内置函数 | 解释 |
float radians (float degrees)
| 将degrees转换为弧度并返回结果,result=PI/180*degrees |
vec2 radians (vec2 degrees) | |
vec3 radians (vec3 degrees) | |
vec4 radians (vec4 degrees) | |
float degrees (float radians) | 将radians转换为角度并返回结果,result=180/PI*radians |
vec2 degrees (vec2 radians) | |
vec3 degrees (vec3 radians) | |
vec4 degrees (vec4 radians) | |
float sin (float radians) | 标准三角函数 |
vec2 sin (vec2 radians) | |
vec3 sin (vec3 radians) | |
vec4 sin (vec4 radians) | |
float cos (float radians) | |
vec2 cos (vec2 radians) | |
vec3 cos (vec3 radians) | |
vec4 cos (vec4 radians) | |
float tan (float radians) | |
vec2 tan (vec2 radians) | |
vec3 tan (vec3 radians) | |
vec4 tan (vec4 radians) | |
float asin (float x) | |
vec2 asin (vec2 x) | |
vec3 asin (vec3 x) | |
vec4 asin (vec4 x) | |
float acos (float x) | |
vec2 acos (vec2 x) | |
vec3 acos (vec3 x) | |
vec4 acos (vec4 x) | |
float atan (float y, float x) | |
vec2 atan (vec2 y, vec2 x) | |
vec3 atan (vec3 y, vec3 x) | |
vec4 atan (vec4 y, vec4 x) | |
float atan (float y_over_x) | |
vec2 atan (vec2 y_over_x) | |
vec3 atan (vec3 y_over_x) | |
vec4 atan (vec4 y_over_x) | |
float sinh (float x) | |
vec2 sinh (vec2 x) | |
vec3 sinh (vec3 x) | |
vec4 sinh (vec4 x) | |
float cosh (float x) | |
vec2 cosh (vec2 x) | |
vec3 cosh (vec3 x) | |
vec4 cosh (vec4 x) | |
float tanh (float x) | |
vec2 tanh (vec2 x) | |
vec3 tanh (vec3 x) | |
vec4 tanh (vec4 x) | |
float asinh (float x) | |
vec2 asinh (vec2 x) | |
vec3 asinh (vec3 x) | |
vec4 asinh (vec4 x) | |
float acosh (float x) | |
vec2 acosh (vec2 x) | |
vec3 acosh (vec3 x) | |
vec4 acosh (vec4 x) | |
float atanh (float x) | |
vec2 atanh (vec2 x) | |
vec3 atanh (vec3 x) | |
vec4 atanh (vec4 x) | |
float pow (float x, float y) | 返回x的y次方,x^y |
vec2 pow (vec2 x, vec2 y) | |
vec3 pow (vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
vec4 pow (vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
float exp (float x) | 返回e的x次方 |
vec2 exp (vec2 x) | |
vec3 exp (vec3 x) | |
vec4 exp (vec4 x) | |
float exp2 (float x) | 返回2的x次方 |
vec2 exp2 (vec2 x) | |
vec3 exp2 (vec3 x) | |
vec4 exp2 (vec4 x) | |
float log (float x) | 以e为底 |
vec2 log (vec2 x) | |
vec3 log (vec3 x) | |
vec4 log (vec4 x) | |
float log2 (float x) | 以2为 |
vec2 log2 (vec2 x) | |
vec3 log2 (vec3 x) | |
vec4 log2 (vec4 x) | |
float sqrt (float x) | 开根号,x<0时未定义 |
vec2 sqrt (vec2 x) | |
vec3 sqrt (vec3 x) | |
vec4 sqrt (vec4 x) | |
float inversesqrt (float x) | X正平方根的倒数 |
vec2 inversesqrt (vec2 x) | |
vec3 inversesqrt (vec3 x) | |
vec4 inversesqrt (vec4 x) | |
float abs (float x) | 返回x的绝对值 |
vec2 abs (vec2 x) | |
vec3 abs (vec3 x) | |
vec4 abs (vec4 x) | |
int abs (int x) | |
ivec2 abs (ivec2 x) | |
ivec3 abs (ivec3 x) | |
ivec4 abs (ivec4 x) | |
float sign (float x) | Returns 1.0 if x > 0, 0.0 if x = 0,or –1.0 if x < 0. |
vec2 sign (vec2 x) | |
vec3 sign (vec3 x) | |
vec4 sign (vec4 x) | |
int sign (int x) | |
ivec2 sign (ivec2 x) | |
ivec3 sign (ivec3 x) | |
ivec4 sign (ivec4 x) | |
float floor (float x) | 向下取整 |
vec2 floor (vec2 x) | |
vec3 floor (vec3 x) | |
vec4 floor (vec4 x) | |
float ceil (float x) | 向上取整 |
vec2 ceil (vec2 x) | |
vec3 ceil (vec3 x) | |
vec4 ceil (vec4 x) | |
float trunc (float x) | 返回绝对值最接近x的 |
vec2 trunc (vec2 x) | |
vec3 trunc (vec3 x) | |
