1、Try and Try Hard (要玩儿 就玩真哒~) If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. If you're going to try, go all the way. This could 阅读全文
1、prodigious (巨大的,奇妙的) The forest is full of prodigious trees. 这片森林长满了高大的树木。 2、unscrupulous (肆无忌惮的,无天理的) The businessman uses unscrupulous methods in 阅读全文
1、vertebrate (脊椎动物;脊椎动物的) All fish are vertebrates because they all have backbones. 所有的鱼类都是脊椎动物,因为它们都有脊骨。 2、relaxation (放松,修养) I like going to the poo 阅读全文
1、wool (羊毛) Lend me your wool please. I'll make you a pretty sweater. 借我点你的羊毛,我要给你织一件漂亮的羊毛衣。 2、slice (把...切成片;薄片) He is slicing the fish. 他把鱼切成片。 3、pr 阅读全文
1、Everyone Has a Story in Life(每个人都有自己的故事) A 24-year-old boy seeing out from the train's windows shouted, "Dad, look the tree are going behind! ". Dad 阅读全文