

CFS任务选核最终都是要走 select_task_rq_fair() 函数,三种CFS选核路径如下:

try_to_wake_up //core.c
    select_task_rq(p, p->wake_cpu, SD_BALANCE_WAKE, wake_flags); //唤醒选核路径

wake_up_new_task //core.c
    select_task_rq(p, task_cpu(p), SD_BALANCE_FORK, 0); //fork选核路径

sched_exec //core.c
    select_task_rq(p, task_cpu(p), SD_BALANCE_EXEC, 0); //exec选核路径

对比可以看到,只有任务唤醒选核才传了wake_flags,可能选择sync唤醒。sched_domain 的flag中是否包含 SD_BALANCE_XX 可以通过下面方法查看:

/proc/sys/kernel/sched_domain # find ./ -name flags | xargs cat

可以看出对于嵌入式这种大小核的Arm64架构中,MC和DIE都没有 SD_BALANCE_WAKE 这个标志。


 * select_task_rq_fair: Select target runqueue for the waking task in domains
 * that have the 'sd_flag' flag set. In practice, this is SD_BALANCE_WAKE,
 * Balances load by selecting the idlest CPU in the idlest group, or under
 * certain conditions an idle sibling CPU if the domain has SD_WAKE_AFFINE set.
 * Returns the target CPU number.
 * preempt must be disabled.
 * 传参:
 * p: 待选核任务
 * prev_cpu:任务之前运行的cpu
 * sd_flag: 在包含此标志的sd中为任务选核,可取值 SD_BALANCE_WAKE(唤醒任务的选核)、SD_BALANCE_FORK(fork的新任务选核)、SD_BALANCE_EXEC(exec的任务选核)
 * wake_flags: 可取值有 WF_SYNC、WF_FORK、WF_MIGRATED、WF_ON_CPU、WF_ANDROID_VENDOR,但是只对WF_SYNC进行了特殊处理,表示同步唤醒,其它标志被此函数忽略。
 * 返回值:选出的目标cpu
 * 执行环境:必须关抢占
static int select_task_rq_fair(struct task_struct *p, int prev_cpu, int sd_flag, int wake_flags)
    struct sched_domain *tmp, *sd = NULL;
    int cpu = smp_processor_id();
    int new_cpu = prev_cpu; //目标cpu先默认取prev_cpu
    int want_affine = 0;
    int sync = (wake_flags & WF_SYNC) && !(current->flags & PF_EXITING);
    int target_cpu = -1;

    if (trace_android_rvh_select_task_rq_fair_enabled() && !(sd_flag & SD_BALANCE_FORK)) 
    trace_android_rvh_select_task_rq_fair(p, prev_cpu, sd_flag, wake_flags, &target_cpu); probe_android_rvh_select_task_rq_fair
    if (target_cpu >= 0)
        return target_cpu;

    if (sd_flag & SD_BALANCE_WAKE) {

        if (sched_energy_enabled()) {
            new_cpu = find_energy_efficient_cpu(p, prev_cpu, sync);
            if (new_cpu >= 0)
                return new_cpu;
            new_cpu = prev_cpu;

        want_affine = !wake_wide(p) && cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, p->cpus_ptr);

    for_each_domain(cpu, tmp) { //MC-->DIE
        /* If both 'cpu' and 'prev_cpu' are part of this domain, cpu is a valid SD_WAKE_AFFINE target.*/
        /* SD_WAKE_AFFINE 标志MC和DIE都定义了,恒成立, 因此可以解释为只要满足want_affine, 就肯定会进入 */
        if (want_affine && (tmp->flags & SD_WAKE_AFFINE) && cpumask_test_cpu(prev_cpu, sched_domain_span(tmp))) {
            //若当前cpu就是任务p之前运行的prev_cpu, 不用调用wake_affine()选核了,若是唤醒选核直接选idle的兄弟cpu,非唤醒选核直接选prev_cpu
            if (cpu != prev_cpu)
                new_cpu = wake_affine(tmp, p, cpu, prev_cpu, sync); //若是既不走快速路径,又不走慢速路径,就返回它。

            sd = NULL; /* Prefer wake_affine over balance flags */

         * 注意 tmp->flags 不会包含 SD_BALANCE_WAKE, 因为MC和DIE都没设置这个标志。只有 SD_BALANCE_FORK、SD_BALANCE_EXEC 选核才有可能赋值
         * 对于want_affine=0的情况,这个循环退出后,sd就是当前cpu对应的DIE层级的sd. 这里的作用是找到支持sd_flag的最高层级的sd
        if (tmp->flags & sd_flag)
            sd = tmp;
        else if (!want_affine)

    if (unlikely(sd)) { //SD_BALANCE_WAKE这类休眠唤醒的任务选核不可能走慢速路径,因为sd恒为NULL
        /* Slow path */
        new_cpu = find_idlest_cpu(sd, p, cpu, prev_cpu, sd_flag);
    } else if (sd_flag & SD_BALANCE_WAKE) { //对唤醒的任务进行选核
        /* Fast path */
        new_cpu = select_idle_sibling(p, prev_cpu, new_cpu);

        if (want_affine)
            current->recent_used_cpu = cpu;

    return new_cpu;

