中英文章8 由于AI作家,知名杂志关闭投稿,科幻变成现实



Sci-fi becomes real as renowned magazine closes submissions due to AI writers



Clarkesworld wrestles with flood of machine-made sumissions-over 500 in Feb.alone.

Clarkesworld 与大量机器提交的作品作斗争--仅在2月份就有500多个。


One side effect of unlimited content-creation machines--generative AI--is unlimited content. On Monday, the editor of the renowned sci-fi publication Clarkesworld Magazine announced that he had temporarily closed story submissions due to a  massive increase in machine-generated stories sent to the publication.



In a graph shared on Twitter,Clarkesworld editor Neil Clarke tallied the number of banned writers  sumitting plagiarized or machine-generated stories. The numbers totaled 500 in February,up from just over 100 in Jabuart and low baseline of around 25 in October 200. The rise in banned submissions roughly coincides with the release of ChatGPT on November 30,2022.

在Twitter 上分享的一张图表中,Clarkesworld 编辑尼尔克拉统计了提交剽窃或机器生成的故事的被禁作家的数量。2月份的总数为500,高于1月份的100多个和2022年10月的25左右的低基线。被禁止提交的增加大致与2022年11月30日的ChatGPT的发布同时发生。


Large language models(LLM) such as ChatGPT have been trained on millions of books and websites and can author original stories quickly. They don't work autonomously, however,and a human must guide their output with a prompt that the AI model then attempts to autimatically complete.



Since 2006,Clarkesworld has published renowned sci-fi authors and won seberal Hugo awards. Among sci-fi publications, it is well known for having an open submission process and typically pays 12 cents per word. On its submissions page, the publication states,"We are not considering  stories written,co-written,or assisted by AI at this time",Howerve,that has not stopped the number of submissions of submissions from increasing dramatically, and Clarke attributes it mostly to get-rich-quick schemes.



“The people causing the problem are from outside the SF/F community”, wrote Clarke in a tweet. "Largely driven in by 'side hustle' experts making claims of easy money with ChatGPT.They are driving this and deserve some of the disdain shown to the AI developers"

"造成问题的人来自 SF/F社区之外", Clarke在推文中写道。“主要是受到'副业'专家的推动,他们声称使用ChatGPT可以轻松赚钱。他们正在推动这一点,并理应对AI开发人员表现出一些蔑视”。


At press time,a quick search on Youtube for terms like "get rich with Chat GPT" and "make money writing with ChatGPT" returned many results, although  we did not identify a video that points to Clarkesworld in particular。



The problem of AI-authored content isn't unique to Clarkesworld.On Tuesday,Reuters wrote a report about the rise of AI-generated e-books on Amazon. Reuters indentified over 200 e-books on the Amazon Kindle store that list ChatGPT as the author or co-author.



The influx of AI-generated content has left Clarkesworld in an awkward position of trying to keep the bar to submission high enough to keep away the spammers bu not so high that it discourages undiscovered writers or writers from certain regions of the world who might be unfairly targeted by geographical-based bans. In a series of tweets,Clarke explained his predicament:



We don't have a solution for the problem. We have some ideas for minimizing it, but the problem isn't going away. Detectors are unreliable. Pay-to-submit sacrifices too many legit authors. Print submissions are not viable for us . Various third-party tools for identity confirmation are more expensive than magazines can afford and tend to have regional holes. Adopting them would be the same as banning entire countries.


we could easily implement a system that only allowed authors that had previously submitted work to us. That would effectively ban new authors, which is not acceptable. They are an essential part of this ecosystem and our future.








It's worth reiterating that so far, tools that purport to detect text written by LLMs have low accuracy rates (often returning false positives when tested with human-written text), so they aren't currently a viable solution. Despite these issues, Clarke says the magazine isn't closing, and submissions will resume again at a future time. But for now, the way ahead is unclear.
值得重申的是,到目前为止,声称检测 LLM 编写的文本的工具准确率较低(在使用人工编写的文本进行测试时通常会返回误报),因此它们目前不是一个可行的解决方案。尽管存在这些问题,Clarke 表示该杂志并未关闭,投稿将在未来再次恢复。但就目前而言,前进的道路尚不明朗。

"It’s not just going to go away on its own and I don’t have a solution," wrote Clarke in a blog post last Wednesday. "I’m tinkering with some, but this isn’t a game of whack-a-mole that anyone can 'win.' The best we can hope for is to bail enough water to stay afloat." In the meantime, Clarke encourages those who want to support the magazine to subscribe.
“它不会自行消失,我也没有解决办法,”克拉克上周三在一篇博文中写道。 “我正在修补一些,但这不是任何人都可以‘赢’的打地鼠游戏。”我们所能期望的最好结果就是捞出足够的水来维持漂浮。”与此同时,克拉克鼓励那些想要支持该杂志的人订阅。


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