Use Ghidra To Reverse GenyMotion—Suggestion

GenyMotion is a very popular android emulator around the world,so we need to do something for it.I want to show you some ideas for reversing this software.

The methods outlined in this article are only suggestions,it’s not a real crack.and i’ll introduce some useful method for ghidra.

Now,let’s start.

1.Change The License About Register Time.

Open the ghidra reverse engineer,load the genymotion application in the path /Applications/ need open the diretory in finding,drag and drop the file to the ghidra’s windows.

Search the string ‘expire’. (Search —> For Strings)

The result is:

Take a look at string “License about to expire”

Right click to copy the address “10015f2b4” for further use.(Copy–>Copy Columns–>Location)

Click ‘g'(or Navigation –> Go To… ) go to the address we found.

Right click to show the reference to this address or this function to step over.(References –> Show References to…)

we’ll see it’s jump to a new address “1000317e8”

This address is in the function as below,you could analyse this function to complete something.

                     *                      FUNCTION                       *
                     undefined FUN_1000f6460()
       undefined       AL:1         <RETURN>
                     FUN_1000f6460                             XREF[5]:   FUN_1000f4c90:1000f4f33(c), 
 1000f6460 55            PUSH      RBP
 1000f6461 48 89 e5      MOV       RBP,RSP
 1000f6464 41 57         PUSH      R15
 1000f6466 41 56         PUSH      R14
 1000f6468 53            PUSH      RBX
 1000f6469 48 83 ec      SUB       RSP,0x38
 1000f646d 49 89 ff      MOV       R15,RDI
 1000f6470 48 8d 5d      LEA       RBX,[RBP + -0x28]
 1000f6474 48 89 df      MOV       RDI,RBX
 1000f6477 e8 f8 ea      CALL      __stubs::__ZN9QDateTime18currentDateTimeU  undefined __ZN9QDateTime18cu
           03 00
 1000f647c 4d 69 77      IMUL      R14,qword ptr [R15 + 0x58],0x3e8
           58 e8 03 
           00 00
 1000f6484 48 89 df      MOV       RDI,RBX
 1000f6487 e8 0a f0      CALL      __stubs::__ZNK9QDateTime17toMSecsSinceEpo  undefined __ZNK9QDateTime17t
           03 00
 1000f648c 48 89 c3      MOV       RBX,RAX
 1000f648f 49 8d 7f      LEA       RDI,[R15 + 0x30]
 1000f6493 e8 fe ef      CALL      __stubs::__ZNK9QDateTime17toMSecsSinceEpo  undefined __ZNK9QDateTime17t
           03 00
 1000f6498 48 29 d8      SUB       RAX,RBX
 1000f649b 4c 01 f0      ADD       RAX,R14
 1000f649e 48 3d 87      CMP       RAX,0x1387
           13 00 00
 1000f64a4 0f 8f b2      JG        LAB_1000f655c
           00 00 00
 1000f64aa c7 45 b0      MOV       dword ptr [RBP + -0x50],0x2
           02 00 00 
 1000f64b1 c7 45 c4      MOV       dword ptr [RBP + -0x3c],0x0
           00 00 00 
 1000f64b8 48 c7 45      MOV       qword ptr [RBP + -0x44],0x0
           bc 00 00 
           00 00
 1000f64c0 48 c7 45      MOV       qword ptr [RBP + -0x4c],0x0
           b4 00 00 
           00 00
 1000f64c8 48 8d 05      LEA       RAX,[s_default_10015e50f]                  = "default"
           40 80 06 
 1000f64cf 48 89 45      MOV       qword ptr [RBP + -0x38],RAX=>s_default_10  = "default"
 1000f64d3 48 8d 7d      LEA       RDI,[RBP + -0x30]
 1000f64d7 48 8d 75      LEA       RSI,[RBP + -0x50]
 1000f64db e8 34 ed      CALL      __stubs::__ZNK14QMessageLogger5debugEv     undefined __ZNK14QMessageLog
           03 00
 1000f64e0 4c 8b 75      MOV       R14,qword ptr [RBP + -0x30]
 1000f64e4 48 8d 35      LEA       RSI,[s_License_has_expired_100163e44]      = "License has expired"
           59 d9 06 
 1000f64eb 48 8d 7d      LEA       RDI,[RBP + -0x20]
 1000f64ef ba 13 00      MOV       EDX,0x13
           00 00
 1000f64f4 e8 0d e9      CALL      __stubs::__ZN7QString15fromUtf8_helperEPK  undefined __ZN7QString15from
           03 00
 1000f64f9 48 8d 75      LEA       RSI,[RBP + -0x20]
 1000f64fd 4c 89 f7      MOV       RDI,R14
 1000f6500 e8 99 e4      CALL      __stubs::__ZN11QTextStreamlsERK7QString    undefined __ZN11QTextStreaml
           03 00
 1000f6505 48 8b 7d      MOV       RDI,qword ptr [RBP + -0x20]
 1000f6509 8b 07         MOV       EAX,dword ptr [RDI]
 1000f650b 83 f8 ff      CMP       EAX,-0x1
 1000f650e 74 25         JZ        LAB_1000f6535
 1000f6510 85 c0         TEST      EAX,EAX
 1000f6512 74 12         JZ        LAB_1000f6526
 1000f6514 b8 ff ff      MOV       EAX,0xffffffff
           ff ff
 1000f6519 f0            LOCK
 1000f651a 0f c1 07      XADD      dword ptr [RDI],EAX
 1000f651d 83 f8 01      CMP       EAX,0x1
 1000f6520 75 13         JNZ       LAB_1000f6535
 1000f6522 48 8b 7d      MOV       RDI,qword ptr [RBP + -0x20]