1. 主要逻辑

(1) Vendor可以注册HOOK来决定是否执行这个原生的选核流程,若注册了且选到了核,则原生选核流程不再执行。否则执行原生选核流程。

(2) 判断是否进行EAS选核,若EAS选到和核则直接退出,否则继续往下走选核流程。EAS选核的条件为:
a. 必须是唤醒场景的选核,fork和exec场景的选核都不会走EAS。
b. EAS全局控制开关/proc/sys/kernel/sched_energy_aware必须是开启的。
c. 系统没有overutilized,若是overutilized则直接退出EAS选核。

(3) 满足wake_affine选出的核会作为一个候选结果,若是唤醒场景,还有走快速路径进行选核。

(4) 慢速路径选核只有fork和exec两类选核流程会走,唤醒选核是不会走慢速路径的。且慢速路径传参sd只可能是当前cpu对应的DIE层级的sd。

(5) 快速路径选核只有唤醒选核流程会走,fork和exec两类选核流程不会走快速选核流程。虽然名字叫select_idle_sibling,但是在同cluster中选不到idle核时,还是会在所有cluster中进行选核。


二、wake affine 属性

wake affine 只支持唤醒场景的选核。主要判断当前任务与被唤醒任务之间是否有比较固定的唤醒关系,来帮助选出一个候选cpu。

1. task_struct 中有三个成员用来线程唤醒信息

struct task_struct {
    unsigned int        wakee_flips; //该线程唤醒不同wakee的次数,值越大说明越偏向于唤醒不同的线程且唤醒越频繁
    unsigned long        wakee_flip_decay_ts; //记录上次wakee_flips衰减的时间点,其每秒衰减为原来的50%
    struct task_struct    *last_wakee; //该线程上次唤醒的线程

2. record_wakee()

 * 若current对p有比较固定的唤醒关系的话,current->wakee_flips将非常的小。
 * 若经常唤醒其它不同的线程,其值将比较大
static void record_wakee(struct task_struct *p)
     * Only decay a single time; tasks that have less then 1 wakeup per
     * jiffy will not have built up many flips.
    if (time_after(jiffies, current->wakee_flip_decay_ts + HZ)) {
        current->wakee_flips >>= 1;
        current->wakee_flip_decay_ts = jiffies;

    //当前任务上下文中,若上次唤醒的不是任务p, 当前任务的wakee_flips加1
    if (current->last_wakee != p) {
        current->last_wakee = p;

Waker唤醒wakee的场景中,有两种选核思路:一种是聚合的思路,即让waker和wakee尽量的close,从而提高cache hit。另外一种思考是分散,即让load尽量平均分配在多个cpu上。不同的唤醒模型使用不同的放置策略,两种简单的唤醒模型:

(1) 在1:N模型中,一个server会不断的唤醒多个不同的client。
(2) 在1:1模型中,线程A和线程B不断的唤醒对方。

实际的程序中,唤醒关系可能没有那么简单,一个wakee可能是另外一个关系中的waker,交互可能是M:N的形式。考虑这样一个场景:waker把wakee拉近,而wakee自身的wakee flips比较大,由于wakee也会做waker,那么更多的线程也会拉近waker所在的sd,从而进一步加剧CPU资源的竞争。因此waker和wakee的wakee flips的数值都不能太大,太大的时候应该禁止wake affine。内核中通过 wake_wide() 来判断是否使能wake affine。

3. wake_wide()

 * 通过开关频率启发式检测 M:N 唤醒者/被唤醒者关系。
 * 许多唤醒者唤醒的是与上次不同的任务,其频率大约是唤醒某一任务的 N 倍。
 * 为了确定我们是否应该让负载分散与合并到共享缓存,我们在一对伙伴的一个中寻找最小为 llc_size 的“翻转”频率,在另一个中寻找大于 lls_size 频率的因子。
 * 满足这两个条件,我们可以相对确定这种关系是非一夫一妻制的,伙伴数量超过套接字大小。
 * Waker/wakee 是client/server、worker/dispatcher、中断源或任何无关紧要的东西,传播标准是明显的合作伙伴数量超过套接字大小。
 * 对于有比较固定唤醒关系的,返回0,否则返回1
static int wake_wide(struct task_struct *p)
    unsigned int master = current->wakee_flips;
    unsigned int slave = p->wakee_flips;
    int factor = __this_cpu_read(sd_llc_size); //表示此cpu所在cluster中cpu的个数

    if (master < slave)
        swap(master, slave);
    if (slave < factor || master < slave * factor)
        return 0;
    return 1;

