



滤波器的定义:定义了粒子集pf_sample_set_t sets[2],粒子初始化函数的指针pf_init_model_fn_t,其他的参数含义能在《概率机器人》找到对应的解释。看代码前,先弄清楚原理,事半功倍。

// Information for an entire filter  完整的粒子滤波器
typedef struct _pf_t
  // This min and max number of samples
  int min_samples, max_samples;

  // Population size parameters
  double pop_err, pop_z;
  // The sample sets.  We keep two sets and use [current_set]
  // to identify the active set.
  int current_set;
  pf_sample_set_t sets[2];

  // Running averages, slow and fast, of likelihood
  double w_slow, w_fast;

  // Decay rates for running averages
  double alpha_slow, alpha_fast;

  // Function used to draw random pose samples
  pf_init_model_fn_t random_pose_fn;
  void *random_pose_data;

  double dist_threshold; //distance threshold in each axis over which the pf is considered to not be converged
  // 是否聚合的判断阈值
  int converged; 
} pf_t;




// Information for a set of samples   采样的粒子集:粒子数+单个粒子+kdtree+均值和方差,集合的大小
typedef struct _pf_sample_set_t
  // The samples
  int sample_count;
  pf_sample_t *samples;

  // A kdtree encoding the histogram
  pf_kdtree_t *kdtree;

  // Clusters
  int cluster_count, cluster_max_count;//粒子数,最大粒子数,达到最大粒子数,是kld里面自适应的实现么?
  pf_cluster_t *clusters;   //落在同一bin的集合

  // Filter statistics
  pf_vector_t mean;
  pf_matrix_t cov;
  int converged; //相当于pdf里面的bin
} pf_sample_set_t;



// Information for a cluster of samples  聚类后的粒子集的信息:数目+粒子的总权重+均值和方差
typedef struct
  // Number of samples
  int count;

  // Total weight of samples in this cluster
  double weight;

  // Cluster statistics
  pf_vector_t mean;
  pf_matrix_t cov;

  // Workspace
  double m[4], c[2][2];  //这个的作用?
} pf_cluster_t;



// Information for a single sample  单个采样粒子:位姿+权重信息
typedef struct
  // Pose represented by this sample
  pf_vector_t pose;

  // Weight for this pose
  double weight;
} pf_sample_t;





pf_t *pf_alloc(int min_samples, int max_samples,
               double alpha_slow, double alpha_fast,
               pf_init_model_fn_t random_pose_fn, void *random_pose_data)
  int i, j;
  pf_t *pf;
  pf_sample_set_t *set;
  pf_sample_t *sample;

  pf = calloc(1, sizeof(pf_t));

  pf->random_pose_fn = random_pose_fn;
  pf->random_pose_data = random_pose_data;

  pf->min_samples = min_samples;
  pf->max_samples = max_samples;

  // Control parameters for the population size calculation.  [err] is
  // the max error between the true distribution and the estimated
  // distribution.  [z] is the upper standard normal quantile for (1 -
  // p), where p is the probability that the error on the estimated
  // distrubition will be less than [err].
  pf->pop_err = 0.01;
  pf->pop_z = 3;
  pf->dist_threshold = 0.5; 
  pf->current_set = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
    set = pf->sets + j;//单个粒子集的指针
    set->sample_count = max_samples;
    set->samples = calloc(max_samples, sizeof(pf_sample_t));

    for (i = 0; i < set->sample_count; i++)//给每个粒子初始化
      sample = set->samples + i;//单个粒子的指针
      sample->pose.v[0] = 0.0;
      sample->pose.v[1] = 0.0;
      sample->pose.v[2] = 0.0;
      sample->weight = 1.0 / max_samples;//权重一样,平均值

    // HACK: is 3 times max_samples enough?  因为是3维kdtree
    set->kdtree = pf_kdtree_alloc(3 * max_samples);

    set->cluster_count = 0;
    set->cluster_max_count = max_samples;
    set->clusters = calloc(set->cluster_max_count, sizeof(pf_cluster_t));//设置一个clusters的最大容量是当所有的粒子都在一个cluster时,所占用的空间

    set->mean = pf_vector_zero();//均值
    set->cov = pf_matrix_zero();//协方差

  pf->w_slow = 0.0;
  pf->w_fast = 0.0;

  pf->alpha_slow = alpha_slow;
  pf->alpha_fast = alpha_fast;//看概率机器人

  //set converged to 0

  return pf;




