cocos 2d CCSprite 触摸识别 非常有用!!!!!

    cocos 2d 中的CCSprite 无法识别触摸操作,需要自定义类。



#import "CCSprite.h"
#import "cocos2d.h"

@interface MySprite : CCSprite<CCTouchOneByOneDelegate>
@property (nonatomic,copy) NSString* spriteName;

#import "MySprite.h"

@implementation MySprite
@synthesize spriteName;

-(id)initWithName:(NSString *)spriteNameT
    if (self = [super init]) {
        spriteName = spriteNameT;
    return self;

    [[[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self priority:0 swallowsTouches:YES];
    [super onEnter];

    [[[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher] removeDelegate:self];
    [super onExit];

//get the rect of current sprite
    return CGRectMake( _position.x - _contentSize.width*_anchorPoint.x,
                      _position.y - _contentSize.height*_anchorPoint.y,
                      _contentSize.width, _contentSize.height);
    CCLOG(@"sprite touch event ______________________________________________");
    CGRect spriteRect = [self spriteRect];
    spriteRect.origin = CGPointZero;
    CGPoint touchPointInView = [touchT locationInView:[touchT view]];
    NSLog(@"touch point in touch view is : %f,%f",touchPointInView.x,touchPointInView.y);
    touchPointInView = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:touchPointInView];
    CGPoint touchPoint = [self convertToNodeSpace:touchPointInView];
    BOOL isTouched = CGRectContainsPoint(spriteRect, touchPoint);
    NSLog(@"%@",isTouched? @"YES" : @"NO");
    if (isTouched) {
        CCLOG(@"sprite is touched here");
        NSLog(@"sprite is not touched here");
    return isTouched;

#pragma mark touch one by one delegate
-(BOOL)ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    return [self isContainsTouchPoint:touch];
-(void)ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    NSLog(@"sprite name is %@",spriteName);


posted @ 2014-03-20 18:23  optt  阅读(671)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报