from: http://www.asp.net/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?tabindex=1&PostID=817449
The new tables involved are:
so, roughly to pre-enter a registered user (username test):
first we need the application ID, for most people there will probably be only one entry in here.
select * from aspnet_applications
now we need the application specific role id for Registered Users
SELECT * from aspnet_roles WHERE applicationid = '<<Application Id>>' and loweredrolename = 'registered users'
we now have enough info to add a user record
INSERT INTO aspnet_users (applicationid,username,loweredusername,isanonymous,lastactivitydate) VALUES ('<<ApplicationId>>', 'test', 'test', 0, ' ')
now we can add a membership record
I have added a record with password of 'password' so I can get the values for password and passwordsalt:
Password = 'dJZb4pM3JlkCKO7HEWr6tAC4ulNlxsrWAVyfyjDJStFhW9izCuRWZQ=='
PasswordSalt = '53jFOMm1UgCrjeLSeu19Xw=='
INSERT INTO aspnet_membership (userid,password,passwordformat,passwordsalt,isapproved,islockedout,createdate,lastlogindate,lastpasswordchangeddate,lastlockoutdate,failedpasswordattemptcount,failedpasswordattemptwindowstart,failedpasswordanswerattemptcount,failedpasswordanswerattemptwindowstart) VALUES ('<<UserId>>','<<Password>>', 2, '<<PasswordSalt>>', 1, 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 0, ' ', 0, ' ')
link user with a role
INSERT INTO aspnet_usersinroles (userid,roleid) VALUES ('<<UserId>>','<<RoleId>>')
This will be sufficient to allow login as test:password
The new tables involved are:
so, roughly to pre-enter a registered user (username test):
first we need the application ID, for most people there will probably be only one entry in here.
select * from aspnet_applications
now we need the application specific role id for Registered Users
SELECT * from aspnet_roles WHERE applicationid = '<<Application Id>>' and loweredrolename = 'registered users'
we now have enough info to add a user record
INSERT INTO aspnet_users (applicationid,username,loweredusername,isanonymous,lastactivitydate) VALUES ('<<ApplicationId>>', 'test', 'test', 0, ' ')
now we can add a membership record
I have added a record with password of 'password' so I can get the values for password and passwordsalt:
Password = 'dJZb4pM3JlkCKO7HEWr6tAC4ulNlxsrWAVyfyjDJStFhW9izCuRWZQ=='
PasswordSalt = '53jFOMm1UgCrjeLSeu19Xw=='
INSERT INTO aspnet_membership (userid,password,passwordformat,passwordsalt,isapproved,islockedout,createdate,lastlogindate,lastpasswordchangeddate,lastlockoutdate,failedpasswordattemptcount,failedpasswordattemptwindowstart,failedpasswordanswerattemptcount,failedpasswordanswerattemptwindowstart) VALUES ('<<UserId>>','<<Password>>', 2, '<<PasswordSalt>>', 1, 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 0, ' ', 0, ' ')
link user with a role
INSERT INTO aspnet_usersinroles (userid,roleid) VALUES ('<<UserId>>','<<RoleId>>')
This will be sufficient to allow login as test:password