-year-old girl who is five feet tall? I have tried to look skinny like my friends but I can't. They weigh more
336    2005    NEWS    NYTimes      #whose horse wins the race. " # Zito has tried to ignore the high profiles of his clients and focus on their horses.
337    2005    NEWS    SanFranChron      #in the armor, so to speak, and have tried to address them. " # The proof will be in the execution.
338    2005    ACAD    PublicInterest      #of a full-time career. As any woman who has tried it can testify, balancing paid work and family life is extraordinarily difficult.
339    2005    TV    Twins      #as long as we have been married, you have tried to tell me how to deal with Judy. I'm just trying to
340    2004    SPOK    CNN_Intl      #doing it. And so the more mainstream media has tried to cover how other media have permutated into campaign (AUDIO GAP).
341    2004    FIC    VirginiaQRev      #, if you're lucky, and I should have tried harder to stay with her. But I didn't. And so I
342    2004    FIC    Bk:NinthKey      #freak I've always known I am, but have tried so desperately to hide from my sweet, long-suffering mother. And then Mom
343    2004    NEWS    Chicago      #Pennsylvania-based Natural Marketing Institute, 36 percent of these have tried dropping the weight by cutting carbs. # And the food industry is working
344    2004    NEWS    Chicago      #more pressure in the last month while the Jaguars have tried to shake out of a slump. They went after the Pittsburgh Steelers last
345    2004    TV    Survivor      #Borneo. I can't do fire. I have tried. ROB M.: All right, there's that positive attitude we
346    2003    SPOK    Fox_Hume      #that were encouraging. Even as Saddam's regime has tried to cut off all internet access. Defense officials say U.S. psychological operations are
347    2003    SPOK    Fox_Sunday      #SNOW: One diplomatic effort apparently the United States has tried is to get word to Iraq that if Saddam Hussein and certain members of
348    2003    FIC    Atlantic      #ain't with her. " # I must have tried to run home then, because I remember Mr. Cooper gripping my arms as
349    2003    FIC    Bk:PerfectMatch      #get justice in the American legal system. I have tried hundreds of sexual abuse cases, seen hundreds of children on that stand.
350    2003    MAG    Cosmopolitan      #help me find the perfect dress. I must have tried on 20 different outfits, and none of them looked right. I kept
351    2003    MAG    ConsumResrch      #been uncomfortable with off-label use, however, and has tried to suppress such use whenever possible. With the growing use of software as
352    2003    NEWS    Atlanta      #other House Republicans and vote for Walker, who has tried to forge a bipartisan coalition to win the speakership. # But Rep. Mike
353    2003    ACAD    HispanicRev      #they should not survive him. In vain I have tried to reconstruct them " (Labyrinths 44). It becomes obvious at the
354    2003    ACAD    Adolescence      #importance of peers during the adolescent years, researchers have tried to determine whether peers play a more important role than parents in adolescent decision-making
355    2003    TV    Stargate: Infinity      #What's he doing? [GROWLS] [HARRISON_GRUNTING] We could have tried to fight our way out. Get back on the ship like you said
356    2002    SPOK    CBS_FaceNation      #election, even though I think oftentimes the Republicans have tried to blur that difference. Theyve tried to blur it on prescription drugs,
357    2002    SPOK    NPR_ATC      #Audrey II) (Bellows) DAVIS: Jesse has tried out so many things this year. He painted an arresting self-portrait in art
358    2002    SPOK    CNN_Insight      #you know of other Aqil Collinses out there who have tried, or who have been approached? PELTON: Well, personally, I
359    2002    FIC    HudsonRev      #us and be thankful, he said. I have tried my lifetime to be the same way, but that is not my way
360    2002    MAG    Ms      #to power. Feminists around the world, who have tried for so long to call attention to the plight of women and girls in
361    2002    NEWS    USAToday      #. # Despite their rivalry, Powell and Rumsfeld have tried to maintain a cordial relationship. Powell and his wife dined at Rumsfeld's
362    2002    NEWS    WashPost      #the BLM in Elko. # Hankins said she has tried to strike a settlement with the Danns, but promises have not been kept
363    2002    NEWS    SanFranChron      #losses and the threat of war. # Retailers have tried to prepare for lighter sales by buying less merchandise. Added to the angst
364    2002    MOV    Slap Shot 2: Breaking the Ice      #out? I ain't Bobby Orr. Claremont has tried to take away from us the most important thing: who we are.
