sql执行顺序:from -> on -> join -> where -> group by -> 聚集函数 -> having -> having -> select ->distinct -> union -> order by -> limit
//在每一個州中找出最大面積的國家,列出洲份 continent, 國家名字 name 及面積 area SELECT continent, name, area FROM world x WHERE area >= ALL( //子查询相当于查找每一个州的所有area =>笛卡尔乘积,X里的每一个area都会与y的area比较(前提是continent相等) SELECT area FROM world y WHERE y.continent=x.continent AND area>0 ) //有些國家的人口是同洲份的所有其他國的3倍或以上。列出 國家名字name 和 洲份 continent。 SELECT name,continent FROM world x WHERE x.population / 3 >= ALL(//子查询相当于找到每州中所有符合的population SELECT population FROM world y WHERE y.continent = x.continent AND population >0 AND != )
//每个部门工资最高的员工 方法1 SELECT AS 'Department', AS 'Employee',Salary FROM Employee JOIN Department ON Employee.DepartmentId = Department.Id WHERE (Employee.DepartmentId , Salary) IN ( SELECT DepartmentId, MAX(Salary) FROM Employee GROUP BY DepartmentId ); 方法2 select Department.Name Department,e1.Name Employee,e1.Salary Salary from Employee e1 join Department on DepartmentId=Department.Id where Salary >=ALL( select Salary from Employee e2 where e1.DepartmentId=e2.DepartmentId );
SQL写法 SELECT d.Name AS 'Department', e1.Name AS 'Employee', e1.Salary FROM Employee e1 JOIN Department d ON e1.DepartmentId = d.Id WHERE 3 > ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT e2.Salary) FROM Employee e2 WHERE e1.Salary < e2.Salary AND e1.DepartmentId = e2.DepartmentId ); 取分组前3的代码 SELECT e1.Salary FROM Employee AS e1 WHERE 3 >( SELECT count(DISTINCT e2.Salary) FROM Employee AS e2 WHERE e1.Salary <e2.Salary AND e2.DepartmentId = e1.DepartmentId ); HQL写法 select name,score from( select name,score,row_number() over(partition by name order by score desc) rank from stu_score )tmp_table where tmp_table.rank<=3;
select name,score,rank from ( select name,score,row_number() over(partition by name order by score desc) rank from stu_score )t where rank<=3
select uid,max(continuous_days) from( select uid,date_sub(date1-rank),count(1) as continuous_days from( select uid,date1,row_number() over(partition by uid order by date1) rank from user_login ) group by uid,date_sub(date1-rank) ) group by uid;
select dayNo,count(distinct(uid)) num1 from user_login group by dayNo
select u.dayNo,count(distinct(s.uid)) num2 from userInfo u1 left join userInfo u2 on u1.uid=u2.uid; where datediff(u2.dayNo,u1.dayNo)=1 group by u.dayNo
select,t2.num2/t1.num2 from ( select date,count(distinct(user_id)) num1 from login group by date ) t1 join ( select,count(distinct(u2.user_id)) num2 from login u1 left join login u2 on u1.user_id=u2.user_id; where datediff(, group by ) t2 on union select date,0.000 as p from login where date not in( select from t2 )
(5)case when与group by
1、利用case when构造多个字段
FName FCourse FScore FName 语文 数学 英语 张三 语文 95.0 张三 95 0 0 张三 数学 80.0 张三 0 80.0 0 张三 英语 70.0 => 张三 0 0 70 李四 语文 88.0 李四 88.0 0 0 李四 数学 90.0 李四 0 87.0 0 李四 英语 70.0 李四 0 0 86.0 答案: FName 语文 数学 英语 张三 95 80 70 李四 88 87 86 select FName , max(case FCourse when '语文' then FScore else 0 end) as '语文', max(case FCourse when '数学' then FScore else 0 end) as '数学', max(case FCourse when '英语' then FScore else 0 end) as '英语' from score group by FName
2、利用case when构造单个字段
解法一: select FName, case when FCourse='数学' then '理科' else '文科' end as '科别', sum(FScore) as '总分' from score group by FName,case when FCourse='数学' then '理科' else '文科' end order by FName 解法二 select FName, FType as '科别', sum(FScore) as '总分' from ( select FName, FCourse, FScore, FType = case when FCourse in ('语文','英语') then '文科' else '理科' end from score ) as a group by FName,FType order by FName
(6)登录表:t_login: user_id,login_time,login_ip,支付表:t_pay: user_id,pay_time,pay_money
1、用1个SQL统计出 登录总次数、登录总人数、登录但未支付的总人数
select count(1),count(distinct a.user_id), count(distinct case when b.user_id is null then a.user_id end) from t_login as a left join t_pay as b on a.user_id = b.user_id 或者 select,count1,count2,count(distinct(user_id)) from t_login t3 join ( select t1.user_id,t2.pay_time,count(login_ip) count1, count(distinct(t1.user_id)) count2 from t_login t1 left join t_pay t2 on t1.user_id=t2.user_id )t on t.user_id=t3.user_id where pay_time=null;
2、查询出每个用户最近的一条登录数据 user_id,login_time,login_ip
select user_id,login_time,login_ip (select user_id,login_time,login_ip, row_number over(partition by user_id order by login_time desc) new_time from t_login) t where new_time=1;
3、按总支付金额范围分组统计 支付的总人数、支付的平均金额
select case when pay_money >= 1 and pay_money <= 100 then '1~100' when pay_money >= 101 and pay_money <= 1000 then '101~1000' when pay_money >= 1001 then '1001+' end pay_limits, count(distinct(user_id)), avg(pay_money) from t_pay group by case when pay_money >= 1 and pay_money <= 100 then '1~100' when pay_money >= 101 and pay_money <= 1000 then '101~1000' when pay_money >= 1001 then '1001+' end
select,, from (city t1 join city t2 on join city t3 on
解析:explode(col_name):将hive中的一列的array或者map分成多行,如果是字符串类型则利用split将其变成数组;表movie_info与虚表temp_table利用lateral view进行相关联,其中temp_table表中的字段为category_type
解析:concat(string1,string2,... ):连接括号内字符串,数量不限;
concat_ws(separator,string1,string2,... ):连接括号内字符串或者数组,数量不限,连接符为separator。