linux ssh 免密码登录和别名设置

linux 系统中, SSH免密登录的配置.   

  1.   ssh-keygen 
  2.   ssh-copy-id 

 一. 安装ssh-keygen前查看~/.ssh目录.

1 grok@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/.ssh
2 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ls -lha
3 总用量 12K
4 drwx------  2 grok grok 4.0K Mar  4 09:46 .
5 drwxr-xr-x 18 grok grok 4.0K Mar  4 11:00 ..
6 -rw-r--r--  1 grok grok  222 Mar  4 09:46 known_hosts
7 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ 

安装  ssh-keygen  直接三次下一步.安装过程如下图.

 1 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen
 2 Generating public/private rsa key pair.
 3 Enter file in which to save the key (/home/grok/.ssh/id_rsa): 
 4 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
 5 Enter same passphrase again: 
 6 Your identification has been saved in /home/grok/.ssh/id_rsa
 7 Your public key has been saved in /home/grok/.ssh/
 8 The key fingerprint is:
 9 SHA256:Qm5jZjS07O2E3AZUSXvmcp+qeh95Ty5+OVINlBV/X20 grok@ubuntu
10 The key's randomart image is:
11 +---[RSA 3072]----+
12 |      ooo.     +o|
13 |     + ...    o o|
14 |      B . o  .  E|
15 |     * * +    ..+|
16 |      % S o    o.|
17 |     = * o o .. .|
18 |        . o +... |
19 |        .  +o++  |
20 |      .o.oo..+o. |
21 +----[SHA256]-----+
22 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ 

安装后, 我们查看 ~/.ssh目录内容,发现出现id_rsa 和 ,表示安装成功.

1 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ls -lha
2 总用量 20K
3 drwx------  2 grok grok 4.0K Mar  5 16:18 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 18 grok grok 4.0K Mar  4 11:00 ..
5 -rw-------  1 grok grok 2.6K Mar  5 16:18 id_rsa
6 -rw-r--r--  1 grok grok  565 Mar  5 16:18
7 -rw-r--r--  1 grok grok  222 Mar  4 09:46 known_hosts

       其中id_rsa和 被称为私钥和公钥, 此种加密称为非对称加密.

二.  现在需要将密钥分发给需要被登录的计算机.我们使用ssh-copy-id命令  

1 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ssh-copy-id grok@
2 /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
3 /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
4 grok@'s password: 
6 Number of key(s) added: 1
8 Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh 'grok@'"
9 and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

  现在可以用ssh grok@ 测试登录了

1 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ssh grok@
2 Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
4 Last login: Fri Mar  5 11:00:18 2021
5 [grok@localhost ~]$ 




使用ssh命令登录的时候 ,  ssh -p 22 grok@ip    需要每次输入端口,用户名,和ip.设置别名,可以简化这些输入. 

Host ctos


  User grok

  Port 22

建立文件 config, 编辑文件config 后保存.

1 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ touch config 
2 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ gedit config




1 grok@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ssh ctos
2 Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
4 Last login: Fri Mar  5 17:08:50 2021 from
5 [grok@localhost ~]$ 


posted @ 2021-03-05 17:16  沈晓桐  阅读(146)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报