We could use the same method to analyse the other string,such as “License has expired”,”license.expired”. and so on.

2.Change The Jump Condition

Track the string “License_has_expired”.

1. Address 100163e44

                         s_License_has_expired_100163e44           XREF[2]:   FUN_1000f6460:1000f64e4(*), 
     100163e44 4c 69 63      ds        "License has expired"
               65 6e 73 
               65 20 68

We could found two calls for this function.

2. Address 1000f64e4 in the function below,it’s caculate for expire time.

                         *                      FUNCTION                       *
                         undefined FUN_1000f6460()
           undefined       AL:1         <RETURN>
                         FUN_1000f6460                             XREF[5]:   FUN_1000f4c90:1000f4f33(c), 
     1000f6460 55            PUSH      RBP
     1000f6461 48 89 e5      MOV       RBP,RSP
     1000f6464 41 57         PUSH      R15
     1000f6466 41 56         PUSH      R14
     1000f6468 53            PUSH      RBX
     1000f6469 48 83 ec      SUB       RSP,0x38
     1000f646d 49 89 ff      MOV       R15,RDI
     1000f6470 48 8d 5d      LEA       RBX,[RBP + -0x28]
     1000f6474 48 89 df      MOV       RDI,RBX
     1000f6477 e8 f8 ea      CALL      __stubs::__ZN9QDateTime18currentDateTimeU  undefined __ZN9QDateTime18cu
               03 00
     1000f647c 4d 69 77      IMUL      R14,qword ptr [R15 + 0x58],0x3e8
               58 e8 03 
               00 00
     1000f6484 48 89 df      MOV       RDI,RBX
     1000f6487 e8 0a f0      CALL      __stubs::__ZNK9QDateTime17toMSecsSinceEpo  undefined __ZNK9QDateTime17t
               03 00
     1000f648c 48 89 c3      MOV       RBX,RAX
     1000f648f 49 8d 7f      LEA       RDI,[R15 + 0x30]
     1000f6493 e8 fe ef      CALL      __stubs::__ZNK9QDateTime17toMSecsSinceEpo  undefined __ZNK9QDateTime17t
               03 00
     1000f6498 48 29 d8      SUB       RAX,RBX
     1000f649b 4c 01 f0      ADD       RAX,R14
     1000f649e 48 3d 87      CMP       RAX,0x1387
               13 00 00
     1000f64a4 0f 8f b2      JG        LAB_1000f655c
               00 00 00
     1000f64aa c7 45 b0      MOV       dword ptr [RBP + -0x50],0x2
               02 00 00 
     1000f64b1 c7 45 c4      MOV       dword ptr [RBP + -0x3c],0x0
               00 00 00 
     1000f64b8 48 c7 45      MOV       qword ptr [RBP + -0x44],0x0
               bc 00 00 
               00 00
     1000f64c0 48 c7 45      MOV       qword ptr [RBP + -0x4c],0x0
               b4 00 00 
               00 00
     1000f64c8 48 8d 05      LEA       RAX,[s_default_10015e50f]                  = "default"
               40 80 06 
     1000f64cf 48 89 45      MOV       qword ptr [RBP + -0x38],RAX=>s_default_10  = "default"
     1000f64d3 48 8d 7d      LEA       RDI,[RBP + -0x30]
     1000f64d7 48 8d 75      LEA       RSI,[RBP + -0x50]
     1000f64db e8 34 ed      CALL      __stubs::__ZNK14QMessageLogger5debugEv     undefined __ZNK14QMessageLog
               03 00
     1000f64e0 4c 8b 75      MOV       R14,qword ptr [RBP + -0x30]
     1000f64e4 48 8d 35      LEA       RSI,[s_License_has_expired_100163e44]      = "License has expired"
               59 d9 06 
     1000f64eb 48 8d 7d      LEA       RDI,[RBP + -0x20]
     1000f64ef ba 13 00      MOV       EDX,0x13
               00 00
     1000f64f4 e8 0d e9      CALL      __stubs::__ZN7QString15fromUtf8_helperEPK  undefined __ZN7QString15from
               03 00
     1000f64f9 48 8d 75      LEA       RSI,[RBP + -0x20]
     1000f64fd 4c 89 f7      MOV       RDI,R14
     1000f6500 e8 99 e4      CALL      __stubs::__ZN11QTextStreamlsERK7QString    undefined __ZN11QTextStreaml
               03 00
     1000f6505 48 8b 7d      MOV       RDI,qword ptr [RBP + -0x20]
     1000f6509 8b 07         MOV       EAX,dword ptr [RDI]
     1000f650b 83 f8 ff      CMP       EAX,-0x1
     1000f650e 74 25         JZ        LAB_1000f6535
     1000f6510 85 c0         TEST      EAX,EAX
     1000f6512 74 12         JZ        LAB_1000f6526
     1000f6514 b8 ff ff      MOV       EAX,0xffffffff
               ff ff
     1000f6519 f0            LOCK
     1000f651a 0f c1 07      XADD      dword ptr [RDI],EAX
     1000f651d 83 f8 01      CMP       EAX,0x1
     1000f6520 75 13         JNZ       LAB_1000f6535
     1000f6522 48 8b 7d      MOV       RDI,qword ptr [RBP + -0x20]