这个函数返回0,并且当前cpu在任务p的亲和性里面,就判断为want_affine。这里的or逻辑是存疑的,因为master和slave其一的wakee_flips比较小就满足wake affine,这会使得任务太容易在LLC domain堆积了。在1:N模型中(例如手机转屏的时候,一个线程会唤醒非常非常多的线程来处理configChange消息),master的wakee_flips巨大无比,slave的wakee_flips非常小,如果仍然wake affine是不合理的。

4. wake_affine()

 * select_task_rq_fair传参:sd为当前cpu对应的MC或DIE层级的sd; p为待选核任务; this_cpu为当前正在执行的cpu; 
 * prev_cpu为任务之前运行的cpu; sync表示选核时是否指定了同步WF_SYNC标志
static int wake_affine(struct sched_domain *sd, struct task_struct *p, int this_cpu, int prev_cpu, int sync)
    int target = nr_cpumask_bits;

    if (sched_feat(WA_IDLE))
        target = wake_affine_idle(this_cpu, prev_cpu, sync);

    if (sched_feat(WA_WEIGHT) && target == nr_cpumask_bits) //若上面没有选到cpu
        target = wake_affine_weight(sd, p, this_cpu, prev_cpu, sync);

    schedstat_inc(p->se.statistics.nr_wakeups_affine_attempts); //增加统计计数
    if (target == nr_cpumask_bits)
        return prev_cpu; //若是还是没选到核,就返回prev_cpu,否则返回选到的cpu

    return target;

 * The purpose of wake_affine() is to quickly determine on which CPU we can run
 * soonest. For the purpose of speed we only consider the waking and previous CPU.
 * wake_affine_idle() - only considers 'now', it check if the waking CPU is
 *            cache-affine and is (or    will be) idle.
 * wake_affine_weight() - considers the weight to reflect the average
 *              scheduling latency of the CPUs. This seems to work
 *              for the overloaded case.
 * wake_affine传参:this_cpu是当前正在执行的cpu; prev_cpu是任务上次运行的cpu; sync是是
 * 否指定了AF_SYNC同步唤醒标志
static int wake_affine_idle(int this_cpu, int prev_cpu, int sync)
     * If this_cpu is idle, it implies the wakeup is from interrupt
     * context. Only allow the move if cache is shared. Otherwise an
     * interrupt intensive(密集型) workload could force all tasks onto one
     * node depending on the IO topology or IRQ affinity settings.
     * If the prev_cpu is idle and cache affine then avoid a migration.
     * There is no guarantee that the cache hot data from an interrupt
     * is more important than cache hot data on the prev_cpu and from
     * a cpufreq perspective, it's better to have higher utilisation
     * on one CPU.
    if (available_idle_cpu(this_cpu) && cpus_share_cache(this_cpu, prev_cpu))
        //若prev_cpu也idle就返回prev_cpu,否则返回当前正在运行的idle cpu
        return available_idle_cpu(prev_cpu) ? prev_cpu : this_cpu;

     * 若同步唤醒且当前cpu上只有一个任务(也就是waker)在运行,就返回当前cpu,因为sync唤醒,
     * 当前waker马上就要睡眠了。
    if (sync && cpu_rq(this_cpu)->nr_running == 1)
        return this_cpu;

    return nr_cpumask_bits; //没选到cpu返回它

 * wake_affine传参:sd是当前正在运行的cpu对应的MC或DIE层级的sd; p是待选核的任务; this_cpu是当前正在执行的cpu; prev_cpu是任务上次运行的cpu; 
 * sync是是否指定了AF_SYNC同步唤醒标志。
static int wake_affine_weight(struct sched_domain *sd, struct task_struct *p, int this_cpu, int prev_cpu, int sync)
    s64 this_eff_load, prev_eff_load;
    unsigned long task_load;

    this_eff_load = cpu_load(cpu_rq(this_cpu)); //return cfs_rq->avg.load_avg;

    if (sync) {
        unsigned long current_load = task_h_load(current); //约为 current->se.avg.load_avg;
        if (current_load > this_eff_load)
            return this_cpu;

        this_eff_load -= current_load;

    task_load = task_h_load(p); //约为 p->se.avg.load_avg;

    this_eff_load += task_load; //计算若p把current从当前cpu上挤下去后,cpu上CFS任务的总负载
    if (sched_feat(WA_BIAS))
        this_eff_load *= 100; //乘以100
    this_eff_load *= capacity_of(prev_cpu); //再乘以cpu算力中可用于cfs任务的算力(出去温限/irq/rt/dl占用后的算力),乘以的竟然是prev_cpu的!

    prev_eff_load = cpu_load(cpu_rq(prev_cpu)); //prev_cpu::rq.cfs_rq->avg.load_avg
    prev_eff_load -= task_load; //这里为什么要减去?
    if (sched_feat(WA_BIAS))
        prev_eff_load *= 100 + (sd->imbalance_pct - 100) / 2; //MC和DIE都是乘以 100+(117-100)/2
    prev_eff_load *= capacity_of(this_cpu); //乘以的竟然是this_cpu可用于cfs任务的算力!