// Initialize the filter using a guassian  用高斯分布初始化粒子
void pf_init(pf_t *pf, pf_vector_t mean, pf_matrix_t cov)
  int i;
  pf_sample_set_t *set;
  pf_sample_t *sample;
  pf_pdf_gaussian_t *pdf;
  set = pf->sets + pf->current_set;
  // Create the kd tree for adaptive sampling

  set->sample_count = pf->max_samples;

  pdf = pf_pdf_gaussian_alloc(mean, cov);
  // Compute the new sample poses
  for (i = 0; i < set->sample_count; i++)
    sample = set->samples + i;
    sample->weight = 1.0 / pf->max_samples;
    sample->pose = pf_pdf_gaussian_sample(pdf);

    // Add sample to histogram
    pf_kdtree_insert(set->kdtree, sample->pose, sample->weight);

  pf->w_slow = pf->w_fast = 0.0;

  // Re-compute cluster statistics
  pf_cluster_stats(pf, set); 

  //set converged to 0




// Pose hypothesis
typedef struct
  // Total weight (weights sum to 1)
  double weight;

  // Mean of pose esimate
  pf_vector_t pf_pose_mean;

  // Covariance of pose estimate
  pf_matrix_t pf_pose_cov;

} amcl_hyp_t;




// Gaussian PDF info
typedef struct
  // Mean, covariance and inverse covariance
  pf_vector_t x;
  pf_matrix_t cx;
  //pf_matrix_t cxi;
  double cxdet;

  // Decomposed covariance matrix (rotation * diagonal)
  pf_matrix_t cr;
  pf_vector_t cd;

  // A random number generator
  //gsl_rng *rng;

} pf_pdf_gaussian_t;



pf_pdf_gaussian_t *pf_pdf_gaussian_alloc(pf_vector_t x, pf_matrix_t cx)
  pf_matrix_t cd;
  pf_pdf_gaussian_t *pdf;

  pdf = calloc(1, sizeof(pf_pdf_gaussian_t));

  pdf->x = x;
  pdf->cx = cx;
  //pdf->cxi = pf_matrix_inverse(cx, &pdf->cxdet);

  // Decompose the convariance matrix into a rotation
  // matrix and a diagonal matrix.
  pf_matrix_unitary(&pdf->cr, &cd, pdf->cx);
  pdf->cd.v[0] = sqrt(cd.m[0][0]);
  pdf->cd.v[1] = sqrt(cd.m[1][1]);
  pdf->cd.v[2] = sqrt(cd.m[2][2]);

  // Initialize the random number generator
  //pdf->rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_taus);
  //gsl_rng_set(pdf->rng, ++pf_pdf_seed);

  return pdf;



// Generate a sample from the pdf.
pf_vector_t pf_pdf_gaussian_sample(pf_pdf_gaussian_t *pdf)//高斯分布采样
  int i, j;
  pf_vector_t r;
  pf_vector_t x;

  // Generate a random vector
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    //r.v[i] = gsl_ran_gaussian(pdf->rng, pdf->cd.v[i]);
    r.v[i] = pf_ran_gaussian(pdf->cd.v[i]);

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    x.v[i] = pdf->x.v[i];
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      x.v[i] += pdf->cr.m[i][j] * r.v[j];
  return x;



// Re-compute the cluster statistics for a sample set
void pf_cluster_stats(pf_t *pf, pf_sample_set_t *set)
  int i, j, k, cidx;
  pf_sample_t *sample;
  pf_cluster_t *cluster;
  // Workspace
  double m[4], c[2][2];
  size_t count;
  double weight;

  // Cluster the samples  聚类采样的粒子,标识粒子簇
  // Initialize cluster stats  初始化统计数据
  set->cluster_count = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < set->cluster_max_count; i++)
    cluster = set->clusters + i;
    cluster->count = 0;
    cluster->weight = 0;
    cluster->mean = pf_vector_zero();
    cluster->cov = pf_matrix_zero();

    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      cluster->m[j] = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
      for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
        cluster->c[j][k] = 0.0;

