




Species P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Species Wood species of a solid wood or laminated wood product.
StrengthGrade P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Strength Grade Grade with respect to mechanical strength and stiffness.
AppearanceGrade P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Appearance Grade Grade with respect to visual quality.
Layup P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Layup Configuration of the lamination.
Layers P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcInteger
Layers Number of layers.
Plies P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcInteger
Plies Number of plies.
MoistureContent P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Moisture Content Total weight of moisture relative to oven-dried weight of the wood.
DimensionalChangeCoefficient P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Dimensional Change Coefficient Weighted dimensional change coefficient, relative to 1% change in moisture content.
ThicknessSwelling P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Thickness Swelling Swelling ratio relative to board depth.




posted @ 2021-07-30 14:25  西北逍遥  阅读(45)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报