     * If sync, adjust the weight of prev_eff_load such that if
     * prev_eff == this_eff that select_idle_sibling() will consider
     * stacking the wakee on top of the waker if no other CPU is
     * idle.
     * 如果同步唤醒,则调整 prev_eff_load 的权重,以便如果 prev_eff == this_eff 则 select_idle_sibling() 将考虑在没有其它空闲CPU的情况下将
     * 被唤醒的任务放在唤醒它的CPU上。
    if (sync)
        prev_eff_load += 1; //前面乘以100又乘以CPU可用于CFS任务的算力了,这里加1有啥用?

    /*公式整理一下为:this_cpu_load/this_cpu_cap < 108.5% * prev_cpu_load/prev_cpu_cap 成立就返回this_cpu*/
    return this_eff_load < prev_eff_load ? this_cpu : nr_cpumask_bits;



只有fork和exec类型的选核才会走慢速路径,慢速路径选核函数为 find_idlest_cpu(),走慢速路径选核时传参sd只可能是DIE层级的。

 * 只有fork或exec的选核才可能走这个函数。
 * 传参:sd当前cpu对应的DIE层级的sd(只可能是DIE层级); p是待选核任务; cpu为当前cpu; prev_cpu为任务p之前运行的cpu; sd_flag表示哪种选核类型。
 * 作用:在最idle的sg中找出最idle的cpu, 若是没找到就返回当前cpu.
static inline int find_idlest_cpu(struct sched_domain *sd, struct task_struct *p, int cpu, int prev_cpu, int sd_flag)
    int new_cpu = cpu;

    if (!cpumask_intersects(sched_domain_span(sd), p->cpus_ptr))
        return prev_cpu;

     * We need task's util for cpu_util_without, sync it up to prev_cpu's last_update_time.
    if (!(sd_flag & SD_BALANCE_FORK))

    while (sd) {
        struct sched_group *group;
        struct sched_domain *tmp;
        int weight;

        if (!(sd->flags & sd_flag)) { //恒不成立,因为fork或exec类型的选核MC/DIE都支持
            sd = sd->child;

        group = find_idlest_group(sd, p, cpu);
        if (!group) {
            sd = sd->child;

        new_cpu = find_idlest_group_cpu(group, p, cpu);
        if (new_cpu == cpu) {
            /* Now try balancing at a lower domain level of 'cpu': */
            sd = sd->child;

        /* Now try balancing at a lower domain level of 'new_cpu': */
        cpu = new_cpu;
        weight = sd->span_weight;
        sd = NULL;
        for_each_domain(cpu, tmp) {
            if (weight <= tmp->span_weight) //一进来就退出了,相当于没有执行
            if (tmp->flags & sd_flag)
                sd = tmp;

    return new_cpu;

1. find_idlest_group()


 * find_idlest_group() finds and returns the least busy CPU group within the domain.
 * Assumes p is allowed on at least one CPU in sd.
 * find_idlest_cpu传参:sd为当前cpu DIE层级对应的sd; p为待选核任务; cpu为当前cpu;
static struct sched_group *find_idlest_group(struct sched_domain *sd, struct task_struct *p, int this_cpu)
    struct sched_group *idlest = NULL, *local = NULL, *group = sd->groups;
    struct sg_lb_stats local_sgs, tmp_sgs;
    struct sg_lb_stats *sgs;
    unsigned long imbalance;
    struct sg_lb_stats idlest_sgs = {
            .avg_load = UINT_MAX,
            .group_type = group_overloaded, //初始化为最大的不均衡

    //1024 * (sd->imbalance_pct-100) / 100
    imbalance = scale_load_down(NICE_0_LOAD) * (sd->imbalance_pct-100) / 100;

    do {
        int local_group;

        /* Skip over this group if it has no CPUs allowed */
        if (!cpumask_intersects(sched_group_span(group), p->cpus_ptr))

        local_group = cpumask_test_cpu(this_cpu, sched_group_span(group));
        if (local_group) {
            sgs = &local_sgs;
            local = group;
        } else {
            sgs = &tmp_sgs;

        update_sg_wakeup_stats(sd, group, sgs, p);

        if (!local_group && update_pick_idlest(idlest, &idlest_sgs, group, sgs)) {
            idlest = group;
            idlest_sgs = *sgs;

