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增广拉格朗日乘子法(Augmented Lagrange Method)

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    minimize   f(X)

    s.t.:     h(X)=0

其中,f:Rn->R; h:Rn->Rm



    L(X,λ)=f(X)+μh(X);  μ:Rm











  [1]Multiplier and Gradient Methods,1969

  [2]constrained optimization and lagrange multiplier methods(page 104),1982



Let us say we are solving the following constrained problem:

\min f({\mathbf  {x}})

subject to

c_{i}({\mathbf  {x}})=0~\forall i\in I.

This problem can be solved as a series of unconstrained minimization problems. For reference, we first list the penalty method approach:

\min \Phi _{k}({\mathbf  {x}})=f({\mathbf  {x}})+\mu _{k}~\sum _{{i\in I}}~c_{i}({\mathbf  {x}})^{2}

The penalty method solves this problem, then at the next iteration it re-solves the problem using a larger value of \mu _{k} (and using the old solution as the initial guess or "warm-start").

The augmented Lagrangian method uses the following unconstrained objective:

\min \Phi _{k}({\mathbf  {x}})=f({\mathbf  {x}})+{\frac  {\mu _{k}}{2}}~\sum _{{i\in I}}~c_{i}({\mathbf  {x}})^{2}-\sum _{{i\in I}}~\lambda _{i}c_{i}({\mathbf  {x}})

and after each iteration, in addition to updating\mu _{k}, the variable \lambda  is also updated according to the rule

\lambda _{i}\leftarrow \lambda _{i}-\mu _{k}c_{i}({\mathbf  {x}}_{k})

where {\mathbf  {x}}_{k} is the solution to the unconstrained problem at the kth step, i.e. {\mathbf  {x}}_{k}={\text{argmin}}\Phi _{k}({\mathbf  {x}})

The variable \lambda  is an estimate of the Lagrange multiplier, and the accuracy of this estimate improves at every step. The major advantage of the method is that unlike the penalty method, it is not necessary to take \mu \rightarrow \infty  in order to solve the original constrained problem. Instead, because of the presence of the Lagrange multiplier term, \mu  can stay much smaller.

The method can be extended to handle inequality constraints. For a discussion of practical improvements, see.[4]


posted @ 2017-06-07 10:57  hellowOOOrld  阅读(30079)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报