  // Initialize overall filter stats
  count = 0;
  weight = 0.0;
  set->mean = pf_vector_zero();
  set->cov = pf_matrix_zero();
  for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
    m[j] = 0.0;
  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
    for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
      c[j][k] = 0.0;
  // Compute cluster stats 计算这个cluster标识相同的所有样本的统计参数
  for (i = 0; i < set->sample_count; i++)
    sample = set->samples + i;

    //printf("%d %f %f %f\n", i, sample->pose.v[0], sample->pose.v[1], sample->pose.v[2]);

    // Get the cluster label for this sample  通过位姿找到聚类的标识
    cidx = pf_kdtree_get_cluster(set->kdtree, sample->pose);
    assert(cidx >= 0);
    if (cidx >= set->cluster_max_count)//?
    if (cidx + 1 > set->cluster_count)
      set->cluster_count = cidx + 1;
    cluster = set->clusters + cidx;//地址指针,按不同的序号,存储不同的cluster

    cluster->count += 1;//统计同一标识的粒子,簇
    cluster->weight += sample->weight;

    count += 1;//统计所有的粒子
    weight += sample->weight;

    // Compute mean 统计同一标识的粒子,簇,根据权重计算
    cluster->m[0] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[0];
    cluster->m[1] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[1];
    cluster->m[2] += sample->weight * cos(sample->pose.v[2]);
    cluster->m[3] += sample->weight * sin(sample->pose.v[2]);

    m[0] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[0];
    m[1] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[1];
    m[2] += sample->weight * cos(sample->pose.v[2]);
    m[3] += sample->weight * sin(sample->pose.v[2]);

    // Compute covariance in linear components 粒子滤波计算协方差的地方
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
      for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
        cluster->c[j][k] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[j] * sample->pose.v[k];
        c[j][k] += sample->weight * sample->pose.v[j] * sample->pose.v[k];

  // Normalize
  for (i = 0; i < set->cluster_count; i++)
    cluster = set->clusters + i;
    cluster->mean.v[0] = cluster->m[0] / cluster->weight;
    cluster->mean.v[1] = cluster->m[1] / cluster->weight;
    cluster->mean.v[2] = atan2(cluster->m[3], cluster->m[2]);

    cluster->cov = pf_matrix_zero();

    // Covariance in linear components
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
      for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
        cluster->cov.m[j][k] = cluster->c[j][k] / cluster->weight -
          cluster->mean.v[j] * cluster->mean.v[k];

    // Covariance in angular components; I think this is the correct
    // formula for circular statistics.
    cluster->cov.m[2][2] = -2 * log(sqrt(cluster->m[2] * cluster->m[2] +
                                         cluster->m[3] * cluster->m[3]));

    //printf("cluster %d %d %f (%f %f %f)\n", i, cluster->count, cluster->weight,
           //cluster->mean.v[0], cluster->mean.v[1], cluster->mean.v[2]);
    //pf_matrix_fprintf(cluster->cov, stdout, "%e");

  // Compute overall filter stats 计算整个粒子滤波的均值和协方差
  set->mean.v[0] = m[0] / weight;
  set->mean.v[1] = m[1] / weight;
  set->mean.v[2] = atan2(m[3], m[2]);

  // Covariance in linear components
  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
    for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
      set->cov.m[j][k] = c[j][k] / weight - set->mean.v[j] * set->mean.v[k];

  // Covariance in angular components; I think this is the correct
  // formula for circular statistics.
  set->cov.m[2][2] = -2 * log(sqrt(m[2] * m[2] + m[3] * m[3]));






// Initialize the filter using some model
void pf_init_model(pf_t *pf, pf_init_model_fn_t init_fn, void *init_data);

// Update the filter with some new action
void pf_update_action(pf_t *pf, pf_action_model_fn_t action_fn, void *action_data);

// Update the filter with some new sensor observation
void pf_update_sensor(pf_t *pf, pf_sensor_model_fn_t sensor_fn, void *sensor_data);

// Resample the distribution
void pf_update_resample(pf_t *pf);

// Compute the statistics for a particular cluster.  Returns 0 if
// there is no such cluster.
int pf_get_cluster_stats(pf_t *pf, int cluster, double *weight,
                         pf_vector_t *mean, pf_matrix_t *cov);

//calculate if the particle filter has converged - 
//and sets the converged flag in the current set and the pf 
int pf_update_converged(pf_t *pf);








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