ReaderWriter::ReadResult readNode(const std::string& fileName,const Options* options, bool buildKdTreeIfRequired=true) { ReaderWriter::ReadResult result; if (options && options->getReadFileCallback()) result = options->getReadFileCallback()->readNode(fileName,options); else if (_readFileCallback.valid()) result = _readFileCallback->readNode(fileName,options); else result = readNodeImplementation(fileName,options); if (buildKdTreeIfRequired) _buildKdTreeIfRequired(result, options); return result; }
/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSGDB_INPUT #define OSGDB_INPUT 1 #include <osg/Image> #include <osg/Shader> #include <osg/Node> #include <osg/Drawable> #include <osg/StateAttribute> #include <osg/ArgumentParser> #include <osgDB/ReaderWriter> #include <osgDB/Options> #include <map> #include <string> namespace osgDB { /** basic structure for custom runtime inheritance checking */ struct basic_type_wrapper { virtual ~basic_type_wrapper() {} virtual bool matches(const osg::Object *proto) const = 0; }; /** a class template that checks inheritance between a given Object's class and a class defined at compile time through the template parameter T. This is used in conjunction with readObjectOfType() to specify an abstract class as reference type. **/ template<class T> struct type_wrapper: basic_type_wrapper { bool matches(const osg::Object *proto) const { return dynamic_cast<const T*>(proto) != 0; } }; /** deprecated. */ class OSGDB_EXPORT Field { public: enum { MIN_CACHE_SIZE = 256 }; Field(); Field(const Field& field); virtual ~Field(); virtual Field& operator = (const Field& ic); void reset(); void addChar(char c); int getNoCharacters() const { return _fieldCacheSize; } void setWithinQuotes(bool withinQuotes=true); bool getWithinQuotes(); void setNoNestedBrackets(int no); int getNoNestedBrackets(); enum FieldType { OPEN_BRACKET, CLOSE_BRACKET, STRING, WORD, REAL, INTEGER, BLANK, UNINITIALISED }; FieldType getFieldType() const; bool isValid() const; bool isOpenBracket() const; bool isCloseBracket() const; bool isWord() const; bool matchWord(const char* str) const; bool matchWord(const char* str,int noCharacters) const; bool isString() const; bool matchString(const char* str) const; bool matchString(const char* str,int noCharacters) const; bool isQuotedString() const; const char* getStr() const; char* takeStr(); bool isInt() const; bool matchInt(int i) const; bool getInt(int& i) const; bool isUInt() const; bool matchUInt(unsigned int i) const; bool getUInt(unsigned int& i) const; bool isFloat() const; bool matchFloat(float f) const; bool getFloat(float& f) const; bool getFloat(double& f) const; static FieldType calculateFieldType(const char* str,bool withinQuotes=false); protected: void _init(); void _free(); void _copy(const Field& ic); int _fieldCacheCapacity; int _fieldCacheSize; char* _fieldCache; mutable FieldType _fieldType; bool _withinQuotes; int _noNestedBrackets; }; /** deprecated. */ class OSGDB_EXPORT FieldReader { public: FieldReader(); FieldReader(const FieldReader& ic); virtual ~FieldReader(); virtual FieldReader& operator = (const FieldReader& ic); void attach(std::istream* input); void detach(); virtual bool eof() const; bool readField(Field& fieldPtr); void ignoreField(); /** no of unmatched `{' encountered so far in file*/ int getNoNestedBrackets() const; private: bool _readField(Field* fieldPtr); void _init(); void _free(); void _copy(const FieldReader& ic); std::istream* _fin; bool _eof; bool findStartOfNextField(); int _noNestedBrackets; bool _delimiterEatLookUp[256]; bool _delimiterKeepLookUp[256]; }; /** deprecated. */ class OSGDB_EXPORT FieldReaderIterator { public: enum { MINIMUM_FIELD_READER_QUEUE_SIZE = 10 }; FieldReaderIterator(); FieldReaderIterator(const FieldReaderIterator& ic); virtual ~FieldReaderIterator(); FieldReaderIterator& operator = (const FieldReaderIterator& ic); void attach(std::istream* input); void detach(); virtual bool eof() const; FieldReader& getFieldReader() { return _reader; } void insert(int pos,Field* field); void insert(int pos,const char* str); Field& operator [] (int pos); Field& field (int pos); FieldReaderIterator& operator ++ (); FieldReaderIterator& operator += (int no); /** increments the iterator of the next simple field or * whole block if the current field[0] is an open bracket */ void advanceOverCurrentFieldOrBlock(); void advanceToEndOfCurrentBlock(); void advanceToEndOfBlock(int noNestBrackets); bool matchSequence(const char* str); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,std::string& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,unsigned int& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,int& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,float& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,osg::Vec2f& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,osg::Vec3f& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,osg::Vec4f& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,osg::Vec2d& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,osg::Vec3d& value); bool readSequence(const char* keyword,osg::Vec4d& value); bool readSequence(std::string& value); bool readSequence(unsigned int& value); bool readSequence(int& value); bool readSequence(float& value); bool readSequence(osg::Vec2f& value); bool readSequence(osg::Vec3f& value); bool readSequence(osg::Vec4f& value); bool readSequence(osg::Vec2d& value); bool readSequence(osg::Vec3d& value); bool readSequence(osg::Vec4d& value); private: void _init(); void _free(); void _copy(const FieldReaderIterator& ic); FieldReader _reader; Field _blank; Field* _previousField; Field** _fieldQueue; int _fieldQueueSize; int _fieldQueueCapacity; }; /** deprecated. */ class OSGDB_EXPORT Input : public FieldReaderIterator { public: Input(); virtual ~Input(); void setOptions(const Options* options) { _options = options; } const Options* getOptions() const { return _options.get(); } virtual osg::Object* readObjectOfType(const osg::Object& compObj); virtual osg::Object* readObjectOfType(const basic_type_wrapper &btw); template<typename T> inline T* readObjectOfType() { return dynamic_cast<T*>(readObjectOfType(osgDB::type_wrapper<T>())); } virtual osg::Object* readObject(); virtual osg::Image* readImage(); virtual osg::Drawable* readDrawable(); virtual osg::StateAttribute* readStateAttribute(); virtual osg::Uniform* readUniform(); virtual osg::Node* readNode(); virtual osg::Shader* readShader(); virtual osg::Object* readObject(const std::string& fileName); virtual osg::Image* readImage(const std::string& fileName); virtual osg::Node* readNode(const std::string& fileName); virtual osg::Shader* readShader(const std::string& fileName); virtual osg::Object* getObjectForUniqueID(const std::string& uniqueID); virtual void registerUniqueIDForObject(const std::string& uniqueID,osg::Object* obj); typedef osg::ArgumentParser::Parameter Parameter; bool read(Parameter value1); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7); bool read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7, Parameter value8); bool read(const char* str); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7); bool read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7, Parameter value8); private: typedef std::map< std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> > UniqueIDToObjectMapping; UniqueIDToObjectMapping _uniqueIDToObjectMap; osg::ref_ptr<const Options> _options; }; } #endif // __SG_INPUT_H
