
PJSIP-PJLIB(samples) (the usage of the pjlib lib) (eg:string/I/O)

 Here are some samples about  PJLIB!

PJLIB is the basic lib of PJSIP, so we need master the lib first!


In our project, string is often used.But in a project based on PJSIP,we should learn to use pj_str_t instead of  C string.Of course there have lots functions  for you to convert the string type.

First you should know the struct of pj_str_t,and you need to  use the function of pj_str to creat a pj_str_t type from a normal C string.

And lots of function are same like the C/C++ stytle,you can use them easily if you know the C/C++.

 1 //test for pjlib   heat nan
 2 // string
 3 #include<pjlib.h>
 4 #include<pj/string.h>
 5 #include<stdio.h>
 6 void compare(const pj_str_t* s1,const pj_str_t* s2)
 7 {
 9     pj_status_t status;
10     status=pj_strcmp(s1,s2);
11     if(status<0)
12     {
13         printf("s1<s2\n");
14     }
15     else if(status==0)
16     {
17         printf("s1=s2\n");
18     }
19     else 
20     {
21         printf("s1>s2\n");
22     }
23 }
24 int main()
25 {
26     char *str="this is a string";
27     pj_status_t status;
28     pj_str_t s1,s2,s3;
29     status=pj_init();
30     if(status!=PJ_SUCCESS)
31     {
32         printf("pj_init failed\n");
33     }
34     s1=pj_str("helloworld");
35     s2=pj_str("heat nan");
38     printf("s1=%s\n",s1.ptr);
39     printf("s2=%s\n",s2.ptr);
40     printf("len1=%d;len2=%d\n",s1.slen,s2.slen);
41     //Create string initializer from a normal C string
42     //pj_str_t pj_str     (     char *      str    ) 
43     printf("now we use the function pj_str creat a pj_str_t type string from normal C string");
44     s3=pj_str(str);
45     puts(s3.ptr);
46     printf("****************************************\n");
47     //
49     //function pj_strcmp
50     printf("now we have a compare about the the two string!\n");
51     compare(&s1,&s2);
52     printf("****************************************\n");
54     pj_shutdown();
55     getchar();
56     return 0;
58 }
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Use the functions (eg pj_file_open,pj_file_read) operating the file.

Related documations :



 1 //PJLIB I/O
 2 //file open
 3 //heat nan
 4 //describe:  open the file and write "heat nan" in it;and then read from it 
 5 #include<pjlib.h>
 6 #include<stdio.h>
 7 #define FILENAME "helloworld.txt"
 8 int main()
 9 {
10     pj_status_t status;
11     pj_oshandle_t fd=0;
12     pj_size_t length;
13     static char buffer[11]={"heat nan!"};
14     char readbuffer[sizeof(buffer)+16];
15     status=pj_init();//must
16     if(status!=PJ_SUCCESS)
17     {
18         printf("pj_init failed!\n");
19     }
20     PJ_LOG(3,(" ","file open test"));
22     if(pj_file_exists(FILENAME))
23     {
24         pj_file_delete(FILENAME);
25     }
27     status=pj_file_open(NULL,FILENAME,PJ_O_WRONLY,&fd);
28     if(status!=PJ_SUCCESS)
29     {
30         PJ_LOG(3,(" ","open file failed!"));
31         return 0;
32     }
33     else
34     {
35         PJ_LOG(3,(" ","file open successed!"));
36     }
38     length=sizeof(buffer);
40     status=pj_file_write(fd,buffer,&length);
41     if(status!=PJ_SUCCESS)
42     {
43        PJ_LOG(3,(" ","write the file failed!"));
44     }
46     pj_file_close(fd);
48     //now we check the file weather exist
49     if(!pj_file_exists(FILENAME))
50     {
51         PJ_LOG(3,(" ","Sorry! the file you want is not exist!"));
52         return 0;
53     }
54     else
55     {
56         PJ_LOG(3,(" ","Yeah! the file exist!"));
57     }
59     // now we will show you the content of the file
60     status=pj_file_open(NULL,FILENAME,PJ_O_RDONLY,&fd);
61     if(status!=PJ_SUCCESS)
62     {
63         PJ_LOG(3,(" ","open file failed!"));
64     }
65     length=0;
66     while((pj_ssize_t)length<sizeof(readbuffer))
67     {
68         pj_ssize_t read;
69         read=1;
70         status=pj_file_read(fd,&readbuffer[length],&read);
71         if(status!=PJ_SUCCESS)
72         {
73             PJ_LOG(3,(" ","read the file failed!"));
74             return 0;
75         }
76         if(read==0)//EOF   the end of the text
77         {
78             break;
79         }
80         length+=read;
82     }
83     puts(readbuffer);
84     pj_shutdown();
85     getchar();
88 }
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posted @ 2014-03-29 16:29  heat nan  阅读(644)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报