[leetcode-539-Minimum Time Difference]
Given a list of 24-hour clock time points in "Hour:Minutes" format, find the minimum minutes difference between any two time points in the list.
Example 1:
Input: ["23:59","00:00"] Output: 1
- The number of time points in the given list is at least 2 and won't exceed 20000.
- The input time is legal and ranges from 00:00 to 23:59.
//转换成分钟数 int timeToMinu(string time) { time[2] =' '; stringstream ss(time); int hour,minute; ss>>hour>>minute; return hour*60+minute; } int findMinDifference(vector<string>& timePoints) { if(timePoints.size()>1440)return 0;//24小时最大分钟数 map<int,int>mp; for(int i =0;i<timePoints.size();i++) { if(mp.count( timeToMinu(timePoints[i]) )) return 0; mp[timeToMinu(timePoints[i])]++; mp[timeToMinu(timePoints[i])+1440]++; } int ret = 1440; auto it1 = mp.begin(),it2 = ++mp.begin(); for(;it2!=mp.end();it1++,it2++) { ret = min(ret,it2->first - it1->first); } return ret; }