365    2002    TV    Star Trek: Enterprise      #first ones to attempt this, captain. Others have tried to reintegrate their emotions. They all failed. What they're doing is
366    2002    TV    Star Trek: Enterprise      #get thrown across the room that hard I might have tried a different approach. I think it's time you and your friends went
367    2001    SPOK    CBS_Morning      #Truffles can not be grown artificially. Many people have tried, all have failed. (Footage-of-people-) PIZZEY: (Voiceover) Truffles can make the most
368    2001    MAG    RollingStone      #, Allah. But for those aspiring heroes who have tried to follow Mohammed's journey, this becomes a reunification with the prophet,
369    2001    MAG    ScienceNews      #notes. # In computer simulations, some researchers have tried to assess the effects of dimming by placing nearby galaxies at long distances and
370    2001    NEWS    NYTimes      #much as in Mexico. " # Both nations have tried without success since 1996 to form a cadre of trustworthy undercover Mexican investigators.
371    2001    NEWS    Atlanta      #ago. First Union's Dalton office needs and has tried to hire bilingual staff officers, she adds, but the bank's bilingual
372    2001    NEWS    Chicago      #a problem? " # While the M's have tried to keep a sense of humor about the media circus -- especially when word
373    2001    NEWS    Chicago      #figure it out. # " Most of us have tried it, but we're not sure what we're doing, " says
374    2001    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #manner in which the governments of Thailand and Indonesia have tried to exert civilian political supremacy over the military, it is evident that Thailand
375    2001    MOV    Harvard Man      #can see what hides there in you. you have tried it? - Yes. It exceeds ordinary LSD. I must play tomorrow
376    2000    SPOK    CNN_Novak      #Well, Albert, as you know, we have tried our darndest to make sure that we have a message of inclusion. That
377    2000    SPOK    CNN_Talkback      #who has the intelligence to answer it. We have tried to explain to our children down here in Florida what happened when the Florida
378    2000    FIC    MassachRev      #from us. For a millennium, innumerable people have tried to bolt over the Walls and have failed. They've dug tunnels under
379    2000    MAG    Futurist      #pedestrian. But not even the most totalitarian systems have tried to plan in such detail. What works is mutual adjustment: Somehow those
380    2000    MAG    Environmental      #a fiercely contested northern region of Finland where environmentalists have tried to expand protected forest areas. Environmental groups in Sweden and Norway are facing
381    2000    NEWS    CSMonitor      #a 1986 meeting at Assissi, " the pope has tried to fashion a kind of superalliance, " says Richard McBrien, professor of
382    2000    NEWS    USAToday      #felt more like rodeo clowns than defensemen when they have tried to bring down John LeClair this postseason. # It has been like trying
383    2000    ACAD    BioCycle      #have downtime. " Lately, the company also has tried the alternative of stopping the grinder for a couple hours every few days to
384    2000    MOV    What Lies Beneath      #something that I don't understand. And I have tried to be here for you, but this is enough, [Claire]. Enough
385    2000    MOV    Battlefield Earth      #: Their freedom! Do you think no one has tried? You can't defeat them. That is our fate. Yes,
386    1999    SPOK    Fox_Sunday      #here is this is the first time that NATO has tried to fight a war, and this is a war by a committee.
387    1999    FIC    MassachRev      #a mistake! " she wants to say, has tried to say in a thousand different ways. But she holds back, because
388    1999    NEWS    NYTimes      #permit informality in its Grill restaurant. Even Harvard has tried to get with the program, permitting " neat casual attire, " its
389    1999    NEWS    NYTimes      #Block, North America's largest tax preparer, has tried repeatedly to diversify. But not every announced purchase has pleased Wall Street.
