转自:http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/building-a-jabber-client-for-ios-custom-chat-view-and-emoticons/In this part of the series, we will build a custom view to make chat messages look more professional. Moreover, we will also add real emoticons to display in place of their textual counterp 阅读全文
转自:http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/building-a-jabber-client-for-ios-xmpp-integration/Welcome to the third installment of our series on building a Jabber client with the iOS SDK. In this tutorial, we will add XMPP functionalities to the Application Delegate. Placing the functionality in t 阅读全文
http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/building-a-jabber-client-for-ios-interface-setup/In this tutorial we will build a Jabber Client for iOS. The application developed in this series will enable users to sign in, add buddies, and send messages. This tutorial will focus on setting up the user 阅读全文
Building a Jabber Client for iOS: Server Setup转自:http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/building-a-jabber-client-for-ios-server-setup/In this tutorial we will build a Jabber Client for iOS. The application developed in this series will enable users to sign in, add buddies, and send messages. In 阅读全文
【iOS XMPP】使用XMPPFramewok(一):添加XMPPFramework(XCode 4.6.2)XMPPFrameworkGitHub:https://github.com/robbiehanson/XMPPFramework获取源代码git clonehttps://github.com/robbiehanson/XMPPFramework.gitcheckout XMPPFramework 一个最新的branch添加依赖> 拷贝 /Vendor/CocoaLumberjack 到项目根目录下,add files...,选择CocoaLumberjack 文件夹> 阅读全文