/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include <osg/Object> #include <osgDB/Registry> #include <osgDB/ReadFile> #include <osgDB/Input> using namespace osgDB; Input::Input() { } Input::~Input() { } osg::Object* Input::getObjectForUniqueID(const std::string& uniqueID) { UniqueIDToObjectMapping::iterator fitr = _uniqueIDToObjectMap.find(uniqueID); if (fitr != _uniqueIDToObjectMap.end()) return (*fitr).second.get(); else return NULL; } void Input::registerUniqueIDForObject(const std::string& uniqueID,osg::Object* obj) { _uniqueIDToObjectMap[uniqueID] = obj; } osg::Object* Input::readObjectOfType(const osg::Object& compObj) { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readObjectOfType(compObj,*this); } osg::Object* Input::readObjectOfType(const basic_type_wrapper &btw) { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readObjectOfType(btw,*this); } osg::Object* Input::readObject() { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readObject(*this); } osg::Image* Input::readImage() { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readImage(*this); } osg::Drawable* Input::readDrawable() { osg::Drawable* drawable = Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readDrawable(*this); osg::Geometry* geometry = drawable ? drawable->asGeometry() : 0; if (geometry && geometry->containsDeprecatedData()) geometry->fixDeprecatedData(); return drawable; } osg::StateAttribute* Input::readStateAttribute() { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readStateAttribute(*this); } osg::Uniform* Input::readUniform() { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readUniform(*this); } osg::Node* Input::readNode() { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readNode(*this); } osg::Object* Input::readObject(const std::string& fileName) { return readObjectFile(fileName,_options.get()); } osg::Shader* Input::readShader() { return Registry::instance()->getDeprecatedDotOsgObjectWrapperManager()->readShader(*this); } osg::Image* Input::readImage(const std::string& fileName) { return readImageFile(fileName,_options.get()); } osg::Node* Input::readNode(const std::string& fileName) { return readNodeFile(fileName,_options.get()); } osg::Shader* Input::readShader(const std::string& fileName) { return readShaderFile(fileName,_options.get()); } bool Input::read(Parameter value1) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); (*this) += 1; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); (*this) += 2; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[2].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); (*this) += 3; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[3].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); (*this) += 4; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[4].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); (*this) += 5; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value6.valid((*this)[5].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value6.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); (*this) += 6; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value6.valid((*this)[5].getStr()) && value7.valid((*this)[6].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value6.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); value7.assign((*this)[6].getStr()); (*this) += 7; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7, Parameter value8) { if (value1.valid((*this)[0].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value6.valid((*this)[5].getStr()) && value7.valid((*this)[6].getStr()) && value8.valid((*this)[7].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[0].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value6.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); value7.assign((*this)[6].getStr()); value8.assign((*this)[7].getStr()); (*this) += 8; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str)) { (*this) += 1; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); (*this) += 2; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); (*this) += 3; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[3].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); (*this) += 4; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[4].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); (*this) += 5; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[5].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); (*this) += 6; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[5].getStr()) && value6.valid((*this)[6].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); value6.assign((*this)[6].getStr()); (*this) += 7; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[5].getStr()) && value6.valid((*this)[6].getStr()) && value7.valid((*this)[7].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); value6.assign((*this)[6].getStr()); value7.assign((*this)[7].getStr()); (*this) += 8; return true; } else return false; } bool Input::read(const char* str, Parameter value1, Parameter value2, Parameter value3, Parameter value4, Parameter value5, Parameter value6, Parameter value7, Parameter value8) { if ((*this)[0].matchWord(str) && value1.valid((*this)[1].getStr()) && value2.valid((*this)[2].getStr()) && value3.valid((*this)[3].getStr()) && value4.valid((*this)[4].getStr()) && value5.valid((*this)[5].getStr()) && value6.valid((*this)[6].getStr()) && value7.valid((*this)[7].getStr()) && value8.valid((*this)[8].getStr())) { value1.assign((*this)[1].getStr()); value2.assign((*this)[2].getStr()); value3.assign((*this)[3].getStr()); value4.assign((*this)[4].getStr()); value5.assign((*this)[5].getStr()); value6.assign((*this)[6].getStr()); value7.assign((*this)[7].getStr()); value8.assign((*this)[8].getStr()); (*this) += 9; return true; } else return false; }
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