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Geting Started With DotNetNuke
Key Concepts
- DotNetNuke is a portal framework that stores all information in a database, typically SQL.
- DotNetNuke supports the hosting, design and maintenance of multiple online business portals using a single database.
- A portal consists of Pages (web pages) which automatically create a dynamic portal Menu to enable navigation from Page to Page; and Modules that present a type of content to the user. E.g. a list of Links, a list of Documents, or a News Feed.
- DotNetNuke uses Security Roles to control access to areas of the portal. Security Roles can be created by the Portal Administrator
- Two important Security Roles are provided with DotNetNuke, the Portal Administrator (Admin) and the Host Administrator (Host). Users who belong to these Security Roles have access to a range of additional tools. The Admin Role maintains control over a single portal, whereas the Host Role maintains control over all portals within the database and is able to create new portals.
Logging in
- Click Login or navigate to an Account Login module.
- In the User Name field, enter a user name.
- In the Password, enter the password.
- Click the Login button.
Update the Administrator Account Login Details
To protect your portal from any visitor logging in and uploading potentially dangerous files, you must first update the Administrator and Host Account Login detail.
- Click Login.
- In the User Name field, enter admin.
- In the Password field, enter admin.
- Click the Login button.
- Click Administrator Account.
- In the Old Password field, enter Admin.
- In the New Password field, enter a new password. Remember that passwords are case sensitive.
- In the Confirm New Password field, re-enter the new password.
- Modify any other field details as desired.
- Click Update.
Update the Host Account Login Details
To protect your portal from any visitor logging in and uploading potentially dangerous files, you must first update the Administrator and Host Account Login detail.
- Click Login.
- In the User Name field, enter admin.
- In the Password field, enter admin.
- Click the Login button.
- Click Host.
- In the Old Password field, enter host.
- In the New Password field, enter a new password. Remember that passwords are case sensitive.
- In the Confirm New Password field, re-enter the new password.
- Modify any other fields as desired.
- Click Update.
Color Codes and Names
AliceBlue |
AntiqueWhite |
Aqua |
Aquamarine |
Azure |
Beige |
Bisque |
Black |
BlanchedAlmond |
Blue |
BlueViolet |
Brown |
BurlyWood |
CadetBlue |
Chartreuse |
Chocolate |
Coral |
CornflowerBlue |
Cornsilk |
Crimson |
Cyan |
DarkBlue |
DarkCyan |
DarkGoldenRod |
Darkgray |
DarkGreen |
DarkKhaki |
DarkMagenta |
DarkOliveGreen |
DarkOrange |
DarkOrchid |
DarkRed |
DarkSalmon |
DarkSeaGreen |
DarkSlateBlue |
DarkSlateGray |
DarkTurquoise |
DarkViolet |
deepPink |
DeepSkyBlue |
Dimgray |
DodgerBlue |
FireBrick |
Floralwhite |
ForestGreen |
Fuchsia |
Gainsboro |
Ghostwhite |
Gold |
GoldenRod |
Gray |
Green |
GreenYellow |
HoneyDew |
Hotpink |
IndianRed |
Indigo |
Ivory |
Khaki |
Lavender |
LavenderBlush |
LawnGreen |
LemonChiffon |
LightBlue |
LightCoral |
LightCyan |
LightGoldenRodYellow |
LightGreen |
LightGrey |
LightPink |
LightSalmon |
LightSeaGreen |
LightSkyBlue |
LightSlateGray |
LightSteelBlue |
LightYellow |
Lime |
LimeGreen |
Linen |
Magenta |
Maroon |
MediumAquamarine |
MediumBlue |
MediumOrchid |
MediumPurple |
MediumSeaGreen |
MediumSlateBlue |
MediumSpringGreen |
MediumTurquoise |
MediumVioletRed |
MidnightBlue |
MintCream |
MistyRose |
Moccasin |
NavajoWhite |
Navy |
OldLace |
Olive |
OliveDrab |
Orange |
OrangeRed |
Orchid |
PaleGoldenRod |
PaleGreen |
PaleTurquoise |
PaleVioletRed |
PapayaWhip |
PeachPuff |
Pink |
Plum |
PowderBlue |
Purple |
Red |
RosyBrown |
RoyalBlue |
SaddleBrown |
Salmon |
SandyBrown |
SeaGreen |
Seashell |
Sienna |
Silver |
SkyBlue |
SlateBlue |
SlateGray |
Snow |
SpringGreen |
SteelBlue |
Tan |
Teal |
Thistle |
Tomato |
Turquoise |
Violet |
Wheat |
White |
WhiteSmoke |
Yellow |
YellowGreen |
Glossary of Terms
Administrator (Admin)
Security Role permitting full portal administration rights. The portal administrator/s has full access to all tabs and modules in the portal and is able to add, edit and update all tabs and modules on the portal.