vec4 trunc (vec4 x) | |
float round (float x) | 返回最接近x的值 |
vec2 round (vec2 x) | |
vec3 round (vec3 x) | |
vec4 round (vec4 x) | |
float fract (float x) | 返回x-floor(x) |
vec2 fract (vec2 x) | |
vec3 fract (vec3 x) | |
vec4 fract (vec4 x) | |
float mod (float x, float y) | 取模,返回x-y*floor(x/y); |
vec2 mod (vec2 x, float y) | |
vec3 mod (vec3 x, float y) | |
vec4 mod (vec4 x, float y) | |
vec2 mod (vec2 x, vec2 y) | |
vec3 mod (vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
vec4 mod (vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
float min (float x, float y) | 返回较小值 |
vec2 min (vec2 x, vec2 y) | |
vec3 min (vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
vec4 min (vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
int min (int x, int y) | |
ivec2 min (ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
ivec3 min (ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
ivec4 min (ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
uint min (uint x, uint y) | |
uvec2 min (uvec2 x, uvec2 y) | |
uvec3 min (uvec3 x, uvec3 y) | |
uvec4 min (uvec4 x, uvec4 y | |
) vec2 min (vec2 x, float y) | |
vec3 min (vec3 x, float y) | |
vec4 min (vec4 x, float y) | |
ivec2 min (ivec2 x, int y) | |
ivec3 min (ivec3 x, int y) | |
ivec4 min (ivec4 x, int y) | |
uvec2 min (uvec2 x, uint y) | |
uvec3 min (uvec3 x, uint y) | |
uvec4 min (uvec4 x, uint y) | |
float max (float x, float y) | 返回较大值 |
vec2 max (vec2 x, vec2 y) | |
vec3 max (vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
vec4 max (vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
int max (int x, int y) | |
ivec2 max (ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
ivec3 max (ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
ivec4 max (ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
uint max (uint x, uint y) | |
uvec2 max (uvec2 x, uvec2 y) | |
uvec3 max (uvec3 x, uvec3 y) | |
uvec4 max (uvec4 x, uvec4 y) | |
vec2 max (vec2 x, float y) | |
vec3 max (vec3 x, float y) | |
vec4 max (vec4 x, float y) | |
ivec2 max (ivec2 x, int y) | |
ivec3 max (ivec3 x, int y) | |
ivec4 max (ivec4 x, int y) | |
uvec2 max (uvec2 x, uint y) | |
uvec3 max (uvec3 x, uint y) | |
uvec4 max (uvec4 x, uint y) | |
float clamp (float x, float minVal,float maxVal) | |
vec2 clamp (vec2 x, float minVal,float maxVal) | |
vec3 clamp (vec3 x, float minVal,float maxVal) | |
vec4 clamp (vec4 x, float minVal,float maxVal) | |
int clamp (int x, int minVal,int maxVal) | |
ivec2 clamp (ivec2 x, int minVal,int maxVal) | |
ivec3 clamp (ivec3 x, int minVal,int maxVal) | |
ivec4 clamp (ivec4 x, int minVal,int maxVal) | Returns the component-wise result of min (max (x, minVal ), maxVal).Results are undefined if minVal >maxVal. |
uint clamp (uint x, uint minVal,uint maxVal) | |
uvec2 clamp (uvec2 x, uint minVal,uint maxVal) | |
uvec3 clamp (uvec3 x, uint minVal,uint maxVal) | |
uvec4 clamp (uvec4 x, uint minVal,uint maxVal) | |
vec2 clamp (vec2 x, vec2 minVal,vec2 maxVal) | |
vec3 clamp (vec3 x, vec3 minVal,vec3 maxVal) | |
vec4 clamp (vec4 x, vec4 minVal,vec4 maxVal) | |
ivec2 clamp (ivec2 x, ivec2 minVal,ivec2 maxVal) | |
ivec3 clamp (ivec3 x, ivec3 minVal,ivec3 maxVal) | |
ivec4 clamp (ivec4 x, ivec4 minVal,ivec4 maxVal) | |
uvec2 clamp (uvec2 x, uvec2 minVal,uvec2 maxVal) | |
