Session Replication across WLS Cluster


1         简介


Weblogic即可以实现一个Cluster内的instance的session复制,也可以实现多个Cluster之间的session复制。通常用的就是一个Custer内的负载均衡,实现高可用性。Weblogic提供两个方式的Http Session复制:

in-memory replication

JDBC-based persistence

2         网络要求


要实现Weblogic Cluster负载均衡,在网络上必须要有一个负载均衡器,比如F5、Apache等,如果是跨机器的Cluster节点,网络必须通

3         开发要求

3.1       Session必须序列化


为了支持in-memory http session复制,所有的servletjsp会话数据必须序列化,实现接口,而且注意下面内容,来自官方文档:

Serialization is the process of converting a complex data structure, such as a parallel arrangement of data (in which a number of bits are transmitted at a time along parallel channels) into a serial form (in which one bit at a time is transmitted); a serial interface provides this conversion to enable data transmission.

3.2       用setAttribute 修改 Session 状态

在http servlet实现了javax.servlet.http.HttpSession,用HttpSession.setAttribute代替putValue方法去修改session 对象。putValue方法是不建议用,同样用removeAttribute代替removeValue去删除session对象。

3.3       避免大的session对象


3.4       框架的使用


If you are designing a Web application that utilizes multiple frames, keep in mind that there is no synchronization of requests made by frames in a given frameset. For example, it is possible for multiple frames in a frameset to create multiple sessions on behalf of the client application, even though the client should logically create only a single session.

In a clustered environment, poor coordination of frame requests can cause unexpected application behavior. For example, multiple frame requests can “reset” the application’s association with a clustered instance, because the proxy plug-in treats each request independently. It is also possible for an application to corrupt session data by modifying the same session attribute via multiple frames in a frameset.

4         WLS配置要求

4.1       在Cluster中需要配置复制组

4.2       Weblogic.xml配置








posted @ 2019-05-09 19:41  helloweblogic  阅读(125)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报