
maximo的后台开发 从0开始的  就把自己写的一些代码放者

1. setWhere 的效果是在原有的sql上添加一个and 以及这个条件mboSetRemote.setWhere("ENDTEST<="+SqlFormat.getDateFunction(inputRemoveDate));

这个加完的效果就是seletc * from xxx where (endtest <=值) and (原有条件) designer里新增对话框的时候,输入项一般是新增一个non persistence的table,把所有新增的放在这里



select * from MAXVARS where varname='CONFIGURING';

Check the VARVALUE returned. It will be a '1' to signify that configdb is running . If it is not, then do not continue and call into support to report the error.

update MAXVARS set varvalue='0' where varname='CONFIGURING';

This will reset the flag that signifies configdb to be running.

Maximo should now start.


posted @ 2020-03-16 17:01  heroinss  阅读(248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报