03 2014 档案
摘要:As we all know,most our projects are need to use the socket to programme.Use socket we can connect our device to others and our client to the Internet,so it's made our product more powerful.Now,let's begin the key part-pjlib socket.The date types and functions are too much,if you need some o
摘要:Here are some samples about PJLIB!PJLIB is the basic lib of PJSIP, so we need master the lib first!String:In our project, string is often used.But in a project based on PJSIP,we should learn to use pj_str_t instead of C string.Of course there have lots functions for you to convert the string type.Fi
摘要:To overcome the project of HD video conferencing systerm,I should learn to use the PJSIP.I should make a client with the pjsip in the end.Now a week p...
摘要:在我接触单片机以前,已经有了一定的C语言基础,当我看单片机中的代码时,利用自己的C语言功底可以不太费事的看明白并加以一些修改。但让我困惑的是那些 什么寄存器、总线什么的这些术语让我很困惑,这些都是在以前的模电和数电上见过的。说实话模电是我最讨厌的学科之一,数电也不是很喜欢,因此学过了模电之 后就再也不想去回头看它了。因此,学习单片机上的瓶颈一只存在,得不到长足的进步,只靠稍显娴熟的C编程技巧对于单片机而言无疑于单腿行路。 昨天看鸟哥私房菜,鸟哥踏实务实的作风让我感触颇深,遂决定从根本上了解单片机,今天看百科上一段关于学习单片机的经验,我觉得真的是描述了我现在的情况,因此记录下来,以便以后学习.