php 远程调用redis
$redis_conf = array (
"host" => "",
"port" => "8899",
"pass" => "funova2014"
private function checkSignature()
$signature = $_GET["signature"];
$timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"];
$nonce = $_GET["nonce"];
$token = TOKEN;
$tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce);
$tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr );
$tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr );
if( $tmpStr == $signature ){
return true;
return false;
function getSocket(){
include_once ("phpRedis.class.php");
$phpRedis = new phpRedis ();
$phpRedis->master = "active_code";
include ("redis.conf.php");
$phpRedis->auth ($redis_conf ["active_code"]['pass']);
return $phpRedis;
function index($key){
return $redis->lpop("$key");
#return $redis->hgetall('code_hash');
function set_code($code,$userid){
return $redis->hset('code_hash_wx',$code,$userid);
#return $redis->hgetall('code_hash');
#class Php5RedisException extends Exception {}
class phpRedis
* $port 端口 6379
* $host 主机
// redisS务器的地址
private $md5key = "funova_aws_redis";
public $master="active_code";
static private $_sock = NULL;
// 保存数据库连接资源
public static $linkID = array ();
* 链接redis服务器
public function connect() {
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$this->host = $redis_conf [$this->master]['host'];
$this->port = $redis_conf [$this->master]['port'];
if (!is_null(self::$linkID[$this->master]))
$sock = fsockopen ( $this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr );
if ($sock) {
self::$linkID [$this->master] = $sock;
$msg = "Cannot open socket to {$this->host}:{$this->port}";
if ($errno || $errmsg)
$msg .= "," . ($errno ? " error $errno" : "") . ($errmsg ? " $errmsg" : "");
error_log ( "$msg." ,3,"/tmp/hivePhpLog/redis.log");
* 错误提示
* @param unknown_type $msg
private function debug($msg){
//echo sprintf("[php_redis] %s\n", $msg);
* 对cmd接收到的函数进行处理
* 并且返回数据
private function cmdResponse() {
// Read the response
$s = trim ( $this->read () );
switch ($s [0]) {
case '-' : // Error message
throw new Php5RedisException ( substr ( $s, 1 ) );
case '+' : // Single line response
return substr ( $s, 1 );
case ':' : //Integer number
return substr ( $s, 1 ) + 0;
case '$' : //Bulk data response
$i = ( int ) (substr ( $s, 1 ));
if ($i == - 1)
return null;
$buffer = '';
if ($i == 0){
$s = $this->read ();
while ( $i > 0 ) {
$s = $this->read ();
$l = strlen ( $s );
$i -= $l;
if ($i < 0)
$s = substr ( $s, 0, $i );
$buffer .= $s;
return $buffer;
case '*' : // Multi-bulk data (a list of values)
$i = ( int ) (substr ( $s, 1 ));
if ($i == - 1)
return null;
$res = array ();
for($c = 0; $c < $i; $c ++) {
$res [] = $this->cmdResponse ();
return $res;
default :
error_log ( 'Unknown responce line: ' . $s,3,"redis.log");
* 接收命令并且返回结果集
* @param unknown_type $command
private function cmd($command) {
$this->debug('Command: '.$command);
$this->connect ();
$s = $command . "\r\n";
while ( $s ) {
$i = fwrite ( self::$linkID [$this->master], $s );
if ($i == 0)
$s = substr ( $s, $i );
return $this->cmdResponse ();
* 读取指定长度的字符
* @param unknown_type $len
private function read($len = 1024) {
if ($s = fgets ( self::$linkID [$this->master] )) {
$this->debug('Read: '.$s.' ('.strlen($s).' bytes)');
return $s;
$this->disconnect ();
error_log ( "Cannot read from socket.",3,"redis.log" );
* 关闭redis链接
private function disconnect() {
if (self::$linkID [$this->master])
@fclose ( self::$linkID [$this->master] );
self::$linkID [$this->master] = null;
* L_C_48单一数据
* @param $key
* @param $value
function set($key, $value) {
return $this->cmd ("SET $key $value");
* 批量L_C_48数据
* @param $array
function setArray($array) {
foreach($array as $key =>$val){
$this->cmd ("SET $key $val");
* 根据$key获取数据
* @param $key
function get($key) {
return $this->cmd ("GET $key");
* 返回匹配指定模式的所有key
* @param $pattern
function keys($pattern) {
return $this->cmd ("KEYS $pattern");
* 设定L_C_181
function setExpire($key,$expire){
return $this->cmd ("expire $key $expire ");
* 从队到左边入队一个元素
function lpush($key,$value){
if ($this->master == "debug") { // 内部
return $this->cmd("lpush $key $value");
} else {
return $this->cmd("lpush $key '$value'");
* 从队到左边出队一个元素
function lpop($key){
return $this->cmd("lpop $key");
* 验证密码
function auth ( $pass ){
return $this->cmd("auth $pass");
* 发送信息
function publish($key,$content){
* 当前是否在开发模式
if ($this->master == "debug") { // 内部
return $this->cmd("publish $key $content");
} else {
return $this->cmd("publish $key '$content'");
* setnx
function setnx($key,$value){
return $this->setnx("SETNX $key $value");
* L_C_26记录
function delete($key){
return $this->cmd("DEL $key");
* 监听频道
function subscribe($key){
return $this->cmd("SUBSCRIBE $key");
* 读取list文件
function lrange($key){
return $this->cmd("LRANGE $key 0 -1");
* 插入hash数组
function hset($key,$filed, $value){
return $this->cmd("hset $key $filed $value");
* 删除list
function lrem($key,$value){
return $this->cmd("lrem $key -2 ".$value);
function hgetall($key){
return $this->cmd("hgetall $key");
function exists_key($key){
return $this->cmd("EXISTS $key");
function exists_filed($key,$field){
return $this->cmd("hexists $key $field");
function rpop($key){
return $this->cmd("rpop $Key");
function rpush($key,$value){
return $this->cmd("rpush $Key $value");