The Administrator/s also has access to the Admin tab, permitting management of security roles, members/users, bulk email, site settings, vendor management and file management.
Members Services
A member’s service is a Security Role that has been created as a Public Role. All registered users are able to sign up for members services which can include a trial fee and/or a service fee. Access to a member’s service can also be limited to a number of days, weeks or months. See Security Roles for more details.
A module is a building block that permits the administrator/s to add content to a tab. Typically; one or more modules are added to each tab. Each module is designed to manage a common type of online content such as a list of FAQ’s, a calendar of events, or a list of downloadable documents. See Modules for more details.
Module SettingsModule settings control the Security Role access for the module, page location, module container design and more. More details.
PaneA pane is a column on a tab. By default, each page can display either one, two or three panes. Modules appear on the main pane by default and can be moved to either the left or right panes. The width of the left and right panes is set under Tab Setting.
PortalA portal is another term for a website. Typically, a portal is a website with lots of links to other websites. DotNetNuke can be used as either a portal or a website; however DotNetNuke is referred to as a portal in this documentation.
Registered UserAny visitor who registers to be a member of the portal is a Registered User. This is the default Security Role to which all Users are added. A User cannot be removed from the Registered User Security Role. Users can however be set as Unauthorised which removes Registered User privileges.
RolesSee Security Roles below.
Security RolesSecurity Roles control user access to view and edit tabs and modules on the portal. Each user can belong to one or more Security Roles.
Each new portal begins with three security roles - Administrator, Demo User and Registered User. The portal Administrator is then able to add new security roles according to their business needs.
SiteA portal or website.
TabIn DotNetNuke Version 1 and 2 a page was called a Tab. This term is no longer used.
Page SettingsTab settings control the security role access for the tab, mobile telephone accessibility, design and more. See The Admin Tab, Working with Tabs for more details.
UserA user is any person who visits your portal.
VendorA vendor is a person or company who has been given advertising rights on your portal. Advertising methods are either inclusion in the portal Service Directory and/or banner advertising on the portal.
