


一、connect by

drop table test___;

create table test___(pers varchar2(10),pers_ varchar2(10));
insert into test___ 
       select '太爷','爷爷' from dual
       union all
       select '太爷','外爷' from dual
       union all
       select '爷爷','伯父' from dual
       union all
       select '爷爷','爸爸' from dual
       union all
       select '爷爷','姑姑' from dual
       union all
       select '爸爸','儿子' from dual
       union all
       select '爸爸','女儿' from dual
       union all
       select '儿子','婴儿' from dual
       union all
       select '伯父','堂弟' from dual;

select * from test___;

--向下遍历【将 prior 放在表示下级的字段旁】
select level,pers,pers_ from test___ start with pers='太爷' connect by pers=prior pers_;
--向上遍历【将 prior 放在表示上级的字段旁】
select level,pers,pers_ from test___ start with pers_='婴儿' connect by prior pers=pers_;

select level,pers,pers_ from test___ a 
start with pers='太爷'
connect by pers=prior pers_ and not exists (select 1 from test___ b where b.pers_='伯父' and a.pers=b.pers and a.pers_=b.pers_);
select level,pers,pers_ from test___ a 
start with pers='太爷'
connect by pers=prior pers_ and pers_<>'伯父';

select level,pers,pers_ from test___ a 
where pers_<>'伯父'
start with pers='太爷'
connect by pers=prior pers_;

-- sys_connect_by_path( , )【】 当前关系分支的某一列转为行
--connect_by_root ** 根节点
--connect_by_isleaf 当前关系分支是否遍历到最后,1表示是,0表示否

   ,ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(pers_,'/'),'/') 关系
   ,connect_by_root pers 上级
   ,connect_by_root pers_ 下级
   ,connect_by_isleaf 是否叶子
from test___ ddf
start with pers_='婴儿'
connect by prior pers=pers_;

select level,pers,pers_
   ,ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(pers_,'/'),'/') 关系
   ,connect_by_root pers 上级
   ,connect_by_root pers_ 下级
   ,connect_by_isleaf 是否叶子
from test___ a 
where pers_<>'伯父'
start with pers='太爷'
connect by pers=prior pers_;
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drop table test__;

create table test__(name varchar2(10),class varchar2(10),code number(10));

insert into test__
       select 'a','语文',34 from dual
       union all
       select 'a','数学',54 from dual
       union all
       select 'a','英语',64 from dual
       union all
       select 'a','化学',43 from dual
       union all       
       select 'b','语文',65 from dual
       union all
       select 'b','数学',12 from dual
       union all
       select 'b','英语',98 from dual
       union all
       select 'b','化学',76 from dual
       union all       
       select 'c','语文',65 from dual
       union all
       select 'c','数学',65 from dual
       union all
       select 'c','英语',45 from dual
       union all
       select 'c','化学',32 from dual
       union all       
       select 'd','语文',65 from dual
       union all
       select 'd','数学',56 from dual
       union all
       select 'd','英语',45 from dual
       union all
       select 'd','化学',65 from dual;

select * from test__;

       ,row_number() over(partition by class order by code desc) 排序_123 
       ,rank() over(partition by class order by code desc) 排序_113
       ,dense_rank() over(partition by class order by code desc) 排序_112
       ,first_value(code) over(partition by class order by code desc) 第一个_1
       ,first_value(code) over(order by code desc) 第一个_2
       ,last_value(code) over(partition by class) 最后一个_1
       ,last_value(code) over() 最后一个_2
       ,sum(code) over(partition by class order by code desc) 分组求和_叠加
       ,sum(code) over(partition by class) 分组求和_不叠加
       ,to_char(round(code/(sum(code) over(partition by class)),4)*100)||'%' 百分比
       ,sum(code) over(partition by class order by code desc rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) 上下2行 
       ,sum(code) over(partition by class order by code desc range between 45 preceding and 45 following) 前后45
       ,lag(code) over(partition by class order by code desc) 上一个_1
       ,lead(code) over(order by code desc) 上一个_2
       ,to_char(round(ratio_to_report(code) over(),4)*100)||'%' 占比_1
       ,to_char(round(ratio_to_report(code) over(partition by class),4)*100)||'%' 占比_2
       ,percent_rank() over(partition by class order by code desc) aa_1
       ,cume_dist() over(partition by class order by code desc) aa_2
       ,percentile_cont(0.6) within group(order by code desc) over(partition by class) aa_3
       ,percentile_disc(.07) within group(order by code desc) over(partition by class) aa_4
       test__ a;

sum(code) over(partition by class)
   表示按class分组,并求总和,用group by可简单实现
sum(code) over(partition by class order by code desc)

first_value(code) over(partition by class order by code desc)
first_value(code) over(order by code desc)
last_value(code) over(partition by class)
last_value(code) over() 
range between 5 preceding and 5 following
rows between 5 preceding and 5 following
lag()和lead() 的 over()中必须包含 order by ,因为只有排序了才有上一个和下一个

ratio_to_report(code) over(partition by class)
ratio_to_report(code) over(partition by class)




       ,max(case pai when 1 then tt else null end) 第一名
       ,max(case pai when 2 then tt else null end) 第二名
       ,max(case pai when 3 then tt else null end) 第三名
       (select class,name||','||code tt,row_number() over(partition by class order by code desc) pai from test__ a)
group by class;
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drop table test_;
create table test_(a varchar2(10),b varchar2(10),c number(10));
insert into test_ 
       select 'a','a',1 from dual
       union all
       select 'a','b',3 from dual
       union all
       select 'a','c',6 from dual
       union all
       select 'a','a',2 from dual
       union all
       select 'b','a',1 from dual
       union all
       select 'b','b',1 from dual
       union all
       select 'b','c',1 from dual
       union all
       select 'c','a',2 from dual
       union all
       select 'c','b',2 from dual
       union all
       select 'c','c',2 from dual

select * from test_;

select a,b,sum(c),grouping(a),grouping(b) 
from test_ 
group by rollup(a,b);

select a,b,sum(c),grouping(a),grouping(b) 
from test_ 
group by cube(a,b);

select a,b,sum(c),grouping(a),grouping(b) 
from test_ 
group by grouping sets((a,b),a,b,null);

select a,b,sum(c),grouping(a),grouping(b) 
from test_ 
group by a,b;

group by rollup(a,b)【排序规则】
   表示 group by a,b + group by a + group by null;【9+3+1=13group by cube(a,b)【组合规则】
   表示 group by null + group by b + group by a + group by a,b ;【1+3+3+9=16group by grouping sets((a,b),a,b,null)【可选择的自由组合】 
   表示 group by a,b + group by a + group by b + group by null;【9+3+3+1=16group by null
   表示直接 select sum(c) from dual;
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posted @ 2015-02-01 23:34  黑白叹  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报