摘要: Problem DescriptionZLGG found a magic theory that the bigger banana the bigger banana peel .This important theory can help him make a ... 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-05-13 18:33 Herumw 阅读(138) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: Problem DescriptionJohn are playing with blocks. There are N blocks (1 #include#include#include#include#include#includeusing namespace... 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-05-13 12:02 Herumw 阅读(206) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: Problem DescriptionTT and FF are ... friends. Uh... very very good friends -________-bFF is a bad boy, he is always wooing TT to play ... 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-05-13 10:35 Herumw 阅读(129) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