

WebSocket 是 HTML5 开始提供的一种在单个 TCP 连接上进行全双工通讯的协议。



了解计算机网络协议的人,应该都知道:HTTP 协议是一种无状态的、无连接的、单向的应用层协议。它采用了请求/响应模型。通信请求只能由客户端发起,服务端对请求做出应答处理。

这种通信模型有一个弊端:HTTP 协议无法实现服务器主动向客户端发起消息。


WebSocket 连接允许客户端和服务器之间进行全双工通信,以便任一方都可以通过建立的连接将数据推送到另一端。WebSocket 只需要建立一次连接,就可以一直保持连接状态。这相比于轮询方式的不停建立连接显然效率要大大提高。

这样,HTML5 定义的 WebSocket 协议,能更好的节省服务器资源和带宽,并且能够更实时地进行通讯。







以下 API 用于创建 WebSocket 对象。

var websocket = new WebSocket("wss://www.xxxxx.cn/xxxxxx/websocket/");

以上代码中的参数地址, 指定连接的 URL。



以下是 WebSocket 对象的相关事件。假定我们使用了以上代码创建了 websocket对象:

open websocket.onopen 连接建立时触发
message websocket.onmessage 客户端接收服务端数据时触发
error websocket.onerror 通信发生错误时触发
close websocket.onclose 连接关闭时触发








以下是 WebSocket 对象的相关方法。假定我们使用了以上代码创建了 websocket对象:

send() websocket.send() 使用连接发送数据
close() websocket.close() 关闭连接






目前大部分浏览器支持 WebSocket() 接口,你可以在以下浏览器中尝试实例: Chrome, Mozilla, Opera 和 Safari。




   <meta charset="utf-8">
      <script type="text/javascript">
         function WebSocketTest()
            if ("WebSocket" in window)
               alert("您的浏览器支持 WebSocket!");
               // 打开一个 websocket
               var websocket = new WebSocket("wss://www.xxxxx.cn/xxxxx/websocket/");
               websocket .onopen = function()
                  var txt = JSON.stringify($('#myform').serializeJSON());
                  var txtObject = JSON.parse(txt); //转换为json对象
                  var userId = getCookie("sellerId");
                  txtObject.userId = userId;
                  var arr = new Array();
                  arr[0] = txtObject.testCity; 
                  arr[1] = txtObject.testProvince;
                  arr[2] = txtObject.testArea;
                  txtObject.birthCity = arr;
                 delete txtObject.testCity;
                 delete txtObject.testProvince;
                 delete txtObject.testArea;
                 var birth = txtObject.birthYear + "-" + ((txtObject.birthMonth) > 9 ? txtObject.birthMonth : "0" + txtObject.birthMonth) + "-" + ((txtObject.birthDay) >9 ? txtObject.birthDay : "0" + txtObject.birthDay); //拼接年月日
                 txtObject.birthDate = birth;
                 delete txtObject.birthYear;
                 delete txtObject.birthMonth;
                 delete txtObject.birthDay;
                 var datas = JSON.stringify(txtObject); //转化为字符串
                  // Web Socket 已连接上,使用 send() 方法发送数据
                  websocket.send(datas); //发送数据给服务器
               websocket.onmessage = function(txt) 
                  var  failname= txt.data;

               window.onbeforeunload = function() {
               websocket.onclose = function()
                  // 关闭 websocket
               // 浏览器不支持 WebSocket
               alert("您的浏览器不支持 WebSocket!");
      <div id="sse">
         <a href="javascript:WebSocketTest()">运行 WebSocket</a>
          <form action="" method="get" id="myform">


如上:我们调用 .serializeJSON() 方法来序列化form表单的数据成JS对象,所以我们需要引入一个jquery.serializejson.js库;


(function (factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
    define(['jquery'], factory);
  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS
    var jQuery = require('jquery');
    module.exports = factory(jQuery);
  } else { // Browser globals (zepto supported)
    factory(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$); // Zepto supported on browsers as well

}(function ($) {
  "use strict";

