

IFC4更改了新的子类型IfcContext,并且添加了与context HasContext的关系。分解关系分为有序嵌套(Nests,IsNestedBy)和非有序聚合(Decomposes,IsDecomposedBy)。









Attribute definitions

  HasAssignments IfcRelAssigns
S[0:?] Reference to the relationship objects, that assign (by an association relationship) other subtypes of IfcObject to this object instance. Examples are the association to products, processes, controls, resources or groups. X
  Nests IfcRelNests
S[0:1] References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is a part within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object occurrence or type can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only). X
  IsNestedBy IfcRelNests
S[0:?] References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is the whole within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object or object type can be nested by several other objects (occurrences or types). X
  HasContext IfcRelDeclares
S[0:1] References to the context providing context information such as project unit or representation context. It should only be asserted for the uppermost non-spatial object. X
  IsDecomposedBy IfcRelAggregates
S[0:?] References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is whole within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can be aggregated by several other objects (occurrences or parts). X
  Decomposes IfcRelAggregates
S[0:1] References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is a part within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only). X
  HasAssociations IfcRelAssociates
S[0:?] Reference to the relationship objects, that associates external references or other resource definitions to the object.. Examples are the association to library, documentation or classification. X
Inherited definitions from supertypes

Entity inheritance

IfcContext IfcObject IfcTypeObject IfcRoot Attribute inheritance


1 GlobalId IfcGloballyUniqueId [1:1] Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. X
2 OwnerHistory IfcOwnerHistory [0:1] Assignment of the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object,
NOTE  only the last modification in stored - either as addition, deletion or modification.
3 Name IfcLabel [0:1] Optional name for use by the participating software systems or users. For some subtypes of IfcRoot the insertion of the Name attribute may be required. This would be enforced by a where rule. X
4 Description IfcText [0:1] Optional description, provided for exchanging informative comments. X
  HasAssignments IfcRelAssigns
S[0:?] Reference to the relationship objects, that assign (by an association relationship) other subtypes of IfcObject to this object instance. Examples are the association to products, processes, controls, resources or groups. X
  Nests IfcRelNests
S[0:1] References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is a part within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object occurrence or type can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only). X
  IsNestedBy IfcRelNests
S[0:?] References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is the whole within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object or object type can be nested by several other objects (occurrences or types). X
  HasContext IfcRelDeclares
S[0:1] References to the context providing context information such as project unit or representation context. It should only be asserted for the uppermost non-spatial object. X
  IsDecomposedBy IfcRelAggregates
S[0:?] References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is whole within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can be aggregated by several other objects (occurrences or parts). X
  Decomposes IfcRelAggregates
S[0:1] References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is a part within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only). X
  HasAssociations IfcRelAssociates
S[0:?] Reference to the relationship objects, that associates external references or other resource definitions to the object.. Examples are the association to library, documentation or classification. X


posted @ 2020-02-16 09:22  西北逍遥  阅读(416)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报