





Attribute definitions

4 ScheduleWork IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates the total work (e.g. person-hours) allocated to the task on behalf of the resource. Note: this is not necessarily the same as the task duration (IfcTaskTime.ScheduleDuration); it may vary according to the resource usage ratio and other resources assigned to the task. X
5 ScheduleUsage IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1] Indicates the amount of the resource used concurrently. For example, 100% means 1 worker, 300% means 3 workers, 50% means half of 1 worker's time for scenarios where multitasking is feasible. If not provided, then the usage ratio is considered to be 100%. X
6 ScheduleStart IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource is scheduled to start working. X
7 ScheduleFinish IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource is scheduled to finish working. X
8 ScheduleContour IfcLabel [0:1] Indicates how a resource should be leveled over time by adjusting the resource usage according to a specified curve. Standard values include: 'Flat', 'BackLoaded', 'FrontLoaded', 'DoublePeak', 'EarlyPeak', 'LatePeak', 'Bell', and 'Turtle'. Custom values may specify a custom name or formula. X
9 LevelingDelay IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates a delay in the ScheduleStart caused by leveling. X
10 IsOverAllocated IfcBoolean [0:1] Indicates that the resource is scheduled in excess of its capacity. X
11 StatusTime IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the date and time for which status values are applicable; particularly completion, actual, and remaining values. If values are time-phased (the referencing IfcConstructionResource has associated time series values for attributes), then the status values may be determined from such time-phased data as of the StatusTime. X
12 ActualWork IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates the actual work performed by the resource as of the StatusTime. X
13 ActualUsage IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1] Indicates the actual amount of the resource used concurrently. X
14 ActualStart IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource actually started working. X
15 ActualFinish IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource actually finished working. X
16 RemainingWork IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates the work remaining to be completed by the resource. X
17 RemainingUsage IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1]   X
18 Completion IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1] Indicates the percent completion of this resource. If the resource is assigned to a task, then indicates completion of the task on behalf of the resource; if the resource is partitioned into sub-allocations, then indicates overall completion of sub-allocations. X





Attribute inheritance

1 Name IfcLabel [0:1] Optional name for the time definition. X
2 DataOrigin IfcDataOriginEnum [0:1] Specifies the origin of the scheduling time entity. It currently differentiates between predicted, simulated, measured, and user defined values. X
3 UserDefinedDataOrigin IfcLabel [0:1] Value of the data origin if DataOrigin attribute is USERDEFINED. X
4 ScheduleWork IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates the total work (e.g. person-hours) allocated to the task on behalf of the resource. Note: this is not necessarily the same as the task duration (IfcTaskTime.ScheduleDuration); it may vary according to the resource usage ratio and other resources assigned to the task. X
5 ScheduleUsage IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1] Indicates the amount of the resource used concurrently. For example, 100% means 1 worker, 300% means 3 workers, 50% means half of 1 worker's time for scenarios where multitasking is feasible. If not provided, then the usage ratio is considered to be 100%. X
6 ScheduleStart IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource is scheduled to start working. X
7 ScheduleFinish IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource is scheduled to finish working. X
8 ScheduleContour IfcLabel [0:1] Indicates how a resource should be leveled over time by adjusting the resource usage according to a specified curve. Standard values include: 'Flat', 'BackLoaded', 'FrontLoaded', 'DoublePeak', 'EarlyPeak', 'LatePeak', 'Bell', and 'Turtle'. Custom values may specify a custom name or formula. X
9 LevelingDelay IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates a delay in the ScheduleStart caused by leveling. X
10 IsOverAllocated IfcBoolean [0:1] Indicates that the resource is scheduled in excess of its capacity. X
11 StatusTime IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the date and time for which status values are applicable; particularly completion, actual, and remaining values. If values are time-phased (the referencing IfcConstructionResource has associated time series values for attributes), then the status values may be determined from such time-phased data as of the StatusTime. X
12 ActualWork IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates the actual work performed by the resource as of the StatusTime. X
13 ActualUsage IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1] Indicates the actual amount of the resource used concurrently. X
14 ActualStart IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource actually started working. X
15 ActualFinish IfcDateTime [0:1] Indicates the time when the resource actually finished working. X
16 RemainingWork IfcDuration [0:1] Indicates the work remaining to be completed by the resource. X
17 RemainingUsage IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1]   X
18 Completion IfcPositiveRatioMeasure [0:1] Indicates the percent completion of this resource. If the resource is assigned to a task, then indicates completion of the task on behalf of the resource; if the resource is partitioned into sub-allocations, then indicates overall completion of sub-allocations. X


EXPRESS Specification

ENTITY IfcResourceTime
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcSchedulingTime);
  ScheduleWork : OPTIONAL IfcDuration;
  ScheduleUsage : OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
  ScheduleStart : OPTIONAL IfcDateTime;
  ScheduleFinish : OPTIONAL IfcDateTime;
  ScheduleContour : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
  LevelingDelay : OPTIONAL IfcDuration;
  IsOverAllocated : OPTIONAL IfcBoolean;
  StatusTime : OPTIONAL IfcDateTime;
  ActualWork : OPTIONAL IfcDuration;
  ActualUsage : OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
  ActualStart : OPTIONAL IfcDateTime;
  ActualFinish : OPTIONAL IfcDateTime;
  RemainingWork : OPTIONAL IfcDuration;
  RemainingUsage : OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
  Completion : OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;






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