feature: 功能添加
bugfix: bug修复
change: 调整,比如配置,某些方法替换等
optimize: 优化过程
doc: 文档变更
refactor: 重构,功能不变
tests: 测试代码的调整
bugfix: ngx.ssl.session: avoided memory leaks when calling set_serialized_session repeatly. thanks spacewander for the patch.
optimize: corrected the initial table size of req socket objects. thanks spacewander for the patch.
doc: fixed a typo in a code comment. thanks Alex Zhang for the patch.
refactor: cleaned up some variable names and locals. thanks Thijs Schreijer for the patch.
tests: various changes in the test suite.
change: switched to SSL_version() calls from TLS1_get_version().
posted on 2018-10-08 14:46 awildfish 阅读(2719) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报