


注:实体改编自ISO 10303-41中定义的人员。




Formal Propositions

IdentifiablePerson Requires that the identification or/ and the family name or/ and the given name is provided as minimum information.
ValidSetOfNames If middle names are provided, the family name or/ and the given name shall be provided too.






1 Identification IfcIdentifier [0:1] Identification of the person. X
2 FamilyName IfcLabel [0:1] The name by which the family identity of the person may be recognized.
NOTE  Depending on geographical location and culture, family name may appear either as the first or last component of a name.
3 GivenName IfcLabel [0:1] The name by which a person is known within a family and by which he or she may be familiarly recognized.
NOTE  Depending on geographical location and culture, given name may appear either as the first or last component of a name.
4 MiddleNames IfcLabel L[1:?] Additional names given to a person that enable their identification apart from others who may have the same or similar family and given names.
NOTE  Middle names are not normally used in familiar communication but may be asserted to provide additional identification of a particular person if necessary. They may be particularly useful in situations where the person concerned has a family name that occurs commonly in the geographical region.
5 PrefixTitles IfcLabel L[1:?] The word, or group of words, which specify the person's social and/or professional standing and appear before his/her names. X
6 SuffixTitles IfcLabel L[1:?] The word, or group of words, which specify the person's social and/or professional standing and appear after his/her names. X
7 Roles IfcActorRole L[1:?] Roles played by the person. X
8 Addresses IfcAddress L[1:?] Postal and telecommunication addresses of a person.
NOTE  A person may have several addresses.
  EngagedIn IfcPersonAndOrganization
S[0:?] The inverse relationship to IfcPersonAndOrganization relationships in which IfcPerson is engaged. X

EXPRESS Specification

ENTITY IfcPerson;
  Identification : OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier;
  FamilyName : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
  GivenName : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
  MiddleNames : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcLabel;
  PrefixTitles : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcLabel;
  SuffixTitles : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcLabel;
  Roles : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcActorRole;
  Addresses : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcAddress;
  EngagedIn : SET OF IfcPersonAndOrganization FOR ThePerson;
  IdentifiablePerson : EXISTS(Identification) OR EXISTS(FamilyName) OR EXISTS(GivenName);
  ValidSetOfNames : NOT EXISTS(MiddleNames) OR EXISTS(FamilyName) OR EXISTS(GivenName);


posted @ 2020-12-13 16:23  西北逍遥  阅读(152)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报