NFS 学习笔记
Sun's Network File System
A client application issues system calls to the client-side file system (such as open(), read(), write(), close(), mkdir(), etc.) in order to access files which are stored on the server.
Focus: Simple And Fast Server Crash Recovery
在NFSv2中,协议设计的主要目标是:simple and fast server crasg recovery. 在于给多客户端单服务端环境中,这个目标具有非常重大的意义。
Key To Fast Crash Recovery: Statelessness
比如考虑无状态协议中的 open() 系统调用。
char buffer[MAX];
int fd = open("foo", O_RDONLY); // get descriptor "fd"
read(fd, buffer, MAX); // read MAX bytes from foo (via fd)
read(fd, buffer, MAX); // read MAX bytes from foo
read(fd, buffer, MAX); // read MAX bytes from foo
close(fd); // close file
在这个例子中,返回的文件描述符就是一种 shared state between server and client.
The NFSv2 Protocol
像open这样的系统调用明显是 stateful 的。但是用户想要使用这种系统调用。所以问题的核心变成了:如何设计出无状态的、支持 POSIX 接口的协议。
理解 NFS 协议的关键在于理解 file handle. File handle 用于唯一地描述某个操作的实施对象。
可以把 file handle 理解为具有三个重要组件: a volume identifier, an inode number, and a generation number.
Volume identifier 告知服务器请求涉及到的文件系统是哪个;
Inode number 告诉服务器请求的是分区内的哪个文件;
当 inode number 被重复使用时,需要 generation number,每当 inode number 被重复使用,generation number都会加一,服务端由此保证使用旧 file handle 的客户端不会恰巧访问新创建的文件。
First, the LOOKUP protocol message is used to obtain a file handle, which is then subsequently used to access file data. The client passes a directory file handle and name of a file to look up, and the handle to that file (or directory) plus its attributes are passed back to the client from the server.
比如,假设客户端已经获得了根目录 / 的 fh(通过NFS mount protocol来获得)。如果一个客户端通过 NFS 打开 /foo.txt
,那么客户端会向服务端发送一个lookup request,参数为根目录的 fh 和文件名 foo.txt;如果成功,那么 foo.txt 的 fh 和 attribute 将会被返回。
From Protocol To Distributed File System
客户端如何记录文件访问相关的信息:维护一个 mapping from a integer file descriptor to an NFS file handle as well as the current file pointer. 客户端将每个read request转换成适当格式的 read protocol message which tells the server exactly which bytes from the file to read. 在一次成功 read 之后,客户端 update the current file position; 后续的read将会使用同一个fh,但是使用不同的offset
当文件第一次打开时,客户端文件系统发送一个 LOOKUP request message. Indeed, if a long pathname must be traversed (e.g., /home/remzi/foo.txt), the client would send three LOOKUPs: one to look up home in the directory /, one to look up remzi in home, and finally one to look up foo.txt in remzi.
Each server request has all the information needed to complete the request in its entirety.
Handling Server FailureWith Idempotent Operations
The ability of the client to simply retry the request (regardless of what caused the failure) is due to an important property of most NFS requests: they are idempotent(幂等) 如果某个操作被执行多次的效果与被执行一次的效果相同,那么它就被称为是幂等的。
The heart of the design of crash recovery in NFS is the idempotency of most common operations. LOOKUP and READ requests are trivially idempotent, as they only read information from the file server and do not update it.
More interestingly, WRITE requests are also idempotent. If, for example, a WRITE fails, the client can simply retry it. The WRITE message contains the data, the count, and (importantly) the exact offset to write the data to. Thus, it can be repeated with the knowledge that the outcome of multiple writes is the same as the outcome of a single one.
Improving Performance: Client-side Caching
客户端文件系统缓存 file data and metadata that it has read from the server.
The cache also serves as a temporary buffer for writes.
The Cache Consistency Problem
假设 客户端C1 读文件 F,并且在C1本地内存中缓存了一份拷贝。同时C2 overwrites the file F, thus changing its contents.
C2修改F之后会将file保存在自己的write buffer中,而不是立即就写回服务器。这期间从服务器获得的file将会是旧版本。Thus, by buffering writes at the client, other clientsmay get stale versions of the file, which may be undesirable. 这类问题被称为 update visibility
第二个问题:stale cache
in this case, C2 has finally flushed its writes to the file server, and thus the server has the latest version (F[v2]). However, C1 still has F[v1] in its cache; if a program running on C1 reads file F, it will get a stale version (F[v1]) and not the most recent copy (F[v2]), which is (often) undesirable.
First, to address update visibility, clients implement what is sometimes called flush-on-close (a.k.a., close-to-open) consistency semantics; specifically, when a file is written to and subsequently closed by a client application, the client flushes all updates to the server/
Second, to address the stale-cache problem, NFSv2 clients first check to see whether a file has changed before using its cached contents.Specifically, before using a cached block, the client-side file system will issue a GETATTR request to the server to fetch the file’s attributes.
实际实现中发现,NFS server was flooded with GETATTR requests. To remedy this situation, an attribute cache was added to each client. Attribute cache 每三秒刷新一次。
Implications On Server-Side Write Buffering
只有当写请求被彻底写入磁盘之后,NFS服务器才会向客户端返回success信息。如果仅仅在写入write buffer之后就返回success,那么可能会出问题:
Imagine the following sequence of writes as issued by a client:
write(fd, a_buffer, size); // fill first block with a’s
write(fd, b_buffer, size); // fill second block with b’s
write(fd, c_buffer, size); // fill third block with c’s
These writes overwrite the three blocks of a file with a block of a’s, then b’s, and then c’s. Thus, if the file initially looked like this:
We might expect the final result after these writes to be like this, with the x’s, y’s, and z’s, would be overwritten with a’s, b’s, and c’s, respectively.
Now let’s assume for the sake of the example that these three client writes were issued to the server as three distinct WRITE protocol messages. Assume the first WRITE message is received by the server and issued to the disk, and the client informed of its success. Now assume the second write is just buffered in memory, and the server also reports it success to the client before forcing it to disk; unfortunately, the server crashes before writing it to disk. The server quickly restarts and receives the third write request, which also succeeds.
Thus, to the client, all the requests succeeded, but we are surprised that the file contents look like this:
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy <--- oops
为了避免上述问题,NFS服务器必须保证,在 inform the client of success 之前写请求被成功写入 persistent storage; 这样做使得客户端可以检查写期间的server failure, thus retry until it finally succeeds.