  // jQuery('form').serializeJSON()
  $.fn.serializeJSON = function (options) {
    var f, $form, opts, formAsArray, serializedObject, name, value, parsedValue, _obj, nameWithNoType, type, keys, skipFalsy;
    f = $.serializeJSON;
    $form = this; // NOTE: the set of matched elements is most likely a form, but it could also be a group of inputs
    opts = f.setupOpts(options); // calculate values for options {parseNumbers, parseBoolens, parseNulls, ...} with defaults

    // Use native `serializeArray` function to get an array of {name, value} objects.
    formAsArray = $form.serializeArray();
    f.readCheckboxUncheckedValues(formAsArray, opts, $form); // add objects to the array from unchecked checkboxes if needed

    // Convert the formAsArray into a serializedObject with nested keys
    serializedObject = {};
    $.each(formAsArray, function (i, obj) {
      name  = obj.name; // original input name
      value = obj.value; // input value
      _obj = f.extractTypeAndNameWithNoType(name);
      nameWithNoType = _obj.nameWithNoType; // input name with no type (i.e. "foo:string" => "foo")
      type = _obj.type; // type defined from the input name in :type colon notation
      if (!type) type = f.attrFromInputWithName($form, name, 'data-value-type');
      f.validateType(name, type, opts); // make sure that the type is one of the valid types if defined

      if (type !== 'skip') { // ignore inputs with type 'skip'
        keys = f.splitInputNameIntoKeysArray(nameWithNoType);
        parsedValue = f.parseValue(value, name, type, opts); // convert to string, number, boolean, null or customType

        skipFalsy = !parsedValue && f.shouldSkipFalsy($form, name, nameWithNoType, type, opts); // ignore falsy inputs if specified
        if (!skipFalsy) {
          f.deepSet(serializedObject, keys, parsedValue, opts);
    return serializedObject;

  $.serializeJSON = {

    defaultOptions: {
      checkboxUncheckedValue: undefined, // to include that value for unchecked checkboxes (instead of ignoring them)

      parseNumbers: false, // convert values like "1", "-2.33" to 1, -2.33
      parseBooleans: false, // convert "true", "false" to true, false
      parseNulls: false, // convert "null" to null
      parseAll: false, // all of the above
      parseWithFunction: null, // to use custom parser, a function like: function(val){ return parsed_val; }

      skipFalsyValuesForTypes: [], // skip serialization of falsy values for listed value types
      skipFalsyValuesForFields: [], // skip serialization of falsy values for listed field names

      customTypes: {}, // override defaultTypes
      defaultTypes: {
        "string":  function(str) { return String(str); },
        "number":  function(str) { return Number(str); },
        "boolean": function(str) { var falses = ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"]; return falses.indexOf(str) === -1; },
        "null":    function(str) { var falses = ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"]; return falses.indexOf(str) === -1 ? str : null; },
        "array":   function(str) { return JSON.parse(str); },
        "object":  function(str) { return JSON.parse(str); },
        "auto":    function(str) { return $.serializeJSON.parseValue(str, null, null, {parseNumbers: true, parseBooleans: true, parseNulls: true}); }, // try again with something like "parseAll"
        "skip":    null // skip is a special type that makes it easy to ignore elements

      useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: false // name="foo[2]" value="v" => {foo: [null, null, "v"]}, instead of {foo: ["2": "v"]}

    // Merge option defaults into the options
    setupOpts: function(options) {
      var opt, validOpts, defaultOptions, optWithDefault, parseAll, f;
      f = $.serializeJSON;

      if (options == null) { options = {}; }   // options ||= {}
      defaultOptions = f.defaultOptions || {}; // defaultOptions

      // Make sure that the user didn't misspell an option
      validOpts = ['checkboxUncheckedValue', 'parseNumbers', 'parseBooleans', 'parseNulls', 'parseAll', 'parseWithFunction', 'skipFalsyValuesForTypes', 'skipFalsyValuesForFields', 'customTypes', 'defaultTypes', 'useIntKeysAsArrayIndex']; // re-define because the user may override the defaultOptions
      for (opt in options) {
        if (validOpts.indexOf(opt) === -1) {
          throw new  Error("serializeJSON ERROR: invalid option '" + opt + "'. Please use one of " + validOpts.join(', '));

      // Helper to get the default value for this option if none is specified by the user
      optWithDefault = function(key) { return (options[key] !== false) && (options[key] !== '') && (options[key] || defaultOptions[key]); };