    } while (group = group->next, group != sd->groups);

    /* There is no idlest group to push tasks to */
    //若没找到idlest sg,选当前cpu
    if (!idlest)
        return NULL;

    /* The local group has been skipped because of CPU affinity */
    //此sd中若没有local group就直接返回idlest,否则还要和local group再PK一下,此例中,local group恒存在的
    if (!local)
        return idlest;

     * If the local group is idler than the selected idlest group
     * don't try and push the task.
    //若local sg更闲,选当前cpu
    if (local_sgs.group_type < idlest_sgs.group_type)
        return NULL;

     * If the local group is busier than the selected idlest group
     * try and push the task.
    if (local_sgs.group_type > idlest_sgs.group_type)
        return idlest;

    //local group和idlest group一样闲的情况了:
    switch (local_sgs.group_type) {
    case group_overloaded:
    case group_fully_busy:
         * When comparing groups across NUMA domains, it's possible for
         * the local domain to be very lightly loaded relative to the
         * remote domains but "imbalance" skews the comparison making
         * remote CPUs look much more favourable. When considering
         * cross-domain, add imbalance to the load on the remote node
         * and consider staying local.
        if ((sd->flags & SD_NUMA) && ((idlest_sgs.avg_load + imbalance) >= local_sgs.avg_load))
            return NULL;

         * If the local group is less loaded than the selected
         * idlest group don't try and push any tasks.
        //最闲的sg和local sg差值大于阈值17*1024,选当前cpu
        if (idlest_sgs.avg_load >= (local_sgs.avg_load + imbalance))
            return NULL;

        //local_avg_load/idlest_avg_load <= sd->imbalance_pct%,选当前cpu
        if (100 * local_sgs.avg_load <= sd->imbalance_pct * idlest_sgs.avg_load)
            return NULL;

    case group_imbalanced:
    case group_asym_packing:
        /* Those type are not used in the slow wakeup path */
        return NULL; //选当前cpu

    case group_misfit_task:
        /* Select group with the highest max capacity */
        if (local->sgc->max_capacity >= idlest->sgc->max_capacity)
            return NULL; //选当前cpu

    case group_has_spare:
        if (sd->flags & SD_NUMA) {
#ifdef CONFIG_NUMA_BALANCING //没使能,不执行
            int idlest_cpu;
             * If there is spare capacity at NUMA, try to select
             * the preferred node
            if (cpu_to_node(this_cpu) == p->numa_preferred_nid)
                return NULL;

            idlest_cpu = cpumask_first(sched_group_span(idlest));
            if (cpu_to_node(idlest_cpu) == p->numa_preferred_nid)
                return idlest;
             * Otherwise, keep the task on this node to stay close
             * its wakeup source and improve locality. If there is
             * a real need of migration, periodic load balance will
             * take care of it.
            if (local_sgs.idle_cpus)
                return NULL;  //若local sg有idle cpu存在,选当前cpu

         * Select group with highest number of idle CPUs. We could also
         * compare the utilization which is more stable but it can end
         * up that the group has less spare capacity but finally more
         * idle CPUs which means more opportunity to run task.
        //若local sg的idle cpu个数比idlest sg更多,选当前cpu
        if (local_sgs.idle_cpus >= idlest_sgs.idle_cpus)
            return NULL;

    return idlest;

update_sg_wakeup_stats 更新 sgs:

 * update_sg_wakeup_stats - Update sched_group's statistics for wakeup.
 * @sd: The sched_domain level to look for idlest group.
 * @group: sched_group whose statistics are to be updated.
 * @sgs: variable to hold the statistics for this group.
 * @p: The task for which we look for the idlest group/CPU.
 * find_idlest_group传参:sd为当前cpu对应的MC层级的sd; group为MC层级的一个sg; sgs为未初始化的参数; p为待选核任务
 * 作用:更新 sgs 
static inline void update_sg_wakeup_stats(struct sched_domain *sd,
                      struct sched_group *group, struct sg_lb_stats *sgs, struct task_struct *p)
    int i, nr_running;

    memset(sgs, 0, sizeof(*sgs));

    for_each_cpu(i, sched_group_span(group)) {
        struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(i);
        unsigned int local;

        sgs->group_load += cpu_load_without(rq, p);
        sgs->group_util += cpu_util_without(i, p);
        sgs->group_runnable += cpu_runnable_without(rq, p);
        local = task_running_on_cpu(i, p); //判断p是否queue在这个cpu的rq上,此case下应该return 0
        sgs->sum_h_nr_running += rq->cfs.h_nr_running - local;

        nr_running = rq->nr_running - local;
        sgs->sum_nr_running += nr_running;

         * No need to call idle_cpu_without() if nr_running is not 0
        if (!nr_running && idle_cpu_without(i, p))


