This is a pseudocode for DBSCAN from "A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise".
And I have tried the pseudocode from the WIKI page. I prefer this.
ExpandCluster(SetOfPoints, Point, ClId, Eps, MinPts) : Boolean; seeds:=SetOfPoints.regionQuery(Point,Eps); IF seeds.size<MinPts THEN // no core point SetOfPoint.changeClId(Point,NOISE); RETURN False; ELSE // all points in seeds are density- // reachable from Point SetOfPoints.changeClIds(seeds,ClId); seeds.delete(Point); WHILE seeds <> Empty DO currentP := seeds.first(); result := SetOfPoints.regionQuery(currentP, Eps); IF result.size >= MinPts THEN FOR i FROM 1 TO result.size DO resultP := result.get(i); IF resultP.ClId IN {UNCLASSIFIED, NOISE} THEN IF resultP.ClId = UNCLASSIFIED THEN seeds.append(resultP); END IF; SetOfPoints.changeClId(resultP,ClId); END IF; // UNCLASSIFIED or NOISE END FOR; END IF; // result.size >= MinPts seeds.delete(currentP); END WHILE; // seeds <> Empty RETURN True; END IF END; // ExpandCluster DBSCAN (SetOfPoints, Eps, MinPts) // SetOfPoints is UNCLASSIFIED ClusterId := nextId(NOISE); FOR i FROM 1 TO SetOfPoints.size DO Point := SetOfPoints.get(i); IF Point.ClId = UNCLASSIFIED THEN IF ExpandCluster(SetOfPoints, Point, ClusterId, Eps, MinPts) THEN ClusterId := nextId(ClusterId) END IF END IF END FOR END; // DBSCAN
This can cluster the data based on density(or distance) consider noise, it's no complicated to implement.
I see that the most important thing that to get good result is to get good eps and minpts. and if your data is complicate the distance of two data point have so much influence on the result.
Good luck.