



1 IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionSelect (路基转动反力模量的选择)

IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionSelect 是一种测量方法,表示每段结构曲线的旋转层理。TRUE表示无限刚度(刚度)。FALSE表示没有刚度(释放)。数值表示有限的线弹性刚度。

2 IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionSelect  (路基反力模量选择)

3 IfcModulusOfTranslationalSubgradeReactionSelect  (平动路基反力模量选择)

4 IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect  (旋转刚度选择)

5 IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect  (平移刚度选择)

6 IfcWarpingStiffnessSelect (扭曲刚度选择)

1 IfcBoundaryCondition (边界条件)

2 IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition (边界条件)


2 TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX IfcModulusOfTranslationalSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in x-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
3 TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY IfcModulusOfTranslationalSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in y-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
4 TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ IfcModulusOfTranslationalSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in z-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
5 RotationalStiffnessByLengthX IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Rotational stiffness value about the x-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
6 RotationalStiffnessByLengthY IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Rotational stiffness value about the y-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
7 RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Rotational stiffness value about the z-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X

3 IfcBoundaryFaceCondition (边界界面条件)


2 TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in x-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
3 TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in y-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
4 TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in z-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X

4 IfcBoundaryNodeCondition (边界节点条件)

2 TranslationalStiffnessX IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in x-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
3 TranslationalStiffnessY IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in y-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
4 TranslationalStiffnessZ IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect [0:1] Translational stiffness value in z-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
5 RotationalStiffnessX IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect [0:1] Rotational stiffness value about the x-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
6 RotationalStiffnessY IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect [0:1] Rotational stiffness value about the y-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
7 RotationalStiffnessZ IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect [0:1] Rotational stiffness value about the z-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X

5 IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping (边界节点条件扭曲)
6 IfcFailureConnectionCondition (故障连接条件)
7 IfcSlippageConnectionCondition (滑移连接条件)
8 IfcStructuralConnectionCondition (结构连接条件)
9 IfcStructuralLoad (结构荷载)


10 IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration (结构荷载配置)





11 IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce (结构荷载线力)


Attribute definitions

2 LinearForceX IfcLinearForceMeasure [0:1] Linear force value in x-direction. X
3 LinearForceY IfcLinearForceMeasure [0:1] Linear force value in y-direction. X
4 LinearForceZ IfcLinearForceMeasure [0:1] Linear force value in z-direction. X
5 LinearMomentX IfcLinearMomentMeasure [0:1] Linear moment about the x-axis. X
6 LinearMomentY IfcLinearMomentMeasure [0:1] Linear moment about the y-axis. X
7 LinearMomentZ IfcLinearMomentMeasure [0:1] Linear moment about the z-axis. X






12 IfcStructuralLoadOrResult (结构荷载或结果)
13 IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce (结构荷载平面力)
14 IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement (结构荷载单位移动)
15 IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion (结构荷载单位移动变形)
16 IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce (结构荷载单力)
17 IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping (结构荷载单力扭曲)
18 IfcStructuralLoadStatic (静态结构荷载)

19 IfcStructuralLoadTemperature (结构荷载温度)


2 DeltaTConstant IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure [0:1] Temperature change which affects the complete section of the structural member, or the uniform portion of a non-uniform temperature change.
NOTE  A positive value describes an increase in temperature. I.e. a positive constant temperature change causes elongation of a member, or compression in the member if there are respective restraints.
3 DeltaTY IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure [0:1] Non-uniform temperature change, specified as the difference of the temperature change at the outer fibre of the positive y direction minus the temperature change at the outer fibre of the negative y direction of the analysis member.
NOTE  A positive non-uniform temperature change in y induces a negative curvature of the member about z, or a positive bending moment about z if there are respective restraints. y and z are local member axes.
4 DeltaTZ IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure [0:1] Non-uniform temperature change, specified as the difference of the temperature change at the outer fibre of the positive z direction minus the temperature change at the outer fibre of the negative z direction of the analysis member.
NOTE  A positive non-uniform temperature change in z induces a positive curvature of the member about y, or a negative bending moment about y if there are respective restraints. y and z are local member axes.



20 IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea (表筋面积)


Attribute definitions

2 SurfaceReinforcement1 IfcLengthMeasure L[2:3] Reinforcement at the face of the member which is located at the side of the positive local z direction of the surface member. Specified as area per length, e.g. square metre per metre (hence length measure, e.g. metre). The reinforcement area may be specified for two or three directions of reinforcement bars. X
3 SurfaceReinforcement2 IfcLengthMeasure L[2:3] Reinforcement at the face of the member which is located at the side of the negative local z direction of the surface member. Specified as area per length, e.g. square metre per metre (hence length measure, e.g. metre). The reinforcement area may be specified for two or three directions of reinforcement bars. X
4 ShearReinforcement IfcRatioMeasure [0:1] Shear reinforcement. Specified as area per area, e.g. square metre per square metre (hence ratio measure, i.e. unitless). X

Formal Propositions

SurfaceAndOrShearAreaSpecified At least one of the reinforcement area attributes shall be specified.
NonnegativeArea1 Surface reinforcement area must not be less than 0.
NonnegativeArea2 Surface reinforcement area must not be less than 0.
NonnegativeArea3 Shear reinforcement area must not be less than 0.



IfcStructuralLoadOrResult IfcStructuralLoad



posted @ 2020-01-17 22:50  西北逍遥  阅读(302)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报