Alex He



Natural Language Expression VS SPARQL





AutoSPARQL Convert a natural language expression to a SPARQL query

     The underlying idea is to convert a natural language expression to a SPARQL query, which can then retrieve the answer of a question from a given triple store.

     AutoSPARQL: Let Users Query Your Knowledge Base by Jens Lehmann and Lorenz Bühmann in Proceedings of ESWC 2011

SPARQL2NL converting SPARQL queries to natural language

     Over the last years, Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies have reached the backend of a considerable number of applications. While experts can easily access the data stored in these backends via the W3C standard SPARQL, most lay users do not understand this query language. Thus, they mostly have to rely on forms and query builders. We address this drawback by presenting a framework that allows converting virtually any SPARQL 1.0 query into natural language. Our framework implements a bottom-up approach that consists of normalizing the input query, converting it to natural language and reducing the query to make easily understandable. As our approach is generic, it does not only allow transforming queries but also to represent the answers to queries in natural language. Therewith, our approach can be used to enable users accessing triple stores without even having to deal with SPARQL or RDF.

    Sorry, I don’t speak SPARQL — Translating SPARQL Queries into Natural Language by Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Lorenz Bühmann, Christina Unger, Jens Lehmann and Daniel Gerber. in Proceedings of WWW 2013


posted on 2013-02-24 16:51  Alex木头  阅读(814)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
