Alex He



The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

About the Collection

This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science. The bibliographies are updated weekly from their original locations such that you'll always find the most recent versions here.

The collection currently contains more than 3 millions of references (mostly to journal articles, conference papers and technical reports), clustered in about 1500 bibliographies, and consists of more than 2.3 GBytes (530MB gzipped) of BibTeX entries. More than 600 000 references contain crossreferences to citing or cited publications.

More than 1 million of references contain URLs to an online version of the paper. Abstracts are available for more than 800 000 entries. There are more than 2000 links to other sites carrying bibliographic information.

For more information on the contents of this collection have a look at thebibliographic statistics.

Search for publications in the bibliography collection

Since the bibliographies are not just referenced by links, but actually mirrored and present as a local copy, they are searchable.

Query: in any author title field;
Publication year: in:, since:, before: (four digit years)
Options: Results as Citation Results in BibTeX , 10 results per page 40 results per page 100 results per page 200 results per page , sort by score year online papers only

You may use Lucene syntax, available fields are: ti (title), au (author), yr(publications year). In short: the default operator is 'OR', use '+' and '' operators to specify ('+')required and ('')forbidden words. Wildcards: '?' – single letter, and '*' – part of the word (at the end of a word), '~' – specified at the end of a word makes approximate match (allows typos, but takes many seconds to process)


Here is a of bibliographies that have been added or updated within the last days.

The bibliographies have been categorized hierarchically. You can descend the hierarchy by following the subject areas below or search the bibliography descriptions with a boolean query.

The bibliographies have been grouped into subject areas, but there is still a substantial overlap between subject areas.

There are also other online bibliographies that are not integrated into this collection.

Hyperlinks to bibliographies on specific topics

If you would like to establish links from your page to interesting bibliographies in this collection, it is advised that you do not use URLs to a particular bibliography since the URLs of bibliographies might change and you would miss future additions that are also interesting to you.
Instead, use a URL of the form
and append a query that describes the area of interest, e.g. for bibliographies on load-balancing

You can test query expressions with the search form above to see whether the appropriate bibliographies are retrieved. That way you'll always link to all interesting bibliographies and do not miss out on new additions.

posted on 2012-07-03 10:28  Alex木头  阅读(227)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
