net 下用javascript调用webservice的话,要用到webservice behavior。下面以一个例子讲解之,比较简单

1 、首先,要创建一个webservice,比如

<%@ webservice language="c#" class=mymath %> using system; using; public class mymath { [webmethod] public int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } [webmethod] public int subtract(int a, int b) { return a - b; } }

<div id="addservice" style="behavior:url("></div>
这里我们将div id命名为有意义的名称,并且指定style为 webservice行为。接着,我们要书写javascript来调用webserice了:

<script language="javascript"> function init() { addservice.useservice("http://localhost/services/math.asmx?wsdl","mymath"); } </script> <body onload="init()"> <div id="service" style="behavior:url("> </div> </body>

     在上面,我们通过webservice行为,首先得到了返回webservice的wsdl,接下来我们要进行调用了,调用的格式如下:   icallid = id.friendlyname.callservice([callbackhandler,] "methodname",  param1, param2, ...);

<script language="javascript"> // all these variables must be global, // because they are used in both init() and onresult(). var icallid = 0; var inta = 5; var intb = 6; function init() { // establish the friendly name "mymath" for the webserviceurl service.useservice("/services/math.asmx?wsdl","mymath"); // the following method doesnt specify a callback handler, so onwsresult() is used icallid = service.mymath.callservice("add", inta, intb); } function onwsresult() { // if there is an error, and the call came from the call() in init() if((event.result.error)&&( { // pull the error information from the event.result.errordetail properties var xfaultcode = event.result.errordetail.code; var xfaultstring = event.result.errordetail.string; var xfaultsoap = event.result.errordetail.raw; // add code to handle specific error codes here } // if there was no error, and the call came from the call() in init() else if((!event.result.error) && (icallid == { // show the arithmetic! alert(inta + + + intb + = + event.result.value); } else { alert("something else fired the event!"); } } </script> <body onload="init()"> <div id="service" style="behavior:url(" onresult="onwsresult()"> </div> </body>


<script language="javascript"> // all these variables must be global, // because they are used in both init() and onresult(). var icallid = 0; var inta = 5; var intb = 6; function init() { // establish the friendly name "mymath" for the webserviceurl service.useservice("/services/math.asmx?wsdl","mymath"); // the following uses a callback handler named "mathresults" icallid = service.mymath.callservice(mathresults, "add", inta, intb); } function mathresults(result) { // if there is an error, and the call came from the call() in init() if(result.error) { // pull the error information from the event.result.errordetail properties var xfaultcode = result.errordetail.code; var xfaultstring = result.errordetail.string; var xfaultsoap = result.errordetail.raw; // add code to handle specific error codes here } // if there was no error else { // show the arithmetic alert(inta + + + intb + " = " + result.value); } } </script> <body onload="init()"> <div id="service" style="behavior:url("> </div> </body>
Posted on 2008-09-03 21:33  hesen  阅读(314)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报