390    1999    NEWS    SanFranChron      #used Kahn's search engine. Kahn says he has tried to sell it, but " having lost our key developers to Netscape,
391    1999    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #could not halt the process. Rather, they have tried to manipulate the terms of NATO's eastward expansion, seeking to minimize the
392    1999    ACAD    PhysicsToday      #the desired doneness? These are the questions we have tried to address. Computer models for immersion and frying # The starting point for
393    1999    TV    Stargate SG-1      #years or so. But why wouldn't he have tried to get at the Stargate..... between when it was buried and now
394    1998    SPOK    NPR_Sunday      #? The answer varies quite a bit. Some have tried fairly restrictive approaches to nip workplace romance in the bud. According to one
395    1998    MAG    OutdoorLife      #Because the Kansas herd has been growing, biologists have tried to slow the trend by culling antlerless deer, which have made up over
396    1998    MAG    TownCountry      #suggest that something more is at work. Some have tried to cast blame on such icons of modern existence as cellular phones and the
397    1998    MAG    USAToday      #would be BAA. One of the things I have tried to get across to people in my community is that when the suburbs complain
398    1998    NEWS    NYTimes      #of Education at Boise State. # " I have tried to convey to the state Legislature the most chilling information that I've ever
399    1998    NEWS    Atlanta      #give his students ideas. # Even as she has tried to find purpose in her son's death, Meg has a hard time
400    1998    NEWS    SanFranChron      #building. # In the last few years we have tried to have less government in our lives. More regulations of this nature will
401    1998    ACAD    SocialResrch      #exemplified in the two types of philosophical life I have tried, doubtless too briefly, to characterize. # Consider first of all the
402    1998    ACAD    ABAJournal      #concerning membership in existing groups? Will individuals who have tried to break their ties with ethnic or racial groups be forced to confront their
403    1998    ACAD    CanadaLaw      #explain in an international forum. But other NGOs have tried to learn how the trade system works, and you are seeing some of
404    1998    ACAD    BioCycle      #lot about composting. " # The two farmers have tried numerous composting feedstocks, including chicken manure, sawdust, and goat and bull
405    1998    ACAD    EnvironEd      #interact with college students in both arenas, I have tried to introduce more science into the environmental curriculum by using environmental themes as a
406    1998    MOV    Fuzzy Logic      #? He's turned down NSA and other agencieswho have tried to enlist him. His mother doesn't want her only childdesigning weapons.
407    1998    MOV    A Civil Action      #never eaten peanut butter? I guess everyone alive has tried it, but I'm not a peanut butter fan. Did your son
408    1998    TV    The Pretender      #the day that he will disappear forever. I have tried to bring him back. That is my objective. As a scientist,
409    1997    MAG    GolfMag      #were and what they represented-and that is what I have tried to capture here. Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen THEY WERE AS DIFFERENT from
410    1997    MAG    PopMech      #have become so rare that the Nevada state legislature has tried to help boost business by rnaming the adjacent stretch of Route 375 " The
411    1997    NEWS    NYTimes      #, " at the Lunt Fontanne Theater, he has tried to write some fetching songs in the Broadway tradition, but the titanic grandeur
412    1997    NEWS    Denver      #U.S. Sen. Joe Biden. # The Delaware Democrat has tried to work out differences between Senate conservatives who were blocking the treaty and diplomats
413    1997    ACAD    AsianAffairs      #the patterns of industrial change. The following studies have tried to account for greater detail in Hong Kong's industrial change. # Using
414    1997    ACAD    SocialResrch      #is worthy of amazement, and that some philosophers have tried to awaken us to amazement. # I refer, however, not to
415    1997    ACAD    SocialResrch      #. Philosophers, especially German and American ones, have tried to uncover them, and have done so, marveling not only at the
416    1997    MOV    Meet Wally Sparks      #It's about time. Now, my wife has tried every diet on the planet, and her ass is still as wide as
417    1996    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #secret to finding happiness? Well the greatest minds have tried to figure that one out, and I think with little success. But
418    1996    SPOK    ABC_WorldNews      #Hampshire. And accordingly, in his new ads has tried to paint Buchanan as an extremist ANNOUNCER Dole TV commercial President Pat Buchanan?
