学习笔记193—Python squeeze()函数
Python squeeze()函数
(a, axis=None)
参数:axis: 选择数组中的某一维度移除, 如果选择形状输入大于1的轴,则会引发错误。
x = np.array([[[0], [1], [2]]]) x.shape # (1, 3, 1) np.squeeze(x).shape # (3,) np.squeeze(x, axis=0).shape # (3, 1) np.squeeze(x, axis=1).shape ''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-31-182a4f2e2f87> in <module> ----> 1 np.squeeze(x, axis=1).shape ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in squeeze(a, axis) 1290 return squeeze() 1291 else: -> 1292 return squeeze(axis=axis) 1293 1294 def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): ValueError: cannot select an axis to squeeze out which has size not equal to one ''' np.squeeze(x, axis=2).shape #(1, 3)