Skin Objects
Token |
Control |
Description |
< dnn:SolPartMenu runat="server" id="dnnSolPartMenu"> |
Displays the hierarchical navigation menu ( formerly [MENU] ) |
< dnn:Login runat="server" id="dnnLogin"> |
Dual state control – displays “Login” for anonymous users and “Logout” for authenticated users. |
< dnn:Banner runat="server" id="dnnBanner"> |
Displays a random banner ad |
< dnn:Breadcrumb runat="server" id="dnnBreadcrumb"> |
Displays the path to the currently selected tab in the form of TabName1 > TabName2 > TabName3 |
< dnn:Copyright runat="server" id="dnnCopyright"> |
Displays the copyright notice for the portal |
< dnn:CurrentDate runat="server" id="dnnCurrentDate"> |
Displays the current date |
< dnn:DotNetNuke runat="server" id="dnnDotnetNuke"> |
Displays the Copyright notice for DotNetNuke ( not required ) |
[HELP] |
< dnn:Help runat="server" id="dnnHelp"> |
Displays a link for Help which will launch the users email client and send mail to the portal Administrator |
< dnn:HostName runat="server" id="dnnHostName"> |
Displays the Host Title linked to the Host URL |
< dnn:Links runat="server" id="dnnLinks"> |
Displays a flat menu of links related to the current tab level and parent node. This is useful for search engine spiders and robots |
[LOGO] |
< dnn:Logo runat="server" id="dnnLogo"> |
Displays the portal logo |
< dnn:Privacy runat="server" id="dnnPrivacy"> |
Displays a link to the Privacy Information for the portal |
< dnn:Signin runat="server" id="dnnSignin"> |
Displays the signin control for providing your username and password. |
< dnn:Terms runat="server" id="dnnTerms"> |
Displays a link to the Terms and Conditions for the portal |
[USER] |
< dnn:User runat="server" id="dnnUser"> |
Dual state control – displays a “Register” link for anonymous users or the users name for authenticated users. |
<div runat=”server” id=”ContentPane”> |
Injects a placeholder for module content |
Skin Objects
Token |
Control |
Description |
< dnn:SolPartMenu runat="server" id="dnnSolPartMenu"> |
Displays the hierarchical navigation menu ( formerly [MENU] ) |
< dnn:Login runat="server" id="dnnLogin"> |
Dual state control – displays “Login” for anonymous users and “Logout” for authenticated users. |
< dnn:Banner runat="server" id="dnnBanner"> |
Displays a random banner ad |
< dnn:Breadcrumb runat="server" id="dnnBreadcrumb"> |
Displays the path to the currently selected tab in the form of TabName1 > TabName2 > TabName3 |
< dnn:Copyright runat="server" id="dnnCopyright"> |
Displays the copyright notice for the portal |
< dnn:CurrentDate runat="server" id="dnnCurrentDate"> |
Displays the current date |
< dnn:DotNetNuke runat="server" id="dnnDotnetNuke"> |
Displays the Copyright notice for DotNetNuke ( not required ) |
[HELP] |
< dnn:Help runat="server" id="dnnHelp"> |
Displays a link for Help which will launch the users email client and send mail to the portal Administrator |
< dnn:HostName runat="server" id="dnnHostName"> |
Displays the Host Title linked to the Host URL |
< dnn:Links runat="server" id="dnnLinks"> |
Displays a flat menu of links related to the current tab level and parent node. This is useful for search engine spiders and robots |
[LOGO] |
< dnn:Logo runat="server" id="dnnLogo"> |
Displays the portal logo |
< dnn:Privacy runat="server" id="dnnPrivacy"> |
Displays a link to the Privacy Information for the portal |
< dnn:Signin runat="server" id="dnnSignin"> |
Displays the signin control for providing your username and password. |
< dnn:Terms runat="server" id="dnnTerms"> |
Displays a link to the Terms and Conditions for the portal |
[USER] |
< dnn:User runat="server" id="dnnUser"> |
Dual state control – displays a “Register” link for anonymous users or the users name for authenticated users. |
<div runat=”server” id=”ContentPane”> |
Injects a placeholder for module content |
The Host Administrator Role
Overview of Host Administrator Role
The Host pages permits a portal Host to configure the settings of the Parent portal (e.g. http://www.dotnetnuke.com/) and any Child portals created under this Parent portal (e.g. http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Child), manage users of the portal, manage Host site vendor accounts and banners, manage security roles, manage files, and send bulk email
Find a User’s Verification Code
- Navigate to the Host > SQL page.
- Enter the following into the SQL window:
SELECT dbo.Portals.PortalID, dbo.Users.UserID
dbo.UserPortals ON dbo.Users.UserID = dbo.UserPortals.UserId INNER JOIN
dbo.Portals ON dbo.UserPortals.PortalId = dbo.Portals.PortalID
WHERE (dbo.Users.FirstName = N’FIRSTNAME’) AND (dbo.Users.LastName = N’LASTNAME’)
- Click Execute.