kinova jaco2 TrajectoryPoint
kinova jaco2 TrajectoryPoint
/** @brief This data structure represents a point of a trajectory. It contains the position a limitation that you can applied. * \struct TrajectoryPoint KinovaTypes.h "Definition" */ struct TrajectoryPoint { /** * @brief Position information that described this trajectory point. */ UserPosition Position; /** * @brief A flag that indicates if the limitation are active or not (1 is active 0 is not). */ int LimitationsActive; /** * @brief A flag that indicates if the tracjetory's synchronization is active. (1 is active 0 is not). ONLY AVAILABLE IN ANGULAR CONTROL. */ int SynchroType; /** * @brief Limitation applied to this point if the limitation flag is active. */ Limitation Limitations; void InitStruct() { Position.InitStruct(); LimitationsActive = 0; SynchroType = 0; Limitations.InitStruct(); } };
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