      // Return computed options (opts to be used in the rest of the script)
      parseAll = optWithDefault('parseAll');
      return {
        checkboxUncheckedValue:    optWithDefault('checkboxUncheckedValue'),

        parseNumbers:  parseAll || optWithDefault('parseNumbers'),
        parseBooleans: parseAll || optWithDefault('parseBooleans'),
        parseNulls:    parseAll || optWithDefault('parseNulls'),
        parseWithFunction:         optWithDefault('parseWithFunction'),

        skipFalsyValuesForTypes:   optWithDefault('skipFalsyValuesForTypes'),
        skipFalsyValuesForFields:  optWithDefault('skipFalsyValuesForFields'),
        typeFunctions: $.extend({}, optWithDefault('defaultTypes'), optWithDefault('customTypes')),

        useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: optWithDefault('useIntKeysAsArrayIndex')

    // Given a string, apply the type or the relevant "parse" options, to return the parsed value
    parseValue: function(valStr, inputName, type, opts) {
      var f, parsedVal;
      f = $.serializeJSON;
      parsedVal = valStr; // if no parsing is needed, the returned value will be the same

      if (opts.typeFunctions && type && opts.typeFunctions[type]) { // use a type if available
        parsedVal = opts.typeFunctions[type](valStr);
      } else if (opts.parseNumbers  && f.isNumeric(valStr)) { // auto: number
        parsedVal = Number(valStr);
      } else if (opts.parseBooleans && (valStr === "true" || valStr === "false")) { // auto: boolean
        parsedVal = (valStr === "true");
      } else if (opts.parseNulls    && valStr == "null") { // auto: null
        parsedVal = null;
      } else if (opts.typeFunctions && opts.typeFunctions["string"]) { // make sure to apply :string type if it was re-defined
        parsedVal = opts.typeFunctions["string"](valStr);
      // Custom parse function: apply after parsing options, unless there's an explicit type.
      if (opts.parseWithFunction && !type) {
        parsedVal = opts.parseWithFunction(parsedVal, inputName);

      return parsedVal;

    isObject:          function(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); }, // is it an Object?
    isUndefined:       function(obj) { return obj === void 0; }, // safe check for undefined values
    isValidArrayIndex: function(val) { return /^[0-9]+$/.test(String(val)); }, // 1,2,3,4 ... are valid array indexes
    isNumeric:         function(obj) { return obj - parseFloat(obj) >= 0; }, // taken from jQuery.isNumeric implementation. Not using jQuery.isNumeric to support old jQuery and Zepto versions

    optionKeys: function(obj) { if (Object.keys) { return Object.keys(obj); } else { var key, keys = []; for(key in obj){ keys.push(key); } return keys;} }, // polyfill Object.keys to get option keys in IE<9

    readCheckboxUncheckedValues: function (formAsArray, opts, $form) {
      var selector, $uncheckedCheckboxes, $el, uncheckedValue, f, name;
      if (opts == null) { opts = {}; }
      f = $.serializeJSON;

      selector = 'input[type=checkbox][name]:not(:checked):not([disabled])';
      $uncheckedCheckboxes = $form.find(selector).add($form.filter(selector));
      $uncheckedCheckboxes.each(function (i, el) {
        // Check data attr first, then the option
        $el = $(el);
        uncheckedValue = $el.attr('data-unchecked-value');
        if (uncheckedValue == null) {
          uncheckedValue = opts.checkboxUncheckedValue;

        // If there's an uncheckedValue, push it into the serialized formAsArray
        if (uncheckedValue != null) {
          if (el.name && el.name.indexOf("[][") !== -1) { // identify a non-supported
            throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: checkbox unchecked values are not supported on nested arrays of objects like '"+el.name+"'. See https://github.com/marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON/issues/67");
          formAsArray.push({name: el.name, value: uncheckedValue});

    extractTypeAndNameWithNoType: function(name) {
      var match;
      if (match = name.match(/(.*):([^:]+)$/)) {
        return {nameWithNoType: match[1], type: match[2]};
      } else {
        return {nameWithNoType: name, type: null};

