
 *                dhcpc
 * dhcpc是dhcp的客户端,在busybox中实现。今天正好了解一下。
 *                    Tony, 2016-5-20, Shenzhen

udhcpc -b -i eth0 -p /var/run/udhcpc.pid -R &

  Usage: udhcpc [-Cfbnqtvo] [-c CID] [-V VCLS] [-H HOSTNAME] [-i INTERFACE]

  [-p pidfile] [-r IP] [-s script] [-O dhcp-option]... [-P N]

  -V CLASSID      Vendor class identifier

  -i INTERFACE    Interface to use (default: eth0)

  -H,-h HOSTNAME  Client hostname

  -c CLIENTID     Client identifier

  -C              Suppress default client identifier

  -p file         Create pidfile

  -r IP           IP address to request

  -s file         Run file at DHCP events (default /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script)

  -t N            Send up to N request packets

  -T N            Try to get a lease for N seconds (default 3)

  -A N            Wait N seconds (default 20) after failure

  -O OPT          Request DHCP option OPT (cumulative)

  -o              Do not request any options (unless -O is also given)

  -f              Run in foreground

  -b              Background if lease is not immediately obtained

  -S              Log to syslog too

  -n              Exit with failure if lease is not immediately obtained

  -q              Quit after obtaining lease

  -R              Release IP on quit

  -P N            Use port N instead of default 68

  -a              Use arping to validate offered address


posted @ 2016-05-22 10:53  SuperTao1024  阅读(2083)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报