    /* Check if task fits in the group */
    if (sd->flags & SD_ASYM_CPUCAPACITY && !task_fits_capacity(p, group->sgc->max_capacity)) {
        sgs->group_misfit_task_load = 1;

    sgs->group_capacity = group->sgc->capacity;
    sgs->group_weight = group->group_weight;
    sgs->group_type = group_classify(sd->imbalance_pct, group, sgs);

     * Computing avg_load makes sense only when group is fully busy or overloaded
    if (sgs->group_type == group_fully_busy || sgs->group_type == group_overloaded)
        sgs->avg_load = (sgs->group_load * SCHED_CAPACITY_SCALE) / sgs->group_capacity;

static inline enum group_type group_classify(unsigned int imbalance_pct, struct sched_group *group, struct sg_lb_stats *sgs)
     * sgs->sum_nr_running <= sgs->group_weight 返回fase, 只要cpu个数大于任务个数,就不认为group_overloaded
     * group_util/group_capacity > imbalance_pct/100=117% 或 group_runnable/group_capacity > imbalance_pct/100=117% 返回true
    if (group_is_overloaded(imbalance_pct, sgs))
        return group_overloaded;

    if (sg_imbalanced(group)) //return group->sgc->imbalance;
        return group_imbalanced;

    if (sgs->group_asym_packing)
        return group_asym_packing;

    if (sgs->group_misfit_task_load)
        return group_misfit_task;

    if (!group_has_capacity(imbalance_pct, sgs))
        return group_fully_busy;

    return group_has_spare;


static bool update_pick_idlest(struct sched_group *idlest, struct sg_lb_stats *idlest_sgs,
                   struct sched_group *group, struct sg_lb_stats *sgs)
    if (sgs->group_type < idlest_sgs->group_type)
        return true;

    if (sgs->group_type > idlest_sgs->group_type)
        return false;

     * The candidate and the current idlest group are the same type of
     * group. Let check which one is the idlest according to the type.
    switch (sgs->group_type) {
    case group_overloaded:
    case group_fully_busy: //哪个sg的avg_load,哪个sg更闲
        /* Select the group with lowest avg_load. */
        if (idlest_sgs->avg_load <= sgs->avg_load)
            return false;

    case group_imbalanced:
    case group_asym_packing:
        /* Those types are not used in the slow wakeup path */
        return false;

    case group_misfit_task: //哪个sg的最大算力大,哪个sg更闲
        /* Select group with the highest max capacity */
        if (idlest->sgc->max_capacity >= group->sgc->max_capacity)
            return false;

    case group_has_spare: //哪个sg的idle cpu个数多,哪个sg更闲
        /* Select group with most idle CPUs */
        if (idlest_sgs->idle_cpus > sgs->idle_cpus)
            return false;

        /* Select group with lowest group_util */
        //若idle cpu个数相等,哪个group_util小哪个更闲
        if (idlest_sgs->idle_cpus == sgs->idle_cpus && idlest_sgs->group_util <= sgs->group_util)
            return false;


    return true;

2. find_idlest_group_cpu()

 * find_idlest_group_cpu - find the idlest CPU among the CPUs in the group.
 * find_idlest_cpu传参:group为在当前cpu对应的MC层级sd中找出的最闲的sg; p为待选核任务; this_cpu为当前正在执行的cpu
static int find_idlest_group_cpu(struct sched_group *group, struct task_struct *p, int this_cpu)
    unsigned long load, min_load = ULONG_MAX;
    unsigned int min_exit_latency = UINT_MAX;
    u64 latest_idle_timestamp = 0;
    int least_loaded_cpu = this_cpu;
    int shallowest_idle_cpu = -1;
    int i;

    /* Check if we have any choice: */
    if (group->group_weight == 1)
        return cpumask_first(sched_group_span(group));

    /* Traverse only the allowed CPUs */
    for_each_cpu_and(i, sched_group_span(group), p->cpus_ptr) {
        if (sched_idle_cpu(i)) //若此cpu rq中只有SCHED_IDLE类型的任务,就选此cpu
            return i;

        //判断此cpu是否是idle cpu: rq->curr==rq->idle && rq->nr_running==0 && rq->ttwu_pending==0
        if (available_idle_cpu(i)) {
            struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(i);
            struct cpuidle_state *idle = idle_get_state(rq); //return rq->idle_state;
            if (idle && idle->exit_latency < min_exit_latency) {
                 * We give priority to a CPU whose idle state has the smallest exit latency irrespective
                 * of any idle timestamp.
                min_exit_latency = idle->exit_latency; //记录最小退出延迟
                latest_idle_timestamp = rq->idle_stamp;
                shallowest_idle_cpu = i; //记录最小的退出延迟的cpu
            } else if ((!idle || idle->exit_latency == min_exit_latency) && rq->idle_stamp > latest_idle_timestamp) { //idle退出延迟相等,且进入idle的时间更晚
                 * If equal or no active idle state, then the most recently idled CPU might have
                 * a warmer cache.
                latest_idle_timestamp = rq->idle_stamp;
                shallowest_idle_cpu = i;
        } else if (shallowest_idle_cpu == -1) {//对于非idle类型的cpu,并且之前也没有遍历到idle cpu
            load = cpu_load(cpu_rq(i));
            if (load < min_load) {
                min_load = load; //记录load最小的cpu
                least_loaded_cpu = i;