uvec3 clamp (uvec3 x, uvec3 minVal,uvec3 maxVal) | |
uvec4 clamp (uvec4 x, uvec4 minVal,uvec4 maxVal) | |
float mix (float x, float y, float a) | 返回 x*(1.0 – a) + y*a |
vec2 mix (vec2 x, vec2 y, float a) | |
vec3 mix (vec3 x, vec3 y, float a) | |
vec4 mix (vec4 x, vec4 y, float a) | |
vec2 mix (vec2 x, vec2 y, vec2 a) | |
vec3 mix (vec3 x, vec3 y, vec3 a) | |
vec4 mix (vec4 x, vec4 y, vec4 a) | |
float step (float edge, float x) | Returns 0.0 if x < edge; otherwise, it returns 1.0. |
vec2 step (vec2 edge, vec2 x) | |
vec3 step (vec3 edge, vec3 x) | |
vec4 step (vec4 edge, vec4 x) | |
float step (float edge, float x) | |
vec2 step (float edge, vec2 x) | |
vec3 step (float edge, vec3 x) | |
vec4 step (float edge, vec4 x) | |
float smoothstep (float edge0,float edge1, float x) | Returns 0.0 if x <= edge0 and 1.0 if x>= edge1 and performs smooth Hermite interpolation between 0.0 and 1.0 when edge0 < x < edge1. |
vec2 smoothstep (vec2 edge0,vec2 edge1, vec2 x) | |
vec3 smoothstep (vec3 edge0,vec3 edge1, vec3 x) | |
vec4 smoothstep (vec4 edge0,vec4 edge1, vec4 x) | |
vec2 smoothstep (float edge0,float edge1, vec2 x) | |
vec3 smoothstep (float edge0,float edge1, vec3 x) | |
vec4 smoothstep (float edge0,float edge1, vec4 x) | |
bool isnan (float x) | Results are undefined if edge0 >=edge1. |
bvec2 isnan (vec2 x) | |
bvec3 isnan (vec3 x) | |
bvec4 isnan (vec4 x) | |
bool isinf (float x) | Returns true if x holds a NaN (not a number), false otherwise.(Implementations that do not support NaN always return false.) |
bvec2 isinf (vec2 x) | |
bvec3 isinf (vec3 x) | |
bvec4 isinf (vec4 x) | |
几何函数 | |
float length (float x) | 返回矢量x的长度=Sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]…) |
float length (vec2 x) | |
float length (vec3 x) | |
float length (vec4 x) | |
float distance (float p0, float p1) | 返回p0,p1之间的距离Length(p0-p1) |
float distance (vec2 p0, vec2 p1) | |
float distance (vec3 p0, vec3 p1) | |
float distance (vec4 p0, vec4 p1) | |
float dot (float x, float y) | 返回x和y的点积result = x[0] *y[0] + x[1] *y[1] + .... |
float dot (vec2 x, vec2 y) | |
float dot (vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
float dot (vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
vec3 cross (vec3 x, vec3 y) | result[0] = x[1] *y[2] - y[1] *x[2] result[1] = x[2] *y[0] - y[2] *x[0] result[2] = x[0] *y[1] - y[0] *x[1] |
float normalize (float x) | 返回单位向量 |
vec2 normalize (vec2 x) | |
vec3 normalize (vec3 x) | |
vec4 normalize (vec4 x) | |
float faceforward (float N, float I,float Nref) | 如果dot(Nref,I)<0.0,返回N,否者返回-N |
vec2 faceforward (vec2 N, vec2 I,vec2 Nref) | |
vec3 faceforward (vec3 N, vec3 I,vec3 Nref) | |
vec4 faceforward (vec4 N, vec4 I,vec4 Nref) | |
float reflect (float I, float N) | 对于关联矢量I和表面方位N,返回反射方向:result=I-2.0*dot(N,I)*N 因该规范化N |
vec2 reflect (vec2 I, vec2 N) | |
vec3 reflect (vec3 I, vec3 N) | |
vec4 reflect (vec4 I, vec4 N) | |
float refract (float I, float N,float eta) | |
vec2 refract (vec2 I, vec2 N,float eta) | |
vec3 refract (vec3 I, vec3 N,float eta) | |
vec4 refract (vec4 I, vec4 N,float eta) | |
矩阵函数 | |
mat2 matrixCompMult (mat2 x, mat2 y) | 返回每个部分的乘积,result[i][j]=x[i][j]*y[i][j],不同于矩阵乘法 |
mat3 matrixCompMult (mat3 x, mat3 y) | |
mat4 matrixCompMult (mat4 x, mat4 y) | |
