dirent和DIR 结构体 --- 表示文件夹中目录内容信息
1. dirent --- 用来表示某文件夹的目录内容。
我猜是directory content 的缩写.
dirent 定义于 /include/bits/dirent.h 中:
- struct dirent
- {
- #ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
- __ino_t d_ino;
- __off_t d_off;
- #else
- __ino64_t d_ino;
- __off64_t d_off;
- #endif
- unsigned short int d_reclen;
- unsigned char d_type;
- char d_name[256]; /* We must not include limits.h! */
- };
- #ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
- struct dirent64
- {
- __ino64_t d_ino;
- __off64_t d_off;
- unsigned short int d_reclen;
- unsigned char d_type;
- char d_name[256]; /* We must not include limits.h! */
- };
- #endif
d_ino --- inode number 索引节点号.
d_off --- offset to this dirent 在目录文件中的偏移.
d_reclen --- length of this d_name 文件名长.
d_type --- the type of d_name 文件类型.
d_name[256] --- file name (null-terminated) 文件名
2. DIR 结构体
- struct __dirstream
- {
- void *__fd;
- char *__data;
- int __entry_data;
- char *__ptr;
- int __entry_ptr;
- size_t __allocation;
- size_t __size;
- __libc_lock_define (, __lock)
- };
- typedef struct __dirstream DIR;
*__data :Directory block.
__entry_data :Entry number `ponds to.
*__ptr :Current pointer into the block.
__allocation :Space
allocated for the block.
__size :Total valid data in the block.
(, __lock) :Mutex lock for this structure.
DIR结构体类似于FILE,是一个内部结构. 关于DIR结构体的内容,我们知道这么多就可以了,没必要去再去研究他的结构成员。
3. 几个 dirent, DIR相关的常用函数 opendir(),readdir(),closedir() 等.
函数 DIR *opendir(const char *pathname),即打开文件目录,返回的就是指向DIR结构体的指针,而该指针由以下几个函数使用:
- struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dp);
- void rewinddir(DIR *dp);
- int closedir(DIR *dp);
- long telldir(DIR *dp);
- void seekdir(DIR *dp,long loc);
- /*
- * This is a program to show opendir(), readdir(), closedir().
- * The function of the program is to list the folders under the request dir
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
- #ifndef DT_DIR
- #error "DT_DIR not defined, maybe d_type not a mumber of struct dirent!"
- #endif
- int main(int argc, char*argv[])
- {
- static char dot[] =".", dotdot[] ="..";
- const char *name;
- DIR *dirp;
- struct dirent *dp;
- if (argc == 2)
- name = argv[1];
- else
- name = dot;
- printf(" the request dir name is %s\n", name);
- //open the request dir.
- //return DIR pointer if open succeed.
- //return NULL if opendir failed.
- dirp = opendir(name);
- if (dirp == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: opendir(): %s: %s\n",
- argv[0], name, strerror(errno));
- exit(errno);
- } else {
- printf("opendir %s succeed!\n", name);
- }
- //readdir(dirent)
- //return dirent pointer if readdir succeed.
- //return NULL if readdir failed.
- while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
- //判断文件类型是DT_DIR, 也就是目录
- if (dp->d_type == DT_DIR)
- //如果文件名不是"." 或者"..",就打印出来
- if ( strcmp(dp->d_name, dot)
- && strcmp(dp->d_name, dotdot) )
- printf("%s/\n", dp->d_name);
- }
- //closedir(dirent)
- closedir(dirp);
- return (0);
- }
5. 最后,总结一下,想要获取某目录下(比如a目下)b文件的详细信息,我们应该怎样做
接着,我们调用readdir( c)函数读取目录a下所有文件(包括目录),返回指向目录a下所有文件的dirent结构体d。
然后,我们遍历d,调用stat(d->name,stat *e)来获取每个文件的详细信息,存储在stat结构体e中。