    //若是有idle cpu就选idle cpu,若是没有idle cpu就选load最小的cpu
    return shallowest_idle_cpu != -1 ? shallowest_idle_cpu : least_loaded_cpu;

同 load_balance()寻找最忙的cpu类似。这里的慢速路径,选择最空闲的cpu,先在sd中找最空闲的sg,然后再sg中找最空闲的cpu。这里最空闲指的是当前cpu所在cluster内,有idle的cpu就算idle的cpu,若是没有idle的cpu就选负载最小的cpu。



快速选核路径只有唤醒选核流程才会走。虽然函数名中是选兄弟cpu,但是在选不到idle cpu的时候,也会在其它Cluster进行选核

 * Try and locate an idle core/thread in the LLC cache domain.
 * select_task_rq_fair传参:p为待选核任务; prev是任务上次运行的cpu; target是备选目标cpu,可能是prev_cpu也可能是wake_affine选出的cpu
static int select_idle_sibling(struct task_struct *p, int prev, int target)
    struct sched_domain *sd;
    unsigned long task_util;
    int i, recent_used_cpu;

     * On asymmetric system, update task utilization because we will check
     * that the task fits with cpu's capacity.
    if (static_branch_unlikely(&sched_asym_cpucapacity)) {
        task_util = uclamp_task_util(p); //将util_est clamp 在MIN和MAX之间

     * 传入的target是一个idle cpu且可以容纳的了uclamp后的任务的util,就直接选之前选的cpu。
     * Wake affine的场景下,target cpu是通过wake_affine函数寻找的target cpu,其他场景下,
     * target CPU其实等于prev CPU。
    if ((available_idle_cpu(target) || sched_idle_cpu(target)) && asym_fits_capacity(task_util, target))
        return target;

     * If the previous CPU is cache affine and idle, don't be stupid:
     * 若传入的参数是由wake_affine选出的cpu,且和prev_cpu属于同一个cluster(共享L2-Cache), 且prev_cpu是idle的, 且prev_cpu能容纳的下uclamp后的任务p的util
    if (prev != target && cpus_share_cache(prev, target) && (available_idle_cpu(prev) || sched_idle_cpu(prev)) && asym_fits_capacity(task_util, prev))
        return prev;

     * Allow a per-cpu kthread to stack with the wakee if the kworker thread and the tasks previous CPUs are the same.
     * The assumption is that the wakee queued work for the per-cpu kthread that is now complete and the wakeup is
     * essentially a sync wakeup. An obvious example of this pattern is IO completions.
     * 翻译:
     * 如果 kworker 线程和任务prev_cpu是同一个,则允许 per-cpu kthread 与被唤醒线程堆叠。假设是被唤醒任务往per-cpu的kthread
     * 上queue work, 唤醒本质上是同步唤醒。这种模式的一个明显例子是 IO 完成。
     * 当前任务是一个per-cpu的内核线程,且任务的prev_cpu就是当前cpu,且当前cpu上最多只有一个任务在运行,就选prev_cpu.
    if (is_per_cpu_kthread(current) &&  prev == smp_processor_id() && this_rq()->nr_running <= 1) {
        return prev;

    /* Check a recently used CPU as a potential idle candidate: */
     * recent_used_cpu的更新位置:
     * select_task_rq_fair: 更新 current->recent_used_cpu 为当前正在运行的cpu
     * select_idle_sibling: 将待选核任务 p->recent_used_cpu 设置为 prev_cpu
     * 若 p->recent_used_cpu 既不是prev_cpu也不是target_cpu, 但是是和target_cpu共cluster的,且是idle的, 且任务的亲和性允许,
     * 且算力能够容纳任务,那么就选 p->recent_used_cpu。
    recent_used_cpu = p->recent_used_cpu;
    if (recent_used_cpu != prev && recent_used_cpu != target && cpus_share_cache(recent_used_cpu, target) &&
        (available_idle_cpu(recent_used_cpu) || sched_idle_cpu(recent_used_cpu)) && cpumask_test_cpu(p->recent_used_cpu, p->cpus_ptr) &&
        asym_fits_capacity(task_util, recent_used_cpu)) {
         * Replace recent_used_cpu with prev as it is a potential candidate for the next wake:
        p->recent_used_cpu = prev;
        return recent_used_cpu; //还将p放在它最近使用过的cpu上

