【问题解决】git status中文文件名乱码



在git bash中直接执行如下命令

git config --global core.quotepath false


通过 git config --help 可以查看到以下内容:


Commands that output paths (e.g. ls-files, diff), will quote "unusual" characters in the pathname by enclosing the pathname in double-quotes and escaping those characters with backslashes in the same way C escapes control characters (e.g. \t for TAB, \n for LF, \ for backslash) or bytes with values larger than 0x80 (e.g. octal \302\265 for "micro" in UTF-8). If this variable is set to false, bytes higher than 0x80 are not considered "unusual" any more. Double-quotes, backslash and control characters are always escaped regardless of the setting of this variable. A simple space character is not considered "unusual". Many commands can output pathnames completely verbatim using the -z option. The default value is true.


git config 命令常见配置文件有三个作用域,配置生效优先级采用就近原则,即如果当前git仓库配置了某参数就不会到当前用户目录去找同样的配置项,系统目录亦然。

  • --system 作用于整个机器所有git仓库
  • --global 作用于当前用户所有git仓库
  • --local 作用于当前git仓库
posted @ 2024-08-14 11:59  东北小狐狸  阅读(52)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报