    shouldSkipFalsy: function($form, name, nameWithNoType, type, opts) {
      var f = $.serializeJSON;
      var skipFromDataAttr = f.attrFromInputWithName($form, name, 'data-skip-falsy');
      if (skipFromDataAttr != null) {
        return skipFromDataAttr !== 'false'; // any value is true, except if explicitly using 'false' 

      var optForFields = opts.skipFalsyValuesForFields;
      if (optForFields && (optForFields.indexOf(nameWithNoType) !== -1 || optForFields.indexOf(name) !== -1)) {
        return true;
      var optForTypes = opts.skipFalsyValuesForTypes;
      if (type == null) type = 'string'; // assume fields with no type are targeted as string
      if (optForTypes && optForTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) {
        return true

      return false;

    attrFromInputWithName: function($form, name, attrName) {
      var escapedName, selector, $input, attrValue;
      escapedName = name.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|\s)/g,'\\$1'); // every non-standard character need to be escaped by \\
      selector = '[name="' + escapedName + '"]';
      $input = $form.find(selector).add($form.filter(selector)); // NOTE: this returns only the first $input element if multiple are matched with the same name (i.e. an "array[]"). So, arrays with different element types specified through the data-value-type attr is not supported.
      return $input.attr(attrName);

    // Raise an error if the type is not recognized.
    validateType: function(name, type, opts) {
      var validTypes, f;
      f = $.serializeJSON;
      validTypes = f.optionKeys(opts ? opts.typeFunctions : f.defaultOptions.defaultTypes);
      if (!type || validTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) {
        return true;
      } else {
        throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: Invalid type " + type + " found in input name '" + name + "', please use one of " + validTypes.join(', '));

    splitInputNameIntoKeysArray: function(nameWithNoType) {
      var keys, f;
      f = $.serializeJSON;
      keys = nameWithNoType.split('['); // split string into array
      keys = $.map(keys, function (key) { return key.replace(/\]/g, ''); }); // remove closing brackets
      if (keys[0] === '') { keys.shift(); } // ensure no opening bracket ("[foo][inn]" should be same as "foo[inn]")
      return keys;

    deepSet: function (o, keys, value, opts) {
      var key, nextKey, tail, lastIdx, lastVal, f;
      if (opts == null) { opts = {}; }
      f = $.serializeJSON;
      if (f.isUndefined(o)) { throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'o' expected to be an object or array, found undefined"); }
      if (!keys || keys.length === 0) { throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'keys' expected to be an array with least one element"); }

      key = keys[0];

      // Only one key, then it's not a deepSet, just assign the value.
      if (keys.length === 1) {
        if (key === '') {
          o.push(value); // '' is used to push values into the array (assume o is an array)
        } else {
          o[key] = value; // other keys can be used as object keys or array indexes

      // With more keys is a deepSet. Apply recursively.
      } else {
        nextKey = keys[1];

        if (key === '') {
          lastIdx = o.length - 1; // asume o is array
          lastVal = o[lastIdx];
          if (f.isObject(lastVal) && (f.isUndefined(lastVal[nextKey]) || keys.length > 2)) { // if nextKey is not present in the last object element, or there are more keys to deep set
            key = lastIdx; // then set the new value in the same object element
          } else {
            key = lastIdx + 1; // otherwise, point to set the next index in the array

        // '' is used to push values into the array "array[]"
        if (nextKey === '') {
          if (f.isUndefined(o[key]) || !$.isArray(o[key])) {
            o[key] = []; // define (or override) as array to push values
        } else {
          if (opts.useIntKeysAsArrayIndex && f.isValidArrayIndex(nextKey)) { // if 1, 2, 3 ... then use an array, where nextKey is the index
            if (f.isUndefined(o[key]) || !$.isArray(o[key])) {
              o[key] = []; // define (or override) as array, to insert values using int keys as array indexes
          } else { // for anything else, use an object, where nextKey is going to be the attribute name
            if (f.isUndefined(o[key]) || !f.isObject(o[key])) {
              o[key] = {}; // define (or override) as object, to set nested properties

        // Recursively set the inner object
        tail = keys.slice(1);
        f.deepSet(o[key], tail, value, opts);







posted @ 2018-10-29 11:27  骑码行天下  阅读(500)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报