#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXLINES 5000
#define MAXLEN 100
int readlines(char *lineptr[], int lines);
void _qsort(char *lineptr[], int left, int right);
void writelines(const char *lineptr[], int lines);
int main() {
char *lineptr[MAXLINES];
for (int i = 0; i < MAXLINES; i++) {
lineptr[i] = (char *)malloc(MAXLEN);
int nlines;
if ((nlines = readlines(lineptr, MAXLINES)) > 0) {
_qsort(lineptr, 0, nlines - 1);
writelines(lineptr, nlines);
return 0;
} else {
printf("%s\n", "too much lines to read");
return 1;
int _getline(char *line, int len);
int readlines(char *lineptr[], int lines) {
int i = 0;
while (i < lines && _getline(*lineptr++, MAXLEN) > 0) {
return i;
int _getline(char *line, int len) {
char c;
char *orig = line;
int numc;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && len-- > 0) { /* loop len times at most */
*line++ = c; /* line always points to the next free positon in line[] */
if (c == '\n') break;
if (len == 0) /* line[] is full */
*(line - 1) = '\0';
*line = '\0';
// printf("%d\n", line - orig);
return line - orig;
void swap(char **, char **);
int strcmp(char *s1, char *s2);
void _qsort(char *lineptr[], int left, int right) {
if (left >= right) return;
swap(lineptr + left, lineptr + ((left + right) / 2));
/* partition */
int last = left; // last 表示最后一个小于等于 key 的元素位置
for (int i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) {
if (strcmp(lineptr[left], lineptr[i]) > 0)
swap(lineptr + (++last), lineptr + i);
/* recursion */
swap(lineptr + left, lineptr + last);
_qsort(lineptr, left, last - 1);
_qsort(lineptr, last + 1, right);
/* 交换 *left 和 *right */
void swap(char *left[], char *right[]) {
char *temp = *left;
*left = *right;
*right = temp;
/* return 1 if *s1 > *s2
return -1 if *s1 < *s2
return 0 if *s1 == *s2
int strcmp(char *s1, char *s2) {
while (*s1 == *s2 && *s1 != '\0') {
if (*s1 == *s2) return 0;
return *s1 > *s2 ? 1 : -1;
void writelines(const char *lineptr[], int lines) {
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
printf("%s", *lineptr++);