mat2 transpose (mat2 m) | 转置矩阵 |
mat3 transpose (mat3 m) | |
mat4 transpose (mat4 m) | |
mat2x3 transpose (mat3x2 m) | |
mat3x2 transpose (mat2x3 m) | |
mat2x4 transpose (mat4x2 m) | |
mat4x2 transpose (mat2x4 m) | |
mat3x4 transpose (mat4x3 m) | |
mat4x3 transpose (mat3x4 m) | |
mat2 inverse (mat2 m) | 逆矩阵 |
mat3 inverse (mat3 m) | |
mat4 inverse (mat4 m) | |
mat2 outerProduct (vec2 c, vec2 r) | 矢量积 |
mat3 outerProduct (vec3 c, vec3 r) | |
mat4 outerProduct (vec4 c, vec4 r) | |
mat2x3 outerProduct (vec2 c, vec3 r) | |
mat3x2 outerProduct (vec3 c, vec2 r) | |
mat2x4 outerProduct (vec2 c, vec4 r) | |
mat4x2 outerProduct (vec4 c, vec2 r) | |
mat3x4 outerProduct (vec3 c, vec4 r) | |
mat4x3 outerProduct (vec4 c, vec3 r) | |
矢量关系函数 | |
bvec2 lessThan(vec2 x, vec2 y) | 返回对各个部分执行的x<y的比较结果 |
bvec3 lessThan(vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
bvec4 lessThan(vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
bvec2 lessThan(ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
bvec3 lessThan(ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
bvec4 lessThan(ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
bvec2 lessThanEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y) | 返回对各个部分执行的x<=y的比较结果 |
bvec3 lessThanEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
bvec4 lessThanEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
bvec2 lessThanEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
bvec3 lessThanEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
bvec4 lessThanEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
bvec2 greaterThan(vec2 x, vec2 y) | 返回对各个部分执行的x>y的比较结果 |
bvec3 greaterThan(vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
bvec4 greaterThan(vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
bvec2 greaterThan(ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
bvec3 greaterThan(ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
bvec4 greaterThan(ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
bvec2 greaterThanEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y) | 返回对各个部分执行的x=>y的比较结果 |
bvec3 greaterThanEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
bvec4 greaterThanEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
bvec2 greaterThanEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
bvec3 greaterThanEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
bvec4 greaterThanEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
bvec2 equal(vec2 x, vec2 y) | 返回对各个部分执行的x==y的比较结果 |
bvec3 equal(vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
bvec4 equal(vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
bvec2 equal(ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
bvec3 equal(ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
bvec4 equal(ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
bvec2 equal(bvec2 x, bvec2 y) | |
bvec3 equal(bvec3 x, bvec3 y) | |
bvec4 equal(bvec4 x, bvec4 y) | |
bvec2 notEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y) | 返回对各个部分执行的x!=y的比较结果 |
bvec3 notEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y) | |
bvec4 notEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y) | |
bvec2 notEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y) | |