419    1996    SPOK    NPR_Weekend      #news groups has been pretty supportive of what AOL has tried to do. If you log into AOL itself, there is universal praise
420    1996    FIC    Bk:Nursery      #that Crystal, giddy and maybe high, might have tried to walk the tracks as a game, and accidentally gotten caught. Maybe
421    1996    FIC    Bk:HerOwnRules      #. disaster frequently follows. " " The Millers have tried out these three off and on for a couple of weeks. One's
422    1996    FIC    Mov:Alien4      #HENESSEY # Don't be so sure, others have tried. The entire population, in fact. (beat) Look, about
423    1996    NEWS    USAToday      #novels.) # In the past, Winfrey has tried to promote novels on her show, but those programs did poorly. "
424    1996    NEWS    Houston      #" " Since I first got here, people have tried to replace me, " King said, understanding rather than lamenting his plight
425    1996    ACAD    AmerScholar      #and New York, Nash argued that previous scholars have tried to explain the American Revolution while ignoring such social realities as " mass indebtedness
426    1996    ACAD    AmerScholar      #seventy years, had many of the ingredients Nash has tried to find in the American Revolution. But students are asked not to consider
427    1996    ACAD    ForeignAffairs      #imposed on military interventions. # Kristol and Kagan have tried to apply their particular understanding of Reagan's legacy to an inappropriate historical situation
428    1996    ACAD    WorldAffairs      #in the 1994 intervention in Haiti) the administration has tried to avoid " mission creep " by putting strict restrictions on the length of
429    1996    ACAD    ABAJournal      #bench, both trial and appellate, and they have tried -- and heard -- all manner of criminal and civil cases. They have
430    1996    ACAD    CanadaLaw      #evaluation of the many types of initiatives that we have tried. We have made progress on what works and what does not work in
431    1995    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #now the standard of care, and anyone who has tried it once, they don't try it any other way. I have
432    1995    SPOK    ABC_Brinkley      #black, white or Hispanic - simply because he has tried not to put his race in such a position to threaten anybody, but
433    1995    NEWS    NYTimes      #parents when possible. State experience -- No state has tried eliminating cash assistance for young teenage mothers. More experience has been gained with
434    1995    NEWS    NYTimes      #find another Holy Grail. The Holy Grail Many Have Tried, Many Have Failed # One hope for publishing stardom is Professor Krugman,
435    1995    NEWS    SanFranChron      #proved wrong, " he said. " They have tried harder. And even so, it wasn't enough. " 48040 #
436    1995    NEWS    Houston      #Perry's agency has gone smoothly mostly because lawmakers have tried to keep pesticides and personalities out of the legislation. Rep. Pete Patterson,
437    1995    NEWS    Houston      #there. # " " I think overall people have tried various methods, the commercial groups, liquid proteins, and they found it
438    1995    ACAD    Raritan      #later years. On the one hand, I have tried to show that his reflections on his voyage led him to reject poetry as
439    1995    ACAD    Psychology      #up their observations. In this study, we have tried to provide a concrete source of reference, one that can be used as
440    1995    ACAD    Generations      #those who attempt innovation in this quagmire. Some have tried and survived, and as an industry, we need to recognize and honor
441    1995    ACAD    ABAJournal      #of missing persons cases by local police, so have tried to mandate effective procedures. In 1983, the New Jersey Legislature, for
442    1995    MOV    Casino      #live it down. Well, yes, I have tried. Of course I've tried. What the fuck do you think I
443    1994    SPOK    ABC_20/20      #is also a woman, now 47, who has tried and failed repeatedly to realize an even longer-standing ambition to conceive a child.