     * For asymmetric CPU capacity systems, our domain of interest is sd_asym_cpucapacity rather than sd_llc.
    if (static_branch_unlikely(&sched_asym_cpucapacity)) {
        sd = rcu_dereference(per_cpu(sd_asym_cpucapacity, target)); //target_cpu对应的DIE层级的sd
         * On an asymmetric CPU capacity system where an exclusive cpuset defines a symmetric island (i.e. one unique
         * capacity_orig value through the cpuset), the key will be set but the CPUs within that cpuset will not have
         * a domain with SD_ASYM_CPUCAPACITY. These should follow the usual symmetric capacity path.
        if (sd) {
            i = select_idle_capacity(p, sd, target);
            return ((unsigned)i < nr_cpumask_bits) ? i : target; //这里会返回,下面的部分不会被执行到

    /* 下面就是非大小核架构会执行的路径了 */

    sd = rcu_dereference(per_cpu(sd_llc, target)); //target_cpu对应的MC层级的sd
    if (!sd)
        return target;

    i = select_idle_core(p, sd, target); //CONFIG_SCHED_SMT没定义为空函数
    if ((unsigned)i < nr_cpumask_bits)
        return i;

    i = select_idle_cpu(p, sd, target); //CONFIG_SCHED_SMT没定义为空函数
    if ((unsigned)i < nr_cpumask_bits)
        return i;

    i = select_idle_smt(p, sd, target); //CONFIG_SCHED_SMT没定义为空函数
    if ((unsigned)i < nr_cpumask_bits)
        return i;

    return target;

 * select_idle_sibling传参:p为待选核任务; sd为参数target_cpu对应的DIE层级的sd; target为候选的target_cpu
 * 作用:从target_cpu开始遍历,找一个能容纳下任务p的idle cpu, 若所有idle cpu都不能容纳下任务,就返回算力最大的idle cpu,
 * 否则返回-1;
static int select_idle_capacity(struct task_struct *p, struct sched_domain *sd, int target)
    unsigned long task_util, best_cap = 0;
    int cpu, best_cpu = -1;
    struct cpumask *cpus;

    cpus = this_cpu_cpumask_var_ptr(select_idle_mask);
    cpumask_and(cpus, sched_domain_span(sd), p->cpus_ptr);

    task_util = uclamp_task_util(p);

    for_each_cpu_wrap(cpu, cpus, target) {
        unsigned long cpu_cap = capacity_of(cpu);

        if (!available_idle_cpu(cpu) && !sched_idle_cpu(cpu)) //若此cpu非idle则跳过这个cpu
        if (fits_capacity(task_util, cpu_cap)) //返回一个能容纳任务的idle cpu
            return cpu;

        if (cpu_cap > best_cap) { //若是没有能容纳的,则返回一个算力最大的
            best_cap = cpu_cap;
            best_cpu = cpu;

    return best_cpu;

1. 此函数中要使用到p的util, 所以需要先更新其负载。

2. 快速路径选核依次判断:
(1) 传入的target是一个idle cpu, 且可以容纳的了uclamp后的任务的util,就直接选之前选的这个 target_cpu
(2) 若传入的参数target是由wake_affine选出的cpu,且和prev_cpu属于同一个cluster(共享L2-Cache), 且prev_cpu是idle的, 且prev_cpu能容纳的下uclamp后的任务p的util, 那么选择 prev_cpu。
(3) 当前任务是一个per-cpu的内核线程,且任务的prev_cpu就是当前cpu,且当前cpu上最多只有一个任务在运行,就选 prev_cpu。一个典型的例子是IO操作场景。
(4) 若 p->recent_used_cpu 既不是prev_cpu也不是target_cpu, 但是是和target_cpu共cluster的,且是idle的, 且任务的亲和性允许,且算力能够容纳任务,那么就选 p->recent_used_cpu。
(5) 从target_cpu开始遍历,找一个能容纳下任务p的idle cpu, 若所有idle cpu都不能容纳下任务,就返回算力最大的idle cpu, 否则返回-1;



1. 有三种任务选核路径,sd_flag分别对应为 SD_BALANCE_WAKE(唤醒场景)、SD_BALANCE_FORK(fork新任务场景)、SD_BALANCE_EXEC(exec场景)。其中EAS选核和wake-affine选核只适用于唤醒场景,EAS选到核后直接退出,wake-affine选到核后还需要走快速路径继续选核,希望在当前cpu的同cluster中选一个空闲cpu或prev_cpu,若选不到,最终也会尝试在所有cluster中选核。fork新任务场景和exec场景走慢速选核路径,找出系统中最闲的cpu作为目标cpu。





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