bvec3 notEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y) | |
bvec4 notEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y) | |
bvec2 notEqual(bvec2 x, bvec2 y) | |
bvec3 notEqual(bvec3 x, bvec3 y) | |
bvec4 notEqual(bvec4 x, bvec4 y) | |
bool any(bvec2 x) | 如果x的任何部分为true,返回true |
bool any(bvec3 x) | |
bool any(bvec4 x) | |
bool all(bvec2 x) | 只有当x的所有部分都为true才返回true |
bool all(bvec3 x) | |
bool all(bvec4 x) | |
bvec2 not(bvec2 x) | 对各个部分取反 |
bvec3 not(bvec3 x) | |
bvec4 not(bvec4 x) | |
纹理访问函数 | |
vec4 texture (sampler1D sampler, float coord [, float bias] ) | 自行百度或查书 |
vec4 textureProj (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord [, float bias] ) | |
vec4 textureProj (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord [, float bias] ) | |
vec4 textureLod (sampler1D sampler, float coord, float lod ) | |
vec4 textureGrad (sampler1D sampler, float coord, float dPdx, float dPdy) | |
vec4 textureOffset (sampler1D sampler, float coord, int offset, [, float bias] ) | |
vec4 texelFetch (sampler1D sampler, int coord, int lod ) | |
vec4 texelFetchOffset (sampler1D sampler, int coord, int lod, int offset ) | |
vec4 textureProjLod (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord , float lod ) | |
vec4 textureProjLod (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord , float lod ) | |
vec4 textureProjGrad (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord, float dPdx,float dPdy) | |
vec4 textureProjGrad (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord, float dPdx,float dPdy) | |
vec4 textureProjOffset (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord, int offset[, float bias] ) | |
vec4 textureProjOffset (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord, int offset[, float bias] ) | |
vec4 textureLodOffset (sampler1D sampler, float coord, float lod, int offset) | |
vec4 textureGradOffset (sampler1D sampler, float coord, float dPdx,float dPdy, int offset) | |
vec4 textureProjLodOffset (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord, float lod,int offset) | |
vec4 textureProjLodOffset (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord, float lod,int offset) | |
vec4 textureProjGradOffset (sampler1D sampler, vec2 coord, float dPdx,float dPdy, int offset) | |
vec4 textureProjGradOffset (sampler1D sampler, vec4 coord, float dPdx,float dPdy, int offset) | |
int textureSize (isampler1D sampler, int lod ) | |
片元处理函数 | |
float dFdx (float p) | 返回输入参数p在x上的导数 |
vec2 dFdx (vec2 p) | |
vec3 dFdx (vec3 p) | |
vec4 dFdx (vec4 p) | |
float dFdy (float p) | 返回输入参数p在y上的导数 |
vec2 dFdy (vec2 p) | |
vec3 dFdy (vec3 p) | |
vec4 dFdy (vec4 p) | |
float fwidth (float p) | 返回p在x和y上的绝对导数的和return = abs (dFdx (p)) + abs (dFdy (p)); |
vec2 fwidth (vec2 p) | |
vec3 fwidth (vec3 p) | |
vec4 fwidth (vec4 p) | |
噪声函数 | |
float noise1 (float x) | 根据输入值返回一个噪声 |
float noise1 (vec2 x) | |
float noise1 (vec3 x) | |
float noise1 (vec4 x) | |
vec2 noise2 (float x) | |
vec2 noise2 (vec2 x) | |
vec2 noise2 (vec3 x) | |
vec2 noise2 (vec4 x) | |
vec3 noise3 (float x) | |
vec3 noise3 (vec2 x) | |
vec3 noise3 (vec3 x) | |
vec3 noise3 (vec4 x) | |
vec4 noise4 (float x) | |
vec4 noise4 (vec2 x) | |
vec4 noise4 (vec3 x) | |
vec4 noise4 (vec4 x) |
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