2.11 2D平面最近点对问题[closest pair problem]
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version: 1.0 author: hellogiser blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/hellogiser date: 2014/7/11 */ struct Point { double x; double y; } double distance(const Point &a, const Point &b) const { // distance of point a and b return sqrt((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y)); } double ClosestPairBruteforce(Point P[], int n) { // O(n^2) // input: a list P of n points // output: distance of the closest pair of points double dmin = DBL_MAX; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for( j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { d = distance(P[i], P[j]); if (d < dmin) { dmin = d; } } return dmin; } |
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version: 1.0 author: hellogiser blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/hellogiser date: 2014/7/11 */ ClosestPair(S) if S.size=1 return DBL_MAX if S.size2=2 return distance(S[0],S[1]) //otherwise,do the following let L = median(S) divide S into SL and SR at L d1 = CloestPair(SL) d2 = CloestPair(SR) d12 = CrossPair(SL,SR) return min(d1,d2,d12) |
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version: 1.0 author: hellogiser blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/hellogiser date: 2014/7/11 */ GetCloestPair(pts, n) copy pts[0..n-1] to ptsByX[0..n-1],ptsByY[0..n-1] qsort(ptsByX,cmpX) qsort(ptsByY,cmpY) ClosestPair(ptsByX, ptsByY, n) ClosestPair(ptsByX, ptsByY, n) // Base cases if (n = 1) return INT_MAX if (n = 2) return distance(ptsByX[0], ptsByX[1]) // Divide S into SL SR by line x = xm mid = n/2 -1 copy ptsByX[0 . . . mid] into new array XL in x order copy ptsByX[mid+1 . . . n−1] into new array XR copy ptsByY[0 . . . mid] into new array YL in y order copy ptsByY[mid+1 . . . n−1] into new array YR // XL and YL refer to same points, as do XR,YR. // Conquer d1 = ClosestPair(XL, YL, floor(n/2)) d2 = ClosestPair(XR, YR, ceil(n/2)) // Combine sub solutions to final solution d12 = CrossPair(ptsByX,XL,XR,n,d1,d2); return min(d1,d2,d12) |
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mid = n/2 -1 d = min(d1, d2) xm = (ptsByX[mid]+ptsByX[mid+1])/2 //C1: Select points in XL where x>xm-d i = mid while(i>=0&&XL[i].x>xm-d) add XL[i] to C1 i = i-1 //C1=XL[i+1..mid] //C2: Select points in XR where x<xm+d j = mid+1 while(j<=n-1&&XR[j].x<xm+d) add XR[j] to C2 j = j+1 //C2=XL[mid+1..j-1] // For given Point P in C1, there are at most 6 points in C2 within distance of d minDist = DBL_MAX for(i=0;i<C1.length;i++) p = C1[i] for(j=0;j<C2.length;j++) q = C2[j] // Make sure Q within d*2d rectangel of P(at most 6 Q) if(p.y-d<q.y<p.y+d) dist = distance(p,q) if(minDist>dist) minDist = dist return minDist |
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mid = n/2 -1 d = min(d1, d2) xm = (ptsByX[mid]+ptsByX[mid+1])/2 //C1: Select points in XL where x>xm-d i = mid while(i>=0&&XL[i].x>xm-d) i = i-1 left = i+1 //C1=XL[left..mid] //C2: Select points in XR where x<xm+d j = mid+1 while(j<=n-1&&XR[j].x<xm+d) j = j+1 right = j-1 //C2=XL[mid+1..right] // For given Point P in C1, there are at most 6 points in C2 within distance of d minDist = DBL_MAX for(i=left;i<=mid;i++) p = XL[i] for(j=mid+1;j<=right;j++) q = XR[j] // Make sure Q within d*2d rectangel of P(at most 6 Q) if(p.y-d<q.y<p.y+d) dist = distance(p,q) if(minDist>dist) minDist = dist return minDist |