C code is below:

void FUN_1000f6460(long lParm1)

int iVar1;
long lVar2;
long lVar3;
long lVar4;
ulong uVar5;
ulong uVar6;
ulong uVar7;
undefined4 uStack88;
undefined8 uStack84;
undefined8 uStack76;
undefined4 uStack68;
char *pcStack64;
long lStack56;
undefined auStack48 [8];
int *piStack40;

lVar2 = *(long *)(lParm1 + 0x58);
lVar3 = __ZNK9QDateTime17toMSecsSinceEpochEv(auStack48);
lVar4 = __ZNK9QDateTime17toMSecsSinceEpochEv(lParm1 + 0x30);
uVar5 = (lVar4 – lVar3) + lVar2 * 1000;
if (4999 < (long)uVar5) { uVar6 = (uVar5 >> 0x3f) + uVar5 >> 1;
uVar7 = 0x7fffffff;
if ((long)uVar5 < 0xfffffffe) {
uVar7 = uVar6 & 0xffffffff;
__ZN6QTimer11setIntervalEi(lParm1 + 0x88,uVar7,0xfffffffe,uVar6);
__ZN6QTimer5startEv(lParm1 + 0x88);
goto LAB_1000f6590;
uStack88 = 2;
uStack68 = 0;
uStack76 = 0;
uStack84 = 0;
pcStack64 = “default”;
lVar2 = lStack56;
__ZN7QString15fromUtf8_helperEPKci(&piStack40,”License has expired”,0x13);
if (piStack40 != -1) { if (piStack40 != 0) {
iVar1 = *piStack40;
*piStack40 = piStack40 + -1; if (iVar1 != 1) goto LAB_1000f6535; } __ZN10QArrayData10deallocateEPS_mm(piStack40,2,8); } LAB_1000f6535: if ((char *)(lStack56 + 0x20) != 0) {

3. Address 1000f64a4:Change “JG” to “JL”,skip the “License_has_expired” function(You could use byte edit method too)


7C cb JL rel8 Jump short if less (SF<>OF)
7F cb JG rel8 Jump short if greater (ZF=0 and SF=OF)
 1000f64a4 0f 8f b2      JG        LAB_1000f655c
           00 00 00

Right click this address,choose “Patch Instruction” command to change the code to edit mode.

Change ‘JG’ to ‘JL’,Continue to click ‘Enter’.

The other address in step 1,use the same method to change the jump condition.

4.Export the programme after changed.
Choose the ‘File’ menu,click ‘Export Program…’ command.

Set the export format to ‘Binary’.

Choose the ‘Output file’ path,click ‘ok’ button to complete.

All was done.

posted @ 2019-05-08 05:41  heycomputer  阅读(277)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报