444    1994    SPOK    NPR_ATC      #it is true isn't it that the Congress has tried a number of times over the last 30 years to reintroduce school prayer unsuccessfully
445    1994    MAG    AmSpect      #'s Museum of Modern Art through January 3, have tried to keep a balance between general historical significance and important developments in this particular
446    1994    MAG    NatlReview      #which the Supreme Court and the lower federal judiciary have tried to effect a fundamental alteration in the very meaning of the American democratic experiment
447    1994    NEWS    AssocPress      #2 million men and women. # While some have tried to calculate the odds of catching HIV from heterosexual intercourse, the numbers can
448    1994    NEWS    AssocPress      #get AIDS, " he said. " We have tried to be responsible in saying that heterosexual transmission is a risk. " 4656
449    1994    NEWS    Denver      #coordinator Erin Hoag said. " I think Joe has tried to find the balance of academics and athletics, and that's hard to
450    1994    ACAD    Church&State      #it was issued, and that he certainly would have tried to stop the archbishop from publishing it. The fact that Rossell refused to
451    1993    SPOK    CBS_Special      #would have been solved before. It -- we have tried to do more in the last 90 days than was previously done. It
452    1993    SPOK    CBS_FaceNation      #of the House, find that unpalatable. We have tried in the last three years to raise energy taxes by only 4 cents.
453    1993    SPOK    ABC_Primetime      #the students who complete high school in this country have tried anabolic steroids ROSE Five to eight percent? Mr. CARLEN:? The same
454    1993    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #Democrats have acted in an arrogant manner. They have tried to ram through things that are not good for the country in the long
455    1993    MAG    Ms      #see myself as a part of a movement that has tried to go out and meet with people and say to them, " What
456    1993    MAG    Atlantic      #have also tried to assess external costs. None has tried to add external costs directly to the consumer price. But they have directed
457    1993    MAG    Skiing      #BASICS FOR SKIERS STANCE AND BALANCE 101 If you have tried snowboarding and found it a tough balancing act, here's a simple cure
458    1993    MAG    WashMonth      #Of course, some reviewers of Just Say No have tried in recent years to show that the emperor has no clothes. But the
459    1993    MAG    ChildrenToday      #a challenge. # For example, anyone who has tried to interview a young child about something he or she does not wish to
460    1993    NEWS    USAToday      #hasn't seen the book but notes that spies have tried to infiltrate the Colonel's kitchen before. " The Colonel said in 1978
461    1993    NEWS    USAToday      #Maybe a little Cowboys trickery, too. Johnson has tried onside kicks with the lead, fake punts, fake field goals (Novacek
462    1993    ACAD    ArabStudies      #internalize the colonial world systematically. U.S. policy makers have tried to reshape the world based on their own image, but they wished to
463    1993    ACAD    InterAmStud      #1992 alone (see Table 5). Brazil has tried to deal with the imbalance by purchasing more from its MERCOSUR partners, and
464    1993    ACAD    ArmedForces      #serve in the military, the Chinese armed forces have tried to recruit graduates of high or middle schools to guarantee the general quality of
465    1993    MOV    Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow      #robotics application. And while our major competitor Kobayashi has tried similar designs, only Pinwheel has been able to overcome the chemical rejection of
466    1993    MOV    Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow      #know if you decide to go. Other cyborgs have tried it and failed. Only one made it all the way, but she
467    1992    SPOK    CNN_Sonya      #position. I think that in many ways we have tried to do that. If we didn't respect them, we'd try
468    1992    MAG    Fortune      #by employers frustrated over rising costs, insurance companies have tried to curb excesses through " utilization review. " Computerized claims-review programs spot doctors
469    1992    MAG    PsychToday      #of the children of Jonestown survived, they might have tried to warn us that we have more to fear than the fact that whoever
470    1992    MAG    ConsumResrch      #more fuses rated above 20 amperes, someone may have tried to avoid power outages by substituting higher amperage fuses. Your wiring may be
471    1992    NEWS    CSMonitor      #up to a time in their history that many have tried to forget. # The French are also confronting the poisoned fruits that many
472    1992    NEWS    WashPost      #. The cake pan is empty. " Should have tried my breakfast, most people do, " I hear from behind me.
