有一个汽车类vehicle,它具有一个需传递参数的构造函数,汽车类vehicle中的数据成员为: 车轮个数wheels和车重weight放在保护段中,汽车类vehicle中的公有成员函数为:get_wheels()(返回车轮个数的值)、get_weight()(返回车重的值)、wheel_load()(返回每个轮胎的载重量的值:weight/wheels)、print()(输出车轮的个数和车重的公斤数);
生成上述类并编写主函数,根据输入的车辆基本信息,建立车辆对象,并能计算输出该车辆的基本信息。 输入格式:测试输入包含一个测试用例,每一行给出一个车辆的基本信息,每行的第一个字符处为当前车辆的类型,第二个数字为当前车辆的编号,若车辆为vehicle,后面跟随两个数字分别为wheels和weight,若车辆为car,后面跟随三个数字分别为wheels,weight和车载人数,若车辆为truck,后面跟随四个数字分别是wheels,weight、车载人数和载重量。(以上数字均为整型)。-1表示输入结束,相应结果不要输出。请注意输出格式,按照输入顺序进行编号 说明:本题中轮胎载重量、载重效率若需输出保留小数点后两位。
vehicle 101 4 1900
car 201 4 2000 5
truck 301 6 3000 2 9000
car 202 4 1800 4
The 1st object is Vehicle No. 101: weight 1900 Kg and wheels 4
The 2nd object is Car No. 201: passenger_load 5 weight 2000 Kg and wheels 4
The 3rd object is Truck No. 301: passenger_load 2 weight 3000 Kg wheels 6 and efficiency 0.75
The 4th object is Car No. 202: passenger_load 4 weight 1800 Kg and wheels 4
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; //vehicle class vehicle{ protected: float wheels; float weight; public: vehicle(float a,float b):wheels(a),weight(b){}; float getWheels(){return wheels;} float getWheight(){return weight;} float wheelLoad(){return weight/wheels;} void print(){cout<<"weight "<<weight<<" Kg and wheels "<<wheels<<endl;} }; //car class car : public vehicle{ protected: int passenger_load; public: car(float a,float b,int c) : vehicle(a,b),passenger_load(c){}; int getPassenger(){return passenger_load;} void print(){cout<<"passenger_load "<<passenger_load<<" weight "<<weight<<" Kg and wheels "<<wheels<<endl;} }; //truck class truck : public car{ protected: int payLoad; public: truck(float a,float b,int c,int d) : car(a,b,c) , payLoad(d){}; float efficiency(){return payLoad/(payLoad+weight);} void print(); }; void truck::print(){ cout<<"passenger_load "<<passenger_load <<" weight "<<weight<<" Kg wheels " <<wheels<<" and efficiency " <<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2) <<efficiency()<<setprecision(0)<<endl; } int main() { string type; int num, wheels; float weight; int i=1; while(cin>>type) { if(type=="-1")break; cout<<"The "<<i<<""; if(i==1) cout<<"st"; else if(i==2) cout<<"nd"; else if(i==3) cout<<"rd"; else cout<<"th"; i++; cout<<" object is "; if(type=="vehicle") { cin>>num>>wheels>>weight; cout<<"Vehicle"<<" No. "<<num<<": "; vehicle hello(wheels,weight); hello.print(); }else if(type=="car") { int pass; cin>>num>>wheels>>weight>>pass; cout<<"Car"<<" No. "<<num<<": "; car hello(wheels,weight,pass); hello.print() ; }else { int pass, load; cin>>num>>wheels>>weight>>pass>>load; cout<<"Truck"<<" No. "<<num<<": "; truck hello(wheels,weight,pass,load); hello.print(); } } return 0; }
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