//测试纯虚函数的用法 class Animal{ public: Animal() = default; ~Animal() = default; virtual string color() = 0; static bool eat(); }; bool Animal::eat() { return true; } class Cat : public Animal{ public: Cat() = default; ~Cat() = default; int a = 0; }; class Dog:public Animal{ public: Dog() = default; ~Dog()= default; string color() override{ return "yellow"; } }; //测试带指针的类的析构 class Base{ public: Base() : a(new int(10)){ cout <<"this is a base contor." << endl; } virtual ~Base(){ delete a; cout << "this is a base dector" << endl; } virtual void do_something(){ cout << "base class do some thing.." << endl; } private: int* a; }; class Derived:public Base{ public: Derived(): b(new int(20)){ cout << "this is a derived contor." << endl; } ~Derived() override { delete b; cout << "this is a derived dector." << endl; } void do_something() override { cout << "derived class do some thing.." << endl; } void do_dervied_thing(){ cout << "do derived thing in derived class." << endl; } private: int* b; };
void virtual_class_test(){ //Animal a;// error: cannot declare variable ‘a’ to be of abstract type ‘Animal’ // Cat a;//error: cannot declare variable ‘a’ to be of abstract type ‘Cat’ 没有定义虚函数,仍然是一个纯虚函数,抽象类不能被实例化 Dog d; Animal* a = new Dog;//可以定义个基类的指针,来指向派生类的对象 Animal& aa(d);//可以定义个基类的引用,来指向派生类的对象 /* { Base ba; }*/ /* { Derived da;//先构造基类,再构造派生类,先析构派生类,再析构基类 }*/ { // Derived* da = new Base;// error: conversion from ‘Base*’ to non-scalar type ‘Derived’ requested } int num[3] = {1,2,3}; { Base* ba = new Derived;//先构造基类,再构造派生类,但是没有析构函数 ba->do_something();//调用派生类的函数,实现多态 delete ba;//需要手动释放指针对象 cout << "*******************" << endl; } { std::unique_ptr<Base> ba = make_unique<Derived>(); ba->do_something(); //不需要手动释放指针,在没加析构函数的虚函数时,只调用基类的虚函数,会造成内存泄露 //ba也调用不到dervied中do_dervied_thing函数 } }