




VirtualizingStackPanel:  http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/id-ID/silverlightzhchs/thread/8e34c49e-d615-4702-bad4-8f4f76df7e72

2、256MB 和 512MB 以上设备的内存兼容:


    如果 app 必须使用 90MB 以上的内存,则在 WMAppManifest.xml 文件中添加:

      <Requirement Name="ID_REQ_MEMORY_90" />



Opting Out of the 256-MB Device Category by Using the Application Manifest

If you test your application and determine it does not meet the memory requirements of a 256-MB device, you must indicate this in the manifest file of your application. If you do not, a user with a 256-MB device could download and install your application. This could result in poor ratings for your application, even though it will run on devices with more memory without any problems. To opt out of developing applications for 256-MB devices, add a section to the manifest that specifies that your application requires 90 MB of memory . This section of the manifest will not be removed during the Marketplace ingestion process. To add the 90-MB requirement to the manifest, do the following steps.

  1. Add a Requirements section to the WMAppManifest.xml file, immediately following the Capabilities section.

  2. Add a Requirement element to the Requirements section. Specify a Name attribute value of ID_REQ_MEMORY_90 for this Requirement.

    The following example shows how to do this.

      <Requirement Name="ID_REQ_MEMORY_90" />

 3、 Windows Phone Marketplace Test Kit : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh394032(v=vs.92).aspx

4、Windows Phone Performance Analysis

posted @ 2012-07-03 07:43  博琼  阅读(238)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报