473    1992    ACAD    AfricaToday      #sensitive to the needs of women. Still others have tried to withdraw from the broader society and devote their attention to developing' safe
474    1991    SPOK    ABC_Brinkley      #credible and believable. What Judge Thomas' defenders have tried to do is to attack Ms. Hill's credibility in a variety of ways
475    1991    SPOK    ABC_SatNews      #. Over the last two days the Soviet Union has tried twice and failed twice to reach a political solution, but each time they
476    1991    SPOK    CNN_Crossfire      #factor but you must try something. We should have tried something eight, ten months ago when we first introduced Delay-Wallop, we should
477    1991    SPOK    CNN_Crossfire      #have had more support for that. We should have tried something when we had- two years ago when we had Archer-Jenkins to stop this
478    1991    SPOK    CNN_King      #in my life. It's what other women have tried to do. But it's one thing to decide for yourself that you
479    1991    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #years. The largest territorial country in the world has tried to move simultaneously under the leadership first of Gorbachev toward democracy, a real
480    1991    FIC    SouthernRev      #" I could have done more. I could have tried harder. She would have stayed if she'd been happy. " #
481    1991    FIC    SouthernRev      #lie down in the street, and I'd have tried to figure out how to do it without getting myself killed. But neither
482    1991    FIC    Bk:RobinHood      #to marry that I-talian bloke, I shouldn't have tried to stop her. Well, the apples don't fall that far from
483    1991    MAG    USNWR      #Since taking his post in 1986, William Rehnquist has tried to imprint his conservative vision on the Bill of Rights. With six reliable
484    1991    MAG    WashMonth      #more freely. " Before Goldwater-Nichols, we'd have tried to do it in the same manner, but it would have happened in
485    1991    NEWS    USAToday      #Investment Strategies of Framingham, Mass. # IBM has tried cutting costs. In late 1989, the company took a $ 2.4 billion
486    1991    NEWS    WashPost      #largest republic is known, Yeltsin and his aides have tried to organize their strategy and keep abreast of troop movements around the capital.
487    1991    NEWS    WashPost      #-- forget' us,' I -- should have tried. " # He is primed for questions on the subject. " What
488    1990    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #not have lasted very long and that Iraq would have tried to avoid full application of inspection in such a way as to divert material
489    1990    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #with everything my colleagues have said. The President has tried to play it right down the middle. He has tried to be restrained
490    1990    SPOK    PBS_Newshour      #to play it right down the middle. He has tried to be restrained and subdued, but the fact of the matter is now
491    1990    SPOK    CNN_NewsSat      #the world economic order.' While Mr. Bush has tried to define the U.S. role in the Gulf in those broad terms, a
492    1990    SPOK    ABC_Nightline      #: That is exactly it. Well, I have tried to honestly estimate the losses. Mr. Brumbaugh, maybe through his great experience
493    1990    MAG    AmerArtist      #my training and experience as an architect, I have tried to be looser with my painting in order to create a freer and more
494    1990    MAG    Inc.      #seriously. # As any company would, OSM has tried to perform a cost-benefit analysis of the program, but Longbine admits that because
495    1990    NEWS    CSMonitor      #itself raises due-process questions. # " The court has tried to short-circuit that by saying the trial was more than fair, " he
496    1990    NEWS    WashPost      #is uniformly well liked, especially by lawyers who have tried cases against him. " You'll see him outside the courtroom, and
497    1990    ACAD    CrossCurrents      #p. 31). # In addition, I have tried to arrive at an intercultural definition of culture by which no human way of
498    1990    ACAD    InterAmStud      #the first, Salinas, like Mikhail Gorbachev, has tried to liberate his country from the puerile repetition of meaningless revolutionary slogans. Both
499    1990    MOV    Mindwalk      #our teenagers contemplate suicide, one in five girls has tried it. Would a system thinker give nuclear energy a second thought? We
500    1990    TV    Star Trek: The Next ...      #. It's my fault. I shouldn't have tried... Focus on the present. You will have to be here completely to
 / 5  

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